Chapter 44 - Prophecy

Poisonous Love

“Morning.” Celeste called into the first open door, seeing Muzik sitting on the edge of her bed, staring into space. She stood there hesitantly, waiting for any response before she finally stepped into the room, worried about Muzik.

“Hey.” Celeste called carefully, watching as Muzik flinched before looking over in surprise.

“Oh hey.” Muzik mentioned standing before stretching, acting as if nothing was wrong.

“What’s up?” Celeste asked standing with her arms crossed over her chest, watching her little sisters every movement.

“Nothing.” Muzik answered walking to her closet to pull out some clothes to wear for today, being that it was Sunday.
“Nothing? Didn’t look like nothing from where I was standing.” Celeste took a seat on the bed, watching her sister.

“I told you it’s nothing, just leave it there.” Muzik hissed this time, annoyed that her sister was going to nag her to the ends of the earth.

“Muzik, I know you too well. And I know you too well to know that it is never nothing.” Celeste added finally standing and walking out of the room. Muzik sighed, looking down to the shirt sitting in her hands. She took a deep breath, shutting her eyes as the previous night’s activities crossed her mind.

“Stupid.” She muttered shaking the thoughts from her head. How could such a thing happen?


“What are you up to today?” Aunt Jayde asked the girls once they were all present at the table for breakfast.

“I needed to go to the library to do some research.” Muzik muttered as Aunt Jayde looked to her in interest.

“Research for what?” Aunt Jayde asked as Muzik looked up irritated.

“School project.” She answered as Aunt Jayde nodded in belief before looking to the other two girls.

“I have a meeting for our track meet this coming weekend.” Celeste answered uninterested.

“Aria?” Aunt Jayde asked as Aria looked up.
“I have some homework to finish so I’m staying home.” Aria answered in a small voice, not looking up to anyone. Celeste blinked in worry before looking over to Muzik for some sort of reassurance. Muzik rolled her eyes, already knowing what had happened, uncaring to tell Celeste.
“Well I’m leaving.” Muzik pushed her seat out before standing with her dishes.

“Will you stop at the store on the way home for me?” Aunt Jayde asked hopeful as Muzik sighed loudly, walking into the kitchen area.

“Whatever.” Muzik answered as Aunt Jayde clapped her hands once before walking over to her bag.

“We need some milk and eggs for dinner.” She mentioned handing Muzik enough money as she put the money into her wallet before slipping it into her shoulder bag.

“I’ll be back later.” Muzik added, slipping her combat boots on.

“Put a coat on or something, it’s getting colder!” Aunt Jayde whined as Muzik rolled her eyes, pulling out a Gelit from the closet to slip on.


BB Vamp #1



“Be careful out there.” Celeste warned from behind her as she adjusted her pants.

“Always am.” Muzik added before walking out, adjusting her shoulder bag wrapped around her neck. Truth be told, she wasn’t going to the library to research something for school. Muzik had a strange dream last night of her sisters, it had seemed too real to be just any normal dream, but it also had to do with those blood ers. She wanted to do a bit research on some history and prophecies if any. There was something their Aunt wasn’t telling them. Muzik reached the subway in no time as she waited for her train to arrive, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She reached down, pulling it out to see that it was a text from Celeste.


I’ll meet you at the library in 30.


Muzik quickly wrote back ok before slipping it back into her shorts. Aria would be staying home to see if she could find anything online about what Muzik had seen last night after her encounter with TOP. The subway was packed, thank goodness when the train finally arrived, Muzik pushed her way through in time to get a seat.


She walked down the usual walkway for school before she came at a halt. Her skin crawled as she her heels quickly to see no one behind her. Why did she have the sudden feeling like she was being followed? She narrowed her eyes at the scenery before turning and continuing her walk.

Hey.” A voice called as Muzik looked up from under her hat to see the guys the group had ran into last night at the mall.

“Oh great.” She sighed annoyed, looking to her watch to see that it was almost noon from the looks of it.

Can I help you?” She asked annoyed as the 3 chuckled, luckily there were only 3 and not the entire group from last night.

You’re one of the girls that were hanging around Big Bang last night?” The one in the middle asked as she stared at him uncaring.

I’m late for something, I’ll be going.” She pushed past them as they grabbed her arm before yanking her out of view and into the nearest alley, pinning her to the wall in a huff.

Which girl are you?” One asked as he held his forearm to her neck, his knee holding it’s place between her legs. She glared at each of them.

Ah, she’s the one TOP had.” One mentioned as their eyes turned to her.

Well that’s a surprise, TOP never has any girls.” One teased as she growled through her teeth annoyed.

Let. Me.Go.” She warned annoyed as they chuckled, the one holding her leaned closer to her. If it wasn’t for that damn rule about using their abilities against humans, these guys would be dead before either of them could blink.

Why? You’re alone, we’re bored, let’s have some fun then you can give a message to those bastards of yours.” He hissed in her face as she began thrashing. If this dude wanted a fight, she was going to kick his nuts so far up his throat.

I’m warning you.” She spoke again as one ripped her hat off, her burgundy hair falling around her face.

Ohhhh, you’re pretty.” One cooed reaching forward to caress her cheek.

Oh! I know, call TOP. You have his number right?” The one in the middle gestured to the one on the end who chuckled and nodded, pulling out his phone.

Yo TOP!” The boy chuckled into the phone staring at Muzik who hissed.

Oh don’t hang up, you might be interested in what we have to say.” He warned quickly serious as he pulled the phone away from his ear to put it on speakerphone.

Well if it isn’t the mighty TOP.” The one holding Muzik teased into the phone.

What do you want? I have no time for your childish pranks.” TOP warned as he smiled looking to Muzik.

We have a friend of yours here with us, just thought you would want to know.” He explained as the line went quiet.

“Muzik.” TOP spoke as Muzik looked to the phone surprised that he knew it was her.

Are you alright?” TOP asked with clear worry and anger on his lips.

I’m fine. Don’t come, these bastards are just man looking for attention.” Muzik explained smirking at the man holding her who in the end dropped his fist across her face, sending her to the ground.

“Muzik!” TOP shouted when he heard the hit.

“.” The man that had been holding Muzik hissed before ripping the phone out of his friends.

I’m about two seconds from placing my through this chick. You better hurry.” The boy warned before hanging up and reached down to grab Muzik by the hair. The face he had seen now looking at him wasn’t one he was expecting.

You’ll pay for that.” Muzik smirked through blood stained teeth as she stood before kicking her leg so far up that it connected with the man’s nose, sending him flying back on the ground, thrashing on the ground as he held his nose screaming. Another grabbed a pipe that had been aimlessly lying around before swinging at Muzik. She barely dodged it as it hit her forearm causing her to wince before kicked him hard in the stomach sending him leaning over in pain before she grabbed his head to knee him in the face sending him to the ground unconscious. She turned to the last man who was standing there in shock by what he had just witnessed.

You’ll get it next time.” He yelled before running off just as TOP came running around the corner with clear anger painted on his face. He stopped immediately before looking down to the unconscious bodies lying between them, then looked up to her bloody lip and bruised arm.
Muzik, are you alright?” He ran over frantic as she nodded, wiping the back of her arm over her split lip. She pulled her opposite arm up before turning to look at the large bruise already forming on the outside of her forearm.

“Great.” She whispered annoyed before reaching over to grab her bag from the ground.

Are you sure you’re alright?” TOP asked worried as she nodded again, not wanting to look up into his eyes, especially after what had happened in the previous night.

Sorry you came all the way out here for nothing, but I’m late for a meeting with my sister.” She explained putting her fingers through her hair before putting it up in a messy bun to slip her hat back over.


TOP was slightly at a loss for words when he saw that his services had not been needed. It did boil his blood to see the injuries she had acquired fighting these bastards off before he got there. She was incredible as he had guessed.


No, it’s alright. Are you sure you’re ok?” He asked as she finally looked up to him before sighing.

I’m fine. Go home. I’m fine.” She answered walking past him as he immediately darted his hand out to grab her arm. She winced slightly as he quickly retracted his hand when he realized that he had grabbed her bruise.

Don’t walk around alone anymore.’ He warned as she looked up into his golden eyes in a trance.

Don’t worry about me. I can clearly take care of myself.” She answered gesturing down to the bodies still lying there.

It’s the other bastard that ran off before I could plant my foot up his that pisses me off.” She explained looking away annoyed as his eyes lit up.

One got away?” he asked rage slowly filling him.

Yeah, a short stubby one with weird anime looking glasses.” She explained as his eyes lit up.

I’ll call you later.” Top explained stepping away from her as she confusingly nodded before walking in the opposite direction.


Untitled #101



“Geez, there you are! I thought you got…..what happened to you?” Celeste began lecturing Muzik when she had arrived late, that was until she noticed her lip and bruised arm.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” Muzik brushed off her worry before throwing her things onto the table Celeste had saved for their studies.
“It’s clearly not nothing. Who the hell did this?” She asked angered as Muzik sighed.

“I ran into those bastards from the mall last night.” Muzik explained Celeste’s eyes widened.

“Don’t worry, I beat them to a pulp.” Muzik sighed gently rubbing her lip in wonder.

“Muzik.” Celeste whined standing in front of her younger sister.

“I’m fine, TOP came at the perfect time.” Muzik whispered looking away as Celeste eyes lit with curiosity.

“On that note, why do you always smile when you talk about him?” Celeste narrowed her eyes while Muzik looked to her panicked.

“No I don’t.” She denied quickly walking away down one of the aisle way. Celeste smirked at her teasingly before her eyes landed on the large bruise forming on her sisters forearm.
“Shouldn’t we take you to the doctors for that?” Celeste pointed as Muzik stopped, then stared up the case.

“I can survive till we get home later for Aria to heal it. I’m not going to die.” Muzik mentioned clearly as she began pulling books of the shelf and into her arms.


The pair of sisters sat at the table quietly going through the books that were stacked up in front of them.

“So what’s going on with you and Mr. Red?” Muzik asked suddenly as Celeste looked up from the book she was skimming.
“Me and who?” Celeste asked confused as Muzik chuckled before looking up from her book.

“Mr. Almighty.” Muzik added as Celeste growled at the description.

“Woah, Woah, sorry sis.” Muzik put her hands up teasingly as Celeste snorted, rolling her eyes.

“I saw what happened last night when you were with him.” Muzik added as Celeste sighed before glaring at her sister.

“I swear to god if you tell anyone, I’ll rip your teeth out.” Celeste warned causing Muzik to chuckle under her breath.

“You guys make a beautiful couple.” Muzik further pushed chuckling louder this time as Celeste bit the end of her pencil.

“You’re one to talk.” Celeste retorted as she glared at her younger sister. Muzik stopped laughing long enough as her eyes fell on the words she had been looking for.

“Oh! I found it!” Muzik called surprised yanking the book in front of her as Celeste quickly made her way to stand behind Muzik.

“The cursed prophecy?”  Celeste whispered in confusion as they read the title that was printed above an ancient photo of what seemed to be a human woman with a beast like creature hovering over her body, his fangs in her neck as she laid out on what seemed to be fine silk.
“What a photo.” Muzik pointed out uninterested before looking down to the words.

“The cursed prophecy foretells the awakening of a great downfall. The cursed prophecy also known as ‘The Black Sun’ is said to outline the ultimate demise of one of the world’s greatest occupants. Whether that points to human-kind or beings that we do not know of, prophets of long ago foretell the destruction of earth as a great evil takes his place on the world’s throne.” Muzik explained as both herself and Celeste looked to each other.

“Well that doesn’t sound too good.” Celeste mentioned sitting back in her seat, her eyes in the distances.

“What exactly did you see in your dream?” Celeste turned her eyes back to Muzik who put the book down.

“Darkness, which can explain the black sun part.” Muzik started as Celeste nodded, waiting for more info.

“We were fighting, there was a lot of blood but what was strange about it was I was hesitant.” Muzik whispered unsure as Celeste sighed and nodded.
“So for some reason, we are hesitant to fight whatever we are fighting?” Celeste asked as Muzik put a hand through her hair and nodded.

“The only time I ever felt hesitant to fight was when father…..” Muzik mentioned before cutting her own self off.

“What else does it say?” Celeste asked gesturing to the book as Muzik collected herself before pulling the book up.

“Ummmmm, blah, blah, blah. It also says that if the worlds savior does not give up what’s needed most, everything will be for not.” Muzik muttered before looking up to her sister equally confused.

“Are you sure it was us in your dream? It wasn’t something of the past?” Celeste asked uncertain as Muzik shrugged.

“I couldn’t tell a definite time it happened, just fighting, yelling, blood, pain and darkness.” Muzik explained as Celeste sighed.
“Well this isn’t going to get us anywhere. For all we know it could have happened in mom and dad’s time.” Celeste mentioned as Muzik nodded, looking to the photo that took up the opposite page. Something wasn’t adding up.



Aria stumbled upon the same prophecy as she did her research from home. A knock to the door surprised her as she quickly pulled up a page on Korean history to cover up what she was really digging around about.

“Come in.” She called as Aunt Jayde poked her head in the door.

“Hi dear.” Aunt Jayde smiled walking in with a platter of something between her hands.

“You’ve been up here all day dear so I brought you some lunch.” Aunt Jayde smiled, placing the sandwich and juice on the open space next to her.

“Thanks.” Aria mumbled under her breath as Aunt Jayde looked to her worried.
“Dear, is something wrong? You’ve been acting strange since you came home with your sisters last night.” Aunt Jayde took a seat on the edge of her bed, her eyes peeled for anything.

“Just stressed is all.” Aria gently smiled to her aunt as she smiled.

“I admire you girls for doing so much at your age. After losing your parents to those vile creatures, I thought it would have done worse on you girls. But you have pulled through stronger than expected, I’m so glad.” Aunt Jayde praised as Aria kept her eyes on her.

“Any normal person would still be in mourning for their lost, but you girls are stronger and are more resilient to such things. If you weren’t stressed from the constant moving and culture changes, I think I would be more worried.” Aunt Jayde teased, Aria sending her a small smile to let her know that she had understood her words.

“If King Ambrogio hadn’t sent that disgusting excuse of a beast to the manor that night, we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Aunt Jayde sighed and Aria registered something in her words before nodding. When her aunt left, she quickly turned to her computer, pulling up anything she could find on King Ambrogio, something wasn’t right.



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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *