If I Fall [23]

If I Fall


Myungsoo's POV

I'm at Paris now. =_____= Why the heck I have to go here? But my dad said that I'm here for some bussiness matters.

Hyomin noona is joking me that he read alot about arranged marriage when it comes to bussiness. Psh. What if she's right that I'm gonna be arranged to a girl I don't even know? ._. Psh. That would be very unawesome and I got Yoona already. I'll tell it to my father and I bet he can say no to his very very very very very ver freaking very handsome son of his. Hahaha. >;)

"Son. Go to my office the day after tomorrow. I'll get my driver to fetch you. 9am sharp. But earlier the better, so you better be." My dad as he sat beside me on the car's backseat. "Yes dad." I said. He smiled at pat the back of my head.

"My one and only son is a man now huh?"

"Yup. Ofcourse dad. And I'm still handsome as ever."

"Just like his dad. Like father like son." He said as he chuckled and raised his hand for a high-five. Yes. My dad and I is close. He's not that strict even to Hyomin noona. He's actually nice and abit childish.

But he's awesome. "We're here." He said as the car stopped infront of a building. I opened the car door and went out. I got my things on the baggage and walks to follow my dad after that.

"Here's your room son. I need to leave now, just call me if you need something."

"Okay dad. Thanks. Take care." I said as I opened the door and put my things inside my room. Dad left after giving me money so I can use it when I want to buy something.


"Noona let's go buy icecream!" I heared a child's voice. Noona? That means they're korean too? Woah. :) The voice came from outside my room. I think the room infront of my room?


And it sounds like son. Ahem. I mean Mavin. Hahaha. Yeah. Mavin once asked me if I am his father because everyone in the mall keeps saying it.

I fixed my things. Maybe I should go buy some groceries? But I don't know where to.




Psh. I'll just remember my way incase I give up in finding the grocery store. I should've asks groceries for my father earlier. -_- I went out of the door...






"Let's go Mavin, will be buying your ice--Myungsoo?" Jiyeon said. She looked at me with a shocked face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she smiled. Aha. I really missed her. I wonder if she gave my gift to Yoona already?

"Oh. Family business. Soo.. How's your birthday?" She smiled and carried Mavin on her arms.

"It's so nice. My mom cooked for me, I was so happy because it's been years since she cooked for me. Too bad you can't taste it. It was the best!" She said as she beamed.

Jiyeon is really childish and... cute. And cute means adorable but ugly. Joke. XD Hahahaha.


"Hey. Wanna go with us? Icecreaaam!"


"Yeah. Hyu-- I mean master." Mavin said. I nodded and smiled. The both of them smiled back at me. We walked until we reach the outside of the building.

"Myungsoo.." Jiyeon called me as she reached out for something on her pocket. "I haven't gave this to Yoona yet. Maybe you should be the one to gave her this since you're here too. But don't worry, I'll help you find her." 

You know what? There are times that Jiyeon is nice and sometimes she's like dinosaur.

















"Hey. Speak up!" She said as she was about to slap me again. Her hands were already up in the air positioned and ready to slap me. "Oh. Sorry. Just thinking about something."

"Something or someone?" She asked as she looked at me with teasing eyes. "You're thinking about Yoo---"

"Noona, I know who Myungsoo hyung is thinking." Mavin said as she looked at Jiyeon.


"It's You, noona." Jiyeon laughed hard.


"AHAHAHAHAHA. Mavin, it's Yoona, not you noona."



Mavin thought that I am inlove with Jiyeon because 'you noona' is almost the same with Yoona. Psh. That kid! XD

"Mavin, how many times do I have to tell you that Myungsoo is not my husband or boyfriend?" She said to Mavin as she pout abit.

"But the two of you really look good together." Mavin said as he frowned.

"But Mavin, I don't even know Myungsoo. He's not even my friend, right Myungsoo?" Jiyeon joked as she looked at me and chuckled.

"Then why are you talking with each other?" Mavin asked again.

"Because we're friendly." I said, joking too. "But mommy said that we should not talk to strangers!" Mavin said, fighting for himself.

"Okay, that's it. You're really smart. Mavin, this is the last time I'll say this to you, okay? Myungsoo and I are just classmates and friends. Not husband and wife, not girlfriend and boyfriend. Friends, no more no less." Jiyeon explained.

"But mom told me that he met dad because they used to be classmates." Psh. This kid asks so much. I can see Jiyeon abit irritated. Maybe I should talk to Mavin?

I grabbed Mavin from Jiyeon and carried him in my arms.

"Hey Master." I said as I poked Mavin's nose. He looked at me and smiled.

"Master~" He greeted back.

"Stop asking your noona about us. We're just friends. And I've got Yoona already."

"Oh. Sorry hyung. I just thought you and noona are really together." He said as he bowed a bit and smiled.


That smile. His smile and Jiyeon's smile is the same. They both look cute. Hahahaha. Yeah.


"Anyways, hyung. How does your girlfriend looks like?" Mavin asked. I nodded. "Wait." I said as I got my phone from my pocket and showed him Yoona's picture.

"Wow. Hyung. She's pretty." Mavin said in awe.


"Yeah. She's really pretty."


After we eat, Jiyeon decided to go back because Mavin is sleepy already. Once we reached our place, she invited me inside their room. She carried Mavin to the bedroom. She changed Mavin's clothes to a comfortable and sing him to sleep.

While waiting for Mavin to fell asleep, I roamed around their room and found out our gifts for her are stored beside her bed. Did she liked my gift for her? Well, I asked Mavin for it. Mavin said that Jiyeon likes Rillakumma alot. So I buy her one.

"Myungsoo-ah, let's go somewhere." Jiyeon said as she went out of the bedroom. She stretched her arms and smiled,

"I wanna roam around."

"How about Mavin?" I asked her. Yes, I want to go out too, but how about Mavin?

"He's already sleeping. Don't worry, he's a heavy sleeper." Jiyeon said as she chuckled. "Okay. Let's go." I said as I stand up and went out of her room. She followed me and locked the door first.

"Don't worry, my mom will be here in an half hour to take care of him." Jiyeon said as we arrived outside the building

. -

Jiyeon's POV


Were here at the nearby park. Wow. It's so nice here. :) I got my phone from my pocket and took selcas from different places. Myungsoo is just looking around.

'It's really pretty here.' I thought as I sat on the swing. Just then a man sat at the swing chair beside mine. He looked at me and smiled.




The man looked like a drug addict. Eesh.

I stand up and went to the slide. Wow. It's so big. Not like the one in the park in our village in Korea, it's so small that only kids can play there.

I was about to step my foot up so I can slide down when I saw the man who sat beside me.


He was next to me.


He looked at me and smirked.


He suddenly put his hands on mine.


"Comment t'appelles- tu?" The man said as he squeezed my hand. What did he say? Sorry, I don't know French. I only know frenchfries. Joke. XD

He smirked and grabbed it, he was about to kiss my hand when I saw Myungsoo looking for me. I've gathered all my strength and pulled my hand off the man. After that, I ran next to Myungsoo.

The man is still following me.

"Hey where have you been?"

"There at the slide." I said as I looked at him. I'm still scared. What if that man follow me again? What if the man kidnaps and me? What will my mom say?


Will Myungsoo save me?


"Hey, you looked scared." Myungsoo said he stared at me.

"There's a man who keeps on following me. He even grabbed my hand." I said. I need to tell it to him. :(

"Where is he?" Myungsoo asked as he roamed his head around.

"I think he's somewhere on my back. The man with grey clothes and thick black hair."

"I think I saw him already, he's looking at you. Maybe that man likes you?" Myungsoo said calmly. He's just calm while I'm getting really scared here?! "Ya. Help meee." I whispered as I tugged on his shirt.

"Let's go somewhere, let's see if he still follow us. Hold my hand so you won't get lost okay?" Myungsoo explained. I nodded and grabbed his hand as an answer.


Aww. He's hand is so warm. :)


We walked down at the bench. The man is still secretly following us.

"Must have been fell inlove with you, Jiyeon-ah." Myungsoo silently teased. I hitted his arm as hard as I could. "No way! Agh."

"Hey, don't worry, I'm here." Myungsoo said as he smiled and nodded.


And with that, I feel I'm safe. :)


"The man is still following us, huh. Stalker." Myungsoo said as he s his hand on my waist.




"Hey, why are your hands on my wais-----" I said as I tried to remove his hands. "Psh. Just play along. We need to lose that man." He said as he gripped tightly but gently.


We look like lovers again. ;~;


Good thing Mavin isn't here..


Just then, Myungsoo turned me around so I can face him. He hugged me. I hugged him back, playing along. I think the man will go away now. Yeay..


Oops. The man went closer. "Hey, I'm getting scared." I whispered while still hugging him.


"Don't be."


Okay.. I feel safe again. XD


Just then, Myungsoo broke away from the hug and cupped my cheeks so he can see my face. He rested his forehead on mine.




Omg. Our face is really close. What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me?

Agh. I'm doomed. "Hey, Don't worry. I won't kiss you. I'm just doing this to drive that man away. Relax. As if I want to kiss you." He said. I can feel his breathe on my face already. Aigooo. He's so handsome. I think I will melt soon.

I tilted my face to the man's direction but he's not there anymore.




I broke away from the hug. I looked up at Myungsoo and smiled. "Hey, thanks."

"No problem. Good thing I'm a good actor."


"Yeah." I answered.


Awkward. -.-


"Anyways, can you wake me up at 8am tomorrow? I need to go to my dad's office."

"For what?"


"Oh. I think, you'll be arranged with someone. It's always like that." I said as I look at him.

He smiled. "Yeah, I think so." He smiled even though he's gonna be arranged married? That's one of the worst things that can happen especially if you don't want the girl that you're gonna marry. "It's okay with you?" I asked, I'm very curious.

He nodded. "It's business. There's nothing I can do about it. And besides, maybe it'a time that I look for another girl since Yoona doesn't want me anymore." He said seriously.

"Yoona promised that she'll come back for you, right?"

"HAHAHAHA. I was just joking about the last part. Ofcourse, you were our witness right? And, I would really say no. I don't want to be arranged married to someone I don't know. I rather marry you than doing that."


I rather marry you than doing that..


I rather marry you than doing that..


I rather marry you than doing that..


I rather marry you than doing that..


He rather marry me than being arranged married with someone...


Aigoo. He really said that?


"Ahahaha. You rather marry me? Oh please. It's a big yuck."


"What? Why? Hahaha. I'm saying the truth. I rather marry you than being arranged with someone else."


There. He said it again. ._.



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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T