Chapter 39 - Why Me?

Poisonous Love

“Ha! There she is, just as I thought.” Seungri whispered his search coming to an end as he found Aria sitting alone on the grass hill just to the side of the softball field where they would be holding the fireworks. He chuckled, holding the panda bracelet he had bought just a bit earlier at one of the booths. He had noticed the more he was around her, the more he would notice the various panda items she had. Maybe she had an obsession with them. He found it ironic that it was a panda out of all animals, not only did the other Big Bang brother’s tell him constantly that he looked like a panda, but she liked them too. Quietly sneaking over he plopped down, smiling when she flinched before looking over to him, sighing in relief.

“Did I scare you?” He asked smugly as she pulled her knees to her chest before resting her arms across it.

“You always do.” She whispered causing him to chuckle as he sighed, looking to the field where they were setting everything up.

“About what happened earlier today.” He started as she hesitantly side eyed him speaking.

“You like me, don’t you?” He asked finally to turn and smile at her. She blushed with wide eyes before quickly looking away. Biting her lip, she began to panic. She didn’t know how it was possible, but for some strange reason, this boy sitting next to her made her heart do things that she never had experienced before.

“Come on, just admit it.” He whined elbowing her as she ignored him, curling a stray hair behind her ear.

“If you admit it, I’ll give you something I bought for you earlier.’ He bribed causing her eyes to shoot open before slowly looking over.

“You, bought me something?” She whispered surprised as he nodded, pulling out a small blue bag from his coat pocket before holding it up.

“I saw it earlier and thought of you, I’m sure you’ll love it.” He added smiling at her now interested expression. She stared at the bag, overly interested before looking over to see him smiling at her. She bit her lip, turning away quickly being caught.

“You’re adorable when you blush, has anyone told you that?” He asked teasingly as she shut her eyes, laying her head across her arms.

“No guys ever spoken to me before.” She admitted as his eyes shot open.

“Never?” He asked slightly startled by the honesty.

“Because of my sisters and our family always transferring, boys seem to stay away from me or tease me.” She spoke embarrassed sitting up as he continued to stare at her.

“Why does your family keep transferring?” He asked as she froze before looking over with a fake expression.

“My aunt works for the some financial company, so we’re constantly moving with her transfers.” She explained as he looked away nodding in understanding.

“Must be hard, always having to move around, learn new languages and customs, huh?” He asked as she nodded, looking to the bonfire being brightly in the middle of the field.

“We never have a chance to make friends or anything because we’re always moving. It gets hard as we get older.” She whispered while Seungri side eyed her expression.

“What about your parents? Where are they?” He asked as she froze again, looking down to the bracelet sitting on her arm.

“They died. A long time ago.” She whispered as he suddenly felt saddened for asking.

“I’m so sorry for intruding.” He quickly apologized as she shook her head, looking up, avoiding any eye contact.

“It was a long time ago, 7 years ago. I’m fine now.” She spoke bravely as he smiled, sliding the bag over to rest on her knee. She blinked in surprise, quickly grabbing the bag that was threatening to fall off her lap.

“Open it.” He quickly urged as she looked to the bag and then up to him. Why would someone like him be so interested in a nobody like her? Hesitantly she looked around before her eyes landed on the bag in her lap again, unfolding the top slowly, she pulled open the bag before dumping the contents into her palm. Gasping when she saw what was now sitting in her hand. He smiled brightly, seeing the expression he had hoped to see come off of her.


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“I saw you have a lot of panda items, so I thought of you when I saw this at one of the booths.” Seungri mentioned leaning back on his hands while he continued to watch her expression. Aria couldn’t even speak when she pulled up the bracelet to look at it closely. It was so cute, exactly something she would wear, but why would he get her something?

“Why did you buy this for me?” She asked never looking up from the bracelet. He quickly sat up, confused by her tone of voice.

“I figured you would want it.” He answered as she sighed, clenching her fist around it before letting go, slipping it back into the bag before holding it out to him. She didn’t want this to be some trick, he was using her, he wanted her to be his new toy? Seungri blinked in confusion, looking down to the bag being held out at him then up her arm to her serious expression looking to the fire.

“No, I bought it for you.” He spat pushing the bag back towards her as her head whipped over to face him.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked sternly as she looked around then to her.

“Doing what?” he asked as she sighed, nudging the bag before looking up to him.

“Why would you buy something like this for someone like me? I don’t even know you, you don’t know me. It’s not even my birthday either.” She quickly explained as he sighed, seeing where this conversation was heading. He grabbed her hand holding the bag before holding it between both his hands.

“Do I need to a reason to buy the girl I like something?” He asked looking down to her hand in his. She blushed at the comment before looking down to his surprisingly cold hands. She had to admit, it was quite a relief to hold or even touch someone without having their personal thoughts invading her mind.

“Why would someone like you like someone like me? You have all those other girls flaunting over you, I have nothing to give you.” She whispered hurt as he sighed, grabbing her hand before pulling her off the ground.

“Come with me.” He quickly urged pulling her alongside him to the secluded place behind the school. He let go of her as she stumbled against the wall, slightly startled.

“If you plan on doing something funny to me, I have to warn you.” She quickly went on the defense as he turned to her before sighing in defeat.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” He whined as she stayed with her back against the wall, both of them now hidden in the dark.

“I like you Aria.” He finally admitted as her eyes shot open in surprise.

“I know you don’t believe me because of all the rumors that go around about me and the other boys. But they’re not true.” He whined stepping closer to her, holding both her hands in his begging.

“I know it may take a while for you to trust me or even believe me, but start now. I would never lie to you.” He whispered as she looked up to see that his eyes were perfectly visible through the night light.

“Why would you like me? I’m a nobody.” She whispered unsure as he pulled his hands up to rest her hands on his chest.

“Because you aren’t like anybody.” He admitted as her heart quickened.

“I know we’ve just met, like a few weeks ago, but at least give me a chance.” He whispered reaching one hand up to rest on her cheek. She involuntarily flinched.

“Maknae!” A voice suddenly snapped causing the pair to flinch in surprise before looking over to see the other Big Bang boys minus TOP now standing a few feet from them.

“Oh, guys, hey.” Seungri suddenly spoke nervously, standing in front of Aria to block her from view.

“What are you doing over here? We’ve been calling your phone for the last 30 minutes.” Jiyong hissed as Seungri chuckled nervously.

“It’s dead, sorry Hyung.” Seungri apologized, holding the bag out for Aria who was still behind him.

“Well it’s time to go watch the firework show, let’s go.” Youngbae hissed gesturing with his hand to the Maknae.

“Actually I’m going to watch with a friend already. You guys go on without me.” Seungri explained as Daesung tilted his head before smirking.
“Let’s go guys, Seungri will be fine.” Daesung interjected as Jiyong’s eyes shot open.

“What?! NO!” He shouted as Daesung sighed, pulling Jiyong to turn away forcefully.

“You too!” Daesung reached over for Youngbae who sighed and turned.

“Nice seeing you Aria-ah!” Daesung shouted teasingly as Daesung pulled the pair away. Once they were out of view, Seungri and Aria let out a breath they had been holding.

“That was so nerve wrecking.” Seungri muttered under his breath before turning to look at Aria.

“It doesn’t seem like they like me.” She whispered stilling looking in the direction the 3 had disappeared in.

“Don’t worry about them. They aren’t used to this type of thing.” He admitted smiling.

“Anyways, let’s get back to the fireworks before they come back.” Seungri offered as Aria narrowed her eyes at Seungri. Aria wasn’t sure if this was the right choice, but something in her heart was telling her to give the man a chance. There must be a reason why he was different around her abilities.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *