Chapter 30 - Getting Down to Business

Poisonous Love

“Hurry, climb off.” Muzik muttered pushing her sister out the door while keeping her eyes behind on the man walking out as well, with Eujong, a fellow classmate. They stepped aside to give others room while keeping their eyes on the pair now walking in the opposite direction of school.

“Where is he taking her? School’s right there.” Aria mentioned in a whisper pointing across the street. Muzik sighed, looking from the school to the pair walking down the street before he ducked in an alleyway with her in pull.

“Damn it.” Muzik hissed grabbing her sisters hand and tugging along with her.

“If we don’t do anything, our school will have one less classmate.” Muzik mentioned walking quickly towards the alleyway where they heard her scream.

“Come on!” Muzik shouted running faster as they went around the corner to see him now chasing a crying Eujong.

“Hey!” Muzik shouted startling both as the man stopped with his claws hanging at his side. Eujong was cornered against the furthest wall, eyes terrified. Soon the man slowly turned to look at them, behold, the despicable creatures they despised.

“Leave her alone.” Muzik warned glaring at the man that simply smirked, showing her his fangs.

“Aria, I’ll distract him, get Eujong and get back to the school.” Muzik whispered never moving her eyes from the man as Aria’s eyes flashed up to Muzik.

“B-but.” She muttered as Muzik smiled, squeezing Aria’s hand.

“Don’t worry about me, this guy will be an ant to me. If I’m not back in 10 minutes, find Celeste, alright?” She added as Aria hesitantly nodded.

“Come on dude, show me what you got.”  Muzik taunted stepping away from Aria before placing her bag onto a broken shard of metal sticking out of the wall. The man tilted his head, eyes flashing back and forth from Aria to Muzik.

Muzik knew he wasn’t going to pounce on her when he was so close to his kill behind him. And with her bracelet on, she couldn’t expose herself in front of a classmate, afraid she would spill everything, in result they would go into hiding again. But this was an innocent soul being taken advantage against. She sighed looking to the metal shard before looking to Aria’s worried expression.

“I’ll be fine, heal me later.” She whispered sticking her hand out to the pointy edge before slicing her hand quickly. She hissed in pain, hanging her hand out to the side, keeping it away from her clothes. The man’s eyes shot open, glowing red now as he watched the blood dripping from her hand.

Slowly the creature began stalking towards her as she held herself still.

“Aria, go.” She whispered as Aria nodded, sliding across the wall towards the still shaken.

“Hi, I’m Aria Ambrose, we go to school with you. Come on.” Aria introduced holding her hand out to the clearly shaken girl who hesitantly took it.

“But what about your sister?” Eujong sniffled as Aria looked at her sister one more time as she nodded and ran off with Eujong in tow.

“She’ll be fine.” Aria answered on the way.

Muzik sighed in relief before turning her eyes back to the drooling creature.

“Alessandro blood.” He groaned tilting his head to the side causing her to snort before grabbing a small hand towel that had been hanging out of her bag to hold against the cut.

“Disgusting leech.” Muzik hissed irritated with how her morning had turned out. She tossed the red towel onto her bag before curling a hair behind her ear.

“Alright, we can do this the easy way or the hard way?” She offered as he chuckled uncaring while he his lips.

“Then again, this is you we are talking about, I rather just burn you to a crisp.” She whispered annoyed, cracking her knuckles.

“Let’s get this over with.” She whispered just as the psychotic creature pounced at her, pushing her down to the ground behind her.

“God dammit, get off of me.” She hissed holding one hand across his face, careful of his fangs to keep him from biting at her. A vision popped in her head suddenly as her eyes shot open before nearly dodging his claws that were aimed at her face, now stuck in the cement under her. She chuckled before pulling her leg up and kicking him as hard as she could off of him. He flew off and tumbled across the ground before catching himself gracefully a few feet behind. Muzik hissed when her cut hand touched the ground mistakenly causing her to quickly retract it towards her body.

“Son of a .” She whispered annoyed looking up to the cackling vampire now standing up. She clenched her good fist before looking to her watch, if she didn’t finish it off here, her sisters would come looking for her. She sighed, taking a step back before looking down at her bracelet.

“I have to take care of this quickly before someone sees.” She whispered growling at the man.

“You’re dead. Any last words?” She asked amused with a hand on her bracelet already. He smiled.

“The Ambrose sisters are in Korea and are going to this private school.” He answered smirking causing her eyes to shoot open.

“I’m sure King Ambrogio would be pleased to see you 3, finally.” He added amused as her heart began to pound loudly in her ears. She couldn’t let him spill their secret, especially to him of all people.

“I could be rewarded for telling such a news.” He added causing her to growl. She needed to stop him. Now. Looking around quickly, she shut her eyes to see if any more of them were near, none. She quickly slid off her bracelet before sighing as the power rushed through her veins like a rushing river. Opening her eyes once more, she smiled letting them turn pink as he assumed a defense position.

“It won’t help you.” She answered smirking before running at him.


“We have got word that the Alessandro sisters are in Korea.” King Ambrogio mentioned to the five boys kneeling.

“And I have been informed that you 5, have already had a run in with them before.” He added a bit more serious as they bowed their head.

“Would someone like to explain to me why wasn’t I informed?” He asked tapping his long nails on the armrest of his throne like seat.

“We apologize, you’re majesty.” Jiyong apologized first.

“Explain to me what happened.” He added glaring at the 5 boys. Jiyong swallowed heavily before looking up to connect his eyes with his.

“We felt them 2 weeks ago, but by the time we got to their exact location, they were gone and only ash was left.” Jiyong explained as King Ambrogio growled.

“Why didn’t you follow them?!” He shouted angrily causing the 5 to flinch in surprise.

“We planned to, but their signals and power levels disappeared seconds after we feel them.” Youngbae interrupted.

“By the time we get there, there isn’t a trace of the left.” Seungri added never looking up.

“This is ridiculous. You 5 have always been the best men I have had since the beginning. I give you the easy task of tracking the sisters while you live your lives alongside those filthy humans, but WHY IS IT SO HARD TO TRACK 3 LITTLE GIRLS!!” He shouted baring his fangs at the 5 who just hung their head in shame.

“SHALL I SEND OUT RANDOLPH INSTEAD?!” He shouted mentioning one of the crazed vampires their group had under captivity, one that couldn’t be controlled, fast, strong, deadly. Their eyes shot open before looking up.

“No sir, we’ll take care of them, without a doubt.” TOP answered quickly watching as the King slowly took a seat before sighing.

“If you guys mess up once more, I will release Randolph on them and you.” He warned as they nodded, bowing before standing up and leaving.

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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *