Chapter 28 - Festival Morning

Poisonous Love

“Yippee, Festival Day.” Muzik announced with less to no enthusiasm.

“Can’t you sound excited?” Celeste walking past her bathroom as Muzik rolled her eyes before pulling out her toothbrush.

“Hell no, they are making me dress up, then I have to be dunked in water after that.” Muzik whined trying to hold the foam from her toothpaste inside .

“Why? What are they making you wear?” Celeste asked interested while Muzik leaned over the sink and spit.

“It was either one of those disgusting maid outfits or a dress I pick to sing in.” Muzik explained, looking at herself in the mirror while she now curled her hair.

“So what are you wearing?” Celeste smirked as Muzik sighed, rolling her eyes.

“A dress mom would have killed to see me in.” Muzik answered in a low voice before turning to the mirror.

“Wait. Are you wearing mom’s red dress Aunt Jayde gave you?” Celeste asked with wide eyes as Muzik continued to stare into the mirror. She knew her mom would have been so happy to see her wear her dress, anywhere, even if it was just to the store, she would have been happy. It wasn’t something fancy but it was cute, something she would wear for this one time.

“If this gets me out of wearing that godforsaken maid outfit, I’ll do it.” Muzik mentioned pushing past celeste and into her room.


ff #2


“Aria, are you ready to go?!” Celeste shouted walking past her room only to flinch when it opened suddenly.

“I’m ready.” Aria answered as Celeste looked over to see her dressed with a bandage around her thigh, making it seem like she had seen the doctors.

“Make sure you limp, or wearing that will be for nothing.” Muzik mentioned walking past the sister before going down the stairs.

“What’s her problem?” Aria whispered looking after her sisters disappearing figure down the stairs.

“It’s Muzik, does she need a reason to be angry with everyone.” Celeste groaned annoyed before walking down the stairs.


Muzik plopped her bag down on the couch before walking into the kitchen, immediately digging for a cinnamon and brown sugar pop-tart from the box above the fridge.

“I’ll be by around noon-ish to check out the booths.” Aunt Jayde announced when she walked into the kitchen to find the 3 girls eating their separate breakfasts.

“You’ll see Aria before you see any of us.” Muzik mentioned before sipping her milk.

“What are you doing at the festival Muzik?” Aunt Jayde asked in interest as the young girl sighed before flipping her hair out of her face.

“I’m singing in a café.” She answered as Aunt Jayde’s eyes shot open.

“You are?” She asked surprised as Muzik sighed and nodded.

“Damn club president wouldn’t stop crawling up my about it.” She muttered as Aunt Jayde reached over and whacked the back of her head.

“Watch your mouth!” She scolded as Muzik rubbed her now throbbing head.

“Well it’s true! You should have seen the guy, everywhere I went, he came at me with those puppy dog eyes and he kept saying ‘pweaseee’. I swear to god, if he did it one more time I was going to blow chunks.” Muzik explained using her hands before she stood up.

“Well I’m heading out, I have to be there early.” Muzik mumbled annoyed, leaning over the couch for her bag.

“What’s in the bag?” Aunt Jayde asked as Muzik continued on her way out the door after slipping her shoes on.


Muzik slipped her shoes on at the door before feeling an presences behind her. Standing from the step she had been sitting on to slip her feet in, she sighed seeing that it was Celeste now slipping her own shoes on.

“You can just stay, I know my way to the school.” Muzik muttered annoyed as she slipped on a simple grey cardigan.

“No, I have to be there early too.” Celeste mentioned as Muzik sighed loudly before reaching for the handle. She froze. A vision drifted through her head before finally leaving.

“What? What is it?” Celeste asked worried knowing that look on her sisters face anywhere. She simply sighed before looking over her shoulder to glare at her older sister.

“What?” She asked as Muzik curled a hair behind her head.

“Aria! Hurry up! I’ll walk you to the school!” Muzik shouted over her sisters shoulder.

“Hey! Why aren’t you walking me?” Celeste asked outraged causing Muzik to chuckle amused.

“You have a walking buddy already.” She mentioned as celeste blinked in confusion.

“Would you stop with the cryptic code and just tell me what the hell you saw?!” Celeste shouted annoyed while Aria and Aunt Jayde walked around the corner.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! What’s going on in here?” Aunt Jayde asked as Muzik turned her attention to her little sister.

“Muzik had a vision that was obviously about me and won’t tell me anything.” Celeste whined while Aunt Jayde looked to the rebel sister.

“Muzik. What’s going on? What did you see?” Aunt Jayde asked only before ignored by Muzik.

“You got everything?” Muzik asked as Aria hesitantly nodded down to her bag, slipping her shoes on.

“Good, let’s go.” Muzik announced grabbing Aria’s hand and tugging her out the door.

“Hey! Why can’t I walk with you?!” Celeste followed as the walked down the driveway to the gate. Muzik pressed the code for it to open, as it slowly slid open showing an unlikely person standing there. Muzik sighed before looking over to her startled sisters.

“Morning.” He said with an unusual smile causing the 2 surprised sisters to smile back politely.

“Well, we’ll see you at school.” Muzik mentioned to Celeste, grabbing Aria’s arm before pulling her away from them.

“H-Hey!” Celeste shouted after her sisters, only receiving a back wave from Muzik.

“Damn her. That’s what she saw.” Celeste whispered under her breath.

“She saw?” He asked confused while she quickly chuckled nervously before turning to him.

“So what brings you here Woohyun.” She asked surprised to see him in front of their house nonetheless.

“I was actually walking to school for the festival and remember you mentioned you lived somewhere around here. Pretty lucky that I stopped in front of the right house.” He mentioned pointing at her house causing her to chuckle and nod.

“Ironic.” She answered looking down the street to see that her sisters were nowhere in sight.

“Well I would love to stay and chat but I need to get to school early for the festival.” Celeste gestured down the street causing him to nod.

“Can we walk together? I’m heading there too.” He asked as she smiled and nodded. The pair turned before walking down the street.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *