If I Fall [33]

If I Fall

Jiyeon's POV

"Ya. Myungsoo-ah. Are you mad at me?" I asked as we walk our way to my house.
Yes. It's been 5 days. Ever since the day that I found Wonnie— I mean Hoya told me the truth that he is my long lost childhood bestfriend, Myungsoo didn't talk to me. Ugh.
Yes. He is still going to my house to fetch me and go to school with me. He still sit beside me. He still buy my lunch for me. He still walk with me on my way home and many more..
But he's not talking to me. :( Yes. We're always together. He's always with me but.. He's not talking. I mean he just stand there.. Then nothing else.
"Yaaa. Talk to me." I said as I hugged his arm and pouted. "Please?"
He sighed and looked at me then looks away and started walking. Aish. What's wrong with this guy?! Agh. I miss his voice already. :( The last time he spoke is..
Yeaaay! Hoya is Wonnieeee! My long lost friend. :) I'm so happy to see him again. All this times, he's been here beside me. :D Oh god. :)
I'm really happy today. :) One of the best days of my lifeeeee! :>
"Ya. Yeonnie-ah~! I can't breathe." Ho-- I mean Wonnie said because I'm hugging him so tight. Wahahaha. I'm so mean. Lololol.
"Oops. Sorry." I said as I broke from the hug and pinched his cheeks again.
"It's okay." Wonnie said calmly as he laughed. I laughed back and stand a bit far from him. Others might think that I'm a again for hugging Hoya that tight because everyone except my friends think that I'm dating Myungsoo which is not true, but I wish it was. Loljk.
Just then..
I saw someone in the side of my eyes..
He's standing there..
Looking at Hoya and I.. It's Myungsoo..
He looks sad, very sad. :(
What happened to him?
I decided to look at him but he looked down and started walking away. What's happening?!?!
"Uh.." Hoya said as he looked at Myungsoo's direction. I looked at Hoya and smiled bitterly, "Excuse me for awhile Wonnie." I said before following Myungsoo.
I run and run as I saw him sitting on our table and eating with Hyomin, Woohyun and Eunjung. 
"Hey!" I greeted them. "Where have you been? You're food is waiting for you." Hyomin said.
"Oh, sorry." I said as I sat infront where my food is located, that means.. I'm sitting beside Myungsoo.
I started eating with them but the atmosphere between Myungsoo and I is very awkward. Aish. :( After a few minutes.. Hoya arrived and decided to eat with us. He sat across me and smiled. 
"Hey, Yeonnie-ah." He called as he looked at me and I smiled. I smiled back at him but I decided not to speak. 
Now, I know why Myungsoo is silent. Maybe he's jealous? Lololol. What am I thinking? He still love Yoona and he looked at me as a friend only. No more no less, even if it hurts.
"Ya. Yeonnie-ah~" Hoya called me again.
"Keep quiet. We're eating." Myungsoo suddenly blurted out.
Awkward Silence..
What should I do? Is Myungsoo mad?
Hope he's not.
End of Flashback..
"Yaa~! Myungsoo!!!" I said again. He's still ignoring me. What should I do?
*think think think* Aha!
Piggy back rideeee! :> It's been proven and tested by me when we're on Paris. He was ignoring me back then when I suddenly jumped on his back.
I'll count one to three..
"If you're thinking about piggy back ride, Don't. I'm not in the mood." He said coldly as he continue to walk.
He's really mad at me. What should I do? Maybe I should just let it because he won't even budge even if I say sorry to him a million times.
That's it. I'm tired of apologizing about things I don't know.
"Myungsoo. I'll just go home by myself." I suddenly said. Yeah, that's right. It will only ruin my mood when he's around me because I know he's mad, and I don't know the exact reason.
He's jealous? No freaking way! That's impossible since he doesn't like me.
I was waiting for his answer, but he just nodded and started walking away. Yaaaa~! What kind of human is he?! Psh. I think he's PMS-ing right now. =_=
I looked at his direction and noticed that he's always far away from me.. So yeahh. :( Maybe I should go to the park first. I want icecream to cool myself down.
At the Icecream Shop of Jiyeon's Aunt..
I was sitting at my favorite table while eating icecream with Wonnie. Yes, I'm with Hoya. I found when I was walking my way here. Good thing he's not like Myungsoo that is like a girl with period because he's always moody. =____=
Gahd. Hahah. Everytime I look at Hoya, I feel happy since I actually promised myself that I will look for Wonnie. But yeah, he was the one who looked for me instead..
"So, Yeonnie-ah.." Hoya asked as he ate a spoonful of icecream.. "What do you think about Myungsoo?" He suddenly asked.
Omg. What a topic. -___-
"Moody." I said coldly. I just want to tell Wonnie that I don't want to talk about Myungsoo, indirectly.
"What else?" He asked again.
Aigoo. The nerve of this guy. -.- Thank God he's my friend, or else I'll kill him. Bwahahahahaha.
"Madly inlove with Yoona." I said, with a tinge of a bitter tone. Oh well, that's life. It's normal that the one you like, likes someone else which is not you. :(
"Are you jealous?" Wonnie suddenly asked. O_____O "You're.. Jok-joking right? BWAHAHAHAHA." I said. Yeah. If I can just tell you that I like your friend, then I would. But I want my feelings towards Myungsoo to be my secret.
"No, I'm not joking. HAHAHA! Just answer Yeonnie-ah, I'm your friend, you can tell me those things." Hoya said. I looked down at my icecream and chuckled.
"Why would I be jealous? That's hillarious." I said as fake laughed but I try my best to make it sound real. Lololol. Just then, I saw a smiled crept on Hoya's face.. Why is he smiling alone? Omg. Don't tell me Hoya got a mental problem?!?! Gahd. BWAHAHAHA. XD
"Okay. Okay. No need to be defensive." He said as he pinched my cheeks and laughed.
Just then, I saw Myungsoo. He's standing near us, he's looking at my direction. But he looks sad. :( Whats happening with him by the way? T^T
"M-myungsoo." I said as I looked at him like a kid that was caught making a sin. :(
Then, he walked near to me and pulled my hand and started walking until we reached outside the icecream shop. We left Hoya there alone. :( Aish. What's happening?
He just pulled while he was walking. Aish. My wrist hurts. His grip is so tight. :( "Y-ya.. Myungsoo, it hurts." I said. I looked around and saw the tree.. I mean Myungsoo's tree. Hm. You guys remember that?
"Sit." He commanded as if I'm a dog. I was about to protest when I noticed his face. It looks like he's really mad. Scary. O__O So, I've got no choice but to sit down. So I sat at the grass ground under his tree.
 He sat down too. And..
... rested his head on my lap. Making my lap as his pillow. I looked down at his face and noticed him that he was about to close his eyes.
"Ya. You pulled me here so you can sleep?!" I asked. Yeah, he  always uses my lap as his pillow when he's sleepy. ;A;
"Psh. Keep quiet. I'm sleeping." He said. So I did. Aish. I looked down at him and smiled unconsciously. Myungsoo is indeed, very handsome. :)
I wish I could tell him how I feel..
I carresed his hair, "Ya. Myungsoo-ah. I missed you." I don't know but I suddenly said that. "I'm always with you, why are you missing me?" He asked coldly.
"It's because you're not talking to me." I answered. It's true, right? Tsk. This guy is really.. Aggh!
"Why should I talk to you, you already have your Hoya." He said. He sound jealous. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Gahd. I heared it right? Myungsoo is somewhat jealous of Hoya. Hahahahah! "Jealous?" I asked as I pinched his nose lightly. His eyes are still closed.
"No." He said coldly. Tsk. -__-
Awkward silence..
"I hate you." He suddenly said. I thought he fell asleep already. "Why?"
"You told me that you're going home already. But you didn't." He said honestly. "Sorry. I was just pissed off that's why I went to the icecream shop------"
"And had a date with YOUR Hoya." He continued. -__- 
"It's not a date. And I just saw him on my way to the park awhile ago."
"Psh. You could've told me to go with you since you're alone. You shouldn't lie." He said coldly. Why is he like this? :( Why is he always mad at me?
"What's the problem with that? Hoya is my friend." I answered. "Okay. Then I'm not your... friend?" He said..
"Of course, you are." I said lowly. Tsk. Myungsoo is acting weird these days. 
"Shsysysbsishsvsisisksk." He mumbled. Which I can't hear clearly.
What is it? .___. What did he say? Just then. He just stood up and started walking away from me.

Myungsoo's POV

"Psh. You just like Hoya more than me." I whispered before standing up. I started walking away. Tsk.
Jiyeon is always with Hoya. :( Actually, I'm not mad.. But yeah, I know that you guys know that I should be the one to fetch Jiyeon and walk with her to school but I since when I saw Jiyeon and Hoya hugging each other.. When Jiyeon and I are walking, Hoya will suddenly appear and walk with us.
And I hate it. I only want Jiyeon to be always with me. :(
Tsk. Why do I act like this? It's impossible that I like Jiyeon.. Since Yoona still got my heart...? Right? I still love Yoona...?
I was still walking when I look back at Jiyeon. She's still sitting there. She looks like she's crying.
Tsk. What should I do? Looooooooool. -____-
I made Jiyeon cry. Tsk. I'll just make it up to her tomorrow. I'll just say sorry. I'll just apologi----- No. I shouldn't. It's her fault anyways. She's always with Hoya when I told her not to...
But. :(
I can't resist her. Even if it's her fault, it will end up that I'll be the one who's apologizing. :(
But it's my fault too. -__- It's both our fault. -.- But....
It's not our fault. It's Hoya's fault. He's always with Jiyeon. He's always getting Jiyeon's attention. Lolololol. I'm so crazy. XDDDD
He's... Getting Jiyeon. -___- He's getting what's mine.
Looool. Jiyeon isn't even mine. -.- I don't know what's happening with me. =___=
That night..

Jiyeon's POV

Yaaaah. Myungsoo is mad at me again. :( I hate this! Ever since Hoya told me that he is Wonnie, Myungsoo is always getting mad at me. Tsk. What should I do? T-T
How should I apologize? It's my fault. But it was his fault too. And It's Hoya's fault too. Aggh. It hurts my head to think. -__-
Apologize or not? Ofcourse, yes! It's my time to apologize since it's always Myungsoo who is there for me.. And if I don't apologize, I know it would be worse.
Hmm. How should I apologize? Maybe I should call him? Yeah I'll just call him. Hope he's still awake and hope he would answer.
Calling Myungsoo..
[Hello?] He said. Woah. Too cold. :(
"Sorry." I said shortly. Hope he would feel how sincere I am. [......*sigh* Nah.] Tsk. He's really mad. Ya. Myungsoo-ah, I won't do it again. Just accept my apology and I won't hangout with Hoya when you're around. T__T
"Myungsoo. Please." I said. Please. Please. Please.
[.......... Psh.]
"I'm really sorry." I said. "I won't do it again. I won't leave you again." I said. Yeah, I know Myungsoo's mad because he feels like he's alone. Well, I know. Myungsoo is traumatized of what Yoona done.
Thinking of that scene again, I felt bad for Myungsoo. :( 
[Okay. One condition.]
"What is your condition?"
[Promise me that you'll do it first.] He said. I can feel that's he's smiling. :) Okay. I need to do that condition even if it's hard.
"Okay. I would do it." I said as my mind went curious of what the condition is. What could that one condition be? O__o
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T