Ch. 16



We all get on the boys' bus and sit in the same seats we sat in the day before, and instantly start giggling and goofing off to ourselves. The boys' song Man Man Ha Ni comes on the radio and we all dance and sing along. Maria and I split up the boys' parts, she taking Eli, Kevin, and Xander's parts, I took Kiseop, Dongho, and Kibum's parts, and we split Soohyun's between the two of us. With Xander and Kibum being gone, AJ and Hoon each took over their parts respectively. Although we all could feel each others' pain from their absence, we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves singing and dancing to Man Man Ha Ni.


We finally arrive at the Hollywood Bowl after about 10 songs and we got off the bus. "Do we need to go and join the other fans waiting on the concert to start?" Maria asked with a sad expression on her face.
"If you two want to hang out with us for a while, you can." Eli said with a smile. "I'm sure our manager wouldn't mind, as long as you two stayed out of trouble." He winked, making us all giggle.
"THAT would be IMPOSSIBLE." Kevin said as his nudged Maria with his elbow.
"Yeah, because these too are HUGE troublemakers." AJ said, propping his elbow in my shoulder because I was so short.
"We are not!" We both say in unison. "We are perfectly fine, just as long as people don't make us mad."
"SUREEEE." Soohyun said, chuckling.
"Fine! Then we'll just leave you guys then, since you are so mean!" Maria said pouting, starting to turn to walk away.
I laugh and turn to Hoon. "I guess we'll go and hang out with other fans for a while. How about we come back about an hour before the gates open to let us go to our seats?"
"That sounds great! That will give us an hour to hang out together!" He replied excitedly.
"Okay then, come on Maria. Let's go see what's going on with the fans this year." I say, turning to wink at the boys as we started walking away.


We get to the gathering of all the fans here for the concert. There are a ton of booths set up and people are everywhere.
"What do you want to do first?" Maria asked.
"How about we go to every booth and get the free stuff they offer before all of the free stuff runs out." I say, winking.


We head around and get things like light sticks, t-shirts, and pens. There is a Korean radio station playing over a loud speaker playing 4minute's MUZIK. A couple people are dancing and singing to it. "Do you want to join them? It doesn't look like a flash mob. I just looks like they are just dancing to have fun." She asked me.
"Sure! I know the dance pretty well! Let's do it!" We join in during the second chorus after we lay our stuff in front of us as a marker for how far forward we can go in our dance, and to keep an eye on it. All together, our group makes up the same number of members 4minute has, making us seem like we are a cover group of 4minute. We all manage to each cover a different member of the group, Maria was Jihyun, I was Hyuna. As the song finished, we struck a final pose like what 4minute would have done, and people around us clap. I saw a few people had cameras and phones out, taking video. "I want a copy of that." I say as I laugh and wink at one of them. He laughs and flashes a thumbs-up, as we grab our stuff and start walking again.
"That was really fun!" Maria exclaimed. "Can we do it again with another song?"
"Sure. When one comes on, we can start dancing to it with people."


After walking around a little while, our chance to randomly dance in public with strangers came again, but this time with Shock by BEAST. This time, we were the first to start dancing, and soon others started joining in, again, making us have enough members to be a BEAST cover group. Again, we each took on roles of a certain member, Maria assumed the role of Yoseob, and I assumed the role of Junhyung. We finish the song and I see the same guy from earlier recording us again. "You guys are on a roll today, huh?" He said.
I laugh. "We just really love dancing. Plus this music is amazing!" I tell him. He looked half Korean. Most of his features were Asian, but he had a light delicate sandy brown hair color that was obviously natural, and white skin.


Most of the people here were Asian, making Maria and I sort of feel out of place, but seeing this guy here just kind of made it better. He looked half, so then that means that we have at least someone here that isn't a full blooded Asian. There were some here, but few and far between.
"It's odd seeing girls like you two liking this kind of music. It's rare. But it makes me happy." He flashed a winning smile. Oh my, how white his teeth were! Almost as white as Kevin's.
"Oh no!!! I almost forgot!!!! Maria, hurry!! What time is it?!" I exclaim, starting to feel a little panicked.
"It's 4:16pm."
"We better start heading off to find the boys then! Uhhhmmmm.. Here's my number, you can send me those videos later." I hand him a small slip of paper with my name and number on it that I quickly torn off of a paper a woman at one of the booths had given us that I jotted my info on.
"Okay! Talk to you later then!" He called after us.


We make it to the backstage area and start looking around, searching for any one of the boys. We spend 10 minutes searching, finding no sign of any of them. "Where could they be?" I ask, feeling a little panicked. What if someone finds us here and kicks us out, thinking we don't belong? It's not like we could tell them that U-KISS told us we could come back here. No one would believe us. Sigh.
"What are you two doing back here? This is a restricted area! Personnel, staff, and performers only!" I hear from behind us, as I feel a huge hand land on my shoulder. Oh no! I spoke too soon! What do we do now?!


We start being pushed out when I here someone yell, "It's alright! I told them they could be here!" We get whirled around by this huge brick wall parading around dressed as a human to see Kiseop walking towards us.
"Are you sure sir? They were snooping around back here." The brick wall said.
"We were not! We were searching for one of you!" Maria said to Kiseop, struggling to wriggle free while letting her sassiness come out.
"Yes, I'm sure. Let them go." Kiseop said, laughing at Maria's struggles. "Come with me, we've been waiting for you." He said, smiling brightly.


We walk backstage, following him, walking passed a ton of staff and their equipment. We walk into this tent and find all of U-KISS sitting there and laughing amongst themselves. "I found them!" Kiseop exclaimed, scaring them because they didn't see us come in. "I had to get them out of some trouble. The security guard thought they were crazy fans snooping around backstage and was going to kick them out when I found them and came to their rescue." He said arrogantly.
"Our hero." I said, trying to look all sweet and innocent, making Maria squeal and the boys laugh.
"Watch it. You don't want to make Dongho jealous now." Teased Eli, causing Dongho and I to blush and turn our heads.
"I am not jealous." He said, playfully punching Eli in the arm.
"Sureee." He said, ruffling the maknae's hair.
"Hey! You are going to mess my hair up!" He yelled, getting out of his chair to get away from Eli's grasp. We all laugh.
"You can definitely tell that Dongho is the maknae." Teased Kiseop.
"But our maknae doesn't love his hyung anymore." Soohyun said, pretending to be upset.
"Yes I do hyung!" He said defensively.
"Then why don't you hang out with me more? You're hyung thinks you hate him." Now he's pretending like he's going to cry. I run over to him and start rubbing his back, going along with Soohyun's teasing.
"It's okay Soohyunnie. Dongho is just in his rebellious stage. Don't let it get to you. You know you'll always have me." I said, winking at him when he looked up at me. He saw that I'm in on his teasing, and winks back.
"Yes, I have my little dongsaeng to hang out with me." He said, now poking my cheeks making me giggle. "Do you want to go with oppa and let him buy you an iced coffee? I used to do that with Dongho, but now he doesn't love me anymore. But I know that you love oppa, right?"
"Yes of course oppa! I love you very much!" Maria giggled when Kevin poked her and gestured towards Dongho, who was getting angry.
"Come on then. Do your feet hurt from wearing those heels? Would you like oppa to carry you?"
"That's enough!! I'm going to buy her an iced coffee, and buy hyung one too!!! Just... stop!!" Dongho yelled, grabbing my hand from Soohyun's grip, pulling me out of the tent and with him.


It was silence all the way to the McCafe booth to get iced coffees. Dongho got Soohyun a Mocha, and me and him a Vanilla each. He paid and he started dragging me back towards the backstage area.
"Uhhh... Dongho?
"What?" Sigh.. He was still mad...
"You know Soohyun was only teasing you? I hope you're not mad at me... I was only playing along.. I didn't think you would react like this.... I'm sorry..." He stopped walking then and turned to me. His expression softened when he saw how upset I looked. I felt like I was going to cry. I didn't want him mad.. It was just a joke...
"It's okay. Don't cry. I forgive you. It just... upset me..." His voice was so gentle, as if he was afraid I would break if he was even slightly sounding harsh.
"What did? Him saying that you don't care about him anymore?"
"No. That you would call him 'oppa'.. And say that stuff... It just... hurt..." Now his expression was full of pain.
"Oh, I'm really sorry! I promise I won't ever do that again! I don't want Dongho-oppa mad at me!" I said, poking his squishy cheek, trying to get him to stop looking like he's in pain.
"I'm not mad at you." He said, the painful expression was beginning to fade. Did calling him 'oppa' make him feel better? Was that REALLY why he was upset? Because I called Soohyun 'oppa' and not him?
"Please don't be mad or upset with me! I'm sorry! Dongho-oppa, don't feel sad! Please!" I begged, hopping that calling him 'oppa' some more would make his pain go away.




wookie_96's note:

Ooooooooo~ Cliffhanger~

Well, it wasn't much of a cliffhanger. .____. Lol.


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Chapter 37: Nuuuuu T T She can't be with Luhan! Dongho oppa T T
Chapter 34: I love the updates! Please update soon!
Chapter 27: I really love your updates! I hope you feel better!
Chapter 21: AHHHHHH~! I was spazzing with Dongho sleeping on her arm~! <3
Chapter 20: OMG! I was spazzing throughout the whole chapter! you did really good!
Chapter 19: Ukiss, are you trying to KILL THEM!? Love it ;)
Chapter 19: I love all of these songs in this chapter! Most of my favorite groups appeared in it! :)
Chapter 17: Yay an update! I love it!