Chapter 15 - Unwanted Attention

Poisonous Love

I apologize for the LONG delay in this story...I've been busy and on top of that I had hit a dead end with the story. Thanks to a few friends, i was able to get my head on straight. I'm going to continue this story, so please expect the unexpected in this twisted love story.


“Unnies!” Hana’s voice rang as the three sisters arrived at school the following day.
“Morning.” Celeste announced as Hana ran over smiling.

“You two are the talk of the school.” She spoke out of breath staring at the two eldest sisters who just stared at her confused.

“What did we do?” Muzik asked annoyed and confused as Aria’s eyes darted around to see that indeed, something had happened for tons of people to suddenly be staring at them as they made their way in the front gate of the school.

“Celeste unnie, beat the baseball captain in the track tryouts.” Hana whispered excited as Muzik shrugged still not seeing the big deal about it.

“And Muzik Unnie, is all everyone is talking about after your audition for the choir yesterday.” Hana mentioned playfully slapping the older girl on the arm. Muzik’s eyes suddenly glared at the younger woman before looking around to see that indeed everyone was staring at them.

“Great, it was bad enough they were staring at us because we’re new.” She muttered under her breath before continuing her walk.
“Did I say something wrong?” Hana asked unsure as Celeste smiled, shaking her head.

“No, she’s just very unsociable.” Aria whispered as Hana nodded following the sisters into the school.


Muzik walked down the hallway towards her classroom, ignoring the stares she was now receiving, uncaringly.

“And there she is.” A voice announced as she walked into the room to see those same 3 girls sitting on their desks just smirking over at her. Muzik stood in the doorway staring at those in the room that suddenly quieted down to turn and stare at her. Muzik sighed annoyed, feeling a chill run up her spine as she quickly turned to see those same piercing eyes staring at her from the open door down the hallway.

“Ya!” A voice shouted in front of her as she flinched and turned to see that one of the girls had made it to her without her knowing.

“What?” Muzik spat looking the girl up and down disgusted, why wear the uniform when 99% of it wasn’t even on properly.

“Who do you think you are?” The woman spat with a hand on her hip as she took the chance to eye up Muzik.

“None of your business.” Muzik muttered stepping aside to walk to her desk, gently pushing on her shoulder. The woman gasped as Muzik put her bag down on her desk, pulling out her chair to sit before quickly stepping away as the woman kicked the chair in with force. Muzik was riding on her last nerve as she turned and glared at the girls staring at her.

“What gives you the right to hit me?!” She snapped as Muzik chuckled amused looking to the hesitant stares around the room.

“What gives you the right to talk to me?” Muzik asked amused as the girls gasped.

“How dare you!” She shouted as Muzik sighed, putting a hand through her hair annoyed.

“Come here!” The main girl shouted, grabbing onto Muzik collar before pushing her forcefully up against the chalkboard at the back. Muzik bit her lip, trying to suppress the need to bash this girls brains in.

“Don’t think you can come to our school and act like a to whoever you please.” The girl hissed in her face, mockingly slapping Muzik cheek as she fumed. Muzik was about to slap the girl out the window when a hand grabbed hers to stop it. Muzik and the girl looked over shocked to see TOP holding Muzik’s arm while gripping onto the woman’s shoulder. Muzik blinked in shock that she didn’t hear or even feel the man walk in the classroom, she blinked again before looking back to see Daesung glaring at the girl.

“Omo, Top-ssi.” The girl whispered surprised, quickly letting go of Muzik’s collar before stepping back.

“I think its best you leave her alone.” Top threatened as the class grew quiet in shock and terror. Muzik adjusted her uniform while TOP stood in front of her and Daesung next to her.

“Are you alright?” Daesung whispered while Muzik sighed and nodded.

“Alright class! In your seats!” The teacher walked in while TOP casually walked out, taking one last look back at Muzik before exiting.


“Oh my god. I heard.” A voice shouted excitedly sitting next to Celeste who looked up from her textbook confused.

“Oh, morning Woohyun-ssi.” Celeste bowed her head respectfully as he quickly brushed it off.

“Ya! I told you call me Woohyun oppa.” He whined as she chuckled before narrowing her eyes.

“That wouldn’t make sense since I’m older than you.” She teased as he blushed and looked away.
“Anyways, I heard about the tryouts this weekend.” He whispered over as she smiled and looked to him.
“Geez, news travels fast in this school.” She mentioned looking up to the chalkboard.

“What are you talking about? Everyone in school is talking about you and your sisters.” He whispered outraged only causing Celeste to shrug uncaring.

“How did you beat the baseball captain at tryouts? That’s outrageous.” He mentioned excitedly as Celeste looked over blank.

“I like to run.” She mentioned going back to running as he just stared at her in wow.

“Oh yah, it seems one of the big bang boys has taken a liking to one of your sisters.” Woohyun mentioned looking down at his phone while she quickly whipped her head up to look at him.

“Excuse me?” she asked confused as he looked up.

“Oh, TOP-hyung saved her from one of the school tramps earlier.” He mentioned in monotone while her eyes shot open.

“Which sister?” She asked frantic as he cleared his throat.

“Um, the one that’s always walking around with a frown.” He mentioned unsure to what her name was. Celeste leaned back in her seat sighing.

“Did you see what happened? Did they get into a fight?” She asked worried as Woohyun shook his head.

“No, the girl had your sister pinned up against the wall. You’re sister seemed to be afraid before she was just standing there.” Woohyun mentioned as celeste snorted.

“Oh she is far from that.” Celeste mentioned under her breath. Sighing in relief that at least she kept her anger under control she turned her head slowly to look at the unusual man sitting at the back of the class, staring at the ceiling.


“You’re sisters are the talk of the school.” Hana mentioned once more as they sat in class.

“They usually are but for different reasons.” Aria answered never leaving her eyes from the book she was reading.

“Omo.” Hana suddenly said as Aria looked up through her glasses.

“What?” She asked confused as Hana smiled down at her.

“I think a certain someone has you as his target.” Hana whispered wriggling her eyebrows while Aria blinked in confusion.

“Huh?” Aria asked as Hana sighed in annoyance before turning her friends head towards the back to see a certain pair of eyes staring at her from the back. Aria’s eyes shot open before she turned away blushing.

“Ohhhh, you like him.” Hana whispered excitedly as Aria coughed trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Do not.” Aria disagreed before going back to reading.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *