If I Fall [35]

If I Fall


Myungsoo's POV

Yeah. Today is our fieldtrip. -__- I don't really want to join the trip but Jiyeon said that I should join. Psh. 
"Ya. Myungsoo, we're already here. No more backing out, okay?" She said as she poked my arms and smiled. Tsk.
I looked at her and smiled, a sarcastic smile to be exact. "What else can I do? I'm already here." I said as I sighed after that. She grinned like a kid as she looked at me. 
"Trust me. You'll enjoy this trip!"
"Okay, okay." I said as I put my arms around her shoulder. She looked at me and pouted. Woooah. So cute. *o* It makes me wanna kiss her.
Kiss her? Say what?! Hahaha. Impossible. Yoona will be the only girl I would kiss. Uhhh.. Right?
She'll be the only one------No. How about Jiyeon? Nuh. That's weird. Why am I thinking of Jiyeon? Everytime I try to reminisce about Yoona, It will end up that I'm thinking about Jiyeon.
"Myungsoo-ah, what time is it?" Jiyeon asked me as she looked at me and rubbed her tummy. I looked at my wrist watch and smiled..
"6:30am." I answered her. "Why?"
"I haven't eat breakfast yet. I wanna eat."
"Did you bring your breakfast with you?" I asked as I looked at her. She looked at her bag and looked back at me again. She shook her head and pouted, "No. I was too excited about this fieldtrip. I haven't sleep too much last night. And.. I haven't cooked breakfast that's why I havent eat yet. Tsk."
"Aww. Poor you." I . She sighed and continue to rub her tummy as she looked at the bus where we are going to ride later. Yep, we're still on our school's vacant lot where the buses are parked.
Just then, she suddenly sat on the ground. "Yaaaaa! I'm so hungry~!"
She's so cute. *o* :">
"Psh." I said as I grabbed both of her hands and pulled her to stand up, "Ya. Stand up dino."
"But I'm not Dino." She insisted as she looked up at me.
Just then..
"Yeonnie-ah~! Let's sit together at the bus later------Ooops." Hoya said as he passed by Jiyeon and me. He was shocked to see Jiyeon sitting at the ground.
Jiyeon looked at Hoya and smiled. 
Aw. Hoya called Jiyeon as Yeonnie? I don't even call her nicknames. T__T
Then after that.. Jiyeon looked at me and pouted.
Psh. I'm sure that Jiyeon  will sit beside Hoya since they are close..
And Jiyeon smiled when Hoya asked her to sit beside her.
"Ahm. Sure------"
"Ya! Hoya~! Let's sit together instead. Eunjung tells me to go away from Hyomin because they're sitting together.. And Myungsoo is obviously sitting beside Jiyeon." Woohyun said as he popped out of nowhere.
"Yeah. Sorry Wonnie, but I think I'll be sitting beside Myungsoo." Jiyeon suddenly said. She looked at me, "Right, Myungie-ah?"
"O-okay." Hoya said as he smiled and went next to Woohyun and transfered his bag next to Woohyun's.
Yeap. I'll be sitting beside my-----Jiyeon~!
Hahaha. \o/ Yeay! But, I know because it's pretty obvious that Hoya is hurted of Jiyeon's answer. :( 
He's still my friend, but ever since he told me that he likes Jiyeon.. I'm a bit threathen and.. Maybe jealous? Looool. XD
Nevermind. =_____=
"Yaaa~! Myungsoo." Jiyeon suddenly said as she opened my backpack and she's like looking for something to eat. But she pouted and, "Ya! Why did you bring this?"
Yes. She's referring to something she doesn't like. Her medicine. .___.
Yes. She's sick last week. Remember when we're stuck at the rooftop, me and Hyomin noona are the one who took care of her.
My mother even said that she likes Jiyeon more then Yoona. Hmm. I don't know why but I'm not hurt when my mom said that to me.. Because.. 
That's somewhat true. :)
"Ya, Myungsoo-ah. I said why did you bring these?" She said as she shake her medicine bottle and pouted.
I looked at her before getting the bottle from her offguard hands, "For emergency. You know, you've been sick for a week. We're not sure if you're already fully recovered."
"No." I said shortly. She just pouted so I messed with her hair.
"Tsk." She hissed. Ahahaha. She's really cute. *o*
"Students, we're gonna enter the bus in a few minutes. Be sure you got your things complete with you." Our teacher speaked through a megaphone. -__-
Fieldtrip . It's not my thing. -.- It's the first time I'll join this kind of thing, just because Jiyeon forced me.
Psh. That girl is really annoying. Uhm.. I mean, annoyingly cute. Haha. :>
"Ya. Woohyunnie~! Thanks for asking Hoya to sit beside you. Uhm. Eunjung and I really want Myungsoo and Jiyeon to sit together." I heared Hyomin noona said.
AHAHAHAHAHA! They've planned this? XD 
I could kiss noona for doing that! Hahaha!
At the bus before lunch.
"Okay. So we're going ****** forest. We're gonna eat lunch there." Our tourguide suddenly said.
Ohhh. We still need to go there?! I'm fcking hungry already. =___=
"Ya. Myungsoo-ah, do you have something to eat?" Jiyeon suddenly asked as she pouted and poked my arms. Hahaha. What the heck. She's so cute. :'>
"Nah. You brought a lot of snacks with you, and you're still asking for food from me? What kind of stomach do you have?" I said as I laughed and poked her tummy. She looked at me like a mad teacher, "You're really selfish when it comes to me."
Just then, she kneeled on her chair and looked at the back where Hoya and Woohyun sits. I pulled her wrist lightly, "Ya. Jiyeon-ah, sit down. You might hit your head when the bus suddenly stops."  I warned her but she didn't listened, instead she shouted for Hoya's name. "Wonnieee~!"
"Hm?" I heared Hoya responded. I looked at my side to see them. "Can I have something to eat?" Jiyeon suddenly said. =___=
This girl is really an eating monster. Hahaha! She looks like a child, maybe because she's really hungry.
"Aigoo. Okay, I have something to eat here." I said as I pull her down, causing her to sit on her chair. Asdgas. I don't like it when she's talking to other boys specially Hoya. -_-
"Really?" She asked as she twinkled her eyelashes. HAHAHAHAHA! That was very epic. XD
I nodded as an answer before opening my bag where I put my snacks and get the cookies and handed it to Jiyeon. She looked at me and smiled like a kid who receives a lot of Christmas gifts. As soon as she opened the pack of cookies, she munched it directly to one by one.
Haha! Must be really hungry? But she's already eating since we started to travel. -.- So, that means that the one who said that she's a dino isn't lying because she really is. She eats a lot. But still not gaining any fats. XD
After almost half and hour, we arrived at the park where were gonna eat our lunch. It's been minutes but Jiyeon is hungry again. She's a monster. Hahaha!
"Hm. Myungsoo~! I'll just go look around. You stay here with the others.. Okay?"  She said as she patted my head like a dog. Psh. 

Jiyeon's POV

I'm walking my way to the garden or whatever you call this place. Hahaha! It's so pretty and peaceful here in this place. :D If possible, I want our village to be something like this. Lol. But yeah, I'm not saying that our village is crappy, actually it's beautiful. But when you look around at this garden, you won't help it but to smile. :D
Sht. Who did that? 
Someone hitted me with a ball. :( 
I looked around to see who hitted me with the ball when a tall, good looking boy approached me, "Sorry miss. My friends and I are playing basketball. Sorry."
Omg. His voice is very very very freaking very deep. .___. Hahaha!
"Uh. That's okay." I said as I rubbed the back of my head where the ball hitted directly awhile ago. Tsk. That really hurts. >:(
"You sure?" The boy asked as he looked at me sincerely, "Yes, I am sure."
I smiled at him and bowed a bit. I shouldn't waste my time here because I still want to explore this whole place rather than staying with this clumsy guy even though he is handsome. But ofcourse, Myungsoo will always be the most handsome. :)
"Okay. Good to hear that, I'm Kai anyways." The guy said as he offered his hand. I took  and shook it, "Ne. I'm Park Jiyeon." I said before smiling.
Hm. Kai  (?) was about to say something when my phone rung. I looked at my phone and saw Myungsoo's name. :">
[Where are you?] He asked in a very nervous voice.
"Huh? I'm somewhere you cannot find." I joked, "Haha. Kidding. I'm just roaming around. I told you that a while ago."
Just then, I saw Kai smiled at me. Hahahaha! Gummy smile. Lol.
"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I answered him.
[Okay. Uh--Be fast, alright?]
"Yeah, sure. Byeeee~!"
[Ne. Bye. Take care.] He said. :"> I ended the call and smiled before putting it inside my pocket again.
"Your boyfriend?" Kai  suddenly asked. I looked at him an shooked my head, "No."
"He's not your boyfriend but you obviously like him." He suddenly blurted out.
I nodded. He's right. I like Myungsoo, but how did he knew about that? Is he my stalker? No. He obviously doesn't looked like a stalker. "How did you know?
He showed me his gummy smile again, "The way you smile and talk to him makes it obvious."
"Well, yeah. But he doesn't like me bac------"
"And I think that guy likes you too." Kai suddenly said as he played and dribbled with the ball in his hands. I suddenly remembered that he hitted me with a ball. >:( Psh.
"How can you say so?" I asked. I don't know why but I'm really curious of what he's gonna answer, "Tell me."
"Hm. Secret."
"Tsk. Pleaseeee?" I said as I looked at him and pouted like a child.
"I'll show you then."
Show me? How? -____- Is he crazy? Somehow, I regreted asking him about it. -.-
"What ever." I said before starting to walk away from Kai.
"There's nothing you're gonna lose if you try. Atleast, if the guy you want is worth it." He said. I stopped walking and looked back at him, he smiled at me.
"Don't worry, trust me." He said so I walked near him and nodded. There's nothing bad in trying, right?


Myungsoo's POV

1 new message..
Fr: Jiyeon. :">
Sms: Myungie-ahhhh~! Come here at the cafe near the big oak tree in the garden. ^^
Tsk. That girl is really hyper huh? Are we gonna play hide and seek? ;A; Psh.
"Dude, I'll just go look for Jiyeon." I said as I stood up, I looked at Woohyun is currently teasing Hyomin noona. Hahaha. They look cute.
"Sure. Go ahead." Woohyun answered so I started looking for the garden that Jiyeon is telling me.
After a few minutes..
Aish. I can find that effin garden. T-T Where is that? Jiyeon might get mad at me because I she might thought that I didn't look for her.
While walking, I saw a guard who walks around. I decided to approach and ask him about the directions, "Sir. Good Morning. Where can you find the garden with the oak tree beside a cafe?"
The guard looked at me then at the road, "Straighy walk at this path, then when you see a sign of a butterfly, go left."
"Okay. Thanks sir. Have a nice day!" I said before running towards the path where the guard told me to go.
After a few minutes of running, I finally saw the cafe that she was talking about.. I took a deep sigh before entering..
I hope Jiyeon is still inside waiting for me.
I walked inside and looked around to see Jiyeon...
Is that Jiyeon? 
Jiyeon is with another guy? It's the first time that I will see this guy. They we're laughing and they seemed happy together. :( Psh. Yaaaa!
Maybe I should go to Jiyeon?
I was walking towards their table when Jiyeon suddenly saw me..
"There you are, Myungsoo! What took you so long?" She asked as I walk nearer. The boy looked at me and smiled. Oh..
I wanna know what's her relationship with Jiyeon. Is he Jiyeon's friend? Cousin? Brother? Or boyfriend?
"Oh, hi there dude. Kai  here. Jiyeon's admirer." He said as he stood up and offered his hand for a handshake. I looked at his hand.. Should I shake it?
I looked at Jiyeon and she nodded and smiled..
I accepted his offered handshake.. Uhh. He's Jiyeon's admirer? .__. So that means, he is Jiyeon's suitor..
But I admire Jiyeon too, but the difference is I'm not Jiyeon's suitor. But still, I feel... jealous.
"Yeay! Uh, so yeah. Let's take a sit now. I'm hungry." Jiyeon said as she sat beside that guy.. Uh. What's his name again? Kai ? Tsk.
"You're always hungry. Psh."  I said as I sit across Jiyeon. :(
She likes to sit beside Chanyeol than sitting beside me. D;
Just then, a waiter approaced us and gets our orders.
"Hm.. So Jiyeon-ah, we haven't seen each other for almost a year. How have you been?"  Kai  asked Jiyeon. .__. I feel like I'm out of placed because they are the only one who's talking. They shouldn't invited me here. -.-
"Uh.. Fine. It was very nice but sometimes boring. But the most unforgettable one is when we to Paris." Jiyeon said. Yeah, Paris. Our trip to Paris is one of the most unforgetable scene that happened this year.
"Oh. Who's with you? Your mom?"  Kai  asked. Jiyeon shooked his head, "Nope. I'm with Myungsoo and one of my little cousin."
Yeah. :D
"Like a one big happy family, huh?" Kai  chuckled, "But it would have been better if I'm the one with you." He added as he looked at Jiyeon and grabbed her hand.. Fck.
=______= Psh.
I'm the only one who's allowed to hold Jiyeon's hand! Tsk. >____>
Just then, the waiter arrived with our orders. He putted our orders in our table and started walking away..
"Hm. Myungsoo. I called you here so I can ask if Kai  and I can date since you are like my older brother."
Since you are like my older brother.
She only treated me like a sibling? 
Well. Yeah, I've been hiding this.. But I'll admit it now. That I think I like Jiyeon more than a friend.. Because, I don't know why. T-T
Because of Jiyeon, I was able to move on with my break up with Yoona. 
I still like Yoona.. But Jiyeon is.. I don't know. Because of Jiyeon, I feel like it's very hard to be faithful to Yoona..
I know I shouldn't be faithful to Yoona since we already broke up. But I told her that I'll still wait for her no matter what. I've promised to myself that I will wait for her. That I'll only love her for the rest of my life..
Until Jiyeon started making me feel nervous. She starts sending butterflies to my stomach everytime she's with me. She starts to appear in my mind the first thing when I woke up. She starts to be the only one I want to see at school. She starts to be the only one I want to talk. She starts to make me feel heaven everytime she hugged me. In short, she makes me very happy.. And jealous.
And that's the reason why.. I feel jealous.
"Myungsoo.. You're idling." Jiyeon said as she waved her hand infront of me, "Oh. Sorry.. What are you saying again?"
Fck. I've idled because of that question..
"I was asking for a permission if I can go on a date with Kai  since you are like my older brother." Jiyeon repeated.
Wrong move. I shouldn't have let her repeated that.
"Oh.. Yeah." I said as I tooked a piece in my cake, "Let me know him first. I wanna know who's my 'little sister' gonna date. Who knows, he might be a bad boy."
"Yeahh. You're right." Jiyeon answered as she nodded and smiled.
Dugdug. Dugdug.
That smile... She must be inlove with Kai. Psh.
"Uh. Excuse me.. I'll go to the comfort room first.." Jiyeon said as she bowed to us and smiled before walking towards the girls' restroom.
"Uhm." Kai  cleared his throat. "So you're Jiyeon's so-called-older brother."
"Uh.. Yeah?" I answered while looking at my food. I don't want to look at his face.. It makes me irritated and uncomfortable. I want to punch that face. Psh.
"But that seems wrong.. Every time you look at MY JIYEON you---"
"Don't call her 'YOUR JIYEON' since the two of you aren't in a relationship."
"Tsk tsk. Shut up. I'm not done talking yet."
"As I was saying.. Every time you look at her.. It seems like you feel something with her.. Like you're inlove with her."
"I'm not inlove with-----" I said, trying to deny the fact that I like her.. Is it that obvious?
"Stop denying my friend. But I feel sorry, because it seems like I owned Jiyeon already." Kai  said as he looked at me and smirked.
I was very fcking speechless. One more word that come put with his mouth, I'll punch him.
"And you'll just stand there.. Watching Jiyeon and I dating while your heart breaks."
I don't want that to happen. T_T
I clenched my fist tightly. The words that came out of his mouth is very unstoppable.. Very sharp. I guess..
"But I guess, even tho you fight for Jiyeon.. You will still lose because you're such a slow poke. Agh. So gay."
Me? Gay? No. Like hell.
Psh. I'm not a slow poke. If he just know how I can control his relationship with Jiyeon. I can tell Jiyeon not to date him then they're done. :(
But still, I'm very jealous. If ever that happens, Jiyeon will surely forget me..
"What? Speak up. Don't be so gay, dude." Kai said as he smirked again.
"Yes. You're right, I like Jiyeon more than friends.. But----- Ah, nevermind."
Just then, Jiyeon came back as she smiled at me and Kai before sitting down on her chair.
"You took too much time in the----"
Kai was cutted by the ringing of my phone. I looked the name of the caller and saw Hoya's name..
"Oh, Yes dude. 'Sup?" I answered him. I looked at Jiyeon and Kai who is talking silently..
[The tour guide told us to come back now. Where going to our next destination.] Hoya said as I heared Hyomin noona saying that I should come back because the bus is leaving after 20 minutes.
"Oh, yeah. Sure. Don't worry, I'll go back now."
[Hurry up.. Uh. Did you found Jiyeon already?]
"Yeah. I did. I'm actually with her now.. And she's with her suitor or smthing."
[Oh. When did he met that guy?]
"I don't know and I don't give a damn." Psh. It makes me irritated. Jiyeon didn't even told me before that she got a suitor?
[Dude, calm down.]
"Yeah. Ge, I'll talk to you later. I better get going."
[Sure. Bye.]
Call ended..
"Myungsoo-ah, who's that?" Jiyeon asked as hid my phone on my pocket. I stood up and grabbed some money and put it on the table for my order's payment.
"I need to go back now."  I said before I straightly walk towards the door of the cafe.
"Myungsoo--------Ya! Wait for me." I heared Jiyeon said. But I don't care. I'm mad at her.
I can feel that she is following me, but I don't want to turn around and look at her.. Because if I saw her face, I won't hesitate to forgive her. I can't resist her.
Aish. T___T


Jiyeon's POV

Waaaah. Myungsoo seems mad. What happened when I left them? T-T
And I heared that he's going back at the bus.. That means he will leave me alone here? Ugh. 
That means.. He don't care about me.. Told you, Kai is wrong. Myungsoo doesn't like me back. :(
Maybe I should go back too..
"Kai-ah, I need to go back too. It's only our fieldtrip that's why I'm here. Sorry for bothering you. Now it makes the situation clearer. Myungsoo doesn't feel the same. The feeling isn't mutual----"
"Tsk. Hm. Here's my number, I'll tell you the whole thing. Go now and follow him, lucky girl." Kai said as he gave me a paper before holding my shoulder and turning me around to face the door, "Take care, Jiyeon-ah. I hope, next time I'll see you.. You are already happy with---Okay. Go ahead."
"Uh. I'm really sorry. I've been a burden. Don't worry, we'll still see each other next time around."
"Sure, nice meeting you, er. Tell Myungsoo not to be a turtle. And also you.. Tell him the thruth before it's too late."  Kai said as he chuckled.
"Turtle? Why?" Huh. Myungsoo isn't a turtle since he's a handsome man. -__-
"It's none of your business. Just tell him. It's a boy talk."
"Okay. Byeee~!" I said. Kai just waved his hand. As soon as Kai waved his hand, I ran to the door and starts to follow Myungsoo.
Kai is right. I need to tell him the truth before it's too late.
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T