We're Related

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       "Yah!" you screamed at Wooyoung who was jumping on your bed. 
       "Get up, get up, get up," he kept repeating with a huge smile on his face. You groaned and got out from under your covers. "Let me go wash up." He agreed and left you to go brush your teeth and get dressed. Someone knocked on your door.
        "Yah, its unnie. I want you to wear something else." You opened the door, standing there brushing your teeth. She laughed at you. "You're something else, you know?" You rolled your eyes and mumbled, "What am I wearing?" through your toothbrush. 
        When she handed you the clothes, your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. You spit out the toothpaste and washed your mouth out. "Bo?! You want me to wear that?!" you yelled. 
        "Told you!" you heard Wooyoung yell. Ji-eun just rolled her eyes. "Just.. try it on, arasso?" she said, giving you a hopefull smile. You finally gave in. "Aish, arasso!" She jumped and squealed for a second, and then left for you to try it on. 
        "Ew. It's so girly," you said, looking at the floral dress with a baggy white half shirt sewed onto it. Since it was really short you had white lace tights to go under it. You groaned and put it on.
         As you walked out, Ji-eun gasped. "You look... gorgeous!" she said. You started to blush. Wooyoung stood there examining you. "I think it'll do good," he said looking at her. She nodded. 
         "Bo? What are you  guys talking about?" you asked, a confused look on your face. Ji-eun came up to you. "We're going to tell everyone.. That we're siblings." 
         At first your eyes widened, but then you realized how important this was for Wooyoung and her. "Arasso," you said. She grabbed your hand and went to make your hair. She made a french braid in the side going down. She gave you a couple bracelets and went to change herself. 
         She came back and did your makeup. She didn't do much, but she added eyeliner to your top eye and made a cat wing and the end. You looked at yourself in the mirror as she did her own makeup. 
         You were wide-eyed. You looked nothing like yourself. You wanted to cry. Why do they want to introduce me as something I'm not? , you thought to yourself.
          "Ready? Oh damn," Wooyoung said walking in and looking at you two. 
          "Yeah," Ji-eun said, going to the shoe closet. 
          "I get to wear whatever shoes I want though!" you yelled. They looked at you. Ji-eun gave an upset look. "Arasso!" she whined. You shook your head and put on your pink supras. 
          You had just noticed what Ji-eun was wearing. A pink tank top type of shirt with lace around her neck, and a black tight skirt. She wore pink heels with it. You shook your head and your hand went up to all the lockets around your neck. You still had the one from Niall, and CNBlue oppas, the necklace from Yuuki. 
           You guys went out, and there was a lot of paparazzi. You got in the limo and went to the concert were Wooyoung and Ji-eun were going to tell. 
*Back at home*
          Everyone was speechless with Aron last night and didn't talk to him after. They all woke up and ate breakfast, then the tv. 
          "Yah!" Ren screamed really loud. Everyone ran over. "Isn't that HyeMi-ah?!?!" he asked, turning around to see everyone's shocked faces. Aron's was the most shocked. "Turn it up!" Yuuki yelled.
          You were arriving to the concert house with them. Aron scoffed. "All girly and then her supras," he said, smiling. Aish, why am I in love with you? Too bad. Everything's done now, he thought.
         "Wah! She looks gorgeous!" Baekho said. They all agreed. Aron gave him a disgusting look. Yeah, being someone she's not is gorgeous to you guys. 
          As you got onto the stage, everyone was confused, the fans and your friends. All three of you had a microphone.
          "We have to tell you all something," Wooyoung said, looking at the two of you. He grabbed your hand and you grabbed Ji-eun's. They both smiled, but no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't bring yourself to smile. 
          "The reason you didn't know anything about my family, is because I kept it a secret," he started. 
          Yuuki gasped. "He's telling," Minhyun whispered. 
           "These two girls right here, are my sisters," he said smiling. The fans gasped and looked back and forth from each other. You have never been more nervous in your life. 
           "But, I need you guys to protect this one," he pointed to you. "Because she's not famous yet. And I don't want this one," he pointed to Ji-eun, "to get any hate, arasso?" he said, smiling the whole time. 
            "Arasso!" the fans yelled. I guess they approve, both you and Aron thought. 
             As you and Ji-eun got off stage, JR turned off the tv. "Well, that was... something," he said. 
             "But did you see HyeMi?" Minhyun said. "She didn't smile once! She always thought that the moment he told everyone would be the happiest of her life, but you could tell it wasn't." 
            Everyone looked at Aron. When he noticed, his eyes got wide. "Bo?" he asked. 
            "Why won't you go after her?" Yuuki asked. Aron sighed and looked down again. 
            "She didn't even ask me what happened, she automatically got mad. She doesn't trust me, and if there's no trust, there's no love," he said. Minhyun looked down.
           This is all my fault, he thought.
Author's Note;
-whatchya guys think? :)
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)