Chapter 32 - Uncontrollable Feelings

Poisonous Love

“Ah there you are!” Daesung practically jumped off the seat he had been nervously waiting for her at. She walked in amazed with the huge change in atmosphere of the room.

“Wow.” She whispered in surprise as she placed her bag gently down before looking around.

“Look good?” Daesung asked seeing her surprised expression.

“You could say that. Didn’t expect it to look like this.” Muzik admitted as Daesung sighed and nodded.
They had somehow changed the color of the once plain white walls to black with a white trim. They added black and red tables to accentuate the wall colors, there was a small bar like area at one end of the room where they would be making the drinks. Last but not least, they had a small stage set up in the far corner of the room, under a single light with an old fashion microphone set up.

“You like it?” Daesung asked as Muzik flinched and stepped away from the sudden closeness.

“Sure.” She answered in monotone before looking away.

 “You brought something to wear?” He asked gesturing to the bag as she nodded pulling it to her chest suddenly self-conscious.

“Well if you want to change now before we get started, they are planning to open the gate in less than an hour.” He explained causing Muzik to sigh in defeat.

“Fine.” She muttered walking out of the classroom and down the hallway towards the bathroom, only place for her to change. She had to be standing in that stall for about 20 minutes just staring at the dress hanging in front of her. Why was she suddenly so nervous? Finally after waiting for so long she finally stripped down and dressed into it, unsure if it looked alright on her. Zipping up the sides, she kicked off her hoes before slipping into a pair of heels. Packing everything back into her bag she waited till the bathroom was quiet to step out and check herself in the mirror. Adding a few pins in her hair to keep her bangs back and out of her face, she sighed at her reflection. After years of acting and dressing like a tomboy, it were times like these her mother loved to see the most.


red & black


“Omo, whose that?” A voice startled Muzik as she turned and sighed when she saw who it was.

“Isn’t that…” One of the girls mentioned before their eyes shot open in realization.
“Well, well, well, seems like even the ugly duckling is trying to fit in.” She spoke amused as they surrounded her. She zipped up the bag before turning to look at the girls annoyed.

“Don’t you three have something better to do than harass someone, like paint your nails or about something to your rich parents?” Muzik spat as their eyes shot open in anger.

“Why you little .” One hissed quickly slapping Muzik across the face. Muzik bit her lip, trying to hold in the anger that was threatening to spill over. She knew if she gave this what she deserved, there was a chance that she wouldn’t stop hitting her till her brains spilled out on the floor.

“Are you done?” Muzik asked annoyed, unfazed by the slap causing her to gasp. She slapped her again. Muzik just stared in the direction her head whipped in, gripping the strap of her bag tightly.

“How dare you.” She gasped throwing a punch this time, luckily Muzik saw it come and stepped out of the way causing her to punch the edge of the sink. She yelped in pain, jumping up and down as she held her hand to her chest. Muzik smirked amused before pulling the bag up and over her shoulder.

“Stupid.” Muzik muttered, quickly walking out with the opening given. The moment she stepped out she came into contact with something hard. Yelping in surprise that she was now stumbling back, something caught hold of her waist to keep her you.

“Are you alright?” the familiar bass voice asked as she looked up immediately before blushing and pulling away to adjust her dress.

“Ah, yes, thanks.” She thanked hesitantly side eying him to see him eying her up and down. She blushed, clearing before grabbing her bag from the ground.

“YA! YOU STUPID ! I SHOULD HIT YOU AGAIN!” A voice shouted the moment the door to the bathroom opened as Muzik rolled her eyes. TOP’s eyes shot open at the mention of her getting hit. He looked over to Muzik, finally noticing the noticeably red mark on her cheek then glared at the girls that quickly quieted down.
“You hit her?” He asked through his teeth as the girls shivered in fear.

“I’ll see you later.” Muzik bowed her head respectfully before walking away. TOP watched carefully before turning his attention back to the 3 girls.

“If I find you 3 near her again, I’ll kill you.” He warned flashing his eyes from red to black scaring the girls off.



“They are somewhere on campus.” Jiyong whispered to himself before looking around to the track team getting set up for the haunted house. His eyes landed on a pair, one girl in particular. Jiyong watched as she put her hair up into a wig net for her costume. She laughed about something with Hana before her eyes drifted over to him. Jiyong smirked in her direction, seeing the blush cross her cheeks feeling the heat of them reach him. Quickly he turned away before he did something he would regret later, swallowing the venom that suddenly enveloped his mouth.

“Damn girl.” He muttered under his breath. She was going to be the end of him. Jiyong quickly disappeared into the maze, checking every little matter, lightings, sound, special effects, everything they had set up before he came around the corner, pulling apart two curtains, almost freezing in his spot with what he saw. He didn’t know he had walked around the entire maze and into what seemed to be the changing area. The person in the room froze in her spot before slowly and hesitantly looking over her shoulder both in surprise and embarrassment. She was only in her underwear, trying to pull over a dress they had made her wear for her costume. Jiyong on the other hand, his hands were sweating considerably, his fangs protruded from their spot while his heart beat painfully in his chest. Her eyes shot open as she quickly grabbed the dress she had meant to pull over to use as a cover now.

“What are you doing in here?” She whispered sounding out of breath causing him to swallow heavily. Even if he tried to move, his legs wouldn’t allow it. That’s when his nose caught something delicious. Immediately his nose shot in the air, a growl threatening to rip through his throat when he realized what that smell was, it was her.


Celeste stood there, unsure as what to do at the moment. There was a guy, a guy that she had constantly thought of for some odd reason, now in her changing room, just staring at her as she stood in the corner. Of course any normal person would begin throwing things at this point, but something about the atmosphere in this room made her limbs feel like lead, she couldn’t move or even fathom real words for that matter. She didn’t know what it was with this guy, she hated him for some reason but she had a strange attraction to him that drove her insane. Quickly she glued her legs together, nervous in his presences.


“Can you get out so I can get dressed?” She asked in a small voice as his eyes continued to scan her. Jiyong quickly shut his eyes, trying to control his feelings and hormones that were threatening to spill over just from the sight of her.

“I can’t.” He whispered now grabbing at his head that painfully spun around. Celeste using one hand held the dress up to cover her while the other hesitantly reached out towards him. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

“Why…hey, are you alright?” She was about to retort before seeing him bite his lip. Taking the few steps it was towards him, wondering and caring suddenly about his well-being, Jiyong’s eyes shot open, smelling her need too close to him before his lips were to hers. Everything happened too fast for either to comprehend. It felt so good but so wrong at the same time. The strangest thing was that neither of them wanted to pull away.

“Unnie!” A voice called on the other side of the curtain triggering common sense in the both. Their eyes shot open before they pulled away from each other. Celeste blushed, putting her finger tips to her lips before Jiyong growled, walking backwards before ducking out of the curtain he had entered from.

“Unnie?” A voice called as Celeste blinked before looking over to see Hana looked at her from between the curtains.

“Are you ok?” Hana asked stepping in worried as Celeste nodded, unsure how else to answer.

“I think.” She whispered.

“Are you sure? You’re cheeks are really red.” Hana pointed out, gesturing to her cheeks. Why was it that she had the demeanor to always be the protective and obedient sister, but when this boy was around, it was like every logical thing was out the window?


“Ah, you’re here!” A voice spoke scaring Aria who quickly turned to see Seungri walking into the library towards her. She blushed, looking away quickly to the flyers in her hand.

“Are you alright?” He asked as she nodded, unable to look up at him. Seungri quickly scanned her body for any injuries before landing on her eyes that refused to look at him.

“Did you go to the hospital after what happened?” He asked suddenly sounding worried as she nodded again, keeping her eyes to the flyers she was sorting.

“Um, I wanted to thank you.” He finally said as her hands froze at the phrase.

“If you didn’t throw yourself out there, that could have been me.” He answered now looking down to his hands intertwined on the desk in front of him. She swallowed heavily before courageously looking over to see him looking away from her.

“I didn’t think they actually were the sort to do that stuff.” He admitted as she closely listened.

“You’re welcome.” She finally spoke as his eyes shot open and over to see her gentle smile directed down at him. Whatever was left of their hearts beat painfully in that moment.

“Don’t do it again, alright.” He whined as her smile disappeared before she blinked confusingly.

“Why not?” She asked in her small voice sending his heart aflutter.

“I’m not worth you throwing your life on the line for.” He admitted as she blushed, looking back down to the flyers. He smiled, knowing that she definitely had some sort of attraction to him, but he was hesitant. He liked her, he was attracted to her, but he didn’t want her to get hurt for him.

“Can I help you?” Seungri carefully asked as she smiled embarrassed down to the pile in front of her. He patiently waited for an answer before she slipped a pile over to him.

“We need to organize these.” She whispered as he smiled in surprise before nodding.

“Yes ma’am.” He teased giving a salute causing her to chuckle.


“Pathetic.” Youngbae whispered as he stood in the doorway of the library watching the exchange. It was definitely a war between the brothers.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *