Chapter 46 - Pathetic

Poisonous Love

Muzik pulled Celeste heavy body into the house, looking around panicked, keeping her eyes peeled for their aunt. Grunting and fighting to stay standing, Muzik pulled Celeste up the stairs to where she knew her younger sister was. Once she got to the top of the stairs, she peeked into the first bedroom, being their aunts to see her sprawled out across the comforter, asleep. Thanking anything heavenly currently watching over the pair, she struggled to pull Celeste to the one door that was thankfully cracked open enough for her to kick in, anything but gently. Aria jumped startled before turning around in horror.

“Oh my god! What happened to her?!” Aria shouted as Muzik dropped Celeste onto her bed.
“Shut the door and lock it.” Muzik mentioned out of breath, collapsing to her knees at the side of the bed to catch her breath.

“What happened?” Aria ran over looking for answers as Muzik ignored her ranting and continued to try search for her breath.

“Muzik.” Aria called urgent as Muzik hissed over at her.
“Can you shut up for two seconds?! I had to carry her from the bus stop two blocks away, I feel like my lungs are suffocating!” Muzik snapped before going back to gasping for air. Aria sat their silent, knowing that she shouldn’t push her boundaries when it came to Muzik. She grabbed a wet cloth from her bathroom before walking over to clean up the wound a bit. Finally when Muzik had calmed down, she pulled herself to stand.

“What happened?” Aria asked immediately, looking to her sister for answers.

“You need to heal her first before it gets infected.” Muzik commanded as Aria gestured to her bracelet.

“Aunt Jayde put an incantation on the house; we can use them freely within the house boundaries.” Muzik muttered sprawling out on the bed as Aria pulled her bracelet off hesitantly before feeling her power engulf her. She placed her hands a few centimeters from Celeste tattered shoulder before muttering an incantation under her breath. A red light shown from the younger woman’s hand before encasing her shoulder, slowly healing the burnt skin. Muzik on the other hand stood and walked over to stand at the large window.

“Muzik, what happened?” Aria asked once she was done as Muzik sighed.

“We got mobbed by a demon.” Muzik answered in monotone causing the younger woman’s eyes to widened.

“Here? Demon?” Aria asked surprised as Muzik sighed and nodded.

“A Middle class. He jumped us while we were in the park.” Muzik growled as Aria looked to Celeste’s healed shoulder then to her other sister.

“What were you guys doing at the park? I thought you were going to be in the library all day?” Aria asked confused as Muzik loked over.

“We were. We ended up going to a coffee shop across from the library.” Muzik first explained as Aria nodded.

“I was trying to dig through my mind for memories or anything. I got memories and visions of the past when we used to play with the birds in mom’s garden, you remember?” Muzik asked over her shoulder as aria nodded.

“Another vision was presenting itself, one that I knew was important to our search, but it stopped.” Muzik whispered as Aria looked to her confused.
“It stopped? You stopped it?” Aria asked confused as Muzik shook her head.

“It forced itself to stop.” Muzik explained striking Aria’s interest further.

“That’s never happened.” Aria whispered in realization.
“When I tried to fight it, to keep it going so I could see what it was about, my head began to throb like I got stabbed through the forehead.” Muzik added now massaging her forehead.

“I’ve never had a vision disappear on its own.” Muzik mentioned in thought as she stared out the window to the town below.
“When took a break in the park when celeste was trying to get me home, that’s when the bastard pulled a cheap shot.” Muzik hissed annoyed.

“Did you……kill it?” Aria asked unsure as Muzik nodded.

“I froze him then shattered his brains across the pavement.” Muzik smirked at the thought of her revenge going as she planned.

“How did he even find you guys? These bracelets are supposed to protect us.” Aria mentioned looking to the bracelet now sitting on her knee.

“I’m starting to wonder if these bracelets only protect us from bloodsuckers. That disgusting demon mentioned being able to smell us. He knew who I was before I even said anything.” Muzik explained as Aria sighed.

“Well that’s comforting. We can easily hide from Vampires but not Demons.” Aria mumbled under her breath.


The girls hadn’t gained anything from their search aside from the constant mention about the dark sun and betrayal.


Monday soon came as the three sisters made their way to school.

“Have you seen anything since?” Celeste asked as they stood close to each other on the train towards their destination. Muzik just shook her head quietly before looking away to the faces on the train. Something wasn’t right. Her skin was crawling for some reason as she looked around.

“What is it?” Aria whispered to her sister who looked at them.

“Something isn’t right.” She whispered looking around as both sisters began to look around quietly for something out of the ordinary. Suddenly the train began to bounce around before the breaks shot on. Everyone screamed as the train thrashed, trying to fight the breaks that had been put on suddenly. Muzik threw herself around her younger sister as Celeste did the same to both sisters. Celeste turned her eyes to look around the dimly lit cart, the lights flashing on and off as everyone began to stumble. Her eyes flashed to the roof of the cart to see someone walking above them.
“Someone is above us.” Celeste whispered to Muzik whose eyes turned to look up to the metal roof.

“Who?” Aria asked as the cart jolted again, sending the sisters into the now empty seats next to them.

“Demon.” Muzik whispered in realization as her eyes turned teal, welcoming the exact vision she had been waiting for. She hissed, blinking her eyes a few times before turning to look at Celeste’s worried faces.

“We need to get everyone out of this train. They are going to kill them.” Muzik panicked as Aria’s eyes shot open.

“They?” She asked in a shaky voice as the train jolted again, sending the girls to the ground this time.

“There are about 4 of them. Class A.” She muttered pulling herself to stand against one of the poles.

“We need to get these people out of here then.” Celeste pulled herself to stand just as Muzik nodded. They waited a few seconds as the train came to a complete stop in the middle of a dark tunnel.

“Everyone! You need to get out of here!” Muzik shouted running to the first door, forcing it open with the help of an older gentlemen. The first pair of people jumped out of the cart and to the ground only to be scooped up by something snarling in the darkness. Everyone began to scream again as the sisters kept their eyes peeled.

“Go! Run!” Celeste shouted as everyone began peeling out of the back of the train, running in the direction of the last stop they had rolled past. Muzik watched closely, her eyes scanning the darkness as something jumped off the nearest wall towards a woman and her young child. She screamed as Muzik shot off the train, her knee aimed directly at the creatures chin, sending him flying into the wall with much force.

“Go!” Muzik yelled at the woman, who bowed her thanks before running to catch up with everyone.

“Muzik!” Celeste yelled as both herself and Aria jumped off the train to be stopped by a pair of creatures. They froze, Celeste’s hand immediately reaching out for Aria’s. Suddenly pain shot through Muzik as she fell back into the rubble of the tracks, holding her throbbing stomach.
“Well, well, well, look at the irony of our choice. The Alessandro sisters.” The voice hissed as Muzik flipped her hair out of her face before hissing up at the deformed creature.

“Muzik! Are you alright?” Aria called over as Muzik pulled herself to stand, throwing her bag to the ground.
“I’m fine. Concentrate.” Muzik scolded as Aria’s eyes turned to the pair in front of them.

“What are you guys doing here?” Celeste spat as they began to chuckle.

“You must not know.” Another voice spoke as the 3 sisters looked to the top of the train where a man was now sitting comfortably.

“Know what?” Celeste hissed as the man opened his mouth to answer.

“There is a reward for our heads going around.” Muzik answered instead as the man wooed.

“It seems it’s not a secret anymore.” He praised as Muzik snorted.

Not really, considering the pathetic waste of space from yesterday made sure to explain it in detail before I splattered his brains across the grass.” Muzik mentioned proudly turning to the creature now hissing in front of her.

“You killed Michael?” The one above the train asked through his teeth as Muzik rolled her eyes.
“Kill them. All of them.” The man hissed as Muzik readied in her stance. The man growled loudly before swinging his now long claws out at her. Muzik barely dodged them as she flipped backwards, her boot covered foot making contact with the beasts jaw. A crunching sound echoed through the empty tunnel followed by a howl in pain. Muzik stood, pushing her hair out of her face before looking to her sisters.


Celeste was pinned against the train, one of her arms positioned at the beasts neck, keeping him from biting her, while the other hand attempted to pull his hand off . Aria on the other hand was pinned under one, the same position as she tried to push him off of her.

“Take off your bracelets!” Muzik shouted before she was tossed effortlessly into the opposite wall. She felt a trickle of something warm, run down her eye as she blinked it away annoyed. They immediately pulled their bracelets off as the beast ran at her only to run straight into her force field. She pulled herself slowly from the rubble before grunting when striking pain ran through her arm. Bastard.


Aria immediately put her hand to the beast mouth and muttered an ancient incantation. Her eyes shown purple as a muggy black mist began to pour out of her palm and directly into the creatures mouth. His eyes shot open in realization before he rolled off of her, his claws scratching at his throat, trying to rid it of the poison she had instilled in him suddenly. Aria sat up coughing, trying to catch her breath as she held her neck and watched the beast thrash on the ground beside her before turning to ash.


Celeste created a long ice katana from her hand before slashing out at the creature. He fell away from her, now holding his split stomach in pain, a purple ooze falling from his stomach as he growled up at her. She coughed, holding as it allowed air in slowly.

“Bastard.” She hissed at him annoyed as the ice sword melted to the ground in front of her, her palm now welcoming a fireball, large enough to encase the beasts head. He growled at her, throwing himself at her as she shoved the fireball into the pit of his spilt stomach before smirking.

“Die.” She hissed turning her fist as it gulped before falling to the ground unresponsive.


Muzik was panting as she leaned against the wall, the beast she had been fighting now ripped to pieces in front of her thanks to the vines she had produced from the ground. She glared towards the man now glaring at them from the top of the train.

“You’re turn.” Muzik smirked as it scoffed.

“We will meet again sisters. Trust me.” He welcomed before disappearing into a flurry of dust. Muzik immediately fell to the ground holding her shoulder in pain as the other sisters ran to her aid.
“Muzik! Are you ok?” Aria asked worried as Muzik shook her head.

“Heal my shoulder and head, hurry.” Muzik begged as Aria got right on it.


Once Muzik was healed, the sisters had no time to survey the dead corpses lying across the tracks. They knew someone wouldn’t be far behind looking for them. Slipping on their bracelets quickly, they began running towards the nearest station before climbing onto the platform seeing that it was empty they made their way to the top to see where they were and head to school.


“Three.” Seungri mentioned as the group appeared in the train tunnel seconds later. Jiyong hissed walking to the nearest one who now laid in pieces, kicking it slightly annoyed.

“How is it we keep missing them?” Taeyang asked annoyed as TOP sighed.

“It’s obvious, they have some sort of contraption that is keeping them hidden from us.” TOP explained as he looked to another beast with a hole burned into his stomach.

“But what’s with all the demon characters? We usually never get these many appearances.” Daesung added confused as the 5 stood around.

“What should we do Jiyong-ah?” Taeyang asked as the leader sighed, his angry red eyes glowing in the darkness.

“We need to find them, quick.” Jiyong commanded as the group nodded.


“Damn, I got some blood on my uniform.” Muzik muttered annoyed as she tried to adjust her neck tie to fix her collar.

“Just put your hair down.” Celeste whined as Muzik rolled her eyes, pulling her hair out of the high ponytail it had been sitting in. She stopped momentarily adjusting her hair over her shoulder before looking to a small mart across the street from the school.

“Oh, I’ll meet you guys there.” Muzik waved them off, immediately stepping into the store and out of sight before they could reject.

“Should we go with her?” Aria asked unsure as Celeste sighed.

“No, she’ll be fine. We’re only across the street after all.” Celeste brushed it off, looking both ways before making her way across the street to the school’s gate.


Muzik on the other hand, scanned the shelves, looking for anything appealing to the eye and stomach.

“Omo, you are so pretty.” A voice startled Muzik who looked over to see the marts owner smiling at her.

“Ah, thank you.” Muzik bowed her head in thanks, slightly embarrassed.

“Are you foreign?” The older woman asked from behind the counter causing Muzik to nod.

“You go to school, there?” She asked pointing across the street as Muzik nodded.

“Woah, beautiful and smart.” The woman further praised causing Muzik to smirk unintentionally. Muzik turned back to the shelf she had been gawking at a few moments before and grabbed a bag of crackers that caught her attention.
“Hm.” She hummed to herself looking for something to drink as she came across a simple bottle of orange juice. Grabbing it and turning to maneuver around the shop to the counter, the woman smiled and rang up her items. Muzik pulled out the exact amount before handing it to the woman.

“Thank you dear.” The woman smiled as Muzik took the treats before turning only to run directly into something. When she noticed what and who it was, she adjusted her uniform and sighed in annoyance. These guys really don’t give up.

“Hey, you boys, leave, now.” The elderly woman behind her yelled in her defense. The boys just snorted, waving off the woman.
“Best shut your trap Ahjumma, if you know what’s best.” One threatened causing Muzik to glare at him.

“It is alright Ahjumma; I can take care of it.” Muzik looked over her shoulder, bowing her head as the woman hesitantly nodded.

“Now, how about you come with us and finish what you started.” The man from a few days ago, that she had kicked in the face hissed, grabbing her hair before pulling her out of the store and down the street, stopping in an empty alleyway. What was up with these dudes and alleyways? He tossed her to the ground anything but soft as she caught herself on all four on the pavement. She hissed in annoyance, flipping her hair out of her face to glare up at them, only to have a foot fly at her face. She should have seen that one coming. She groaned, holding her nose as she lay on the ground in pain and annoyance.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” The one that kicked her spat as she sat up spitting the blood that was now flowing out of her nose uncontrollably. If she was allowed to use her powers against him, she’d pin him to the wall, rip his teeth out and force feed it to him, just to watch amused as he choked on them. Forcing herself to stand, another took a cheap shot repaying her as he kicked directly in her stomach. Almost immediately she dropped to ground groaning, her arms tightly wrapped around her abdomen, trying to ease the pain.

“Bas-tard.” She hissed spitting another gulp of blood out on the ground in front of her.

“Feeling great, doesn’t it?” One spat as she rolled her eyes and looked up to them unamused.

“If we’re done here, I’m going to be late for school.” Muzik hissed as she stood up, uncaringly pushing past them as one grabbed her arm and threw her against the wall.

“Nope, we’re not done with you.” He smirked as Muzik sighed, this was about to be a long day.


“Hyung!” Seungri ran down the hallway as fast as he could, in search of the elder member.

“Ri? What’s going on?” Jiyong asked coming up the stairs to see Seungri running past him, ignoring his question.

“What the hell?” Jiyong muttered under his breath confused before running to follow the Maknae.

“Hyung!” Seungri shouted looking in and out of classrooms, a folded piece of paper sitting in his hand.

“Ri!” Taeyang shouted seeing the Maknae peek in his class.

“Hyung, have you seen Seunghyun Hyung?” Seungri asked frantic as Taeyang stood, shaking his head.
“No, what’s going on?” Taeyang asked confused as Seungri put a frustrated hand through his hair.

“They got her.” Seungri said before running out the door.
“They got her?” Taeyang muttered under his breath confused before seeing Jiyong running after the maknae.

The moment Seungri kicked in the roof door, the man standing alone against the railing turned to him annoyed.

“What are you doing up here?” TOP spat annoyed as Seungri’s eyes widened before he ran over towards him.

“Hyung!” Seungri lunged at him, grabbing onto the collar of his coat. TOP looked down at him annoyed before ripping him off and pushing him to the ground.

“Get off me.” TOP spat about to walk past him to head back into the building.

“They have Muzik-ah!” Seungri shouted as TOP froze in mid step, turning to look at Seungri with his now glowing red eyes.
“What?” He spat, his fangs slowly protruding as Seungri yanked out the paper before handing it over. TOP ripped it out of his hand before unfolding it.


Seems like you enjoy having fun just as much as we do. We plan to enjoy your lady friend for a few, don’t worry, we’ll make sure it’s painful yet enjoyable for….me.


TOP growled, the edges of the note slowly ripping before he looked up to the sky.

“Hyung!” Jiyong shouted just as TOP flashed out of view sending the two confused members sighing.
“What’s going on?” Taeyang asked frantic as Seungri stood up, dusting himself off.

“Those douche bags from CheongPyeong got Muzik-ah.” Seungri mentioned as both guys eyes shot open in shock.
“What? When?” Jiyong asked worried as Seungri shrugged.

“When I came in someone left a note in my locker about it.” Seungri explained as Jiyong sighed.

“Ri, go find Daesung-ah, we should go incase Hyung loses himself.” Jiyong explained seriously as Seungri nodded, running off.

“What about her sisters?” Taeyang asked hesitantly as Jiyong sighed.

Best not to tell them, that’s two more we’ll have to worry about.” Jiyong muttered annoyed as Taeyang nodded.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *