If I Fall [21]

If I Fall


Jiyeon's POV

[Jiyeon-ah, go here then. We'll spend your birthday here. I'll make it up to you.] -Mom.
Yeah. She's asking me to go on Paris for a trip and spend my birthday there because she can't go here since she's busy.
"Hmm. Ofcourse, I would love to go there. But how about Mavin?" I answered my mom.
[Mavin? He's there?]
"Yep. Aunt left him here yesterday. He'll stay with me for three weeks."
[Then, bring him with you here. Besides, I miss that cute boy.]
"Yeay! I'll tell it to him later. He's sleeping."
[Good. Anyways, your flight will be on night of June 6, night before your birthday.]
Woah. So fast. Anyways, my birthday is near too.
"O-okay mom."
[Anyways, I need to hang up now. Time for my work, dear. See you soon, love you.]
"Ne, I love you too mom. Take care!" I said, she ended the call after that.
Maybe I should tell it to Hyominnie and Eunjunggie?
*End of Flashback
"How long are you gonna stay there?" Hyomin said, pouting. 
"A week. Don't worry, I'll buy something for the both of you there."
"You better do. Hm, anyways, maybe I'll give you my gift earlier. I already bought one but it's still in my room." Eunjunggie said. Awww. She got a gift for me? How sweet. :)
"I've got one too. And I think the boys got gifts for you too." Hyomin said as she smiled. "I told them to buy one."
Aww. Scripted gifts, huh? But yeah. It's still nice.
But Myungsoo has a gift for me too? Looool. That devil creature. Yeah. Tomorrow is our flight. So yeah, I better fix our things later.
"Hmm. Junggie, Minnie.. mind going to my house tonight? Help me pack my clothes. Hihi."
They both nodded and smiled.
The two of them decided to sleep at my house since I'll be leaving tomorrow..
At my house..
"Hey, Jiyeonnie! I told the boys about your flight. They said they'll go here to give their gifts to you." Eunjung said as she help me carry my empty baggage on my bed.
"Oh. So they really have a gift for me? I thought Hyomin was just joking a while ago." I said as I opened my cabinet and grabbed some of my clothes.
Anyways, Hyomin is downstairs. Cooking in the kitchen. She brought Mavin with him since they're a bit close.
"They are. We all went to the mall this morning to buy our gifts for you. That was before Hyominnie and I went to the cafe to meet you."
Whaaat. They went to the mall without me? Psh
'Psh? I'm using Myungsoo's word when he's pissed off again. Maybe that's because I'm always with him.'
Yeah. I noticed that, I've been spending alot of time with Myungsoo. Specially when Yoona left. Ow. Wait! Yoona is in Paris right? And I'm going to Paris too. Maybe we should meet! Aww. I miss that girl so much.
"You guys went to the mall without me?" I asked, pouting abit.
"Yep. Because we're planning to surprise you on your birthday. But since you're leaving, we're cancelling it.''
Huwaaaaat?! I want a surprise party. :( 
But that's okay since I'm gonna celebrate it with my mom and Mavin this time. Aww. I miss my mom so much.
"Oh. Too bad, I hope I ca-------"
"Hyuuuung!" I heared Mavin shouted from the kitchen. The boys must be there.
I heared the boys laughed. Maybe they're playing with Mavin? Wow. Mavin got his hyungs already. That's so nice. Three awesome hyungs. :)
"Noonas, let's go eat. Mavin is hungry." Mavin said as he went to my room being carried by Hyomin.
"Yeah, let's go eat. Food is done." Hyomin said as she give us an inviting look..
Eunjung and I went out and followed them. I saw Hoya, Woohyun and Myungsoo already at the dining area and already arranging the table.
"Hey, Yeon---Jiyeon-ah, advance happy birthday~" Hoya greeted me.
"Thanks." I said as I beamed at him. He's so cute and he really looks like someone I know. :D
After that, we decided to eat. Hmm. Hyomin is a really good cook~  After eating, Eunjung decided to wash the dishes. Wow. She likes washing dishes. XD
Mavin is with the boys, they're playing basketball. Haha. Poor Mavinnie~ he has to play with guys taller than him. But he teamed up with Myungsoo who is taller than Woohyun and Hoya. So it's fair. I think? Hahah..
After that, they give me their gifts. Aww. So sweet.
"Don't open it now!" Myungsoo commanded. Why doesn't he want me to open his gift? :(
"Huh? Why?"
"Because it's a bomb that will explode EXACTLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." He joked. I punch his arms lightly. Aigoo, that guy is really a dork.
But, Myungsoo's gift is the biggest of all. And on the wrapper, there's a card which says, 'Enjoy your LAST birthday, Master.' 
"Psh." I hissed. Everyone looked at me weirdly. Why?
"Psh? Hahah. Now you talk like Myungsoo." Woohyun teased. Woohyun looked at Hyomin and they smiled to each other.
"Hahaha. You guys are really close, huh?" Eunjung said. Aigoo. 
"No! We're not." Myungsoo and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and sighed. 
"We've heared enough. Stop explaining." Hyomin said as she laughed. Aish! 
I looked at Hoya, I noticed that he'd abit silent. I poked him, he looked at me and smiled. "Hey, you bring home some souveneirs." Eunjung said.
"Jiyeon-ah, my shoe size is 9." Woohyun said.
"Why are telling that to Jiyeon?" Hoya asked. Nearly chuckling. I noticed something. Hoya is more close Woohyun than Myungsoo. Ohwell, that's not my problem anymore. XD
"Incase she entered a shoe store. Then she can a pair of shoes for me." Woohyun said. "Just being ready." He followed. Hyominnie hitted Woohyun lightly. Aigooo. The two of them is really... Cute?
"Jiyeonnie~ I want perfume or clothe or shoes or necklace."
"Jiyeonnie! I want a bag or a dress."
"Jiyeon-ah. Don't forget my shoes! Size 9. Color black!" 
"Yeon---Jiyeon-ah, anything would do for me. You should enjoy your stay there." Hoya said. I smiled.
Aigoo. My friends are so demanding! I'm going there to celebrate my birthday. Not to go shopping. XD
"Your going to Paris right? Bring home a model. I'll marry her." Myungsoo joked again. Everyone laughed."Joke. Hmm. Just give this to Yoona. She's on Paris right? Please meet her.. Please.. For me?" He said as he hand a nicefully wrapped box. I smiled at him.
"Don't worry slave! I'll do it for you."



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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T