Chapter 9 - Big Bang

Poisonous Love

“Seriously what is up with the people at this school?” Muzik mumbled staring down another pair of girls that were just staring at them from a distant table. Hana just chuckled and continued to eat her lunch.

“Don’t let it bug you, they all do it. Everyone at this school always thinks they are better than anyone else.” Hana explained as Muzik snorted some air.

“So what were you saying about Big Bang?” Celeste interrupted as Hana looked up.

“Well they are 5 boys, handsome, rich, spoiled, everything you can think of in a modern day prince.” Hana explained as they nodded.

“I’m guessing that’s them there.” Muzik mentioned pointing over to the group of guys that were walking down the aisle way in front of them, girls flocking them. Hana turned back sighing and nodded.

“The oldest, Choi Seunghyun or TOP oppa, he’s the one with the Blue Hair. No one has ever heard him speak, and some say when he does, his voice is something unnatural that it’ll make you melt in your seat.” Hana explained as Muzik kept her eyes on the man, the same man that she had seen earlier.

“Then the one next to him is Taeyang, his real name is Dong Youngbae. He’s the same age as you Muzik-unnie.” Hana explained as Muzik nodded from her spot.
“He’s a crazed dance fanatic.” She added.

“Then in the middle is their so called leader, Kwon Jiyong.” Hana explained as Celeste’s eyes shot open.

“The one with the white and black hair?” She asked as Hana nodded.

“Then the one smiling all the time is the only one that you’ll ever get close to that won’t either hit on you or tease you. He’s an angel.” Hana whispered almost getting lost in her own world before Muzik kicked the table.

“Daesung.” Muzik added as the girls turned to her surprised.

“You know him?” Aria asked as Muzik nodded.

“He sits next to me in class.” Muzik muttered going back to drinking her apple juice.

“He’s sweet isn’t he?” Hana asked with a glimmer in her eye as Muzik rolled her eyes.

“He’s alright.” She admitted shrugging before they turned their attention back to Hana.

“And then there’s Seungri, the youngest.” Hana added as Aria nodded.

“He’s in our class.” Aria mentioned as her older sisters nodded.


“Girls! Girls! Girls!” Seungri chanted as they were mobbed once again, trying to head to their usual table outside for some rest.

“So annoying.” Top whispered under her breath as they continued through the mob.

“Alright, girls, we need a rest, so can you guys head back in?” Jiyong asked as nicely as he could without baring his fangs at them. They all giggled at him charming smile before they took off running back to the school building.

“Finally.” Youngbae sighed plopping down on the green grass before lying down on his back in the shade.

“Man, they make me so exhausted.” Seungri mentioned sitting at the table in the shade.

“I don’t know how much more of this I can take. They smell so good.” Daesung chanted scanning the area his lips.

“Don’t even think about it.” Jiyong mentioned lying on the table, arms under his head, eyes shut.

“Oh come on Jiyong, just a bit.” Youngbae whined as Jiyong growled over shutting them up.

“You know what’ll happen if we do.” He added as they sighed in defeat.

“Hey so did you guys hear about the new transfers?” Seungri asked as they nodded.

“Haven’t seen them yet.” Youngbae answered being the only one that hadn’t.

“One is in my class.” Seungri, Daesung and Top answered at the same causing their eyes to shoot open.

“3?” Jiyong asked amused as they shrugged before nodding.

“Guess so.” Daesung added before his eyes connected with familiar ones.

“And there they are.” He mentioned as Jiyong quickly sat up along with Youngbae.

“Where?” he asked as Daesung gestured with his head.

“Can’t you smell them?” Seungri asked as Youngbae put his nose in the air before sniffing heavily.

“Oh I do now.” He said smirking amused as his eyes flashed from red to gold.
“You wanna know something weird.” Seungri added as they kept their eyes on the group.

“What is that?” Top asked uncaring as he stared up into the tree, manipulating the branches into designs without anyone noticing.

“I can’t read any of their minds.” He mentioned as Jiyong looked over shocked.

“B-but, you always can.” Youngbae asked confused as Seungri shrugged his shoulder.

“I can’t with them, it’s weird.” He mumbled as they continued to stare at them.

“Interesting.” Jiyong smirked, pulling his knee up to his chin, smirking over to the bunch.


Muzik’s eyes shot open in shock when her eyes connected with a familiar bunch across the yard, quickly she looked away. Hana had left to help their teacher with some extra credit activities, leaving the sisters alone.
“I don’t know about you guys, but there is something off about those guys.” Muzik added as Celeste looked up from her textbook.

“Why? Because they are unusually handsome and off from everyone else?” Celeste asked uncaring before going back to her book.

“Aria can you read anything off of them?” Muzik asked as Aria looked up, letting her eyes turn a dark green before going back to normal.

“Nothing out of the ordinary, but they keep looking at us.” Aria mentioned as the sisters looked up to see them all looking now.

“Don’t think anything of it; everyone’s staring at us because we’re new.” Celeste mentioned going back to her book. Muzik didn’t care what her sisters said, she didn’t like the look those 5 gave them.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *