If I Fall [41]

If I Fall

Myungsoo's POV

".....is Kim Myungsoo!"
I was busy looking at my wifey when I suddenly heared someone called my name. I looked at the direction where the voicr came from and saw our principal looking at me, a smile can be seen on her face. The eff?! I didn't anything wrong. Why are they calling my name?
Tsk. I looked at the stage and saw Yoona standing in the middle of the stage as she smiled at Dara, our last year's prom queen and Jaejoong, last year's prom king. Yoona's pretty tonight. But my Jiyeon is alot more gorgeous than her.
"Wow. Myungsoo is the prom king." I heared one of my schoolmates that I assumed a junior high said. My eyes widen as my brain absorbed what I heared. I'm the prom king? Lol. That was some kind of a joke.
I looked at Jiyeon. She was so sad. She looked like she was about to tear up. :( So that means... It's true that I'm the prom king? So Yoona is the queen? Fck. It would have been better if it's Jiyeon. I looked at Jiyeon and frowned a bit. I want her to tell me not to go to the stage. But she didn't stop me.
She just stood there, silent.
I gripped on her hand before deciding to walk towards the stage. I really don't want to. I just want to stay beside my Jiyeon and dance with her. -.- They're such a mood spoiler. Sht.
A few steps before I went next to Yoona, I glanced at Jiyeon and saw her as she bowed her head and she looks pale. If I could just go down here and hug her. I would rather not chosen as the prom king than seeing her sad like that. I don't want Jiyeon to be dissappointed with me again. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss~!" Students shouts filled the whole commencement hall which makes me more uncomfortable. Fck. I already promised that beside from Jiyeon, the only girl I would kiss is our future daughter. -.-
A promise is a promise.
To finish this, I grabbed Yoona's shoulder and cupped her cheeks and kissed it. Yes, I only kissed her on the cheeks. I only twist a bit so that it would look like I kissed her on the lips, but I don't. And I wont.
After a few seconds, I saw Jiyeon running out of the commencement hall. I saw Hyomin noona looked at me and shouted, "We'll just follow her!" She said as she pulled Eunjung abd they ran as fast as their high heels and gown could possibly reach.
When they finished coronating us, I went to the principal and excused myself. I know, the prom king and queen should be sitted the center of the stage until our principal announced that the prom is over. 
I don't care and I don't want to just sit at the middle of the stage while I know that I hurted Jiyeon again. I want to look for her. This night should be special. Because it's our first and last prom. Yeah, we don't have prom last year for some reasons which I don't care on what it is.
I was running out of the commencement hall when I saw Eunjung and Hyomin approaching me. They we're running out and gasping for air, "Myun-Myungsoo..." Eunjung said as she tried to calm herself down.
She inhaled, "Jiyeon is..."
"What?" I said with a tinge of nervousity on my voice. Hyomin and Eunjung looked at me with teary eyes, "She's kidnapped....!" They said, trying not to freak out.
Ah. Okay.
What? Who? Where? When?! No way! Are they serious? Fck no.
Nervousity starts to build inside me. I want to run and find her. What if they do something to her? The thought of her being hurt makes me wanna murder someone. This is all my fault. I should've shown everyone especially her that I kissed Yoona in the cheeks and not on her lips.
I looked at them, I feel my face run out of blood, "H-how?" I asked lifelessly. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm gonna be knocked down soon. I can't let my self panic. Because Jiyeon is not here to calm me down. I saw Hyomin noona tapped my shoulder, "You look pale..."
"How...? What happened?" I managed to ask her, "She was pulled inside a van." Hyomin noona said as she speak with a very worried face, "Ahhh. Jiyeon-ah. Please be safe." She crossed fingers and closed her eyes as she wished. "We already asked the guard if they saw a white van at the exit, but they haven't. Maybe they're still inside the compound." Eunjung added as I saw Woohyun and Hoya approaching us.
"Let's go look for her." Hoya said calmly. Yes, he's always been calm. That's what I envy about him, he seem so cool handling about everything. That's never me. I'm always doing anything with adrenaline rush and I hate it, "Yeah. Let's go."
I'm walking near our school's gate as I continue looking around for that fckng white van that kidnapped Jiyeon? What would her family say? What would happen to me if she won't come back? Will I ever be happy? Of course, no. Ever since I realized that I love her, I knew that would be impossible for me to be happy when she's not with me.
"Sht. Where are you?" I talked and cussed to myself. I know, I look like someone crazy. Talking to yourself is not a good thing. -.- Just then, I heared a click of handcuff from my back. I looked around to see where it came from and saw two buff guys behind me. They smirked at me as I try to free myself from the handcuff, but I failed. Wtf is happening here? I struggled to free myself but before I did, they pulled me inside a white van.
White van just like how they described the one that kidnapped Jiyeon? If Jiyeon is here, it could be a perfect timing to save her from this two monkey-looking buff men. I entered the van, and saw Jiyeon sitting at the edge sit. Her eyes were blindfolded, and her hands were handcuffed too, just like mine. But her hands were handcuffed on front, not like me. I was handcuffed at the back. And I hate it. I took a deep sigh as I saw a teardrop from Jiyeon's eye. She's crying. Maybe she was nervous of what might happen tonight.
"Jiyeon-ah.." I whispered, trying to make it uncoherent. She looked at my direction using her sense of hearing since she's blindfolded. Her aura softened abit, "Myungsoo?" She asked, trying to make sure if it was really me, "Yes. It's me."
"Ohh..." Her voice fell, "Are you here to save me? You don't need to so don't worry." Sounding so disappointed, she continued, "I saw you having fun with Yoona awhile ago. Sorry, I was dumb not to realize that you..." She started breathing heavily as tears continue to drop from her eyes, making her blindfold wet, "...still love her."
"I don't." I quietly answered. I scooted next to her. I wanted to hug her but unfortunately, I can't. Handcuff thing. -.-
"Go away. I need time to think." She said as she roam her hand around so she can feel on where direction am I. I know, it's hard to be blindfolded. I need to apologize and make it up to her as soon as possible, but I guess this wasn't the perfect timing for this. We're fckng kidnapped by these asses.
"Yes, sir. We already have them." I heared the guy who handcuffed me said. Fck? Who is that guy talking to? I have no clue. I don't have someone on my mind who wants to see me and Jiyeon.
Except for....
"There you are! I've been waiting for you to arrive." He said in a calm voice. 
"Dad, what's happening here? Why do you want us to be kidnapped?" I asked as I struggled away from the buff man behind me. We actually arrived at this house. I don't know who owns this, but it looks new.
My dad looked at us and smiled, "Simply because I want a REAL grandchild. I know Mavin is just for a show.. And you should pay for fooling me.." He said in a low disappointed voice, "And another thing is..."
"I want a great-grandchild before I die." An old woman suddenly popped out from the hallway. She waved her hands infront of us. She looked at Jiyeon and her smile grew wider, "Gee. My grandson has a good choice when it comes to girls. I'm sure my future great-grandchildren will be as dashing and gorgeous as their parents!" She said as she pat on Jiyeon's shoulder and let out a soft chuckle, "I really want you for my favorite grandson."
Good thing. Because, she'll be the girl I'll marry and love forever. :) And yes. That's my grandmother. The mother of my Dad. And my grandmother wants us to give her great-grandchildren before she die? I know she's healthy and she won't die now, then why would she ask us to have babies now? Is she sick or something?
"But we're still students. That would be bad and hard for us to manage. We're not even married yet." I distorted. My arms already hurt. I want to remove this handcuff and be free forever. Sigh.
"I'm sorry Ma'am. But you must have been mistaken. I'm not the one your Grandson loves." Jiyeon suddenly blurted out as tears started streaming down her eyes. It's swollen already.
Jiyeon-ah.. Please stop crying. :(
"Huh? What do you mean?" My Grandma asked Jiyeon. Sht. She's still mad about it. If I could just explain to her right now, but I can't. My father would kill me if I they heard that I kissed another girl besides from my girlfriend even though it's only on the cheeks.
"He likes someone more than me.. Sorry Sir and Ma'am but I can't do this." Jiyeon said as she started walking towards the door, "Jiyeon-ah.." I whispered before bowing my head. I ruffled my hair in frustration, and tears are starting to form in my eyes. I always made her cry. She's always sad and disappointed with me. Maybe we're not meant to be together? No. I won't love any other girl except for her. She'll be last girl that I'll love.
I'm sorry. I can't even make you happy. I'm sorry I'm not a good boyfriend..
"You're not going anywhere." My grandmother said as she smiled. Jiyeon stopped walking and turned around to look at us, "Wether you like it or not, you'll be marrying my grandson. And the two of you will make great babies!" My grandmother said as she squeeled like a teenage girl. My father and grandmother is both childish. Kinda annoying, but in a good way.
"No. You can go. You don't need to force yourself do what they want." I said, my head is still bowed since I don't want anyone to see that I'm crying. I already got the feeling that Jiyeon wants a break up. Maybe she's getting tired of me already.
"Shut up, Myungsoo." My grandmother said, "Or else I'll kick you in the ." she chuckled. Oh, my grandmother really likes to joke huh?
"Mom. Maybe we should let them be alone for now. Let them fix their problem.." My dad said. She pulled grandmother and started walking down the door passed Jiyeon, "We'll be back in an hour. We'll just fix something."
"We want babies when we come back!" Grandmother said before closing the door.
I look straightly at Jiyeon, she's still crying.
"Jiyeon-ah." I whispered as low as I could, "I'm sorry."
She sighed. She went to the edge wall of the room and sat on the ground. She rested her head at the wall as she hugged her legs and knees. I followed her and sit beside her. I sighed, "Let me explain."
"....Go ahead." She said in a low voice. I grabbed her hand and sighed before starting to speak, "I didn't kiss her on the lips."
"Then what do you------"
I squeezed her hand, "That was lips to cheek kiss." I explained, trying not to make it long since I know Jiyeon hates it when you're explaining it to her in a long way because she gets bored easily. She wants it straight to the point. "Really?" She said as she suddenly rests her head on my shoulders and squeezed my hand. I intertwined our hands and nodded, "Ofcourse. I wouldn't kiss any girl except for you."
"Tsk. Really? You even haven't kissed me yet." She said as she let out a chuckle. I guess we're okay now? I can't afford to spend a night with Jiyeon mad at me. I always want her to be happy.
"Hmm." I let out a fake sigh, "That's because you don't want to kiss me." I joked.
"Huh? But I would always want to-----"
Without finishing her sentence, I cupped her cheeks lightly and planted a peck on her lips. It was just a second, but I felt fireworks on my stomach. A great feeling that I would like to feel even every minute.
Her face blushed. "Y-ya!" She said, stuttering. My face we're still inches from her. "Hm?" I teased.
"Why did you kissed me?" She asked in a low voice but I'm able to hear it since my face are still close to her. I smirked, not answering her question in return.
After a few like forever staring contest with her, I suddenly hugged her. My head resting on her neck, "I thought you'll be breaking up with me tonight, wifey." I honestly said. Yes, that thought has been running in my mind since I saw Jiyeon ran out of the commencement hall awhile ago.
"Why do you think so?" She asked.
"'Cause it looks like your already tired of being sad because of me, of how many times I made you sad and----" 
"That doesn't matter. Everytime you disappoint me, there's always a surprise for me from you that would make me happy." She said as she hugged me back. "And you'll be sad if I broke up with you." She chuckled.
"Who said I'll be sad if that happens?" I joked, scowling. She looked at me and smirked, "I can sense it, hubby."
"If you say so." I said, letting my guard down. This thing won't stop until she win. "Psh." She said. She's been lately using that expression just like me. "Good dog."
"I'm not a dog, wifey." 
"You're not?" She chuckled, "I thought you are. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." She said with a little bit of teasing on her voice, "How come you'll be marrying a dog?" I asked, smirking.
She blushed, "Uh--hehehe.. Yeah. Ah! Hubby, about that, is your grandma not joking about it?" She said as she pat the back of my head, as my head is still resting on her forehead, "I don't think they're joking, wifey. Once my grandmother orders something, she'll get it." I said as I grinned at her. That means, I'll be marrying Jiyeon for sure, and ofcourse. That's my greatest dream along with having kids with her. I'm excited to see little Myungsoo and Jiyeon running on our backyard.
Wahahaha. That's so gay. I'm daydreaming. -.-
"My mom doesn't know it yet..." She said as she looked at me and bit her lower lip gently, "And how did he knew that Mavin was just our son for a joke?"
"Maybe he got sources." I said, Yeah. That was the question. How did dad knew about it? Maybe I should ask him next time when he's not busy. 
I can feel Jiyeon poking my nose with hers. "But, you're grandma is pretty cool. She's not like other grandparents that are grumpy. She's like acting like on your dad's age or maybe younger." She said, chuckling. "She's even willing to kick you in the awhile ago. Someone like Woohyun and Wonnie would only do that!" She said as she let out a silent laugh. I laughed along with her as I sat back on my place beside her, It's been minutes that I've been leaning close to her. My back hurts already. Lol.
After awhile, "Hubby. I'm feeling sleepy already." She said. I tugged her closer as she leaned her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her hands and squeezed it before intertwining it with mine, again. "I'll just wake you up when they arrive, okay?"
The sound of the opening door surrounds the room. I looked at direction of the door and saw my grandmother with Jiyeon's aunt behind her. "As what I'm saying. I already told Jiyeon's mother about my plan for the two of them. I just called you so Jiyeon will be able to believe me so I won't look like I'm playing around with them."
"What did Jiyeon's mother said?" Jiyeon's aunt asked. Jiyeon suddenly opened her eyes as she heared her aunt's voice inside the room. She rubbed her eye and looked at them as they walked towards our direction.
"At first, she opposed and said no. But I told her that, I would really want a grandchild now because I'll be too old to take care of a grandchild if they don't do it soon." Grandma explained to Jiyeon's aunt. Her aunt's eyes shot open. She must have been shocked about this thing. Us too, it's just my grandma's order. And that means, it's a must. Or else, my father would be mad at me. But I would be honored to be with Jiyeon so I don't have any problems with this.
But we're still too young. -.- My Grandma is so excited. Psh.
"Anyways, starting from now. The two of you will live here together." My grandma said as she looked at me and JIyeon as she flash her gummy smile.. What?!?!
That was a rush. O.O
"Only the two of you, okay?" My grandma said facing the both of us. She smiled and looked at Jiyeon's aunt, "Anyway, you can stay here for the night. But it's okay if you want to leave now since it's just 5 houses away from your house. Hehehe." Grandma said, chuckling like a teenage girl as she started walking away.
Sorry it took me two weeks to update. I've been so busy. It was project making in our school and next next week is our exams.
So yeah. I read all your comments, and hey. It made me smile. :) I hope you guys continue to comment,
since it makes me feel that someone appreciates my updates. I've got 100+ subscribers, but not
all of you are commenting and it makes me sad 'cause you have nothing to say about my story. I hope you guys won't lurk around and be a silent reader, everyone is free to comment. :)
One more thing, I feel like my story is getting more crappy as time pass. -.-
What do you think so? I feel like it's getting boring. So it took me alot of time thinking on how can I put thrill on it.
And, I actually at writing love stories, so if you see some awkward moments, then I'm very sorry.
This chapter is unedited, If you see typos, feel free to correct it. :D
xx, Jiy_yeon. <3
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T