Chapter 4 - School

Poisonous Love


Special Thanks to my friend Krista for the amazing drawing she did of my characters! Girl! You're amazing! Thanks! Enjoy XD


5 months later…

The girls were finally attending their first day of school in their lives. They were all equally happy about the thought of being able to make friends and be around others their age, but still a bit hesitant. It was a private school so of course a school uniform was passed out to all students.




“Oh my god, is it even legal to wear a skirt this short?” Muzik spat as she got dressed in the uniform for her grade before looking at herself in the mirror.

“I mean, it doesn’t even cover anything.” She hissed trying to pull the hem of the skirt down as far as it could, before practically giving up on it. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she pulled out the pair of knee high socks and slipped them on before pulling out her combat boots.

“Really? You’re going to wear your boots?” A voice interrupted from the doorway of her new room, looking up through her hair to see her older sister Celeste dressed in heels.




“This skirt is short enough, please don’t make me suffer anymore.” Muzik whined annoyed tying her last boot before standing, adjusting her skirt again.

“I think it looks cute.” Celeste mentioned turning back and forth to allow her skirt to flare back and forth.

“Figures.” Muzik muttered annoyed slipping her studded hair band onto her head before grabbing her backpack off the ground and over her shoulder.

“Where’s Aria?” Muzik asked once they had made it downstairs.

“She’s already waiting.” Celeste mentioned as they walked into the dining room to see Aunt Jayde placing food on the table while Aria sat with a boot in front of her.



“Good Morning girls.” Aunt Jayde chirped as they placed their bags on the back of their chairs and sat down.

“Are you girls excited about today?” She then asked sitting down at the head of the table before the girls nodded.

“Celeste, you make sure to keep an eye out for your sisters.” Aunt Jayde said halfway through the breakfast causing the oldest sister to nod.

“Muzik, no fighting, even if they start it, I don’t want to get a call from the school about a fight.” Aunt Jayde scolded the uncaring the child who continued to eat.

“Aria, be good alright. You’ll love school.” Aunt Jayde instructed the youngest who just eagerly nodded. Out of all the sisters she had to be the one most looking forward to going to school.

“And girls, no matter what, those bracelets stay on at all times, you understand.” She then spoke as each sister took turns looking to the bracelet hanging on all of their wrists.




“What does it do anyways?” Muzik whispered shaking her arm up and down as it jingled.

“We can’t be so sure that there aren’t any clans here, so to be safe, these will keep your aura and power surge on the down low so you won’t be detected by them.” She explained as the girls nodded.

“So we can’t use our powers with these on?” Aria whispered as Aunt Jayde shook her head.

“You’ll only be able to use those powers that don’t use a lot of strength or will power like your mental powers. Anything physical can’t be used with these on.” She explained pointing to the one on Celeste’s wrist.

“So if we take them off we can use them?” Muzik asked amused only causing their aunt to sigh annoyed.

“Muzik, if you take those off you’ll be putting your sisters and this entire family in danger.” Aunt Jayde spoke with authority to the still uncaring sister. Breakfast was soon finished and the girls stood from the table, pulling their bags up with them.
“Alright girls, you know where the school is. Here is your subway tickets, and money for lunch. The papers for your classes are in your bags, make sure to find the office and hand them those.” She instructed as the girls nodded in the entryway.

“Come straight home right after that.” She mentioned with authority to the nodding girls.

“Why can’t that man from yesterday give us a ride?” Muzik muttered before Aunt Jayde sighed.

The sisters soon left the house and began walking their way towards the area where the subway was located.

“Like seriously, what’s the point of having a driver if we can’t even use him?” Muzik mentioned to her sister annoyed.

“Just be happy we’re allowed to go to school.” Celeste said back as Aria nodded in agreement.

“I’m a little nervous to be honest.” Muzik admitted adjusting her headband a bit.

“Nervous? Why?” Celeste asked surprised as Muzik sighed, looking ahead of her.

“If someone pisses me off or tries to pull the bully, I’m sorry but I won’t them go easily.” Muzik mentioned as Celeste sighed looking away.

“Just try and ignore it for our sake, alright?” Celeste whined over to her sister who snorted looking away.

“Any news we should know about?” Celeste asked over after a moment of silence. Her two sisters looked over confused.

“News?” Aria asked as Celeste nodded and looked over to Muzik.

“Me?” She asked gesturing to herself confused as Celeste nodded.

“Anything we should be worried about?” She asked as Muzik furrowed her eyebrows.

“Why don’t you just use your sight? You can see ahead of us.” Muzik mumbled annoyed looking away only to receive a sigh.

“I only could see the accident on the highway.” She answered as Aria went back down to her book.

“When we get to the subway, we’ll take the third door from the left, they’ll be a fight in the others.” Muzik mentioned uncaring as celeste nodded in relief. They finally found the stairs down to the subway and climbed down, sliding the cards Aunt Jayde had given them, they made it past before making it to the third door.

“Are you sure?” Aria asked as Muzik kept her eyes around before stepping up behind Aria to protect her from the pushing crowds.

“Those two men right there.” Muzik mentioned gesturing with her eyes to the two men already in a verbal argument about some nonsense. The doors opened as the tram pulled up. They stepped inside, allowing Aria to sit in the open seat while they stood in front of her keeping their eyes open. The sisters did notice the continuous stares they received on their way to school, couldn’t be helped, they were all foreigners.

“This is our stop.” Celeste mentioned helping Aria out of their seat before quickly climbing off to see the fight break out in the other door.

“Good call.” Aria teased as Muzik smiled proudly. They climbed up the steps to the road above to see that the subway had stopped right in front of the school, well technically across the street from it.

“Is this it?” Muzik asked unsure before her sisters nodded.

“This is the address and our uniforms match theirs.” Aria mentioned pointing to the students already piling in front gate.

“Alright, let’s get this over with before I change my mind.” Muzik grumbled annoyed, fixing her uniform once more before the sister finally made it across the street to the school.




“So office first.” Aria whispered as the girls walked down the long walkway before Celeste fell to the floor bumping into someone. Her sisters quickly ran over and helped her up before the boy she bumped into grabbed the papers she had dropped to the ground.

“Sorry about that.” His voice said effortlessly, handing the papers over to Celeste who bowed and took the papers handed to her. He smiled at the girls before walking off only to have a few girls from the side swoon immediately to his side.

“Who was that?” Aria whispered as Muzik narrowed her eyes at the man. As if he could feel her stare, he reached the stairs into the school and looked over his shoulder to her, almost if trying to read her.

“Hm.” Muzik mumbled under her breath before going back to her sisters. Something was up.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *