Chapter 37 - A Chance

Poisonous Love

The Schools annual festival finally came to a close later that afternoon. Everyone was planning on meeting up at the softball field for the fireworks and bonfire they always held for the students, so quickly everyone cleaned up their various booths and changed for the night.

“Geez, I’m freezing.” Muzik muttered under her breath as she held her towel close to her. The guys had offered to clean the mess while she go and get a shower before the bonfire in an hour, that’s exactly what she planned to do. She walked all the way to the boxing clubs locker room, pulling open the door before peeking in.

“Hello?” She called making sure that no one else was here. God forbid someone would walk in on her showering, especially since she was the only female in the Boxing Club. Looking around to her surroundings, she stepped into the locker room before carefully shutting and locking the door. She wanted to take every precaution she could. She made sure to check each stall, each aisle of lockers before finally placing her things down on a free bench. The showers here were all in the same room, but thankfully sectioned off with tiles walls and singled with curtains. Fancy enough. She sighed, slightly feeling nervous as she looked around the room. She had hoped to be able to take a shower, so she came prepared with her toiletries to shower. Pulling her towel off her wet body, she pulled her wet, dripping hair out of her ponytail before putting a relieved hand through it.

“What a long day.” She whispered to herself before transporting all the bottles of shampoo, conditioner along with her soap to the nearest shower stall. Making sure everything was in place, she placed them on the shelf before turning on the water, warm enough for her. As it ran she stepped out and back across her to her bag. Suddenly her head cramped signaling a forced vision that entered her mind. Something uninteresting to her as that Big Bang boy and her youngest sister sitting on the grass hill watching the fireworks later tonight. She snorted, quickly shaking it before sighing.

“Why is it all the disgusting and uninteresting visions are the ones that come to me?” She whispered annoyed, pulling out a dry towel along with her extra clothes before placing it on the bench next to her bag. Making sure to check around once more, she finally began to undress herself, placing her wet clothes on the bench, far enough to keep her clothes and bag dry. Quickly she stepped into the shower before sighing in relief as the warm water hit her skin.

“Ah, this feels good.” She whispered to herself, dipping her hair under the hot water before pulling away to watch the steam gather to the ceiling.


Suddenly, 5 minutes into her shower, she heard the locker room door shut, startling her. She shut off the water quickly before brushing her hand down her face to clear her sight.

“Hello?” She called out into the locker room, hoping to not get an answer. She hid herself with her arms across her chest before turning to the curtain that was a simple white plastic, large enough to cover the opening to the room in front of her.

“Hello? Is someone there?” She called again, growing more and more irritated as the moments grew on. Soon enough she gave up and finally peeked out of the curtain to see the coast was clear.

“If you’re trying to pull a prank on me, imma warn you, I’ll hurt you.” She hissed irritated looking both ways down the walkway before finally stepping out in nothing but a towel covering her.

“Maybe it was next door.” She whispered to herself as she held the towel tightly to her chest. Blowing a stray wet hair out of her face she turned to her bag before gasping when she noticed something. Her duffle bag and clothes were gone. That’s when panic set in.
“No, I just put it right here.” She whispered panicking as she began running up and down each aisle before coming around the corner to where she showered, coming to a halt when she saw the same man that had tried to pick a fight with her earlier.

“What are you doing in here?!” She shouted angered as he chuckled, looking her up and down amused.

“Well, well, well, I wanted to finish what I started earlier since your knight in shining armor isn’t around to save you this time.” He chuckled sitting down before looking over to her with a smirk. She swallowed before holding the towel closer to her chest, at least she was smart enough to grab a long towel this time around.

“Leave before I hurt you.” She hissed as he threw his head back chuckling.

“What is up with girls thinking just because they belong to some fighting club that they can beat guys like me up?” He asked now standing with his hands in his pants pocket. She turned, putting one foot behind the other, watching him closely.

“What do you want with me?” She whispered annoyed as he sighed, flipping his light brown hair out of his face.

“You’re interesting to me.” He mentioned as she blinked in confusion.

“So you stalk me, follow me to my house and school, try to pick a fight with me and sneak in while I’m showering because I’m interesting to you?” She answered irritated as his eyes shot open in surprise.

“How do you know I’ve been following you?” He asked suspiciously as she snorted, rolling her eyes. At least her visions gave her a heads up about that earlier in the day.

“Usually when a creep is following you, you get that vibe.” She teased as he bit his lip trying to control his anger.

“Now where are my clothes so I can get dressed.” She seethed causing him to chuckle and take another step towards her.

“Why do you need your clothes? When the nights done, you’ll be without them anyways.” He sang as she involuntarily gagged in by the statement.

“That is disgusting.” She hissed flinching when she felt her back up to the cold brick wall behind her. He smiled at her expression, quickly taking those few steps to block her in the corner.

“Why are you afraid of me? Many girls at this school want me.” He proudly spoke causing her to snort as she looked up to his eyes.

“Well they are all blind.” She hissed as his smile disappeared before he gripped her chin tightly.

“I’ll make you mine whether you like it or not.” He whispered leaning in to connect his lips to hers. Her eyes shot open when she felt his hands dig painfully into the back of her neck, making it close to impossible for her to move. Damn this . She hesitantly let go of her towel before putting her arms up through his arms, using all her strength, she forced her arms quickly out, enough to pry his arms off of her before sending her foot at his stomach. He fell straight to the ground holding his stomach as she wiped onto the back of her arm.

“Stupid prick.” She hissed as he looked up fired by her hit, quickly climbing off the ground.

“I warned you.” She whispered unscathed as he suddenly ran at her, catching her off guard for the first time, grabbing her arms before twisting them to her back, slamming the front of her body against the wall. She groaned in pain before turning to see him smiling over her shoulder.

“A feisty one, I see.” He whispered dragging his nose across her shoulder before kissing it. She thrashed in his arms before he tightened his hold, tossing her to the wall again.

“What are you going to do now, huh? I told you I was part of the Judo club. This sort of thing is my specialty.” He whispered proud. She gagged when a vision she wished she didn’t see invaded her mind, she knew what he wanted and from the vision, he was going to get half way if she just stood there. She bit her lip, taking a deep breath before swinging her head back against his as hard as she could sending him to the ground in pain. She stumbled a bit, making sure to catch her towel before holding the back of her head.

“Son of a .” She whispered looking over to see him holding his nose that was now bleeding.

“You stupid .” He hissed quickly standing up before grabbing her neck to throw her at the wall again. This time he lifted her off the ground, just holding her neck. . She wanted nothing more than to kick this bastard in the nuts, but thanks to her handy vision, he had come prepared if you know what I mean. She needed to do something quick. That’s when a sudden figure popped in her head, causing her eyes to shoot open in surprise. NO, she refused to call him. The man threw her to the ground quickly as she rolled, keeping her towel tight to her body.

“What a cheap shot! Is that what they teach you in that Boxing Club of yours?!” He shouted down at her as she shuffled backwards away from him. It was so hard to fight in a towel, especially when she wasn’t decent.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked running over before grabbing both her legs to keep her from kicking him anymore. She yelped, trying to kick him off as he chuckled, holding her tightly. Muzik gripped her towel tightly as her chest, trying to keep her legs apart as he tried to pull them apart.

“Stop! Stop!” She shouted at him as he chuckled, unfazed, gripping her legs tighter to pull them apart. This was when she started to panic a bit. She looked around where she was for something to grab, nothing, she had no choice. It was either that or practically be .

“TOP.” She whispered unsure if she should go on with this.

“TOP!” She shouted this time as the man’s eyes shot open.

“What are you saying? You want to be on TOP?” He asked amused as her eyes shot open in disgust.

“TOP!” She shouted trying to kick him off causing him to chuckle.

“What a little girl, wanting to be on TOP.” He chuckled. Before either of them could blink the man was being tossed with force against the nearest wall with a growling TOP now staring at him with a glint to kill. Muzik quickly scurried off the ground to her backside, holding the towel tighter to her chest.

“You. Are. Dead.” TOP hissed as the man watched his eyes flash to red in both anger and thirst when he saw the blood still oozing out of his nose. Muzik climbed off the ground quickly when she heard the words being spoken before running over to his side.

“No. Don’t kill him.” She quickly interjected grabbing TOP’s arms as his eyes flashed over to her quickly.

“What? Did you see what he tried to do to you?!” TOP shouted in anger as Muzik sighed and nodded in acknowledgement.

“You can’t kill him.” She added as he growled quickly whipping his head over to the man in front of him before dropping him to the ground.

“Bastard, you best stay away from her or I’ll do what I set out to do next time.” TOP warned as Muzik stood there staring down at the man that looked partially unfazed.

“Wait, I have something for you.” Muzik mentioned as the man stood up before looking over, accepting the blow to the face that sent him flying to the ground again. The man scurried off the ground holding his nose and cheek before running out of the door.


Muzik sighed in relief, plopping down on the nearest bench suddenly drained of her energy.

“Are you alright?” His voice asked from next to her as she nodded, embarrassed that he had actually came while she was dressed like this. She just simply nodded before feeling something drape around her. She looked over to see his jersey jacket wrapped around her shoulders.

“I’ll go find your clothes.” He mentioned standing as he walked somewhere in the locker room, coming back with her folded clothes in hand.

“Here. Change.” He ushered before turning to leave. Muzik quickly grabbed her hand for some reason before quickly retracting it. TOP looked over slightly startled by her touch.

“Um sorry, but can you stay in here till I’m done?” She asked as he smiled down at her embarrassed expression.

“Sure, I’ll be around the corner.” He answered before walking around the corner into the next aisle of lockers. Muzik quickly changed, not wanting someone else to walk in on her, putting her wet clothes and towels into her bag before finally pulling a brush through her hair.

“Thanks. I’m done.” She announced into the room as he walked around the corner just staring at her.

“Thanks for coming for me.” She mentioned once they left the locker room en-route to the firework show. He chuckled before looking over.

“I didn’t think you’d actually call for me. Lucky enough I was walking by when I heard you.” He answered as she smiled looking over. Maybe this school wasn’t such a lost cause.  Maybe she would give this guy a chance, at least he wasn’t like the other pricks at this school.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *