Chapter 24 - Suspicion

Poisonous Love

Aria stayed home from school the next day, Muzik and Celeste got dressed and left for school on time.

“Are you still thinking about yesterday?” Celeste whined as she looked at her sister who seemed to be deep in thought.

“Pfft, don’t you think it’s weird that he didn’t ring, I mean, every time I see that guy he’s following Aria like a lost puppy. I’m sure he would have come to see her.” Muzik mentioned back still in thought.

“Maybe the doorbell is broken and he thought we weren’t home anymore.” Celeste mentioned causing Muzik to roll her head to stare at her sister.

“I rang it when I went to pick up the treats, it works.” She retorted looking ahead to see something about to happen.

“Aish.” She hissed annoyed running ahead of her sister to the nearest crosswalk, she dropped her bag and ran into the crosswalk, quickly grabbing the pair of inattentive kids before jumping to the side with them, barely avoiding the barreling car coming through.

“Thank goodness.” Muzik whispered in relief letting go of the two kids who stood up, dusting themselves off.

“You kids alright?” Muzik asked standing up to adjust her skirt as the two kids nodded.

“She just saved those two kids.”

“Wow, she’s fast.”
“Where’d she come from?”
people around them began to whisper.

“Thank you Ahjumma.” They both said causing her to snort and kneel down, trying to ignore the fact that they had just referred to her as an old woman.

“You kids make sure to pay attention when you’re crossing the road, alright?” Muzik commanded as the pair nodded with a smile.

“Thank you.” They both bowed before running off.

“Wow.” Celeste announced finally making it to her sister who stood of the ground adjusting her skirt once again.

“Didn’t need to see two kids being run over on my way to school.” Muzik explained walking alongside her sister before the hairs on her neck stood up. She stopped and looked over her shoulder to see a familiar figure walking back into an alleyway across the street.

“Was that….” Muzik whispered narrowing her eyes.

“What? You ok?” Celeste asked confused as Muzik looked to her and then to the alleyway.

“Do you see anyone in that alleyway?” Muzik whispered as Celeste blinked in confusion then turned to the alleyway. She squinted her now light green eyes as her vision took her across the street to the alleyway to see it empty with a dead end.

“No one’s in there.” Celeste answered letting her eyes return to normal as Muzik sighed.

“I thought I saw someone walk in there.” Muzik answered before continuing on her walk towards the school.


Of course when the pair of sisters had finally reached the school, all eyes were on them. Whispers and gossip were exchanged as Muzik hissed, keeping her eyes ahead of them.

“I thought it was bad enough they were talking about us before.” Muzik mentioned over to Celeste who shrugged uncaring.

“Just ignore it, I do.” Celeste mentioned causing Muzik to sigh and quickly turn her head to the left startling the pair of girls who were talking about her. Muzik smirked when she noticed the terrified expression on them.

“Stop it.” Celeste whined quietly before they climbed up the stairs and into the entryway of the school.

“Oh Muzik!” A voice shouted while Muzik sighed looking to her sister.

“I’ll see you after club activities.” Muzik added as Celeste nodded. Muzik quickly her heels before walking in the opposite direction of the voice.

“Muzik!” The voice shouted as she walked faster, turning to the stairwell , quickly walking up it.

“Ya!” The voice shouted before an arm grabbed hers, quickly turning her towards the voice to see none other than Daesung out of breath.

“Geez, didn’t you hear me calling you?” He asked panting as she sighed pulling her arm out of his.

“I’ve had a long morning, can I just walk in peace?” Muzik asked annoyed as Daesung looked at her worried.

“How’s your sister doing?” He suddenly asked as she sighed looking up the stairs to the wandering eyes.

“She’s fine. She’s at home resting.” She answered walking up the stairs, trying to avoid any eyes staring at her.

“Are you coming to practice today?” He then asked directly next to her, startling her.

“Aish, you scared me.” She hissed glaring at him as they walked into class and to the back row.

“I have boxing practice today.” She answered never looking to see his sad expression.

“So I guess you won’t be helping us with the café then?” He whispered sitting down while she plopped down annoyed.

“I didn’t say that.” She answered as his eyes lit up before looking over.

“You’ll help still?” He asked expectantly causing her to sigh loudly.

“I really hate to dress up, just forewarning you, so if anyone pulls any stunts on me, I’ll rip their throats out.” She smiled over at him sending a shiver down his spine. Muzik began pulling books out of her bag before she froze, growling in annoyance. Daesung looked over confused to see her muttering to herself, holding her hand in her hands.

“A pop quiz, seriously?” She whispered lowly as he blinked in confusion just as their teachers walked in.

“Morning class! Let’s start the day off with a surprise pop quiz!” he announced causing everyone to groan in annoyance. Daesung quickly turned to Muzik in surprise before she slowly looked to them.

“What?” She asked annoyed as he quickly shook his head before turning away. How could she have known that?


“Oh you came to school.” Woohyun announced surprised when Celeste took a seat next to him.

“Why wouldn’t I?” She asked over, curling a hair behind her ear.

“Well with what happened to your sister, I just figured you’d stay home.” He answered as she chuckled and nodded, turning to the front of the class.

“She’s fine, just resting at home.” She answered as he nodded.

“So how is the haunted house coming along?” He asked interested as she rested her chin on her palm.

“It’s getting there, we only put the walls up yesterday, so we’re painting the walls and doing decorations today.” Celeste answered as he nodded in understanding.

“Sorry about making you late to your meeting yesterday.” He answered as she looked over confused.

“Late?” She asked confused as he nodded.

“Jiyong-ssi said you were late.” He pointed out as she snorted, turning away from him.

“I wasn’t late, I was there before anyone else was.” She explained as he looked over confused.

“Then why did he say you were late?” He asked as she shrugged.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” She sighed out before looking over her shoulder to the man in the back row.

“You know, I see him around your sister a lot lately.” Woohyun interrupted as Celeste looked from the man to Woohyun.

“Which sister?” She asked unsure as he looked up in thought.

“The one that’s a year younger than us.” He mentioned as Celeste sighed, covering her face.

“Muzik.” She answered as he snapped his finger and nodded.

“That sister.” He added as she looked over her shoulders, narrowing her eyes with the man in the back. His eyes suddenly shot open before he looked over to her, connecting his intense ones with hers.

“When’s the last time you saw them together?” Celeste asked never moving her eyes.

“Yesterday after school on the roof.” He mentioned.





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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *