If I Fall [32]

If I Fall


Myungsoo's POV

I woke up and saw Jiyeon and Hyomin noona talking outside. They we're laughing and laughing. Hahaha. They're both pretty. I tried to sit up. But. Agh. My head hurts. -__-
I looked around and saw a pale with water and ice. There's also a wet towel on my head. Ohh. What happened?
Just then, I saw a thermometer and decided to use it. Oh..
I got a fever. Tsk. -___-
Hm. Does anyone know the reason why I asked Jiyeon to cut school awhile ago? ;~;
It's because I suddenly missed her. That's why I felt bad when she was saying that she wants to go home. -.- But, still. I enjoyed.
Honestly, when Jiyeon is with me.. I suddenly forgot Yoona. Hahaha. And that's good because that means I'm starting to move on. But ofcourse, it would be always Yoona that I want to marry.
If I marry Yoona?
How about.. Jiyeon? :(
Lmao. Why am I thinking about Jiyeon?!?! I should be thinking about Yoona not Jiyeon. :(
Because I love Yoona that's why I need to think about her. Psh. I don't need to worry about Jiyeon anyway. Since Hoya is there for her.
Hoya is likes her..
I don't know why but I suddenly felt sad. 
If the two of them end up together, then that means Jiyeon is gonna leave me. :(
The next day

Hoya's POV

I'm at my room right now. Thinking about her.
I saw Jiyeon. She's going outside our school to meet Myungsoo. They're always together and I'm jealous. If Myungsoo isn't inlove with Yoona, everyone would think that they are inlove with each other. And.. They look like they're dating. They'll look like they are in a relationship.
So before that happens, I should make my move. Oh well.
I know. I love Jiyeon. I would always be here for her but I can't get close to her because Myungsoo is always with her. I should be that one, not Myungsoo.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still Myungsoo's friend. And.. We're still close. No war and no hard feelings.. I think?
That makes me remember what happened last week..
Woohyun, Myungsoo and I are playing basketball..
*run run run dribble dribble dribble shoot*
"Oh wait. Time out. I'm already hungry." Woohyun said. Myungsoo and I stopped running and looked at him as we breathe heavily. "Then buy food." Myungsoo said as he let out a soft and tired chuckle, "We're hungry too." He followed.
"Myungsoo's right. Go ahead." I said as I tried to push Woohyun away. We laughed as we saw Woohyun's face frown a bit.
"As if I got a choice. You guys wait for me here." Woohyun said before leaving. I heared Myungsoo dribbling the ball so I looked at him.
"Hey." I called him as he continue dribbling. He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah?" He answered as sweats drips down from his head.
"I want to tell you something." I said.
"What is it? Is it a secret? Hahah." He said as he was about to shoot the ball on the ring.
"I love Jiyeon.. So much." I said honestly. I looked at him and he sighed as he let out a awkward laugh.
"Y-you lik---- I mean.. LOVE Jiy-Jiyeon?'' He asked while stuttering. He looked down and I can see him frown. He look he is hurted.
Does that means.. He feels something for Jiyeon too? :( What about Yoona? T___T What about me?
"Yeah. Uhm. Actually, I'm planning to confess to her as soon as.. Possible." I said. I sighed and looked at him, "I know the two of you are really close. Can you help me be close to her?" I said.
His eyes widen. And it's confirmed. He feel something for Jiyeon too. "Psh. Me? Help you? Bro please. Are you gay to ask help from me?" He said as he laughed coldly. I know he feels uneasy.
"Oh. I'm not.. Just. Nevermind." I said. Tsk. Yeah. He obviously likes Jiyeon too. :( I better confess to Jiyeon before it's too late.
End of Flashback..
That means... I'm gonna confess to her today. I don't care if Myungsoo is there. -____- God. I feel nervous.
"Morning." Eunjung suddenly poked and smiled at me before she went inside our room as Jiyeon and Hyomin followed her and ofcourse, When I say Jiyeon.. Myungsoo is with them too. Yeah. Jiyeon and Myungsoo go to school at the same time.
Before sitting at his chair, Myungsoo looked at me and frowned a bit. He then looked at Jiyeon and held her hand. Jiyeon was shocked because Myungsoo suddenly hold her hand. But she smiled and patted his back after that.
Holding hands.. 
Are they on a relationship? What about me? What about Jiyeon and I? T____T
"Ya. If Yoona and Myungsoo didn't breakup, I would say that the two of you looked like you're in  a relationship." Woohyun said as he rested his arm around Hyomin, "Right, beautiful?" He asked Hyomin. But Hyomin flicked his forehead making him flinch a bit.
"No. We're not dating. Tsk." Jiyeon said as she pointed at Myungsoo and shook her head saying no.
Phew. I still got a chance! :)
At Lunch..
This is it. Myungsoo is not here. He's buying his and Jiyeon's food at the counter, and Jiyeon and I are sitting at out table.
I shouldn't waste this chance.
She looked at me and smiled. Damn pretty. "Yes?"
"Can we ta-talk?" I finally said. "Sure. About what?" She said as she smiled.
"I'll tell you something." I nervously said. This is it, Hoya. No more turning back. You shouldn't waste your chance. Because.. This is your last chance. My last chance before Myungsoo realize that he love Jiyeon. Fck.
"Sure. Hmm.. What is it?" She said as she tapped her fingers on the table and smiled.
"Let's talk outside. Can we?"
She nodded hyperly. "Must be secret huh?" She said as she stood up. "Let's talk there then." She said as she pointed at the tree outside. Yeah. The garden is located near our carteen.
When we reach that.. Jiyeon looked at me and smiled. "What is it, Hoya-ssi?" She asked.
It's time.
I pulled out a paper in my wallet and show it to her. It's the letter she wrote before she left. Hope she remember. :( She grabbed it and smiled. She opened and started reading it.. Her eyes widen a bit. "..W-wonnie."
"..." I looked at her not speaking.
"You're Wonnie?" She said as she look at me. "Right? You're Wonnie?"
I looked at her and nodded. Then.. She suddenly hugged me. Tightly. And I obviously like it. :) Hahahaha! 
"Wonnie-ah.. I missed you." Jiyeon whispered, still hugging me. "Sorry if I didn't have the chance to look for you." She followed as she squeezed my cheeks.
Yaaa. That hurts. -.- But.. I love it. :)
"It's okay. I'm here now." I said as I laughed. She smiled back and hugged me again. "Ah. Wonnie, you don't know how I much I missed you." God. I'm so happy. This is the best feeling ever. :)


Myungsoo's POV

I was walking back to our table when I noticed that only Hyomin noona, Eunjung and Woohyun are sitting there. "Where's Jiyeon?" I asked as I putted my food together with Jiyeon's food which I'm the one who ordered.
"I don't know. They're gone when we arrived here." Woohyun said. Hyomin noona nodded and sighed, "Maybe she's with Hoya-ssi?" She suggested. "Yeah. I think so." Eunjung answered.
Maybe she's with Hoya? 
I remembered something.
Hoya will confess to Jiyeon, right? :( I don't why but I suddenly felt sad and worried. I can my intestines twisting cause I'm nervous. I don't know why, but I feel bad whenever someone tells me that they like Jiyeon. I've got that feeling where I want Jiyeon always with me. I want it when I'm the only boy who talks Jiyeon. :( I'm scared that he might fall inlove with other man. :(
I'm scared that Jiyeon will leave me. T^T Maybe I should look for them. :( I mean I should look for Jiyeon.
"I'll just look for them." I said.
"Yeah. So we can start eating now. Hella hungry." Woohyun said.
I started walking away from them, and I decided to look for them at the library.
Not there.. :( So I decided to go to our classroom. Maybe they are there. Tsk. Yaaa. Jiyeon-ah. Don't leave me please.
Jiyeon and Hoya and still not there.. Maybe at the rooftop? Phew. I know It'll be hard for me to run there.. But I've got no choice. I need to do this before Hoya confessed.. Yeah, I'm really scared. I feel like Jiyeon is going to leave me when Hoya confessed to her and I really don't like it. Tsk.
I kept on running until I reached the rooftop. 
I looked around, they're not here too. Where are they? :( Where is Jiyeon? T___T
While walking, I saw Jihye and her friends again. They looked at me and looked at each other then started whispering with each other again. Psh.
"Tsk. I think the is done with playing with Myungsoo now." Jihye said, "I saw her at the garden with Hoya."
At the Garden?!
Phew. Good thing I heared Jihye and her friends talking about Jiyeon. They still call her . ;A; Psh. It hurts me when they say bad things about Jiyeon. Sht.
I ran towards the garden. I need to hurry up. :( Hurry up before something happens that I know I won't like it.
I know I've been selfish about Jiyeon. :( My possiveness with her is abnormal to the fact that I'm not his boyfriend. D; I'm not his boyfriend.. Because Yoona. I still haven't move on with her, but I KNOW I CAN LEAVE WITHOUT YOONA. :)
I don't know why, but Jiyeon is.. Nevermind. TT___TT
I ran abit faster as I reached the garden.. And there..
I saw them..
Hugging each other. :(
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glowglows #1
Chapter 56: υρ∂αтє ρℓєαѕєєє
rynn11zara #2
Chapter 56: UPDATE PLEASE..??
update pease T.T
JansJY08 #4
Chapter 56: Pls update!! Been missing this story.. Hehe. :)
Townieyeonie #5
Chapter 56: Im still waiting for your update
This is one of my favourite fanfic
I can't count how many i read this fanfic
And today i read it again ..
So .. Updats please
AngelinaTran #6
Chapter 56: Update pluzzz
AngelinaTran #7
Chapter 56: Plz updateee
kpopper1234 #8
Chapter 56: Waiting for your UD
Myjiyeon #9
Chapter 55: Didn't you say that you won't disappoint us and keep updating bcoz u love ur readers. But wats dis. You haven't updated till now?
moon_babydino #10
Chapter 56: please update authornim ? cheballlllllll T__________________T