If I Fall [43]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

"How can Myungsoo marry someone who isn't that good at doing ALL the household chores?" Ms. Song, the one who Myungsoo's grandma to teach us— I mean me to clean the house said, "Yes. You know how to do it, but that isn't good enough. Tsk!" She said as she flaunted her hair
"I'm sorry." I said in a low voice, almost whispering. Is it my fault that my mom said that instead of doing the laundry, I'll just send it to laundry shop? It's because I was too busy at school that's why I was used to it that my clothes are sent to the laundry shop, "Shut up." She said. -__-
I didn't know that she was this harsh. She was like so innocent when Myungsoo's grandma is still here.
"Scrub more Jiyeon! I can still see the stains!" She commanded me. Hello? I think she have a microscopic eyes. The one I've been scrubbing are now white like a brandnew cloth.
"Look, even Myungsoo is better than you." She said as she pointed at Myungsoo, who is busy doing the laundry. She leaned a bit and patted Myungsoo's shoulder, "Myungsoo, you can stop doing that now. It's a lady's work, so that means only this girl..." She said as she pointed at me, "...who will finish that all."
What? That was unfair!
"Psh." Myungsoo said as he stood up and and washed his hands, "That was so tiring." He muttered. 
"But uhm.. Stay here." Ms. Song said. If I know, she likes Myungsoo. Pretty obvious, aye?
Myungsoo went next to her and let out a bored facial expression. Tsk. Maybe I should finish this so that she'll leave. HAHAHAH!
"So, what comes into your mind and you'll marry this kind of girl?" She whispered, but I was able to hear it clearly. What the hell is her problem with me? :(
"Simply..." Myungsoo said in a blank face, "because I'm inlove with her." My hands soaked in a soapy water, I blushed. That was unexpected. How can he can say that in a calm manner? If it was me, I'll blush madly.
"...." Ms. Song sighed, speechlessly, "Well, well. You--- I mean Jiyeon-ah, hurry up and finish that." She said and I nodded in response as I  tried to wipe my sweat with my soapy hand, but failed. Psh. 
"You okay?" I heared Myungsoo said. I looked around to see who he's talking to. And, at the end.. I saw him staring at me. I looked back at him and smiled, "I am."
He pouted abit, "Sure?"
"Uh-huh." I said as I flashed him an assuring smile. He looked at me and scowled, "Jiyeon-ah, you know you can't lie to me." I sighed. I am okay, why does he think that I'm not? I'm perfectly okay, "You don't need to worry."
He sat next to me while I continue to handwash the laundries, "Sorry if we need to do this. My grandma's orders." I mentally laughed, he's really cute--hot---handsome----oh fudge. He's so attractive when he apologize... but I mean, not only when he apologize, but everytime. *o*
"Anyways, it was my first time to see your hair in a ponytail." He said as he tucked the falling hair behind my ear, "..cute."
"Psh. No. Go to Ms. Song. She's better than me." I said jokingly. Hahaha.
"She's not." He said as he flicked my forehead and scowled. Cute, "She is."
"Psh. Alright. Alright. But even though situation between the two of you changes. I mean, she'll be my fiance and you'll be the laundry teacher, I'll choose you over her." He said. Ohh. Myungsoo is not only like my lover, but he's also like my father, my brother and my bestfriend. He always pull me up when I'm downing myself. :) For him, it seems like I'm the best. And I was happy for that. It makes my day, knowing that someone is there who thinks that I'm special.
After we-- I mean only me finish scrubbing and washing the clothes, Ms. Song called us again to teach us how to wash the clothes using the washing machine. Wtf?
They got washing machine? It felt like all my efforts awhile ago were wasted. It was hard to scrub when they'll also allow us to use washing machine? Oh gosh.
Using the washing machine is obviously easier than the first one. -.- It wasn't tiring at all. -.-
After that, we gather all the clothes that we washed, then we gather the hangers and hung those clothes, but unfortunately...
It rained. -.-
It's useless. We can't hang it straightly under the sun. .__. It's kinda cautious, these clothes might get unpleasant smell if we are not gonna hang it outside.
Myungsoo poked me on my back as he hung one clothe on the clothing line, "Listen to the music playing on our neighborhood." I listened, and it was Bigbang's Fantastic Baby. Hahaha! Cool.
We danced under the rain, but it's not a sweet and slow dance, but it was Bigbang's Fantastic Baby. Hahaha. I didn't know that Myungsoo can dance that good. We look like we're dancing on a club. Lolololol. Hahaha. It was so fun.
Mission: Learn to do the Laundry [Success!] 
Though it looks like I'm the only one who learned how to. -__- Myungsoo was just laughing when I'm the only one who's doing the laundry. Psh.
It's now time for the ironing of clothes lesson. Tsk. This will be easy for me since I am the one who irons my own clothes. But I don't know about Myungsoo. I'm not sure if he can do all the things that they will ask us to do-----
"OH FCK." I heared Myungsoo whince again, "I burnt it again!"
What?! That was the fourth time that he burnt a clothe. Good thing that the one he's ironing is not mine. It's his clothes. Hahahaha. So unlucky of him.
He looked at me and pouted like a child, "Why are you so good at it, while I fckng at it? Psh." He said as he stood up and went behind me. He back-hugged me and rested his chin on my shoulder, "You'll be a good wife."
"How can you be so sure?" 
He chuckled, "Of course, you already know how to do the household chores." I laughed at his cuteness, "But you're better than me when it comes to cooking. You're a great cook, and I was....."
"Then I'll be the one to cook for you." Myungsoo said as he pecked on my cheeks and chuckled, "I don't want you to burn the kitchen. That costs fortune!" He joked as he tightened his hug on me. I hitted his arm. He's teasing me that I can't cook well. He's so mean. I can cook and can use the utensils  well. But I'm not sure with the taste. :( And I guess, that was one big turn-off for him. Hahaha!
He messed with my hair, and started walking away and going back to his ironing place. He grabbed another clothe and started ironing it. He looked so serious onto what he is doing but...
"Sht." He cussed as he accidentally ironed his fingers. Oohh. That hurts. I skipped next to him, nearly teleporting and grabbed his hand gently, "You okay?" I asked as I examine how his burnt finger was. It was red and swelling, "You should've watch it carefully and focus at it."
"Is it my fault that I can't focus..." He whispered as I pulled him towards the chair where I left my bag since I brought a first aid kit for emergency, "...I can't focus since I'm looking at you. It's your fault that you're so beautiful."
He's injured, yet he's still saying something sweet. The way he say that makes me love him more. He's very important to me. :)
I gently applied ointment to his burnt finger as he whince in pain everytime I pressed too hard. "Oops. Sorry."
"Psh. You're doing it on purpose." He said as he grunted in pain. Yes, I was actually doing it on purpose since he's cute when he's mad. Hahahaha! Don't you guys notice that I always say that he was cute? Psh. Yeah, that's because he's always cute for me. >< It's the effect of love to someone. Hahaha! Okay. That was so cheesy.
After our clothe-ironing lesson, our teachers or mentors or what ever we should call them left the house. It was a very tiring day, with all those laundry works, including the harsh words that I've received from Ms. Song. It makes me feel that I don't deserve Myungsoo. Hearing her words makes me feel like I wanna cry awhile ago. Good thing that Myungsoo was there to cheer me up. Haha.
Okay. That was my stomach. I'm hungry now. I've been urging to eat, but I can't 'cause I was so busy awhile ago. With those wicked teachers, who will have the chance to eat? Okay. It sounds like I was backstabbing them. Noooo! I'm not, it's just that I feel bad 'cause they're mean to me, especially Ms. Song.
"What do you want?" Myungsoo suddenly asked me.
"Anything that's edible."
He chuckled and scooted next to me, "You're not picky right now. I'm sure you're pretty hungry." He said, and I nodded in response. That's right. I'm hungry. I can feel the dog inside my stomach freaking out of hunger.
So it went that way, Myungsoo cooking, and I'm cleaning the house.
I roamed my hand on the bed and smiled as I felt Myungsoo's hand in mine. Yes. We're on our room now. But we're not sharing the same bed. I'm the one sleeping on the bed, while he slept on the floor. Ofcourse, there's a soft foam for him to sleep comfortably. Haha. Good thing he said yes to our agreement. Because if he don't he'll be sleeping on the sofa.
Yes, the agreement is.. He wants to sleep on the same room with me, but I said that I don't want to sleep in the same bed since it's too early, and ofcourse to prevent the production of  little Myungsoo and little Jiyeon. It's not the right time. Hahah.
I told him that we'll sleep together in a room, but not on the same bed. And yeah, he agreed. Good.
That means we only sleep while holding each others hand. And for me, that was sweet. But heck, all of the things I do with Myungsoo is sweet. Well, for me. Haha.
I was about to close my eyes and readied myself to go to dreamland when Myungsoo spoke up..
"Jiyeon-ah, let's go on a date this  coming Friday. Please?"
From: Hubby. <3
Mssg: Morning beautiful~^^ Let's meet at 10am later at the park. I'll be waiting for you. Have a nice day. :*
He texted me as I walk towards the bathroom. It was Friday and I didn't go to school because selected students are going to attend school today because it was for the varsity players training day today— I mean since yesterday. They slept at school. They were in training because the opening of the battle of sports against the other schools are 2 weeks ahead of now.
That means... Myungsoo didn't slept at our house last night. I was alone, because they need to go stay at school so they can start practicing at 4am.
Tsk. And I kinda miss him.
Not kinda... I mean, I really really really missed him. That's why I'm so happy that he texted me.
I entered the bathroom and began to take a bath. It was 8 o'clock in the morning, and I have less than 2 hours to get ready, since I want to arrive earlier than him. Yeah, I know, I'm not like any other girls that gets mad when a guy is late everytime they had a date. I'm the opposite. I would always want to arrive earlier than him. Hahah. I guess that's how God made me.
After one last rinse, I went out of the bathroom and went to the piles of dirty clothes and threw my used clothes there. Everytime I see this pile of clothes, I remember the wickedness of Ms. Song and her tatooed eyebrows. -.-
I fixed myself in the mirror and smiled in contenment as I finished applying some powder. After everything else, I went out the door with the spare keys on my hand. I checked my wristwatch and saw that it was already 9:00am. One hour isn't that long. Hahah. Ready to go~! :)
I was walking my way on the park when I received a text from Hyomin.
From: Hyomin-ah. ^^
Mssg: Jiyeonnie~Are you busy? Can you go visit me for a bit? :'(
She sounds sad. Maybe I should pay a visit to her first. I guess I won't be late since I'm one hour earlier. I think Hyomin needs someone to talk to. She seemed depressed.
So, instead of going straight to the park, I went to Hyomin's house. I hope it won't take long so I won't be late for our date. As soon I reached their house's doorstep, I rang the bell and waited for her to open the door. 
And there she stands, crying.
I don't know why. But I feel bad even if I still don't have a clue on what her problem is all about. Hyomin-ah, please stop crying...
"Jiyeonnie.." She called me my nickname that she's the one who created, "I like him already.. But it looks like he likes someone else." She said as she cried herself out. Who's he is she talking about? Ugh. I felt like I'm late a century because I don't even who's she's talking about.
"What do----I mean who do you mean?" I asked out of curiosity as she led me inside her room. As I walk by, I noticed childhood pictures of Hyomin with Myungsoo. I've been seeing this pictures before, but I just noticed that it was Myungsoo. My Myungsoo. Hahah.
"It's Woohyun-ah." She said as she slumped herself in her bed. Dumbfounded, I asked, "How?"
She sighed, "He's sweet and a gentle lad. That's why.." She said as tears fell down on her face, "And it looks like he likes someone else. He told me that he likes a girl right now." Ooh. Maybe if I got time, I need to talk to Woohyun. I don't know their whole story since Hyomin rarely tells story about their times together. Maybe they become really close to the point that Hyomin fell inlove with him.
But woah. Hyomin's first love is Woohyun? Not that I don't want. I actually like it. Woohyun is very handsome and the two of them looks good together. But... Hyomin just said that he likes someone else.
"I remember once that he told me that he'll never fall inlove with me." Hyomin suddenly said as she wiped the tears rolling on her face. What? He will never be inlove with Hyomin?! 
That hurts alot. Especially if it's someone you like who told you that.
I patted Hyomin's back and smiled bitterly, "Do you know who's the one he likes? I'm gonna hunt her down." I joked, hoping to ease the pain she's feeling. Ugh. Don't you guys know that I have no talent in comforting others when they have problems. Especially love problems. I at advicing. Tsk.
That's why I don't know why I am the one that Hyomin choosed to talked to me right now instead of Eunjung. Eunjung has more experience than me.
"Maybe next time, Eunjung can help us hunt her." Hyomin said as she let out a forced laugh. It looks like she's really hurt. Tsk. Do I look like this when I was depressed with Myungsoo? That was terrible. With swolen and puffy eyes, paler skin, and zombie like hair.. she just looked like a ehem corpse ehem. But I can't blame her, just like me before, I also experience liking someone who likes someone else and it . Like really.
"Next time?" I asked, "Where is Eunjung anyways?" 
"She's with a date with Hoya-ssi. That , my friends have good love lives, but I don't even have one. Tsk! Life is so unfair.." She said, lying down on her bed, making her hair more tangled, "Ugh! Why does it need to be like this, Jiyeon-ah? I never thought that I'll be liking him. He's just like someone normal to me before.. But now..."
Wow. That was nice. Eunjung and Wonnie going out on a date? YEAAAY!
*Bzzt Bzzt*
We looked at the direction of where the sound came from and saw that it was Hyomin's phone vibrating. She looked at me with sad. Who could her caller be? I glanced at Hyomin and she looked back at me with please-answer-my-phone-for-me look.
So, I did.
And it was Woohyun calling her. I just said that she left and went to the mall. We exchanged phone, that's why I'm holding hers. And that was all a lie. I don't know why Hyomin is hiding away from him when it was obvious from the way Woohyun speak the he actually cares for her. I don't know but I he sounds worried over the phone.
[Just tell Hyomin that I'll meet her in the mall. I'm on my way.] Woohyun suddenly said. He thought that Hyomin is really on the mall that's why he wants to see her. Uh-oh. 
That means Hyomin needs to go to the mall to meet Woohyun or else he'll find out that we're lying. And knowing his attitude, he'll ask us until we say the thruth on why we lied. Aish!
I need to fix Hyomin so she can meet Woohyun. I need to make sure that Hyomin will see him. Or else Woohyun will ask me why Hyomin isn't able to meet him. And I at lying so if I don't send Hyomin to mall, I'll just spit it out to Woohyun that Hyomin is crying because of him.
"Okay. Bye~" I said as I ended the call. I glanced at my phone, making sure that I ended the call or else we'll screw up because Hyomin is with me. I turned to Hyomin who is looking at me cluelessly, "Hyomin-ah, let's go the mall."
"He said he wants to meet you. Please." I said as I stood up away from her bed and pull her up to stand, "We need to hurry up or else he'll find out that we're lying and he'll be mad at me... and you." I said, trying to hit her conscience. And it seemed to work since she stood up. Pulling out of bed is a success! Hahah!
"And what if he found out that we're lying, what will he do?" Hyomin asked me as she looked at me like a child.
"He'll force me to tell the thruth. And I'll tell him that you like him if you don't go to the mall." I said, threathening her. I just hoped it work. Her eyes widen, "I'm the only one going to the mall?" She asked and I nodded as an answer. They need to talk (because I think Woohyun also feels the same. Hahaha!) and I won't let myself ruin the mood. 
I'll just be a mood spoiler if I go with Hyomin. So I better not. >:) I'll just help her fix herself. Because if I don't. I'm sure she won't go. And her secret will be known. Tsk.
"No. Jiyeon-ah. You'll be going with me." She said as she looked at me with a sad face, almost about to cry. "I won't meet him if you won't go with me." She threathened me.
"Okay." She said as she sat down on her bed again and rested her head on the headboard, "I guess I won't meet Woohyun because you don't want to go with me."
Aish. That means I need to go with her too? Aigoo. :( But they need to talk. I guess I have no choice but to go with her. I really have a crazy friend. Maybe because she doesn't want to be stocked to an awkward situation with Woohyun?
No choice. I need to go with her. "Okay, now go dress up."
So yeah, did you guys noticed what happened? Jiyeon forget her date with Myungsoo! :( What do  you think will happen?
So, sorry for the long wait. I was on vacation, and I went to Infinite's OGS last Sunday here in my country. It was very memorable. Gahd.
I've got these PLOTS on my head about a new story.
I was planning to write a new one as soon as I finish this one. But I guess, that would be not soon. Since this story is just about to go to it's highest peak. Maybe, it will be next year, or whenever I have time to write a new story. Because, I don't have time to write updates. So, SOMETIMES, instead of studying, I just write updates since I know you guys will forget about this story if I don't update that's why I'm trying to update even once a week or two since that's the only thing my time schedule can handle. So. I'm really sorry.
Go ahead guys, Comments please? :(


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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T