Nu'est Shirt

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       You had fallen asleep. You woke up and looked at the time. Two in the morning?! Aish! I slept all day! This isn't good for my health. You pouted and got up, turning on the lights. You opened the door slowly so it wouldn't creek and tiptoed to the bathroom. It was dark so you used your phone as a flashlight.
       You got in and brushed your teeth and walked right back out. Since you slept all day, you hadn't eaten a thing. You went to make yourself some ramen. You slipped down the last stair and fell. "Aish," you said getting up and rubbing your thigh. You the lights in the kitchen and started boiling water. 
       "HyeMi-ah?" you heard someone say. "De?" you tried to see who it was but couldn't. You heard they were still on the stairs so you went back to the ramen packet. You put it in the pot and when you turned around, it was Aron. 
You got butterflies and that pain in your heart came back. Omo, aish, otoke?! Yah, HyeMi-ah, no emotion, remember? No love, no sadness, no pain. Nothing. Araso? Araso. 
        You glared at him and went back to your ramen. He sighed. "Make me some too." he said and sat at the couch. You looked at him in desbelief. When he saw the way you were looking at him, a shocked expression appeared on his face. "Bo?" 
        You were mad. "Waeyo? Why should I make you some? After this morning, you should be making me some ramen." You rolled your eyes and got another packet of ramen and put it in the pot with yours. He came up behind you and pushed you away from the pot gently and started to mix the ramen. You looked at him.
        "Yah..." you said softly. "What are you doing?" You felt bad now. Aniyo HyeMi-ah, don't feel bad for him! Aishhh, you're killing me! 
        "I'm making us ramen," he looked at you. "What's it look like?" You blushed and looked down. You sat up on the counter and reached for two small bowls. He poured the ramen in. 
        "You know we have three more weeks until school starts." he said. You grabbed chopsticks for the both of you and got off the counter and sat on the sofa. "Araa," you said, blowing on your ramen. You both just sat there in silence, eating your ramen. 
        "Bianada for today," he said. You looked up at him. Did he just...? 
        "Did you just apoligize?" you asked him. He looked up at you, his cheeks were bright red. "Neh, now, do you forgive me?" You smiled. "Molla, why should I?" you said teasing him. 
       "Aish, stop playing around," he said, running his hands through his hair and going back to eating his ramen. You smiled again. Aish, I can't stop liking him, can I? Just... deal with it I guess. You guys talked about how school will be like and what happened while you were asleep.
       "Oh, I was shopping today, and I saw something and I thought you'd like it, so I bought it." Aron said. You almost choked on your ramen. He patted your back. 
       "Gwenchanah?" he said. You looked at him. "You bought me something?" He chuckled and went up to his room. You smiled. Aish, he's making it so hard not to like him. You screamed in your head and you ruffled your hair. 
        He came back with a bag in his hand. He sat next to you and gave it to you smiling. You slowly reached for it, and looked inside. You pulled it out. It was a pink and black baggy tank that said, "Nu'est". You smiled. 
       "How did you know I liked these?" you asked, looking up at him. He rolled his eyes. "You're always wearing them," he said looking down. You smiled. He doesn't have to like me.... I guess I'll just secretly like him with only Ren knowing. 
       "Gomawo, oppa," you said smiling. His head snapped up, his eyes widened. "D-did you just call me oppa?" he asked. You blushed and nodded. You put the shirt back in the bag and took the empty bowls to the sink. 
       "I'm going to go to sleep," Aron said, smiling. "Araso," you didn't bother looking up because you were washing the bowls and chopsticks. 
       Aron ran up the stairs, two by two, and ran into Baekho's room. He slowly closed the door behind him and the lights. "Yah yah yah!" he loudly whispered nudging Baekho. "Bo!?" he replied in the same tone. 
       "HyeMi-ah called me oppa!" Aron said smiling. Baekho sat up fast. He smiled. "Chincha?!" 
       Aron nodded. "And I gave her the shirt. She really liked it." He couldn't seem to stop smiling. "Good, I'm glad your happy. I'm going back to sleep now." He hugged his body pillow and turned away from Aron. Aron scoffed. "Aish," was all he said and left the room to go to his room. 
       As Aron was leaving to his room, he saw you walk past your door and down to Ren's hallway. He got jealous. He slowly and quietly followed you and put his ear on Ren's door when you walked in. 
      "Ren!" you loudly whispered. You the lights and jumped on his bed. "Yah!" Ren yelled. You shushed him. 
      "What's wrong?" Ren sat up and you sat down. "Aron bought me a shirt!" you said loudly. This time Ren shushed you. Behind the door, Aron was smiling so big it hurt. His heart beat faster. 
      "Chincha?" Ren asked you. You nodded while smiling so much it hurt your cheeks. "And I called him oppa!" Ren's eyes widened. "Chincha!?" he asked smiling. You nodded again. 
      "Araso HyeMi-ah, you slept all day, I didn't. Shoo." You laughed and tucked him in. "Goodnight Ren Oppa." As you opened the door and walked out, making sure not to be loud, you saw a shadow where the two walls met. You gasped, covering your mouth. Ani! What if that was Aron?! 
      You ran to the corner and saw Aron walking into his room. You gasped again and ran back to Ren's room. You nudged him really fast. 
     "Yaaaah!" he whined. He then saw your worried expression and sat up really fast. "Yah, HyeMi-ah, what happened?!" he asked, worried. 
      "I think Aron heard me...."
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)