If I Fall [26]

If I Fall


Myungsoo's POV
I woke up this morning. And I felt like there's something missing. I feel like I'm not contented. I feel like I'm not happy. I feel incomplete.
Then reality hits me.. Yoona is not mine anymore.
I closed my eyes as memories of what happened yesterday keep flashing back in my head. Fck.
*poke poke poke*
I looked around and saw Jiyeon poking me. Yes. I slept at Jiyeon and Mavin's room. I slept at the couch. Why? Because I don't want to feel alone.
"Myungsoo~" Jiyeon said. "Wake up."
I opened my eyes again, I saw her smiling infront of me. Everytime I looked at this girl, I feel like I'm not alone. She's always there.. Jiyeon's future husband would be very lucky to have her. She's so nice and approachable.
"Hey~ you're idling." She said as she poked my cheek.
I looked at her, she smiled at me. She liked smiling, huh? But I know she just smile so that it won't be obvious that she's also sad because of what happened.
"Hey, wanna go at the mall? Let's buy something for our friends." She said as she offered her hand to help me stand up.
 I nodded. Maybe it's time for me to forget Yoona..
I need to live my life, start my life without Yoona.
A life without her.
I know it would be hard but I need to do it, because if I don't..
I'll be like killing myself slowly.
"That's good then. Go eat now~ Yourbreakfast is on the table already." Jiyeon said as she grabbed her towel. I think she's going to take a bath already.
I went to her apartment's dining area and saw the food. Psh. It's really obvious that she bought this, because Jiyeon a bit at cooking, right? Hahahaha.
After about 15 minutes, she went out, already dressed and drying her hair with a towel.
"Where's Mavin anyways?" I asked her while I stare at nowhere, munching on my food.
"He's with my mom. They'll be buying toys. He and his brothers are spoiled when it comes to my mom." She said as she smiled. Oh, Mavin has brothers?
"Do you have a picture of Mavin's brothers? I wanna see them." I said as I tried to smile. She nodded as she got her phone from the room and show it to me.
They're all cute, huh. I guess they'll be like me in the future? Hearthrobs. Joke. Hahaha.
"This is Mason, the oldest." She said as she point out the guy who is beside Mavin. "And this is Maden, the youngest."
After eating, I decided to go back to my apartment and take a bath. I don't why, but I really feel incomplete now. Psh. What a life.
"Let's go?" Jiyeon asked as she smiled at me. "I've got a lot to buy."
We took the cab to the mall, good thing many people here can speak english. Phew. It won't be hard for us to talk to them.
When we reached the mall, Jiyeon suddenly pulled out something.. A piece of paper. It's the list of what she's going to buy. What a dork. She really listed it, huh? Hahahah.
"Myungsoo, let's buy this for Woohyun!" She said as she grabbed a black and white shoes. "It'll look good."
I grabbed the shoes and look at it. Yeah, it's a nice shoes. Jiyeon is good when it comes to fashion. Hahaha. Now that Jiyeon has something to buy for him, maybe I should buy too?
"Maybe I should buy one for them too?" I asked as I suddenly grabbed Jiyeon's hand to grab her attention.
She looked at our hands and smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, it would be better."
We walked as she put the shoes on the cart. I'm still holding her hands. Why? Because...
I don't want her to leave me.
She's the only one I have now.
"Myungie, let's go there." She said as he pulls me towards the perfume section. She was looking around and saw a perfume pink perfume bottle.
She looked for the tester, she sprayed it on her wrist and rubbed it lightly. She smelled it and frowned a bit. "Do you think Hyominnie will like this scent?" She said as she raised her wrist near my nose so I can smell it.
It taste strong. Psh.
'Not my noona's taste'
I shooked my head and said no. She nodded and looked for another perfume. She did the same thing for the next five perfumes we saw.
But for the sixth one, she..
Sprayed the tester in my shirt. Wth. o___o
After spraying it. She looked up at me and smiled awkwardly. "Hehe."
"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked as I flicked on her forehead lightly.
"It's because I'm already full of perfume's smell so if I sprayed it to myself, I won't be able to smell it properly!" She said as she pouted after that.
"Psh." I said. She just smiled at me and smelled the perfume that she sprayed on my shirt. "I think this is enough now." She said as she put the perfume on the cart.
Watching her buying stuffs for her friends making me think.. Jiyeon has a girly side too, huh? Jiyeon looked for another bottle of perfume. She said that she'll buy one for Eunjung too. Aww. What a friend.
She smiled at me and said, "Ya. Aren't you going to buy something for your friends too?"
"Hmm. I don't know what to buy especially for Hyomin and Eunjung." I answered. Well, not totally for Hyomin noona since she's my sister. 
"Hmm.." She hummed as she tapped her cheek, "I'll help you after I finished this!" She followed as she points at her cart and list. I nodded and followed her as she walked towards the bag for ladies section.
She got two bags again, she bought one for Eunjung and one for Hyomin noona. Psh. This girl really loves her friend that much huh? But that's good 'cause I know her friends love her too.
The next thing I knew is she also bought dresses and accesories for them. =____=
There's a hidden shop-aholic attitude inside Jiyeon's body. Psh.
"Done now?" I asked her. She looked at me and shook her head, signalling me that she's not done yet. "Maybe I should buy more for Woohyun? And I don't have anything to buy for Hoya." 
Yeah. Hoya said that anything will do for him when Jiyeon is still in Korea. 
"Just buy him a shirt or shoes." I suggested. "Don't worry, I'll be the one to buy more stuffs for Hoya and Woohyun." I said. She beamed and passed the cart to me. 
"Aye aye captain!" She said as she run towards the shirt section for men. She grabbed a shirt and took a look at it. She smiled, "I think this will look good with Hoya." She said as she talked to the saleslady.
The rest of the time is mine. I bought shoes for Hoya (since Woohyun already have one) and a shirt for Woohyun (Hoya already have one too.) But before putting them in the cart, I asked Jiyeon's opinion first since I noticed that she got a good taste.
I bought high heels for Hyomin noona, since she I know she'll like it. 
"Hmm. What should I buy for Eunjung?" I asked as I turned around and saw Jiyeon looking in a bracelet inside the glass.
She smiled a bit, and nod. Maybe she like that bracelet huh?
I've got a plan! *grins*
I'll buy it for her!
I poked her and she looked back at me after that. She smiled, "Hmm?"
"Can you roam around and look a gift for Eunjung? I don't know what she wants." I said. Yes, that's my plan. While she's looking a gift for Eunjung, I'll buy that bracelet. I'm smart right? *evil laughs*
"Sure." She said as she smiled, "I'll just go there~!" She said as she pointed at the wallet section. I nodded and smiled back. I went straightly where the bracelet is as soon as Jiyeon is not near anymore. 
Look, I'm a good boy right? Hahahaha. You guys better believe me.
The cashier looked at me and smiled. I was about to smile back when.. "Is this for your girlfriend?" She asked in english. Maybe she noticed that I don't leave here. Good thing I listened to our English class. Hoho.
I wasn't shocked at her question. We all know that it's not the first time that someone says that I'm Jiyeon's boyfriend or husband, right?
"No, she's just my friend." I said as I smiled at the cashier.
"Oh, sorry sir. I thought she's your girlfriend." She said as she bowed a bit and smiled. 
"It's okay." I said as I get the small paper bag with the box of the bracelet inside. I hid it inside my bag as fast as possible because I saw Jiyeon approaching with a pink yet elegant wallet on her hand. 
"This one!" She said as she putted in the cart. She checked her list again and smiled. "I think we're done now!" 
She helped me push the cart to the counter. We seperated the things that we bought so that we can pay it seperately. We went out of that general store in the mall, I help her carry the paper bags. We went straightly to the restaurant.
Jiyeon went straightly on one of the vacant tables so I followed her. We took a seat and chitchat. A few minutes later, the waiter gave us our menu.
He listed our order and left. I was looking around the restaurant when Jiyeon suddenly called me. "Myungsoo."
I looked at her, she smiled so I smiled back. She pointed at the children walking on the isles of the restaurant. "They are so cute right?"
Yes they are. I looked at them and noticed that they have blue eyes. Woah. Cool. But of course, my son.. U-uhhh. I mean Mavin will always be the cutest for me! Hehe.
After a few minutes, our order came. But before the waiter left..
What is this sorcery?! Hahahahahahahahaha. 
"Ya, you saw that?" I asked Jiyeon. She nodded awkwardly and said, "Weird."
We continued to eat our food and finished it after a few minutes.
"Myungsoo." Jiyeon called me. I looked at her, "I'll just go to the bathroom." She said, as she stood up and smiled before going to the bathroom.
While waiting for Jiyeon to come back, the cute kids that Jiyeon is pointing out awhile ago runs next to me.
"Let's play!" The little girl said in english. Yes, in english. Phew. Good thing they can speak english or else I'm dead. But they want to play here in the restaurant?!
"Please?" The little boy beside the girl asked me. Yes, they're obviously young. The girl looks like 6 years old while the boy looks like 3 years old. 
I nodded, no harm. They look cute and they surely are harmless. Ahahaha.
The two of them sat at the chair in our table. We played rock paper scissors and I kept on cheating on them but they don't notice it.
While playing with them, I saw a couple walking hand in hand.. Hmm.. How's Yoona anyway? Is she doing good? Is she happy? Is she missing me too?
Everytime I see couples pass by, all I can think about is Yoona. I'm jealous of how other couples are so madly inlove with each other..
I still believe that  Yoona willl comeback for me.
20 minutes...
30 minutes...
One hour...
Still no sign of Jiyeon. T-T Ever since Yoona left me, everytime Jiyeon is not beside me, I feel sad. "Hmm.. Are you okay, mister nice guy?" The little asked me with pleading eyes. 
"He's not Mister Nice Guy, he is Mister Handsome!" The girl said as she looked at me and puckered her lips. Psh.
"Don't worry, I'm okay." I said coldly. Fck. I feel alone again. 
And whenever I feel alone, I can't help it but think about Yoona. Where's Jiyeon anyways? :(
"Hmm. Mister Handsome, don't worry. You're girlfriend will be back soon. I saw her there!" She said as she pointed at Jiyeon's direction. And there she is, laughing with the waiter awhile ago.
She left me.
'I won't leave you alone... I promise..'
'I won't leave you alone..'
'I won't leave you alone..'
'I promise.'
Tsk. Won't leave me, huh?
After that, I saw her excused herself and return to our table.
"Good thing you're here already Your boyfriend keeps waiting for you." The little girl said as she pointed at me.
I kept quiet and wait for her to respond. Her eyes widen as she looked at me. She looked at me like what-is-this-cute-girl-talking-about look.
I ignored her and looked outside. She just promised me last night, and now what? She literally left me. After a few minutes of disturbing silence, I called the waiter and paid for the bill. I stood up and went straightly outside the restaurant. 
We all know that I hate being alone. I only remembered how Yoona said that she was happy with Donghae. The hell. =___=
"Ya, Myung----"
"What took you so long?" I asked, not letting her finished what Jiyeon was about to say. I'm not facing her. Psh.
"I was just talking to the waiter. S-sorry if it's almost an hour." She said. I can feel that she's nervous.
"Almost an hour? It's more than an hour!" Psh. Good thing it's already dark, that's why no one saw us.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to make you wait that long." She said, I can feel that she's going nearer to me. 
"Psh. You promised that you won't leave me.."
"Aigoo..." She said as she chuckled lowly. "I won't do it again, boss." She whispered in a kid voice. Hahaha. Cute.
"Psh psh psh.. Ya, oppa. Let's go home now~!" She called me oppa? Ahahaha. 
"I still want to go to the park. You can go by yourself anyways." Yep. I'm still a bit upset about what happened earlier.
Oh. What was that?
"Piggy back rideeeeee!" Jiyeon shouted in happiness. She really acts like a kid. And yeah, she's riding on my back right now. Good thing I didn't lose my balance when she suddenly jumped on my back.
"Jiyeon-ah.. Go down."
"But... I'm already sleepy~" she said as she followed it with a fake snore.
The last time I know is... I was mad at her awhile ago. But now? I think we're okay already. I don't know why.. But I really like it when Jiyeon is with me. She looks like my younger sister..
And yeah, we went home like that. Yep, she's still riding in my back. Hahahah..
But it have been better if I was carrying Yoona instead of her..
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T