Chapter 8 - Trying to Blend

Poisonous Love



“Oh, what’s that?” Muzik asked slightly startled as Blaine chuckled across the aisle.

“That’s the bell for lunch.” He pointed out standing as she smiled embarrassed before nodding in understanding. Standing up she packed her things into her bag before feeling her chair shove back in against the back of her knees causing her to hiss in pain. She gripped the chair before turning back to see the girl that had tried to trip her plus two others just chuckle and walk out.

“Don’t mind them.” A voice disturbed Muzik’s thoughts of strangling them and over to the blonde man fixing his outfit.

“Huh?” Muzik asked as he made eye contact with him seeing his smile.

“They’re just jealous.” He mentioned saluting her before walking off leaving her there confused.

“Jealous about what?” She mumbled as Blaine chuckled, patting her shoulder before leaving.

“Aria! Come eat with me!” Hana giggled tugging on Aria’s arm as she continued to pack her bag.

“My sisters are going to meet me for lunch.” She explained as Hana’s eyes shot open.

“Oh you didn’t transfer alone?” She asked surprised as Aria smiled and shook her head.

“I have 2 sisters.” She answered as Hana gasped.

“Woah, lucky you, I’m an only child.” Hana mumbled causing Aria to laugh before her froze feeling eyes on her. She looked up through her hair to see the man named Seungri making his exit out of the class doors with girls around him.

“Handsome isn’t he?” Hana asked as Aria cleared and quickly looked away embarrassed that she had been staring.

“Um.” Was all that Aria said causing Hana to chuckle.
“Don’t worry about it; all girls fall for them at least once while you’re here. It’s natural.” Hana explained sitting on the edge of the desk, holding her skirt down.

“So you think you’re sisters wouldn’t mind letting me eat with you guys?” She then asked as Aria looked up smiling.

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” Aria answered as Hana cheered clapping her hands. Aria couldn’t see why such a friendly and bright person didn’t have any friends.

“Ah, you’re wondering about me aren’t you?” Hana pointed out causing Aria to blush and shake her head.

“It’s alright.” Hana said sighing as she turned to the window.

“I also transferred here a few months ago from Busan.” She explained as Aria nodded in understanding.

“My father is a postal worker and my mother works at one of the grocery stores in town.” Hana explained as Aria looked at her confused.

“Why does that matter?” She asked as Hana looked up before gesturing around the room with her eyes.

“Everyone here comes from rich families, or they work for rich families, nonetheless they are all pampered and spoiled.” She hissed as aria nodded.

“Both my parents died a long time ago.” Aria pointed out as Hana looked to her saddened.

“It’s alright; it was a long time ago. We live with our aunt now; she’s our only living relative.” Aria whispered looking down to the bracelet on her wrist.

“I’m sorry.” Hana whispered as Aria perked up before shaking her head.

“It’s alright.” Aria reassured as they continued to wait for the others.

“It’s lunch now.” Woohyun informed Celeste who nodded and stood alongside the others to pick up her books.

“Are you……..eating lunch alone?” Woohyun asked with a shaky voice causing Celeste to chuckle and look over.

“I’m supposed to be meeting my sisters.” She answered as his eyes shot open.

“Sisters?” He asked as she smiled and nodded.

“2.” She added as he nodded looking away.

“But I’ll see you back in class.” Celeste reassured grabbing her bag before walking out of the class.

Only 3 hours in school and already Muzik hated it, those damn girls in her class didn’t know who they were messing with.

“Oh look what we have here.” A voice interrupted as Muzik waited outside for Celeste to come down. She looked over; low and behold it was the same three girls from her class. Muzik rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest before she looked away uncaring.

“Look at her uniform, it looks ancient.” One whispered as Muzik snorted not giving them the light of day to bother her.

“Hey you!” A voice called as she ignored it, watching down the hall.

“Ya!” A voice shouted now grabbing her bag off her shoulder as she glared over to see the girls standing there with a smirk.

“Didn’t you hear us talking to you?!” She snapped as Muzik ripped her bag out of the girls hand before blowing some stray hair out of her face. Before she was about to speak, her senses kicked in and she suddenly had a feeling she was being watched. She quickly looked over to see a tall man, blue hair walking down the hallway away from her. Continuing to look at him, she was able to see the side glance she received before those same girls blocked her view.

“We’re talking to you!” They shouted as Muzik chuckled.

“Sorry, I ignore stupidity.” Muzik mentioned as they girls gasped.

“What the hell?!” One snapped.

“How dare you?!” Another shouted as she sighed and walked off before one grabbed her by her hair. Muzik had enough, she grabbed the hand on her hair tightly, twisting it around as the girl yelped.

“Better think twice before you put your hands on me again.” Muzik seethed looking forward over the girls shoulder to see that same man staring at her from his place in the stairwell.

“Let her go!” Celeste snapped yanking Muzik off the girls as the 3 took off running.

“What did you do now?!” Celeste shouted looking around to see if anyone saw only to see Muzik staring in the opposite direction.

“Hello?” Celeste called waving her hand in front of her sister’s face as she blinked and looked over.

“Geez, what’s wrong with you? One day here and already you want to rip a girls head off?” Celeste scolded slapping Muzik across the back as she pulled away and hissed.

“They were asking for it, I was just minding my own business and those ‘Barbie’s’ started going at my neck.” Muzik hissed annoyed, slipping her bag back up her arms before looking down the hallway, the eyes were gone but the eerie feeling was still there. Usually when things like this happened her visions would invade, but strangely, nothing.

“Alright, alright, come on, Aria’s waiting for us.” Celeste said grabbing her sister’s hand before dragging her down the stairs.

“You sure it’ll be alright?” Hana asked Aria as they waited outside their classroom.

“I’m sure.” Aria added as she saw her sister’s come down the stairs. She waved her arm in the air getting their attention as they walked over.

“Oh sorry, we’re late, Muzik, got caught up.” Celeste hissed over as Muzik rolled her eyes and looked away.

“Oh, whose this?” celeste mentioned seeing the extra girl standing there smiling.

“Oh, this is Hana, she’s one of my classmates.” Aria introduced as Celeste smiled before nudging Muzik.

“These are my sisters, Muzik and Celeste.” Aria introduced back as the sisters smiled.

“Anyways, I was wondering if it would be ok for her to eat with us.” Aria asked as Celeste smiled.

“No, it’s fine with me.” Celeste answered before nudging an uncaring Muzik.

“W-what? Ugh, I don’t care.” She seethed looking away as Aria and Celeste nervously chuckled.

“Thank you, well I know the perfect place.” Hana explained as the sisters followed her out into the yard to where a lone table sat under a tree.

“Here’s good.” Hana mentioned as the sisters nodded and took a seat around the table. At least they had met someone normal.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *