Ch. 37


"I don't know what to say." I say, amazed.

"How about, 'yes'?" He smiles.

"Lu Han, are you sure-" He stops me by putting his finger on my lips.
Yes. I am absolutely sure."
Then, yes." He squeals with pure joy and lifts me up, spinning me around in a hug.
You have made me the happiest person in the world~" He squeals again, making me giggle.
We better hurry and get back. Recording starts in 8 minutes." I say through my giggling. He grabs my hand and we walk back the way I had just came.


We get into the dressing room to see the boys sitting there waiting for us. "So you finally did it?" Lay asks Lu Han. He nods happily and looks at me with a huge goofy smile on his face.
Good! It's about time!" Kris chuckles.
Wait, you were planning this?" I ask him, curious. He nods.
No fair, ge ge!!" Tao pouts. "You know that I like her too!!" He was being super adorable. I look at Lu Han, he nods and I drop his hand, walking over to Tao and kissing his cheek.
And I like you too~" He giggles.
Okay. I guess that I admit defeat." He looks at Lu Han and throws him a wink.
Recording starts in 5 minutes." A staff member tells us. We file out and everyone gets to their places. I take my seat next to the director, not wanting to get even close to those fan girls.


The show goes on perfectly, better than the rehearsals the day before, just like Tao said it would. Everyone bows to everyone, and thanks each other for their hard work. The boys go to talk to the host, and I start wandering around the set again. A group of about 8 fangirls come up to me. "We saw you with EXO-M." One said.
Yeah. What are you to them?" Another said in a angry voice.
You're not even that pretty." A third said arrogantly.
Plus you're a foreigner." The another one added.
You probably don't even understand what we are saying. Can you?" The first one said again with a laugh.
Actually, I can. I do not like your tone, or how you are not respecting my personal space. Could you please back up a little and stop being so rude?" I tell them. They all get wide eyed and look around at each other.
You're one to talk. Why are you with EXO-M? You're just a foreigner." There they go throwing that word at me again.
An unpretty one at that."
Could you please back away from her?" A familiar voice said. The girls gasp as Kris comes and stands by my side.
Kris!" They all swoon.
Stop being so rude to her. Kai Lin-mei mei is one of the nicest people we have ever met. And she is not 'unpretty'." Lu Han says as he comes up on my other side and puts his arm around me. As he starts walking me to the rest of the boys with Kris, I look back to throw a evil smirk at the girls, and to stick my tongue out at them.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" They all ask with concerned looks on their faces.
No no no. I'm fine. They were just being rude, that's all." I say, feeling low on self-esteem from their verbal attacks. They all notice and start showering me with compliments, trying to make me feel better. "Okay, okay, okay. I believe you." I say to them with a giggle. They all throw their hands up in the air triumphantly, and we walk out into the snow to the car.





wookie_96's note:

A quick update so that you know what happened with the ending of the last chapter~

They were distracting me with their gorgeousness, so it's this short. Lol.


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Chapter 37: Nuuuuu T T She can't be with Luhan! Dongho oppa T T
Chapter 34: I love the updates! Please update soon!
Chapter 27: I really love your updates! I hope you feel better!
Chapter 21: AHHHHHH~! I was spazzing with Dongho sleeping on her arm~! <3
Chapter 20: OMG! I was spazzing throughout the whole chapter! you did really good!
Chapter 19: Ukiss, are you trying to KILL THEM!? Love it ;)
Chapter 19: I love all of these songs in this chapter! Most of my favorite groups appeared in it! :)
Chapter 17: Yay an update! I love it!