Chapter 45 - Something's Not Right

Poisonous Love


“Does it say anything about when this occurred or is supposed to occur?” Celeste asked looking up from her own book.
“It does continue to say that, deception and betrayal will work hand in hand to bring the ultimate downfall. Those that pledged protection and love will turn their backs as fire and water clash. Love with many faces, Love brings hesitation, all will bring death.” Muzik added looking up to her sister who sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair.
“I wish any of this made sense, it would be easier.” Celeste stretched as Muzik nodded looking down to the page again. Something wasn’t adding the way it was supposed to.

“Pledged protection and love?” Muzik muttered under her breath in thought.

“Has someone pledged their protection of us?” Muzik asked her sister who looked up confused.

“Aunt Jayde?” Celeste added as Muzik bit the end of her pen again.

“She wouldn’t betray us, would she?” Muzik narrowed her eyes, awaiting any vision that was willing to give her some peace of mind.

“She’s been protecting us for years, even before mom and dad passed.” Celeste added as Muzik shrugged.

“Have you seen anything that would hint Aunt Jayde?” Celeste asked as Muzik shook her head.

“Nothing on her.” Muzik muttered in thought. Something wasn’t adding up.

“Something’s missing.” Muzik mentioned pushing her chair out to walk over to the same shelf that seemed to have been disregarded more than other shelves. Muzik bit her lip as she scanned the various titles of books littering the shelf.

“What are we missing?” She whispered to herself, trailing her fingers along the book edges.

“MUZIK!” A voice shouted from behind her as she flinched before running over to see her sister standing at the table, her eyes wide as she stared down at the book in front of her.

“What?” Muzik asked worried as she ran over to her sister’s side, her sister simply tapping the book page she had landed on.

“Look.” Celeste muttered as Muzik turned her eyes to the picture painted out on the old pages. It couldn’t be.


“So you think it was of the past or future?” Celeste asked from behind her coffee as the pair of sisters now sat in a local café. Muzik sighed, clicking her tongue in thought.
“For some reason, nothing is popping up like it usually does.” Muzik whined annoyed as she massaged her temples in annoyance. The girls sat in silence once more, eyes narrowing down at their own cups as their thoughts drifted elsewhere. Muzik knew something wasn’t right with their research. There was a large piece of information that wasn’t adding up, an important piece. She sat there, her mind reeling in any memories or visions that would come when one did, she welcomed it before Muzik hissed, holding her head.

“Muzik, are you alright?” Celeste asked worried, immediately reaching over to grab her sister’s hand. Muzik bit her lip, grunting a bit as he head throbbed.

“Something’s wrong.” Muzik whispered as Celeste looked around unsure what to do.

“Come on. Let’s get you home.’ Celeste jumped off the seat, putting both her own and her sister’s bags around her shoulder before helping her sister down from the stool. They slightly stumbled out of the café and down the sidewalk. Muzik couldn’t get the pain out of her head. Why was it that the moment she had targeted on to a vital piece of information or memory, her mind would retaliate to the worse pain? Celeste wrapped her arm around her sister’s waist, before fighting to keep her sister up. Something wasn’t right.

“Ow.” Muzik hissed as Celeste couldn’t hold her any longer, both crumbling to the ground near the local park.

“Come on; let’s get you to the bench.” Celeste whispered pulling her sister up to get her to the nearest bench that was out of sight from those driving by. Muzik plopped down on her side, holding her head as she grunted again.
“Muzik, talk to me. What’s going on?” Celeste begged as Muzik whimpered.

“My head is throbbing.” Muzik whispered through her teeth as Celeste looked up to scan the area. They were alone, which was weird considering that it was still early in the day, this particular park was usually filled with people.

“Muzik, something isn’t right.” Celeste couldn’t help but panic as she stood up to look around again. It was quiet, too quiet. Before Celeste could turn, a shot was fired directly at her, hitting her in the right side of her chest, sending the young woman to the ground, writhing in pain.

“Celeste!” Muzik shouted, rolling off the bench to crawl towards her sister who was bleeding from a scorch mark now encasing her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Muzik asked through her own pain as Celeste nodded, now being helped up into a sitting position.

“What was that?” Celeste asked opening her eyes before they grew in horror.

“Muzik! Watch out!” Celeste shouted pushing her sister out of the way just as another fire ball came shooting past, hitting Celeste on the same side. Muzik rolled as her sister forcefully pushed her out of the way, she shooting up to stand. Fighting the pain that was now writhing through her head, she hissed looking down to her older sister who was now clearly in excruciating pain as she laid in the fetal position.

“Well, well, well, figure my luck as I ran across not one, but two Alessandro sisters.” A disgusting hiss of a voice mentioned as Muzik narrowed her eyes to the beast now perched up on the backrest of the bench they had just been sitting on.

“A Middle Class Demon.” Muzik hissed in realization as it chuckled, smirking evilly at her.

“Oh, my thanks m’lady for your introduction. It does my heart well to hear that one of the legendary sisters know of my post.” He stood effortlessly on the edge of the bench, smirking in his human form. Muzik scoffed, slowly moving to now standing in front of her sister’s partially unconscious body lying behind her.

“What do you want?” Muzik snapped, her hands clenching into fists at her side as her eyes swept the area, how did he find them?

“You know for beings of my intelligence, your scent is incredibly strong and delicious. I almost thought I was smelling things.” He proudly smirked as Muzik glared at him.

“But that shot should have killed a normal human.” He smirked wider causing her to growl. Now they had demons on their ?

“What do you want bastard?” She hissed as he smirked, sliding down on his heel from the backrest to the seat, leaning forward towards her, taking a deep sniff before sighing in contentment.

“I would not mind taking you into my bed m’lady. Having one of the beautiful Alessandro sisters writhing under me as I send her into ecstasy would be my pleasure.” He smirked, his long blue tongue whipping out past his jagged teeth to his lips.

“Disgusting creature. I would rather burn in hell then have something of your demeanor anywhere near my pleasures.” She hissed as he smirked, standing back to his full height again.

“Understandable. I would not doubt m’lady would kill me before we had a chance to start our endeavors.” He added hopping gracefully to the ground, his trench coat carefully floating around him.

“What is a vile creature like you doing around here?” She asked annoyed as he chuckled, curling a stray of his loose wave hair behind his ear.

“I assume you have not heard?” He turned to her amused, her mask never faltering at he chuckled.

“A bounty has been put on you 3, a bounty to kill you before the 5th eclipse from now.” He explained as realization set in on Muzik. Day of the Black sun.

“What’s in it for you?” Muzik asked in interest, seeing a small flame begin to flicker across the man’s palm as he slowly approached.

“Much, for my pleasure.” He smirked as she snorted.

“Disgusting beasts.” She hissed, her hand reaching over for her bracelet. If she didn’t remove it, they would die, especially from an Middle Class Demon and a fire one at that. She bit her lip, looking to his smirking figure at he approached. That’s when she chuckled. Lucky enough they were in a park. She ripped the bracelet off, allowing the overwhelming power flow through her veins as the beast attacked. Barely dodging the fireball headed for her, she flipped backwards, the tip of her boot coming into perfect contact with the demons chin, sending him flying back into the now destroyed bench. As he was currently distracted, Muzik quickly ran over and pulled her sister off the ground with her coat covering her wounds, her arm wound around her sisters waist. She needed to get her to Aria, quick.

“!” The creature shouted, shooting out of the rumble as Muzik muttered an incantation under her breath, her hand lifting in the air at the creature falling down towards them. With a groaning noise, roots from the trees, shot from the ground, piercing him anywhere aside from his heart. He screamed in pain and anger as she swung her arm to tightly hold the roots in place as he began to slowly burn them.

“Ah, you are the nature brat.” He hissed in realization as she snorted, turning to whisper something into her sisters ears, placing her hand on her shoulder to extract what she needed.

“Then I do not need to worry.” He laughed maniacally as he burned the roots easily, sending him floating to the ground. Obviously the state of their powers had been floating around, how?

“No matter what you do, you cannot defeat me m’lady.” He teased slowly approaching the pair as he threw his hands to the ground, both now totally engulfed in flames. Muzik played the part and began retreating as if she had been found out, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

“I will watch you both burn under my fingers and proudly deliver your ash riddled bodies to King Ambrogio.” He chuckled, the fire on his arms now traveling up his shoulders.

“That’s what you think.” She muttered under her breath, her mind weaving in and out to make sure no one had sensed them yet before she held her hand out, an amused smirk playing on his face.

“What do you plan to do m’lady? Turn me into a tree? I’ll just burn that down!” He chuckled as she smirked.

“You underestimate us.” She smiled as he stopped and looked at her confused.

“Thanks for the workout, but I think I owe you for hurting my sister.” Muzik smirked as he began to charge at her without a second thought. Before he could get any closer, his feet came to a sudden halt, confusion, he looked down before looking up to her bright pink eyes.

“You will die for what you have done.” She hissed, a tune now being hummed through the air. He yelled in pain, grabbing at his ears, falling to the ground thrashing to make it stop. She smirked before shutting her eyes and allowing what she had extracted from Celeste to flow through her, her eyes now changing to a glowing teal. The creature already weak from her siren abilities, he turned, looking up to her with pure anger.

“You will not win this fight.” He whispered smirking as she smiled back.

“I think, I have already done so.” She admitted confidently, a flick of her wrist sending his entire body into an unbreakable encasement of ice. With a clench of her fist, the ice shattered, the surrounding area finally blinking into sight as the creatures illusion died. Muzik hissed as her headache return, folks obviously going on with their normal lives as if nothing had happened. That’s when she felt her. Her eyes shot up to the sky before she cursed.

“We have to get out of here.” Muzik whispered to Celeste as she slipped her bracelet back on and began pulling her sister to the on-waiting bus at the curb.

Seconds later….

Five figures dropped unnoticed into the same park, their golden eyes scanning the area in expectation.

You are sure?” Jiyong asked over annoyed as Taeyang nodded.

They should have been here.” Taeyang snapped annoyed as they split up and began looking, the entire time assembling in the same area the demon had disappeared.

You hearing anything?” TOP asked over to Jiyong who was already scanning the area for anything.

They’re gone.” He growled, his eyes lighting up from gold to red in seconds of anger.

Guys.” Seungri called as they looked over to see him kneeling next to a tree. The guys walked over as Seungri gestured to a unique twist in the trees roots, covered in something sticky and dark green. TOP immediately reached out for the tree and placed his hand on it, his eyes lighting up.
They were here.” He nodded in agreement, feeling the power she had used still coursing through the trees anatomy. Daesung knelt down next to Seungri and touched the unidentified substance covering the edge of the root before rubbing it between his fingers.

Is that what I think it is?” Jiyong asked in a growl as Daesung smelt it, his senses going on a roller coaster.

Middle Class Demon.” He announced standing up as Taeyang threw his hands in the air in annoyance.

What the hell are they doing here now?!” Taeyang snapped as Jiyong rubbed his jaw in thought.

Think we should bring it up to his majesty?” Seungri asked unsure to whoever was listening.

Do we have a choice? You heard what he said.” Daesung sighed in defeat.

If we fail to report something like this, chances are, he’ll be sending in Randolph instead.” Jiyong muttered, massaging his forehead in thought.

But if we tell him the sisters were here and we missed them, yet again, then what?” Daesung pointed out as the group sighed.

We need to find them. Quick.” TOP hissed. 

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *