Chapter 5 - Aria Class 1-D

Poisonous Love

“Didn’t you notice something fishy about that guy?” Muzik whispered over once they finally reached the school. Celeste just sighed, rolling her eyes before looking over to her suspicious sister.

“Muzik, we’ve barely spent any time around humans, it’s normal for them to be fishy.” Celeste mentioned back as they continued to walk down the hallway. They came up on a pair of doors with a sign hanging above it, letting them know they had reached the office area. Celeste grabbed the door, ushering her sisters in before shutting it tightly behind her. Those working around the office looked up surprised to see the 3 standing at the door, unsure as what to do.

“Are you the Ambrose sisters?” The elder woman behind the desk asked mentioning their new undercover name causing Muzik to nod in agreement.

“Come, this way girls.” The woman ushered holding open the gate to the office area. They walked in and then followed the woman through the packs of desks and copiers before coming up on another door that read Principal.

“Ms. Kim has been waiting for you.” She mentioned knocking gently on the door before pushing it open.

“Ma’am, the new students have arrived.” She mentioned into the room at the younger woman sitting behind the desk.

“Ah, come in girls, have a seat.” She reassured gesturing to the seats in front of her desk. The girls did as told and took a seat in front of the desk, looking up to the smiling woman, she seemed friendly.

“I’m Mrs. Kim, I’ll be your principal while you are enrolled in our school.” She introduced as the girls did as custom and bowed their heads.

“Are you all ok with Korean?” She asked pointing at them as they nodded their answer.

“Seeing as the uniforms you are wearing, it is a bit easier for me to pinpoint your names.’ She mentioned pulling open a folder before looking up.

“You’re wearing our 3rd years uniform, Celeste Ambrose.” She mentioned as Celeste stood up and bowed her head. The principal collected the papers Aunt Jayde had sent with them before handing each of the girls a set of textbooks they would need for their classes.

“We have already let the teachers know that you would be arriving today, do you need someone to you to class?” She asked as the girls piled their books into their backpacks.

“No thank you ma’am, we’ll be alright by ourselves.” Celeste answered respectfully as she nodded handing them each a sheet of paper that had their school schedule printed on it. The girls thanked the woman before making their exit back out into the now empty school hallway.

“Let’s go drop off Aria at her class.” Muzik mentioned looking over to Aria’s class number before walking down the hallway.

“I’m nervous.” Aria whispered causing the girls to smile, Celeste wrapper her arm around Aria’s shoulder before rubbing his comforting.

“If you ever need us, you know how to get ahold of us.” Muzik mentioned pointing to her head as Aria smiled and nodded.

“And if anyone picks on you, you know who to contact.” Muzik added proudly pointing to herself as Celeste waved off her comment.

“Just listen to what the teachers tell you, follow your schedule, and don’t take off the bracelet.” Celeste mentioned seriously as Aria nodded.

“We’ll meet you outside your classroom for lunch.” Muzik spoke before Aria nodded. Walking up to Class 1-7, they stopped and turned to Aria.

“You’ll be alright.” Celeste mentioned hugging her sister while Muzik patted her back.

“Bye girls.” Aria waved at her sisters disappearing down the hallway before turning to the room door that was packed with voices on the other side. Playing with the hem of her skirt nervously, she sighed once more before finally knocking on the door. Everything on the other side grew quiet as she listened to the footsteps approaching her. Suddenly the door slid open showing an older man standing there, adjusting her reading glasses.

“Ah you must be Aria Ambrose.” He mentioned in a deep voice causing her to nervously nod before smiling.

“I’m Mr. Hyun Bin, I’ll be your homeroom teacher.” He introduced as she quickly bowed, adjusting the panda beanie on top of her head.

“Come on in.” He ushered her into the room as it grew awkwardly quiet. Aria kept her head low as she listened to the whispers from around the room, along with Mr. Hyun Bin’s thought invading her mind from the contact they were having right now.

“Class, listen up!” He announced as Aria turned to the class before looking up nervously to the faces now staring at her.

“Like I had mentioned before, we will be having a new student starting today. I’ll let her introduce herself.” He started before looking over to Aria who nodded and smiled towards the class.

“I’m Aria Ambrose, I moved here from the states 5 months ago, please watch over me.” She said in perfect Korean before nodding. The next time she looked up her eyes connected with a pair in the corner, a male her age, just staring at her. She could feel her heart racing as she quickly took her eyes away from the man and to the teacher speaking next to her.

“Alright, Ms. Aria may take a seat in the back.” He gestured with his hand to the free seat at the window. She nodded hesitantly walking down the aisle to the back row, smiling at the girl sitting next to her. Sitting there suddenly felt unnerving with that glare or stare directed at her from across the room. She looked down to her hands on the next, trying to listen to what the homeroom teacher was explaining, but naturally her eyes began to wander the class before landing on the man sitting on the opposite side of her. He was dressed differently from the rest of them, no uniform but expensive looking clothes from top to bottom.

“I’m Hana.” A voice interrupted her thoughts as she blinked and looked to the girl sitting next to her with her hand out.

“Oh, I’m Aria, nice to meet you.” Aria quickly said smiling as the girl looked over into the direction Aria had been staring in before turning back to her.

“Don’t even waste your breath.” Hana mentioned as Aria blinked in confusion.

“You’re interested in one of the Big Bang boys.” She mentioned gesturing over with her eyes as Aria quickly shook her head at the question.

“No I was just wondering why he was dressed differently than us.” Aria whispered before Hana chuckled and nodded.

“The group Big Bang, that I was talking about, is a group of 5 boys here.” She started as Aria nodded.

“Their parents are supposed to be these rich and respected people in the world and Korea, but none of us have ever seen or heard of them.” Hana whispered confused as Aria nodded looking over to the one sitting across the room.

“He’s one of them, the youngest of the group, Lee Seunghyun or Seungri.” Hana mentioned as both girls looked over to Seungri sitting at the door, leaning back in his seat with his eyes glued to the board.

Seungri smiled feeling the new stare that he was welcoming from the new girl. She was a beautiful foreigner, first foreigner they were welcoming into their class, new meat.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *