Chapter 11 - Saving A Life

Poisonous Love

“What the hell was that?” Celeste froze in her spot as they stood in the middle of a quiet street.

“Celeste.” Muzik urged as she sighed before blinking her eyes and looking around the place, only to be met by another scream.

“There!” Muzik shouted pointing in a certain direction as they took off running.

“Muzik! Wait!” Aria shouted from behind.
“Don’t do anything stupid!” Celeste shouted as they ran around a corner and down an alley to see a woman run across followed by 3 things climbing on the walls after her.

“Celeste, we have to do something.” Muzik turned to her sister who hesitantly sighed before nodding.

“Hurry!” She shouted as they ran after them, around the corner to see a woman backed up in a corner with, of course, vampires surrounding her, growling and drooling all over the place. The girls took off their bags, tossing it to the side as Muzik turned to Celeste.

“They’re here too, we can’t just let them get her.” Muzik mentioned as Celeste sighed and nodded.

“Aria, be careful, alright.” Celeste mentioned to the youngest who just nodded to her sisters statements.

“HEY!” Muzik shouted as the whimpering woman looked over to them in tears.

“Please help me.” She whimpered as the vampires turned to them, their lips.

“Oh look at this guys, we have dessert too.” One spoke looking the girls up and down like a piece of meat.

“Disgusting.” Celeste hissed stepping up to stand next to Muzik along with Aria.

“You know, they say it’s bad for your appetite to eat dessert before dinner, but I think I’ll make an exception.” One of the others spoke, knowing the woman they had been chasing was too afraid to move from her spot.

“Ohh, they smell absolutely delicious too.” The last one mentioned growling through his teeth.

“Let’s get this over with.” Muzik muttered running over before swinging her leg around, kicking one directly in the face. It was a good thing, they all had some sort of knowledge in fighting. Even with only their mental powers, fighting vampires was almost too hard to do. Muzik had her back slammed up against a wall, the vampire’s hand tightening around .

“Celeste.” Muzik whispered holding her hands at the vampires face to keep him from biting at her. She looked over to see her sisters in similar situations. This is why they needed their powers.

“Run!” Celeste shouted at the woman still whimpering, she quickly stood off the ground before running down the alleyway.

“Celeste, we have to.” Aria hissed from her spot under the one trying to bite at .

“Hurry!” Muzik shouted as she pulled her bracelet off feeling the immense power now flowing through her veins. She shut her eyes for a moment, enjoying the overflow before opening them showing the vampire her now pink eyes.

“My turn.” She sang before humming as the vampires eyes shot open, all 3 of them. The vampire quickly let her go to hold his own head, growling and thrashing as she fell to the ground coughing. Celeste quickly burned the one running at her, as he screamed in pain, only leaving a pile of ash where he had once stood. Aria, shot the one above her with a source of electricity from the power line above them, he thrashed on the ground before she leveled up the strength watching him burn to a crisp. Muzik taking the small opening, ran up the wall, grabbing his neck before flipping over, snapping it off in the meantime. Holding the severed head in her hands before tossing it into the small flame along with kicking the body in the same direction.

“Burn it!” Muzik hissed annoyed, wiping her bloody lip on the back of her arm. Celeste obliged and did as suggested, burning them to ash.

“Hurry, put it back on.” Aria whispered as they picked up their bracelets, slipping them back on before running after their bags. They knew someone was going to come around, seeing that they indeed had vampires here, it was only a matter of time.


Jiyong’s eyes shot open as Big Bang lounged around their manor’s library. Top hissed turning to the window as the other’s followed.

“Is that?” Seungri asked through his teeth holding his nose up in the air while his eyes flashed to red. Jiyong placed the book down and walked over to the open window, letting his eyes flash to red.

“No doubt about it, their power level is incredible.” Youngbae mentioned his lips.

“We should go check it out.” Daesung mentioned as Jiyong smirked turning to the guys.

“Seems like our victims have come to us, how nice of them.” He announced smirking.

“Hyung, transport us.” Seungri mentioned over to Top who sighed, shutting his eyes before letting the red take over his eyes. The guys stood around him as TOP took one last breath and teleported them all to the location where the last signal of the power urge took place.

“Looks like we’re too late.” Youngbae mentioned kicking some of the ash that had blown onto his shoe from the nearby pile.

“I don’t feel them either.” Daesung mentioned as they looked around.

“Damn it.” Jiyong hissed looking up to the slightly dim sky.

“Only one step ahead of us.” Top mentioned as the others nodded.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *