Moving Day

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       You and Yuuki went upstairs to pack. Everyone other than Yonghwa came up and helped too. It was really quiet and awkward. We started in Yuuki's room first. 
       "I don't want you guys to leave," Minhyuk said. We looked at him, Yuuki pouting her lips. "We don't want to either oppa," Yuuki said. We all got into a group hug. 
       "HyeMi-ah, how are you feeling?" Jungshin asked me. You looked at him with a blank expression. "I can't feel anything anymore." You took one of Yuuki's dresses off the hook and folded it in half and threw it in the suitcase. You all got in another group hug.
       Yonghwa walked in the room. "It's not like they're the only ones leaving. Go pack too." he said. He walked out and the rest of the oppas followed him sadly. You walked into your room and packed all your stuff, remembering the time you and Yonghwa came into the closet to pick an outfit and all the memories you made in the room. You didn't realise but you started crying. 
      About an hour and a half later, all your stuff was packed into your suitcases. You still had an outfit out for tomorrow and all your makeup. You laid in your bed and slowly cried yourself to sleep. 
      "Yah! HyeMi-ah!" someone yelled at you. You stretched, just waking up. You remembered appa and Yonghwa, and instantly your mood changed. You got up and opened the door. "They left!" Your eyes widened. "Bo?!" You raced downstairs. You ran to the basement first, then back up to the kitchen and back to their rooms. They were empty. 
      You sighed and went back downstairs. Maybe their just outside playing soccer or something, you thought, holding on to that last bit of hope. As you went to the door, you found a note. "Yuuki!" you yelled reading the note.
        Annyong dongseng-ah. Yonghwa made us leave because he didn't want to say goodbye. :( We're going to miss you SO much! Our numbers are at the bottom here so we can stay in touch. Don't forget us. We love you SOOO much. <3 
                                                                                                                  Minhyuk, Jonghyun, & Jungshin <3 
P.S. Check under the sink. We have a present for you. ;) <3 SARANGHAEYO ! 
      Yuuki was tearing up, and you were too. You both ran to the kitchen, the note in your hands. You opened the cabinet under the sink, and there were two boxes wrapped in purple wrapping paper. You and Yuuki looked at each other. As you pulled them out, there was 2 small green ones. You looked at Yuuki again questioningly. You both took it out and went to the living room and sat on the sofa. 
      As you began to open the bigger purple boxes, you gasped. In both of the boxes was a framed picture of a collage they made. It was all the pictures you all took together. You and Yuuki started to tear up. There was even a picture of you and Yonghwa hugging, looking each other in the eyes. That set you off. You started to cry. 
     You set the picture next to you while smiling, reaching inside the box. Inside for you was a black baggy tank that said, "CNBlue" on it. You smiled big. Yuuki had a pink off the shoulder blouse. You put the shirt next to you too. You reach in again and you found a charm bracelet and a lock-it. It had 4 openings instead of 2. On each of the openings it was a picture of one of the boys. You smiled and helped Yuuki put hers on while she put on yours. 
     You took the smaller green boxes and opened them to find a camera and a video. You put it in the DVD and pressed play and sat next to Yuuki. It was them singing a song for you before they left. You and Yuuki started to cry. At the end, they said, "Saranghaeyo dongsang-ah! Bogoshipo !" while waving. You looked at Yuuki and smiled. "Ka-ja." And you went to grab your stuff and leave to Nu'est's house.
       Yuuki called JR and he said he'd be here to pick you guys up in 10 minutes. You packed the presents oppas got you and went to get your stuff. While you had 6 suitcases, Yuuki had 10. So you guys took yours down first then hers. Out of no where, she started smiling. 
       "You really lke JR, don't you?" You asked her smiling. She blushed and pushed you. You laughed and hugged her. "I do," she squeaked. You squealed. Then someone knocked on the door. You opened it, expecting JR. It was Wooyoung, smiling. Well, he was until he saw your suticases. 
       "Yah, Mi-ah, what's going on?" he asked worried, taking of his sunglasses. 
       "The boys had to go on tour, and they didn't think it would be safe for us to stay here by ourselves, so were moving in with Nu'est." you told him smiling. 
       "Aish," he smiled. "Do you guys need a ride, or some help?" 
       "JR's coming to pick us up, but you could help us carry the suitcases outside." you joked. He took it seriously. "Arasso!" he walked in and carried out 2 of your suitcases. You shook your head smiling and looked at Yuuki. was wide open and she looked dumbfounded.
       "Bo?" you asked her. She looked at you. 
       "He was... nice." she said surprised. You nodded smiling and went to get a suitcase and drag it out. As you all finished, you sat on the steps. 
       "So, I heard you and Yonghwa are dating." He asked smiling. You put your head down, not wanting to be reminded.
       "Ani, we broke up yesterday," you said. "Bo?! Weh?!" he asked. 
       "It just wasn't right," you looked up at him. He pulled you into a side hug. I like this oppa.... you thought. Just then JR pulled up in his car. 
       "Annyong!" he said as he got out. You and Yuuki hugged him and you introduced Wooyoung. 
       "JR, Wooyoung, Wooyoung, JR." they shook hands and started to take the suitcase to the trunk. When they finished, Wooyoung hugged you and you got in the back of JR's car. Yuuki sat in the front. They kept flirting and you kept thinking, How am I going to get them to go out? 
        As you guys pulled up in front of the house, the other boys were waiting, even Aron. You got out of the car and went to the trunk and pulled out a suticase. The rest of the boys greeted Yuuki and hugged her. "Where's HyeMi-ah?" Ren asked. You yelled, "Over here!" He ran over. 
        "Annyong!" He hugged you. You smiled. "Annyong." He took out one of the suitcases and brought you over to everyone. You hugged all of them except Aron. All you said to him was, "Annyong". As you turned around to get the suticase up the stairs, you saw JR flirting in front of Yuuki. "Aish, we need to get them to date." You told Ren and he agreed.  
        He showed you to your room, which was just as big as the one at oppas. He then gave you a tour around the huge house, making you laugh. The rest of the boys and Yuuki came in. Your stomach growled. You walked into the kitchen. 
       All you found was packets of ramen. You opened the fridge and found sweets and drinks. Minhyun walked up to the counter separating the kitchen and the living room, 
      "Please tell me you can cook?" he said, and put two grocery bags on the counter. It was full of healthy food. You laughed and said, "Neh, I can," he smiled and looked at the ceiling. "Thank God," you laughed as Yuuki and JR came downstairs.
      "She cooks?!" JR yelled. The rest of the boys came to where Minhyun was eagerly. Even Aron. You laughed again and they sat down in the living room, waiting.
       Aron looks kind of cute today.... you thought. Ani! Snap out of it HyeMi. Yonghwa just broke up with you, what are you thinking?!
      Meanwhile, Aron was thinking similarly. Her laugh is so pretty. It.. twinkles. Her eyes are so pretty when she smiles. Aish, Aron stop, you guys hate each other. Plus hyung just broke up with her. Aish.
      You took out the ramen from the cabinet and put the water to boil. You started cutting up vegetables and got spices out of the bag. 
      You put the ramen in the water waiting for it to soften. You mixed it around and put some spices in the water. When it was done, you took out small bowls and started to put the ramen into them evenly. You looked up and saw JR tickeling Yuuki and Minhyun trying to help. You shook your head, smiling. You looked at Aron and saw him looking at you. You blushed and looked down automatically. You got back to work.
      You got up the cucumbers in squares and put it in the bowls, making it look pretty. You took out what you thought was mint leaves and put them on top, adding some more spice on it. You took out peas and put them on, making smiley faces on the ramen. You cut up bits of carrots and put them in. You put the chopsticks in and put everything on a tray. 
      You walked over and set it on the table. "Okay love birds and goofballs, let's eat." You grabbed yours and looked for an open spot. The only one was by Aron. You went and sat on the floor next to Yuuki instead.
     "Wow dongseng! This looks so good!" Baekho said. You smiled and thanked him. You looked at the tv and saw Ji-eun unnie. You smiled. 
    "So, Yuuki," JR said. "I know you and HyeMi-ah want to be dancers, but you're 17 and she's 16, don't you need to go to school?" he asked. You thought about the schools you looked at over the internet while you were in London. 
     Ren got excited. "Come to our school? Pleaaaaaaaase?!" he begged. I smiled. "What's the name of it?" Yuuki asked. 
     "Kirin Art School," they said. 
Author's Note : 
-Mianhe, I wasn't able to get on the computer last night, so I just now uploaded this. 
-Whatchya guys think? :D 
-subscribe, comment, share, help me get subscribers. :D 


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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)