Chapter 47 - It Can't Be

Poisonous Love

A few moments later, Muzik sat up against the brick wall of the alley, panting as she continued to glare at the guys still standing around.

“What are you all doing with your hands in your pants? Whatever you’re going to do, just do it.” Muzik hissed annoyed, feeling the throbbing in her face pound. Honestly, didn’t matter what they did. She was seconds away from shoving her foot up their asses.

“Don’t worry baby, we’re waiting for the perfect time, then you’ll be begging me to stop.” One huskily teased, kneeling down in front of her, a proud smirk covering her face.

“I wouldn’t want to catch syphilis from a douche bag like you.” Muzik muttered looking away from his annoyed expression. He immediately dropped his hand down across her face, sending Muzik to the ground coughing again.

“Bastard.” She hissed annoyed, staring at the ground before she sensed it. Someone was coming around the corner.


TOP didn’t have to search long. Her scent was beyond intoxicating from his stand point. The moment he teleported off school campus and across the street, her scent struck him like a semi. He hissed into the air, turning in all sorts of directions, looking for a direct hint. He froze, his eyes landing in one direction. He growled under his breath before marching down the street. He froze in front of an alleyway before turning to see that it went down quite a bit before turning. His ears perked up before his eyes narrowed, she was down there. Marching without a second thought he walked and came around the corner to a scene he had rather not seen.



Muzik’s eyes wavered as she watched TOP stalk around the corner, his eyes wide with rage. She winced a bit when she tried to move only pissing him off further.

“Well lookie who showed up.” The one now standing in front of Muzik spat.

“Let her go.” TOP growled as the same man gestured his head towards the group of guys with him. Immediately they began attacking TOP who accepted the hits towards him as he fell to the ground in heap. It’s not like it hurt but he had to play the part.
“Seunghyun.” Muzik whispered worried and pissed off as he looked up to connect eyes with her.
“Don’t worry. I’m ok.” He promised as she nodded slowly, looking to the man standing with his back to her. She had to get out of this and permanently get them to leave her alone.

“Junho, let her go. You’re beef is with us.” TOP warned from the ground as the man chuckled, unamused.

“Actually, I quite like playing with her.” Junho admitted turning to look at Muzik still leaning against the wall.

“Junho.” TOP warned once more before Junho reached down, pulling her up by her shoulders to push her against the wall.

“How about we have some fun, shall we?” He asked amused as she glared at him, not expecting what was happening now. His lips pinned itself to hers, his hands prying her face from turning away from his assault.

“HEY!” TOP shouted now fuming as he got up only to have the other 6 guys jump him. He thrashed, trying not to critically hurt them but he was only seeing red now. He wasn’t the only one. Muzik weaved her hands up Junho’s chest before landing on his neck. She dug her fingernails into his neck as he pulled away ready to rip her off before he noticed the smirk across her face.

“You’ll die for that.” She muttered before ing her head forward, connecting with his nose once again. He dropped immediately holding his nose as she wiped her blood stained mouth across the sleeve of her jacket.

“Disgusting prick.” She hissed walking over before launching her fist into his face just as he looked up to her.

“Touch me again and I’ll castrate you in front of your groupies.” Muzik hissed before kicking him in his stomach sending him rolling to his side.

“!” One of his groupies shouted running at her as she smirked through pain. This would be fun, even without her powers. She dodged his fist turning around with her leg already in the air, making contact with the side of his head. The man fell to the ground holding his head as she heard yelling going on behind her. Quickly she turned to see TOP fighting the ones around him. She couldn’t deny it, he looked incredibly attractive punching someone’s brains in.

“Muzik! Go!” TOP commanded as one of the guys dropped to the ground unresponsive, she easily scoffed, walking over, grabbing one of the guys by the hair, yanking him away.
“Muzik! Go!” He commanded once more as she snorted, kicking the guy in the groin as he bent over in pain only for her to grab the hair at the back of his head to drive her knee into his face. He fell to the ground thrashing as someone jumped her from behind, wrapping their arms around her neck trying to choke her out.

“Muzik!” TOP shouted seeing the danger she was in, but clearly to her, she was far from that. Leaning her body a little to the right, she jab her elbow as hard she could into the guys ribs sending a gasping sound through her ear. Once his clutch on her loosened a bit, she grabbed one of his arms at the wrist, twisting her body around before holding his now twisted arm to his back.
“AHHHHHHHH!” He yelled causing her to smirk before she pushed a bit more hearing that all too familiar crack in his arm. He screamed this time as she dropped her elbow into the spot where his neck and shoulder met, cutting off his pain as he dropped to the ground unconscious. She panted turning to see TOP punch the last one out, dropping him to the ground before looking at her worried.

Why’d you come?” Muzik asked her eyes cold causing him to look at her confused.

They sent a letter to the school for me.” He explained as she scoffed, touching her nose lightly before groaning in pain.
Are you ok?” TOP asked concerned, taking the few steps over to stand in front of her.

I’m fine, it’s nothing.” She whispered rubbing her stomach as he looked down at it worried.

Can I see?” He asked unsure as her eyes flashed up to him confused.
See what?” She asked immediately pulling her arm away from her stomach.

Muzik-ah, I know your hurt, let me see.” He whined causing her to smirk. With a deep voice like that, whining sounded hilarious.

What?” He asked confused by her smile as she shook her head, looking away.

Don’t change the subject, show me.” TOP commanded as she sighed, looking around before forcefully lifting her shirt just a little bit. TOP hissed when he saw the large bruise already forming on her right side.

“It doesn’t hurt that much.” Muzik muttered bravely as TOP leaned forward, placing his finger gently on it causing Muzik to wince involuntarily.

Doesn’t hurt that much?” TOP mocked as Muzik rolled her eyes, pulling her shirt down to cover her stomach.

I’m fine.” Muzik muttered reaching up to touch her nose.

Damn nose.” She scoffed, blowing out of it only to groan when a load of blood flowed out and to the ground.
“Crap.” She hissed as TOP pulled his handkerchief from his coat pocket before handing it to her.

Here.” He offered as she turned to see the handkerchief in his hand.

You sure?” She asked unsure as he nodded, holding it closer to her. Slowly she reached out and took it before holding it to her nose.
We should probably get you to the hospital.” He explained in a sigh, pulling out his cellphone.
No, I’ll have my sisters take me.” She quickly covered as he looked at her worried.

Are you sure? I can take you.” He offered seriously as she sighed, walking over to pick up her backpack before turning to him.

I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” She promised, patting his shoulder before limping away. He bit his lip, looking in anger down to the bodies now lying around. He didn’t cherish humanity but he was not evil like others, he would not stoop low enough to their level and kill these men, no matter how much he wanted to at that moment. He stood there for a moment more before his eyes scanned the area down to where she had been laying there moments ago, a small pool of blood still present. Biting his lip and looking away, a gust of wind blew through the empty alleyway, sending the scent of her blood directly at him. Immeidately his eyes shot open and over to it in surprise.

"It can't be." 

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *