Chapter 41 - Hot Chocolate

Poisonous Love

READERS! I'm finally back for the time being! I apologize if I keep you waiting again, but don't fret, I love this story more than life itself. Life just seems to get in the way when I least need it to. 

Nonetheless, Enjoy!


You guys need a ride home?” Seungri asked as both groups now stood outside the mall in the cold night wind. Muzik rolled her eyes at the lame pick up line, slipping her hands into her pockets.

No, we’ll be fine walking.” Celeste smiled politely looking over to Jiyong’s hesitant expression already directed at her.

“But.” Aria was the only one to speak up, thinking it was better that the sisters get a ride home then walking the few miles it was to their home.

“I’m leaving.” Muzik announced, pulling her bag up higher on her shoulder before turning on her heels in the direction of their house.

“Muzik!” Celeste shouted after before there was an arm on hers, stopping her movement. She looked over to see TOP smiling gently down at her before walking off to catch up with her stubborn little sister.

“I tell you, sometimes that girl can be so immature.” Celeste whispered under her breath annoyed before turning, flinching in surprise when she saw Jiyong standing closely to her side. In reflect, she took a step away, embarrassed.

“Oh? Where’d Aria go?” She panicked a bit before she saw Daesung, Seungri and Youngbae in the distance already catching a cab.

“Figures.” She whispered. She was obviously worried about her sisters being alone with these guys, guys they barely knew, but she also knew that she honestly probably should worry more about the guys then her sisters.

I’ll walk you home.” Jiyong finally spoke as he heart leaped out of her chest before looking to see him casually walking up the street in the same direction TOP and Muzik had disappeared.

Sure.” She whispered uncaring, walking to catch up with him.

So, you guys know those kids from earlier?” Celeste asked once she made it to his side. All he did was sigh before finally looking up from his feet.

Unfortunately, we know them, doesn’t mean we like them.” Jiyong admitted looking ahead of them.

Ah I see.” She spoke understanding his logic behind his reasoning.

They’re from a school across the district that is basically our schools rival at everything.” He added as she nodded, listening intently.

The guy that was blabbering most of the time actually used to be friends with Seungri back in the day. They split, ended up on rival teams and everything from then on is history.” Jiyong sighed loudly before looking through his long red bangs at Celeste.

Why were you guys with Seungri today?” He asked back as her eyes widened before looking over to see him staring at her closely, waiting patiently for an answer.

Ah that. Well Aria kind of asked us to come with her shopping this morning. She didn’t tell us she was meeting anyone till we got here.” Celeste explained causing Jiyong to chuckle before nodding.

That’s good to hear.” He admitted causing Celeste to look at him confused.

Good? Why?” She asked as he smiled, before looking down to his shoes again.

I would hate to have heard you had a thing for him.” He admitted as she broke out in a blush at the insanely ridiculous comment.

He’s too young for me. And I think my sister has a thing for him. That’s ridiculous.” Celeste retorted looking away as he Jiyong stole a glance at her from the side of his eye.

So you don’t like him?” He asked again as she snorted, looking over, clearly annoyed.

Are you deaf? Didn’t you just hear what I said?” She asked outraged as he chuckled at her sad excuse to come across as being upset at him.

No, I heard you. Just making sure.” He laughed slipping his hands into his pockets again.

You cold?” He asked suddenly when he saw her slightly shiver in the night wind.

A bit.” She admitted quietly, pulling the collar of her coat up closer to her neck. Jiyong looked up when his nose caught the scent of something nearby, smiling when he realized what it was.

You want some hot chocolate?” He asked stopping causing her to stop ahead of him, before looking back to see him looking at a still opened coffee shop. She smiled at his sweet gesture, smiling when he turned to look at her confused to why she hadn’t answered back. His eyes widened when he noticed the sweet smile on her face.
What?” He asked confused, suddenly self-conscious under her stare. She chuckled under her breath, shaking her head before walking to stand near him.

I’ll have a hot chocolate.” She answered his question as he slowly broke out in a smile.

I’ll be right back.” He reassured, leaving her alone outside while he went into the empty café to order their drinks. She couldn’t help but smile and shake her head at the man inside the window. Everyone at school looked at him as some kind of god because of his looks and whatnot, but when he was around her, he just seemed like a normal kid. It was strange, there were times when he was arrogant and selfish like the rumors, but that didn’t bug her at all.

Evening.” A voice interrupted her thoughts, flinching in surprise, she her heels to see a handsome man, dressed in a suit and overcoat, just simply smiling at her from the curb of the street.

Oh Evening.” She answered back bowing politely, stepping to the side, guessing that he was trying to get by.

What is a beautiful girl like you doing alone in this part of town?” He then asked cutting off her train of thought as she looked over, both annoyed and surprised that such a person would actually be a ert. He didn’t need to say anymore, from the small conversation, she already knew what he wanted. She hesitantly stepped back a few feet before looking away.

I’m waiting for someone.” She answered not wanting to give him the light of day of this random conversation.

Mind if I wait with you?” He suddenly asked, closer this time. She jumped back in surprise when she looked over to see him smiling creepily now standing right next to her.

Excuse me?” She asked astonished causing him to chuckle and brush one of his cold hands down her jacket covered arm. She yanked her arm from his embrace and glared up at the man.

You know girls now days, high school girls, are interested in high business men like me.” He arrogantly pointed out causing her to roll her eyes at his comment.

“Arrogant much?” She muttered under her breath, gasping in surprise when his hands harshly grabbed her arms, pulling her to face him.

Excuse me?!” She snapped trying to push him off of her, only giving him something to laugh at.

Let. Me. Go.” She tried to fight him off, trashing in his arms as he chuckled, holding her tighter.

Let me go, it’s hurts.” She hissed annoyed before she yelped in surprise again, being pulled in the opposite direction into something warm.

What the hell man?!” The strange man yelled as Celeste got her surroundings, looking over to see that Jiyong had somehow, pulled her away from the man, wrapped his coat around her shoulder before standing guard in front of her.

Go.” Jiyong warned through his teeth as Celeste watched from over his shoulder. The man chuckled, adjusting his suit before looking to Jiyong, unfazed.

“Pffft, be a good little boy and run off.” He teased Jiyong who in turn, sighed, turning to Celeste before holding their drinks out.

Can you hold these please?” He asked calmly while Celeste hesitantly nodded, confused before taking it. He gently smiled before turning around to glare at the man with eyes that could kill a ghost, again. He flinched in surprise by the redness in his eyes as they glowed.

I said, go.” Jiyong growled causing the man’s blood to run cold at the darkness behind it. He swallowed heavily before running off in the direction he had come in. Celeste watched the man run from a person that was obviously younger than him, how did he scare him off?

Thanks.” Celeste thanked him as Jiyong slowly turned before smiling up at her calmly.

Anytime.” He answered as she handed him one of the drinks before the pair made their way again. It was quiet for the most of the walk as they walked up the street towards her home.

Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Jiyong bluntly asked as she choked back on her drink surprised by the question before looking over.

What?” She asked outraged as he smiled, slipping his now free hands into his coat pocket, never turning to look at her.

Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” He asked again easily looking over to her, who just stared at him like he had grown another head. Why was this guy so hung up on her having a boyfriend? Why was it any of his business in the first place?

No reason. Why?” She answered in monotone, throwing her cup away in the nearest trashcan then slipping her hands into her jean pockets. Figures on the day she decided to not wear a jacket would leave her shivering. She flinched in surprise when she suddenly felt something warm drape over her shoulders. She looked over to see the leather jacket Jiyong had been wearing moments ago was now around her shoulders. She then looked to Jiyong who slipped his hands into his jean pockets, smirking ahead proudly causing her to smile.

Thanks.” She thanked, grabbing the sleeves to slip her arms through it.

You should dress more appropriately, especially when it’s getting closer and closer to winter.’ He warned causing her to chuckle and nod. He wasn’t all that bad.

I don’t have a boyfriend because we’re constantly moving, plus it takes me a long time to trust someone.” Celeste randomly answered his question from earlier in the walk. Jiyong’s eyes shot open in surprise before looked over to see her staring down at her feet moving under her.

“I don’t usually warm up to the opposite gender this easily.” She admitted finally looking over to connect his eyes with hers. That sent his still cold unmoving heart, racing through his chest as he watched her side profile in interest. Was she the one?

So does that mean you trust me then?” He asked amused causing her to chuckle into the palm of her hand before slipping her hands back into his coat pocket.

I think it means I’m growing to trust you.” She added smiling over at him. He could accept that, for now.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *