If I Fall [42]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV


"Say whaaaaaaat?!" Eunjung shouted, throwing her arms on my desk, producing a loud thud, "You'll be living with------" I covered before she finished what she's going to say. I don't want anyone to know it except for my friends, since naaaah. It will cause a hoax. 

I sighed, "Calm down." 

"Since when? How? What happened?" Eunjung bombarded me with questions. I looked at her weirdly. She's so excited about it. Hahahaha. I hope someone would calm her down or else she'll be giggling the whole day about the news I told her. That's Eunjung. Hahaha. K.

"Just after the prom. We were kidnapped by Myungsoo father." I said as I looked at Hyomin and Eunjung who's been sitting beside me. Hyomin smiled, "So it's uncle Myungwoo who kidnapped you and my brother." She said. Remember that she's Myungsoo's half sister since they got the same mother but a different father.

"Yes, together with grandma... Which name is unknown to me." I explained, "I won't be able to go back to my original house. Myungsoo's grandmother insisted that I should live with Myungsoo ever since that kidnap thing."

Smirking, the both of them, I mean Eunjung and Hyomin looked at me. Oh no. I guess this will be a long, humiliating, painfull topic. They'll be bombarding with somewhat spazzing statement in 3..2..1!


"Omg. If ever it'll be a baby girl, I want it to look like me since I'm Myungsoo's sister." Hyomin whispered. Just then, Eunjung grinned like an addict, "If ever you'll have a baby, It's the best if you chose me and Hyomin to be one for your baby's godparent."


I scowled. 

Not that I don't want to have a family with Myungsoo. I would want to. He is the only man I will be willing and would love to have a family with. It's just, too early. Isn't it? Doesn't his parents knew how hard is it to be young parents? No, I haven't experienced it and will never have a plan to be one, but seeing other young or underaged parents works hard just to give their child a good future, it would be very hard.

I hope they understand what I meant. But neverthless, I would be happy to live a life with Myungsoo. But as for now, no babiessssss. Maybe on the future, I'll be willing to.






The sound of the opening door catch our attention. They looked at THEM. But I only looked at HIM.


Dugdug dugdug.

He's here. My hubby is already here. He was abit late since he said that he promised Hoya and Woohyun that they'll go to school together. So they did. And it's very fine with me, Myungsoo needs time for his friends too. And indeed, I need it too. There's too much story I'd want to tell Eunjung and Hyomin.

He looked back at me and smiled. Eunjung waved her hand on their so they would know where we are. "Morning." Wonnie greeted us with his gummy smile. And we greeted him back, "Good Morning."

I tried not to look at him. Why? Because, every time I looked at him, I can feel butterflies and fireworks in my stomach. Weird and cheesy, isn't it? But I know I'll never get used to that feeling. It's something that I would love to feel for the rest of my life. But, I just hated it because that feeling of fireworks and butterflies inside me never fail to make me blush, hard.

"Morning." He said as he leaned to peck on my cheeks. He greeted Eunjung and Hyomin too with a smile. Why does he need to be that attractive? I could stare at him for the whole day if you would allow me too. I still can't believe that this beautiful man is inlove with me. Gosh.









My phone vibrated in my pocket. I excused myself to them, who are busy eating and chatting about something. Uhm, I mean busy chatting about their imagination with me and Myungsoo. They're talking as if we're not there. Oh Gosh, I've got nice friends. Hahaha!

I stood up and started walking away from our table as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Looking at the caller's ID, it was my mom. I smiled and hit the answer button without hesitation. I missed my mom so much. I hope she'll have a time to visit me here. I want to have a bonding time with her so much. :( But, that's okay. I know it's for me why she works overseas— to support my studies and also my needs.

[Hi Darling~!] My mom greeted in a calm voice. I remember the time when it was everyday that I have a chance to hear her voice. But not now, she was ocean-far away from me. Tsk. "Hi Mom."

[How's you and.... your future husband?] Omg. Even my mom knew about it?

Duh. Of course, she's your mom. Earth to Jiyeon. -__-

"Uh.. mom." I said as I try to hide the stuttering in my voice. I'm more than nervous right now. Is she mad or smthng? Don't worry. I promised her that I'm not gonna bear a child until we're married. Gaaah, "Mom. How did you knew about it?"

I can hear her laugh from the other line, [Don't worry. I'm not mad. It was actually me who caused this thing.] She explained.


What does Mom means?


"Huh?" I asked out of curiousity. She doesn't sound like she's joking or something. She sounds normal to me. I mean, my mom sometimes laughed and laughed, sometimes she's serious, and I guess, she's in a normal state of mind now. Hahahaha. Okay, back to reality, [I said I am the one who caused this thing, I mean you and Myungsoo living together alone in a house.]

''How?" What did mom do? Oh my.

[Remember the thing that Myungsoo and you are making Myungsoo's father believe that Mavin is his grandchild and your his mother? It was supposed to be our secret, right?] Mom said, I nodded even if she doesn't see it, "Uh-huh." What is it all about. I wish my mom would speak abit faster. This curiousity is already killing me.

[I accidentally told it to his dad. He called me last week, and he asked if I had news about you, Myungsoo and Mavin. And, then that's it. It slept out of my mind that he didn't know and we're supposed to keep it a secret.] She explained. I sighed as a response.

[And, I'm really sorry about it.] 

"Don't worry mom. It's not something I'm forced to do. It's okay with me since I'm with Myungsoo not any other guy out there." I said as I smiled at the thought of Myungsoo and I living under the same roof. I heared mom elicited a sigh, [Phew. I thought you'll be mad.]

"I won't, mom." I said, still smiling. Gah. I thought I'll be dead.

[The first time I heared about Myungwoo, I mean Myungsoo's dad's plan.. I nearly freaked out. That means my baby Jiyeon isn't baby anymore.] She said as she sniffed. Is she crying or something? I hope she's not. I heared her sighed, [You've grown up baby. Sorry if mom wasn't able to watch you grow up. Sorry if you need to grow up with your Aunt and not with me, you know I've always want to take care and watch you grow up but I can't since I want you to have a good life. I was so devastated when your father died and I don't know what to do. I'm really sorry my one and only daughter. Don't forget that mom loves you.]

My eyes get teary as I heared her message. We both know that it was hard to be far away from each other, but we need to inorder for my dad's only remembrance to us to survive. If mom won't handle his company, then dad would be sad in heaven. I remember before, my family was a perfect one. I've got loving parents that guides me, a lot of toys when I was young, and of course a playmate that kids won't ever forget. And take note, I was talking about Wonnie on the playmate part. And good thing that until now, he's with me. :)

Even though my life isn't as perfect as before, I'm still contented on what I have right now, especially when that alien showed in my world. Hahaha. I guessed you know the alien I was talking about. Clue? He's sweet, and handsome. Hahaha.

"Mom. Don't worry, it's okay with me. You don't need to feel bad, I knew you didn't have the choice that's why you left for work."

[Thanks dear.. Ahh. I want to see you soon dear.] She said witha tinge of sadness in her voice. [Anyways, did you already ate your lunch?] She suddenly asked. I smiled, my mom is really concerned with me, "Not yet. It was actually our lunch break right now."

[Oohh, if that's the case. I'll hung up now, I just called in to checked if you're okay.] She said, I can feel that she's smiling. [Eat well dear.]

"I will mom. Thanks. I love you, take care.." I said as I smiled, How I missed being with her. [Okay, Take care baby. Mom always loves you.] And with that, we hung up.

I hid my phone inside my pocket and glanced at the enormous wall clock hanging through the wall. Whoops. Good thing I still have 35 minutes to eat my lunch.




Myungsoo's eye opened wide as we continue to walk our way to OUR house,"You sure about that?" He said as he swung our intertwined hands a bit, and I nodded in response. "But my mom said that she just spilled it out accidentaly." I said, incase he will get disappointed that it was my mom's fault.


But instead, he smiled. "Nah. Why would I be dissappointed that it was your mom's fault?" He said. Omg. He's being a psycho again. He can read my mind, "And I'm not a psycho and another is I can't read your mind."


Told you guys, my hubby is a psycho. Creepy.


"I'm not creepy, wifey." He said, again after reading my mind, "If you're not a psycho, how come you know what am I thinking?" I finally asked freely.

"You were actually saying your thoughts out loud." He answered as he looked at me and the smile in his face turned into a handsome smirk. Oh. So I'm saying it outloud. That's why. That was so dumb of me. Hahaha. Okay.

After a few minutes of walking, Myungsoo opened the gate of our residence. He let me in first before entering and closing it securely, we were greeted by his grandmother who is sitting comfortably at the cofee table and chair located at the garage of the house, "Hi!" She greeted cooly as if she was about our age. All I can say, she was kinda bossy, but she's smart, nice and cool of a grandma.

Everyone would love to have a grandma like her. They'll love her to bits. And it seems like Myungsoo is her favorite grandson. Ooohh.

"Good Afternoon, ma'am." I greeted as I bowed a bit and smiled. She stood up, hugged and kissed me cheeks to cheeks, "I have something to tell to the two of you. It is-----"

"What is it?" Myungsoo cutted in. Grandma hitted the back of his neck in mad yet laughing way, "I'm not done speaking, you son of a--uhm.. you son of my son. Hehehe."

"Psh." Myungsoo responded, coldly. Isn't he close to his grandma? Don't he know that it was awesome to have a grandma like her?

We entered the house and sat at the sofa with Myungsoo's grandma with us. "So...." Myungsoo's grandma cleared to catch our attention. The two of us look at her synchronizedly and she laugh, "Look. The two of you really are a perfect match!" She said as she giggled like a teenager, again.

"Uhh..." I said as I try to put out the correct words but I can't. I don't know what to say. In short, I am speechless, and blushing. HAHAHAHA. She just said that Myungsoo and I are a perfect match.

"So, I'm here to tell you about something."

Myungsoo and I glanced at each other before looking again at his grandma who's sitting in the couch infront of us, "And what is it?" Myungsoo said with a full-of-curiousity tone of voice. What could it be? It better be good.

"Starting this weekend, I'll be hiring skilled and selected peepz to teach teach you the households like cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and uhm..." Myungsoo's grandma said as she tapped her chin, thinking. After a few seconds, she looked at us and flashed her gummy smile, "I guess I'll also add on how to change a baby's diaper, how to bathe a baby, feed a baby, and etcetera. In short, I'll include..






......BABYSITTING." She said, a smile still plastered on her old yet beautiful face.


SAY WHAT?! Babysitting? Like really? Oh my gosh. That would be awkward since it means that they're expecting us to have a child soon. Noooooooo. :(


I looked at Myungsoo and, just the same as me.. he had a shocked expression plastered on his face. He squeezed my hands and let out a soft, awkward chuckle that gives me a sign that he already had his composure, "Isn't that too early?" Myungsoo said. I'm glad that the both of us had the same thought as of now. I don't have a problem living with him, but having a baby isn't our thing now. Look, we're just a pair of college graduating students.

"Nah. It's better be ready than nothing, grandson." She said as she smiled at Myungsoo who blushed a bit, "With those raging hormones of the boys, I'm sure you'll do it. Especially, you're living with this gorgeous lady beside you, isn't it tempting?" Myungsoo's grandma said.. and thats sends my eyeballs out in shock. Is she serious? That was some kinda... awkward thing to say isn't it?

"Psh." Myungsoo responded speechlessly. He was blushing mad, and that was so cute of him.

"Whether you like it or not, you don't have any choice but to obey me." Myungsoo just nodded, "But don't worry, I won't force the two of you. I can wait. It's just I want to make sure that the two of you will end up together."

"Nah. You don't need to do this, Even if this thing doesn't happen, she'll still be the one I'll marry." Myungsoo said, and his words melted my heart. That was so sweet of him.

"Hah! You better be. I really like her for you. And that was for the payment of my months of stalking the two of you especially Jiyeon, just to make sure that my grandson is dating the right girl." Myungsoo's grandma said as she smiled at me warmly. It was nice to know that someone adores you. :)

And... WAHAHAHA. She's been stalking us for months already? That was.. epic!


After a few minutes of more undying discussion, the three of us decided to eat our dinner. Myungsoo's grandmother is the one who cooked, and woah. I found someone who can cook better than Myungsoo. Are they a family of great cooks? Oohh. Awesome.




Later that night.

We were at the rooftop, laying down the carpeted floor and gazing up in the sky. "Move closer." Myungsoo said as he pat the space beside him. I scowled playfully and gently scoot beside him. I laid my head on his arms and smiled as I smelled his manly scent. We looked up at the sky and the stars and smiled unconsciously. "Uhm. About what's happening to us nowadays, are you happy?" I asked.

"Yeah, more than that." He replied, "I'm very contented... How 'bout you?"

I smiled and nodded, "I am. I am very happy. I hope we'll stay happy forever." I said as I gazed up at him before hugging him. He looked back at me and said, "I'll do everything for you to be happy. We'll be growing old together." He said as he let out a happy-sounding sigh. "I love you, hubby." I smiled, "I know." He said shortly. I scowled at him. He's ruining the mood again. Tsk. "No 'I love you, too'?"

"You're my life." He suddenly said. Okay. His answer is actually better and sweeter than what I'm asking for. :">



Exams done already. Phew. I survived. And, a one week vacation was given to us. Though, I'm not sure if I can update since we're going out-of-town. And for those who were asking, I'm from the Philippines. But I'm not a fluent tagalog speaker since I was raised in Japan even though I'm a Chinese-Filipina. :) And yeah, less than 10 days before Infinite's OGS concert will be held here. I'll definetely come. :D

Anyways, sorry for the long wait. Been busy studying. :( I'll try to update if ever if find a internet connection on where we'll be going. If you guys want someone to talk, feel free to talk to me. I would love too.


As usual, comments are highly appreaciated. Please leave a comment so it would give me a motivation. XDDD Sorry if I demand alot. :( And, sorry if this update is too short. I was on rush. :D










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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T