If I Fall [31]

If I Fall
Jiyeon's POV
Our meeting with his dad went well. It was nice. :) He just told me that I should pursue more Myungsoo to help his dad with their company.
Of course, we played along again. Pretending that we're lovers and such. Tch. I know what we're doing will cause further problem in the future. But who cares, just what Myungsoo said.. Go with the flow.
But one thing happened which shocked me and Myungsoo..
"Myungsoo, when are planning to MARRY JIYEON?" His father suddenly asked as he putted down his wine glass and look at us. 
I squeezed my own hands which is under the table as I heared Mr. Kim's question loud and clear. Agh. Aigoo. I really want to tell him the thruth, but I guess it will ruin Myungsoo's plan. And if that happens, he'll be arranged with Yoona again.. But Yoona doesn't want to.. She loves Donghae already.
"Uhh.." Myungsoo mumbled, "Maybe if I got a stable job in the company, Dad." He said, while looking at his food. He's obviously avoiding eye-to-eye to us.
Just then, I felt a warm hand under the table. He intertwined his hand with mine and squeezes it gently. Obviously it's Myungsoo.
Ever since the Paris thing.. Holding hands and hugging each other became normal when I'm with Myungsoo. He likes hugging me and holding my hands a lot. Hahahaha. >////< And I obviously like it!
"Oh. I can't wait for that to happen." Myungsoo's dad as he smiled and look at us, "Anyways.. How many child do you want to have?" His father asked again.
O__O Aigoo.
I can feel Myungsoo squeezing my hands again. Aish. His father is really.. Agh. Why does he need to ask that? 
"Uhm. We still don't have a plan dad." Myungsoo said as he chuckled awkwardly. If I was alone here, I will freak out. Good thing Myungsoo is here with me to stop me for freaking put because of her dad.
"Oh. That's good. Anyways, Jiyeon.." Myungsoo's dad said as he looked at me smiled, "What's your dream wedding?"
What is this sorcery?!?!?
"Ah.. Eh.." I mumbled. I can see from the side of my eyes that Myungsoo looks at me and smiled. I can hear him mumbled, "Relaxxx."
I inhaled deeply and looked at his father, "Any wedding would do. As long as I'm with Myungsoo." I said. I looked at his father's reaction and he gave a reassuring smile. Then I looked at Myungsoo, he nodded and smiled. 
I can feel him playing with our hands under the table.
*o* >////////< T_____T
I can feel blood running through my veins up to my face. Ugh. I think I'm blushing already.
"Uhmm. Myungsoo, did you already proposed to her?" His father asked. 
"I was planning to." Myungsoo suddenly answered. Eo?
Uh.. He's planning to propose to me? The eff! >///<
Aish. My heart beats really fast again. Ugh.
Myungsoo! Will you please stop making me feel this way?!?!?! Agh.
End of Flashback.
So yeah. I'm in school right now. And I can't stop thinking about that.. I mean the proposal thing. >////< Gahd. I'm falling more for Myungsoo.
I was walking on our school hall when my phone buzzed. Oh. I received a message. And it's from Myungsoo.
From: Myungie. <3
Sms: Let's cut class. I'm at the school gate. I'm gonna wait for you. Be here in 5 minutes or else I'll kill you. 
What the hell was that? Tsk. Okay. As If I have a choice. 
I looked around to see if someone is looking at me while I go out of our school. Someone might see me. T^T
Good thing class haven't started yet or else I'll be dead meat. :( Because sometimes, our teachers won't allow us to leave our classroom even if we need to use the bathroom; they are so strict. Tss.
I lookes at my wristwatch. And I saw that it's almost 4 minutes since Myungsoo texted. I think I need to be faster. Or else.. Psh. Myungsoo seems in a bad mood today. -___-
I run and run as fast as I can until  I reached the outside of our school. I looked around to see if Myungsoo is there. 
Ohh.. He's not here.. :(
Maybe he's just joking around. Maybe he just want me to be late or scolded. Psh. That guy. T^T
I looked around the place and still saw no sign of Myungsoo. I sighed and turned around. I was about to walk so I can go back to our class room in time when someone said..
"I thought you'd never come." Myungsoo said as he appeared at my back. He was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. I turned around to see him clearly. He smiled and took a sip at his coffee.
Tch. This guy is really handsome. >\\\\<
But he look pale today. I looked at him and smiled back. He gestured me to go next to him so I did.
"Where are we going anyways?" I asked as we started walking towards the bus stop.
"Hmm. Where do you want to?" He asked coldly. Aigoo. Is this Myungsoo? He was just smiling at me awhile ago.. But now he's cold again. He's moody again. Cold as ice. -____-
"Can I eat first? I haven't ate breakfast 'cause I'll be late for school awhile ago." I explained. I really want to eat because I don't have time to eat awhile ago.
"...." He so silent. -_- Aish!
Just then, a bus came and he walked inside, ALMOST leaving me alone so I followed him inside as I saw him stopped infront of a vacant seat. I stood next to him. He let me sit first. So I sat next to the window. He sat beside me and grabbed his phone and plays with it like a kid.
Then, the next few minutes were silent as hell. ._. He's not talking, so do I. He looks like he's not in the mood today.
I rested my head on the windows and looked at the environment around. Maybe I can destruct myself from being hungry. Myungsoo looks like he don't have a plan on feeding me.
And the worst is? I don't where we are going. -.-
Just then, I can feel his hands on mine. He intertwined and squeezed my hand gently. Oh. Heaven! *o*
He played with my hand and holds it like his life depends on it. >////< I really like it when he do that. Hahaha! Wow. I suddenly feel energized again! :)
We stayed holding hands until we reached the restaurant. Wooo.
We entered the restaurant while it's still closed. -.- Ya. Myungsoo feels like he's a king.
Just then, I saw a man approaching is. Must be an employee in this restaurant. "Good Morning sir." The employee greeted. 
Ya! They shouldn't let us in because it's still closed!
"We're gonna eat." Myungsoo said coldly. He's still holding my hand. Aww. It really feels warm.
After a few minutes. Our order arrived so I started eating. There's a lot of food in our table. *o* All of them looks yummy! But.. I feel awkward because I'm the only one who's eating. Myungsoo is just looking at me. Ugh. 
"Why don't you eat?" I asked him. He shook his head and looks straightly at me.
"Just eat." He commanded as if he was a king. "Okay." I answered. But.. Why did they served us food when this restaurant is still closed? Yeah. We're the only one who's eating here. -.-
"Myungsoo, is this restaurant yours?" I asked as I looked at the window. 
"Our family owned it. It's actually my grandfather's restaurant." He explained, coldly. Why is he like this today? Tsk.
I continued eating.. But I really felt awkward because Myungsoo is just staring at me while I am eating. I'm not used to when someone is doing that. -.-
Aha! I have a plan. :))
"Myungsoo.. Say 'Ahhh'." I commanded him as I poke his lips with the spoonful of my food. "No." 
"Please?" I said as I pouted a bit. 
He sighed and looked at me, "Alright." He said as he opened his mouth so I feed him gently. Wahahaha! :>
I'm so smart, right? Hahaha!
I continue to feed him and myself until we finished our foods. Agh. That's actually alot. I think that's for 5 person. -.- I can't believe I ate that much.
We went out of the restaurant without paying our bill. Instead of chasing us and tell us to pay, the workers smiled at us and told us to come again. Hahaha.
"Where should we go now?" I asked him as we walk.
"Where do you want to?" He asked me back.
Of course! I wanna go home. So I better tell him. "Honestly, Myungsoo. I want to go hom----"
"Except for going home." He said. Pfft.
"Jiyeon-ah.. Stay with me for the whole day, Okay?" He said. Not looking at me. I nodded. Maybe he's not feeling good again. Maybe he missed Yoona again.
Yoona. Yoona. Yoona. Always Yoona.
"Alright. Let's just go to the mall!" I suggested. I really want to go to the amusement park but I think Myungsoo isn't in the mood to play with me right now. Aish.
He nodded and we walked towards the bus stop. We walked inside the bus and looked for a vacant seat. As usual, I'm still the one seating at the seat beside the window.
And just like a while ago. He keep on holding my hand like there's no tomorrow. Hahaha!
After a few minutes. We reached the mall so we went straightly inside. He's still holding my hand. >////< Aigoo. One of the best days of my life. Hahahah!
"What should we do here?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled.
"Play? Shop?" I said.
"Shopping? No. I don't like to wait for you to try all the clothes you see." He said coldly and mumbled, "Psh. Really hate girl thing."
I looked at him and pouted a bit, "Please?" I asked.
"No." He said coldly. Aish! Why is it so hard to please this guy?!
"K." I said. -.- I'm pissed. I cutted class to accompany him but he doesn't want to do something? Aish.
This guy ruined my mood. =__=
I pulled my hand away from him and started walking behind him as I follow him.
"Psh. Walk faster." He commanded. Ugh. What's wrong with him?!
"Yeah right." I said as I walk past him. Now, I'm walking infront of him. -_- I tried to walk as fast as I can that I somewhat look like I'm running.
But.. Someone pulled my wrist.
I looked at him. "You walk too fast." He mumbled.
"But you told me to walk faster right?" 
"Psh. You literally did it. I mean WALK BESIDE ME." He said as he hold my hand as we started walking again.
I don't know what happened next but the next thing I knew is.. Myungsoo is accompanying me to go shopping. ._. Wow.
We spend few minutes at the female clothes shop as people keeps on saying that I'm so lucky to have Myungsoo as my boyfriend because Myungsoo accompanies me to buy this and that, while other guys hate it when their girlfriend asked them go with them shopping.
If I know.. Myungsoo is like that too. He don't want shopping. He just don't have a choice. Lol.
After a few more minutes at the mall, we decided to go home. Yeah, we played at the arcade, eat and walk at the mall to past time. Hahah. Yeah. We're bored.
Ah.. It's raining outside. ._.
"Aish. It's raining. I forgot to bring my umbrella." I said as I used my hand to cover my head.
"Use this." Myungsoo said as I saw him remove his coat and handed it to me.
"How about you?"
"I'm fine." He said as he smiled and helped me wear it. We rushed towards a taxi cab before we completely get wet because it's really raining hard.
Aw. Poor taxi cab. It's seat would be wet because of us. Hahaha!
Just then, I can feel Myungsoo rested his head on my shoulder. I looked at him and his eyes is closed. I touched his forehead and.... He's dmn hot. I mean.. He got a fever. :(
"Sir. Can you just please go to ********* street?" I asked the driver, "Sure ma'am."
I fixed Myungsoo position into a comfortable one and fixed his hair. Maybe he's not feeling well that's why he's cold awhile ago?
Tsk. Poor Myungsoo.
After a few minutes we arrived at my house. I paid the taxi cab fee as I go out. I pulled out my keys but it was hard since I was carrying Myungsoo's arm in my shoulder.
Phew. At last! We entered my house and I lied him down at the couch. I ran to my room to change my clothes because it's already wet.
After that, I returned and checked on Myungsoo. He's getting hotter. He have a high fever. :( Poor Myungsoo. I went to the kitchen and get a container with cold water. I got a clean towel from my room and used it to clean Myungsoo. Oh. Do I have a extra clothes for male here? I guess I don't have one. :( Hmm. How should I change his wet clothes?
*think think think* 
I think I should call Myungsoo's sister. I mean Hyomin. :) Yeah. Hyomin didn't know that I know something about them..
Calling Hyomin..
[Hello, Jiyeonnie?] 
"Ah.. Hyomin-ah. Can you bring clothes for Myungsoo here in my house? He got a fever."
[Okay. I'm on my way---WHAT? You're asking me to bring clothes for him? Uh... J-jiyeonnie. Do you know something about it?]
"Yep. Myungsoo told me. Don't worry, Hyominnie. Your secret is safe." I said as I smiled. I felt Myungsoo's hand move.
[Hm. Thanks. Please don't tell anyone. Okie dokie? Anyways, I'll go there now.] 
"Yup. Bye. Take care Minnie."
Call ended..
I looked back at Myungsoo who is now shivering at coldness. I rub his forehead lightly. Gahd. He's really handsome. :(
"Y-yoona. Are... Hmm..You still coming back? Hmm.. I'm sorry."
Sleeptalking? Hahaha. Aigoo. He really love Yoona. :( 
Because even though in his dream, he's still thinking about Yoona.
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T