Happy Birthday !

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       You woke up and set your foot out from under your covers. "Aigoo, it's cold," you whispered to yourself. You put on your pajama robe and slippers and walked downstairs. It was Saturday and you knew everyone was sleeping in. As you got downstairs, you saw everybody sitting on the couch. "What's this?" you asked, smiling. They all looked at you.       "Sengil chuka hamnida!!" they yelled, standing up and walking towards you. You gasped. I totally forgot!, you thought. Yuuki hugged you first, then Aron. He softly whispered in your ear, "I have a surprise for you later," then let you go. He stayed by you while the rest of the boys hugged you. Baekho picked you up and spun you around while you laughed. 
        "Yah!" Aron said, jealousy filling up his voice, "Put her down!" he yelled and walked up to Baekho. You laughed and as Baekho set you down, you ran into Aron's arms. Everyone laughed.
        "You guys act like kids," Ren snickered. The doorbell rang and JR answered it. It was HyunJae and Minhee. HyunJae was wearing a white and black striped shirt under a short, black dress. She curled her hair and put in her contacts. Minhee was wearing a black, lace tunic was jeans under. 
        You noticed Baekho got a little too excited when he saw Minhee. Aigoo! He likes her!, you thought, smiling at Baekho. He saw you smiling at him and his eyes widened. You motioned your head towards Minhee, and he blushed. 
         "God, it's hell out there. It's freezing first of all, and your fans are all piled up outside." Minhee said. They looked at you. 
         "Sengil chuka hamnida!" they both yelled as they attacked you in a hug. They let you go and looked you up and down. 
          "What the hell are you wearing?! Go change!" Minhee yelled. You laughed and ran upstairs with Yuuki, HyunJae, and Minhee. 
          You got in and closed the door. "Yah, I know you normally don't wear this, but it's really cute, and I thought you'd like it." HyunJae said, pulling something out of a bag. It was a green polo dress with a white small belt to go around it. 
        "You will most likely put tights under or something, but I thought it was so you," HyunJae said smiling. And she was right. You absolutely loved it. She held it up for you to take, and you did. You smiled. "Kamsahamnida!" you said and hugged her. She laughed and hugged you back. "Chunmaneyo!" she said. You went into the bathroom to try it on, grabbing your long white tights on the way. 
         You came back and spun 360. They clapped and smiled. As you looked yourself in the mirror, Minhee stood next to you with a box in her hand. "These will top that off." she said.
         You looked at the box, then back at her and smiled. You opened it and saw white adidas supras with green shoelaces. You smiled even bigger and hugged her. She laughed, hugged you back and took out the shoes. You put them on, and looked at the girls. "I love you guys, so much!" you said. Yuuki came over with a small box. Your eyes widened and you looked up at her. 
           "Close your eyes," she said. You did and you felt something cold touch your neck. You opened your eyes and looked yourself in the mirror. I was a necklace with a green emerald in the middle. You gasped, covering your mouth. You looked at Yuuki who was smiling. You embraced her in a huge hug. "Gomawo Yuuki," you said. She smiled and got out of the hug. 
         You all helped Yuuki with her outfit. She was wearing a light pink ruffled dress. You all did our makeup and Hyunjae made your hair. You had yours curled with your bangs pinned slightly to the side. You got downstairs and the boys were also dressed nicely. They all wore black skinny jeans, except Aron, who wore white. Aron was wearing a green shirt with a jacket over it. You smiled. We match, you thought. He came over and you linked my arm with his. 
          "So, were are we going?" you asked. Aron looked you up and down and you blushed. 
          "Most likely a resturant downtown. You guys all look gorgeous, by the way," JR said, putting his arm around Yuuki's waist. Minhee stood by Baekho and HyunJae was with JR and Minhyun. Minhyun smiled at her and she blushed and looked down. Aigoo, two couples to go, you thought smiling. 
           You all put on your jackets and walked out of the house. You were surprised to see all the fans out there. Aron put his arm around your waist and held you to himself very tight. JR did the same to Yuuki, and Baekho did that to Minhee. Minhyun and Ren were trying to make a circle around Hyunjae which you thought was adorable. 
          You all somehow got in the car, pushing through the crowd. You plopped down in the far back with Aron, Minhee and Baekho. "God, that was crazy," Ren said. You all smiled and JR drove to the resturant. He turned up the music a little and you all talked and laughed. 
           As you reached the resturant and JR parked the car, Aron grabbed your hand tightly. You didn't understand why until you got outside. There was paparazzi everywhere! The light of the cameras made your head hurt, but you smiled anyways. He held you tightly again and you all walked into the hotel. It was huge. Aron smiled as you looked around. 
           The waiter sat you at your table and you all looked at the menu and talked. The waiter came and you ordered your food. You were waiting for your food to come, when someone approached the table. You didn't bother to look up since you and Aron were having a staring contest. 
            "Niall?" Yuuki said. You broke the contest and looked up. You saw Niall standing right there with the rest of the boys. You stood up. 
             "Happy Birthday HyeMi," he said smiling. You stared at them in disbelief. You ran around the table and hugged him. Aron stood up, a little mad. You let go of Niall and hugged the rest of the boys. Liam whispered, "You're such a trouble maker. Happy birthday." You smiled.
             "You guys, this is my best friend, Niall and One Direction, you guys, this is Nu'est." You walked over towards Aron. He put his arm around you tightly again and glared at the boys as you snuggled into his side. "This is Aron, my boyfriend," you said. Niall and the boys smiled. Aron kept glaring. You softly hit his chest and he gave a fake smile. 
             "Well, we have to meet our manager, let's hang out later tonight." Zayn said. You frowned knowing what the boys would do later tonight, go to a club and drink. You agreed though and sat back down. 
             "That was a really tight hug," Aron said, looking down. You lifted up his chin so that he would look at you. 
"Yah, he's like a brother to me. Don't be like Yonghwa and misunderstand the situation," you told him. He agreed, and smiled. You put your feet up on the seat and put your arms around them as you set your head on your knees. Everyone else was talking and you kept looking at Aron. He finally got annoyed and turned to look at you. 
              "You're creeping me out," he said lifting up his eyebrows. You smiled.
              "Chuwahae." He smiled and said, "Araa." You pouted your lips. Not the answer I was looking for. He saw and chuckled softly to himself. "I like you too HyeMi-ah," he said as he leaned in and kissed your forehead. Your food came and you all ate and talked and laughed and took silly pictures.
              "So we're hanging out with your friends?" Minhyun asked as he left a tip on the table and you all started putting on your jackets. Aron looked at you.
              "Aniyo," you said like it was no big deal. Yuuki snapped her head up and looked at you.
              "Bo? Waeyo?" she asked, upset. JR looked at her, and you could tell he was a bit upset. You looked up at her. "All they're going to do is take us to a club and drink until they pass out," you snapped. She blushed and looked down, because she knew you were right. You sighed, feeling bad. 
              "Another day, arasso?" you said as Aron wrapped his arm around you again. You left the resturant and the paparazzi were waiting again. You had a couple of the security from the resturant help you to the car. You got in and sat in the same spot. 
              "So? Where to now?" Minhee asked. JR turned around from the drivers seat and smiled. 
              "Anyone like roller skating?" he asked. You all cheered and laughed, and talked until you got to the rink. Thankfully there were no paparazzi or fans. That's odd. No fans? you thought. As you walked in, you, Yuuki, Minhee and Hyunjae stopped in your tracks. 
              "Oh, I forgot to mention, tonight is a night when only the famous people can come and roller skate and hang out with their friends," Ren said smiling. You looked up at him and smiled. Aron put his arm around you again, tightly. You looked up at him. 
              "What? Are you worried?" you started to . He let you go. "Ani!" he blushed. You smiled and took his arm, putting it back around you. He smiled and you started walking towards a table. You saw SuperJunior, Sister, TeenTop, even BigBang and 2NE1. 
               Best. Birthday. Ever. 
Author's Note : 
-Sorrrrry I haven't updated recently :c 
-What do you think ?! :D 
-subscribe, share, bookmark, feedback, suggestions? :D <3 
-Here's the outfits.
Yuuki :
But greeeen .
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)