If I Fall [2]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

We're off to the Mall. Yoona is here with us today. So, yeay! We're complete today. :) Eunjung told Yoona about that someone who's been texting me.

''Aww, Poor phone of Jiyeon-ah.'' She said as she patted my back and laugh.

''I know, I know.'' I said, laughing. 

We went straightly to the dress shop to buy some dress. Just then, I've noticed a guy hiding behind a plant. He's wearing shades and jacket. He must a be celebrity that why he's wearing a disguise and he's hiding. 

''Soooo, Yoona. How's your date with your boyfriend?'' Hyomin asked. I hurriedly went beside them so I can hear Yoona's news. Hahaha!

''Well, yeah. It's nice. He's sweet and a gentleman.'' Yoona said smiling. 

''Aww. So lucky.'', Eunjung said. I smiled hearing and seeing Yoona happy dating someone.

''Tss.'' I heared the man with shades said. Is he following us? Omg. I'm starting to get scared. But that man doesn't look like a bad one. He looks like someone around my age. And he looks like a good person. And another is, He's handsome. Yeah. I'm not joking. =__=

After buying some clothes. We went to the coffee shop to have a snack. That man is really following us, and I'm sure of it. 

''Jiyeon ah, go to the counter and order food for us. Please?'' Hyomin pleased while having a puppy face, pouting lips and winking eyes (I mean, beautiful eyes) Ew. It looks weird on her. But I've got no choice. Compared to them, I am the one sitting nearest at the counter.

I stand up and headed to the counter. While waiting for my turn, I saw the man with shades and jacket went near to Yoona. He held Yoona's hand. I heared him saying sorry. He removed his shades so that Yoona can see him. ''I'm sorry. Please forgive me.'' The man said to Yoona. I'm right, he's handsome. Hahaha. Okay, Jiyeon, be serious. ;_; He must be Yoona's boyfriend. But I thought they had a date yesterday? Or maybe he's Yoona's ex boyfriend.

The cashier gets my order as I stated it. I tried to make it faster so I'll be able to hear what Yoona and the boy was talking about. 'Aish, hope they serve it faster', I thought.  I honestly want to eavesdrop. Aish.

After a minute, they give me my order. I carried the tray slowly, afraid to spill the coffee. I continued walking near to our table as I saw Eunjung laughing at me. Wow, nice friends. Hahaha. They didn't even helped me carry. Yeah, this coffee shop has a self service system. But this shop is good. 

As I was saying, I was walking while looking at Eunjung while she is laughing at me. Just then, I didn't notice that someone is walking at the same way as mine. We bumped into each other. And...

The coffee spilled on him. I look at him and saw that he was the man that follows us. 

And you're right, he's the man who knelt down on her knees and said sorry to Yoona.

''I'm so sorry Sir.'' I said handing him my handkerchief.

''Sorry? Your sorry won't make my clothes dry.'' He said. Uh-oh, he's mad. TT__TT

''But I didn't mean it, I'm really s----.'' 

''Just shut up.'' He said as he went out of the coffee shop. Gahd, this man is so mean. I told him that I didn't mean it. I admit, that guy is so handsome. Kyaah. >< But he's such a hot headed. Hate him. =___=

Just then, I noticed that Eunjung, Hyomin and Yoona came near to me, they help me stand up and clean myself. 


Myungsoo's POV

I went near to Yoona and held his hands. ''I'm sorry.'' I muttered.

Yeah, we fight. Alot. It's because I told her not to talk or have a conversation with guys. I know, it's kinda possesive. But knowing Yoona, she's very friendly. That's why many boys likes her even if she already have me as his boyfriend. She didn't even introduced me to her friends. =____=

So, I'm here in the coffee shop following her and her friends to apologize because I'm being possesive again. :( I can't stand it, I just love her that much that when she talks to other guys, It makes me angry or badmood. 

As what I'm saying, I apologize but she just stared at me. I kneeled down on my knees. ''I'm so sorry, forgive me. Please'' I said while holding her hands. But she just pushed me away. She's really mad.

So decided to go home. Today's enough. I'll give her time to think. Maybe tomorrow? Huh.

As I was walking near to the door of the coffee shop, I was trying to stop my tears so I bowed down and fixed my hair so people won't see my eyes. Sht. Crying makes me feel gay. But I can't help it, I just love her that much.

Just then, I felt someone bumped me. And the coffee was splashed over me. I saw one of Yoona's friend. She's pretty. But, hell yeah. Yoona is the prettiest for me. 

''I'm so sorry Sir.'' The girl muttered as she hand me her handkerchief. Tss. This makes me more angry.

First, Yoona doesn't reply even if I texted her alot yesterday, I think she deleted my number too because she doesn't recognized me while I was texting her yesterday. Second? She's doesn't want to see me today. Third? I think I made her angrier. Fourth? A coffee was spilled to me. What a life. -_-

''Sorry? Your sorry won't make my clothes dry.'' I said, It's true right? Her sorry is useless. =____=

''But I didn't mean it, I'm really s----.'' The girl is about to cry. The fudge. =______=

''Just shut up.'' I said, I don't care of she cry. I'm in a badmood. And, as of now. I don't care if that girl is one of Yoona's friend. It's only Yoona I cared about..




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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T