Just... Worried

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


      Aron was pacing back and forth in the room where HyeMi was. I feel so bad, this was my fault. She's really pretty when she's not yelling actually... Aron, what are you doing?! You're lucky she's good at English. Aisht, stop! You should'nt like her. She called you a jerk. No one calls you a jerk. No one! Everyone's scared of you. You're the top dog. Aisht, I have to get out of here... But I can't! 
     "Stop pacing would you? It's making me nervous." YongHwa said. Everyone else was outside. Aron looked at him, then walked back to the window to see what everyone else was doing. JR was laughing with HyeMi-ah's friend. "Aisht, that boy, already pulling a move," Aron muttered. 
      "Yah, YongHwa, what happened?" HyeMi muttered. Aron turned around. 
      "You fainted. You had so much stress on you that it just became too much. Yuuki called your friend Niall. You should call him. He's worried." YongHwa told her. 
      "Arraso," she said, turning her head and making contact with Aron. "Yah! What are you doing here?!" She said, quickly sitting up. 
      "Chill! I just felt bad. I'll be out of your hair." he muttered and rushed out the room. God, she could've at least thanked me or calmed down a little, Aron thought. He went over and sat down, saying a quick 'Hi' to Yuuki before stealing Baekho's food.
      "HyeMi-ah, be nice to him. He did rush you over to the hospital and pace back and forth until you woke up, he was worried, I could tell." YongHwa said. She smiled. 
      "Arasso. Kamsahamnida YongHwa." HyeMi said. He left the room and HyeMi grabbed her phone from the little table to the side of the bed. She called Niall. 
     "Hello? Adna?!" Niall said, frantic. 
     "Niall!" you said smiling, glad to hear his voice, realizing you missed him deeply. 
     "Are you okay?!" he asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine Niall." you replied.
     "I don't like where this is going HyeMi. You're with all guys, except Yuuki. You're passing out the moment you get there, I think you should come back." You begin to get angry even though you know he's just worried.
     "No Niall, I'll be fine. The boys have been so nice to us, and this is my only chance to become this kind of dancer," you say back, a little more meaner than expected. 
     "No Adna, I don't care, come back!" he pleaded, a lot meaner than last time. 
     "No Niall! I didn't stop you from chasing your dream, so don't try to stop me from mine!" you yell at him, regretting it automatically. You hung up on him and looked at your wallpaper of you and him, three days before you left to Korea. Aron came in the room. 
      "The doctor said you could leave..." he said. You took out the IV and ran to the bathroom in tears, closing the door behind you and changing quickly, wiping your tears. 
      "Jeez, what did I say now?" Aron muttered to himself before leaving the room. 
      You got out of the room, feeling a little better in your normal clothes. You see Yuuki sitting and laughing with the other boys, more of Aron's friends then your oppas. 
      "Annyong.." you manage to say. 
      "HyeMi-ah! It's time to get you introduced!" Yuuki said, getting up and hanging onto your arm like she usually does. 
      "Yuuki, I just want to go ho-" you say before you were interuppted. 
      "This is Ren, Baekho, Minhyun, JR, and you know Aron. Everyone this is HyeMi-ah!" Yuuki said. You bowed slightly, and slid your arm away from her grasp. You went over to MinHyuk and whispered, "Can we go home soon?" 
      MinHyuk grabbed your wrist and said, "Yuuki, we're going home." 
     "But, will we see you again?" Baekho asked us. "You could," JungShin said. Yuuki gave JR her number, and we left. You fell asleep on YongHwa's shoulder, realizing you felt the same way for YongHwa like you did Niall, but there was something more in that feeling that you just couldn't get a grasp on. 
        Niall and the boys won the X-factor, and they became huge superstars and you lost your best friend. But you didn't care as much as you thought you would. Then, you were with oppas, and you and YongHwa were holding hands and laughing while walking down the beach. Then, out of no where, Aron came and started telling you the meanest things you've heard in your life. And you couldn't take it anymore, so you started to cry and run away. 
      You woke up from your nightmare in a coldsweat. Someone opened your door and the lights. "HyeMi-ah?" someone said. You sat up, realizing you were at your oppas house. "I heard you squealing, and I decided to check on you." It was JongHyun oppa. "I brought you a glass of water." He handed you it.
     "Gomawo.." you said as you reached for the cup. He sat on your bed. "Did you have a bad dream?" he asked. You nodded at him. "If you ever need anything, come to me, arasso?" 
      "Arasso," you said back, smiling. He ruffled your hair and went back to the door. 
      "Goodnight dongseng," he said as he turned out the lights. 
      "Goodnight oppa," you said softly. And with that, you quickly fell asleep again, smiling.

Author's note:

Soooooorrrrry for switching the point of view, it got realllly complicting for me. hopefully you can understand! <3

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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)