
Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       The next couple days, you had gotten a couple of small memories, but nothing much. You remembered how Hyunjae and Minhee got you birthday presents, and your first day of school, and how you saved Hyunjae from bullies, and other small things.
       One night, as you were getting in bed, Baekho walked into your room. You smiled. "Oppa, what's up?" you asked, as he carefully shut the door and walked to your bed. He sat down next to you. You got worried.
       "Is everything okay?" he asked. He nodded, smiling. 
       "Look HyeMi-ah. There is something really important you have to remember," he told you, really serious. "It's about Aron," he finished. You looked confused.
       "About Aron?" You thought for a while. "Like what?" you asked him again. He looked around, and then got up. "N-nevermind. This isn't good for your health." He walked away towards the door, leaving you confused about everything. "Aish Baekho," he whispered to himself as he opened the door. He softly hit his head and walked out. You laughed, turned out your lamp and went to sleep. 
       You had a dream. Well, it didn't feel like a dream. It felt like something real. You were on a beach at night, in a green polo dress and tights, the same outfit you were wearing in your birthday memory. Someone was chasing you, but you were happy. It was the happiest you'e ever been. When the person finally got you, and you both fell on your backs, you looked at each other, and you saw Aron.
      Instead of being confused like your thoughts were, you were smiling. Then what he said shocked you. 
"I love you HyeMi-ah," he said. And what shocked you even more was your reply, "I love you too Aron," and you threw some sand on him. As he rolled on top of you, the memory faded, and went to when you confessed to Aron. When that one faded away, it went to the one at school when he carried you out the lunch room and he chased you to the park. 
      You were so confused, and in your sleep you felt your head burning. It was the worst it has ever burned. You wanted to scream, you wanted someone to help, but you couldn't wake up. That's when you remembered.
      I'm Aron's girlfriend.
     Ren woke up, hearing squealing. Aish, why can't these couples just sleep?, he thought. He got out of the room to go downstairs and shut the couple up, but when he passed your room, that's where he heard the squealing. 
     He ran to Aron's room and saw him sleeping soundly. He ran over to him frantically. "Aron! Aron!" he yelled, nudging him very hard.
     "Bo?" Aron replied, his voice thick with sleep.
     "Somethings wrong with HyeMi-ah!" he yelled again, still nudging him. Aron sat up quickly, his eyes wide. "Bo?!" he got up and ran out the room. He yelled to Ren, "Wake up the others!" Ren did as he said.
     When Aron ran into your room, his heart broke. He saw you squealing and wiggling around everywhere. He came up to you and put his hands on your shoulders and shook you. "HyeMi-ah! HyeMi-ah! Wake up!" he yelled.
     He put his hand on your forehead and automatically took it off. "She's burning up," he whispered. He took of the hoodie you were wearing and kept your short sleeve shirt on that you had under. He threw your blanket on the floor and tried to wake you up again as everyone came into the room worried.
     "JR, call the doctor," Aron said to him. Yuuki walked over, a worried expression on her face. 
     "Do this," she told him. She pulled on your ear, and your eyes opened. You didn't know what was going on, but your body felt as if it was on fire. Your head was hurting too much for you to bear. You stifled a scream and started to cry.
      "It hurts! Aron make it stop!" you cried. He picked you up and cradled you like a baby. You couldn't keep your feet still and you started to scream. 
      "Aron it hurts! It hurts so bad!" you started to hold your head. 
      "Hello? Can we get Dr. Yang on the phone please?! It's an emergency! Tell him it's about Go Hye Mi !" JR yelled into the phone. Bakeho, Ren and Minhyun ran to get some cold water to carefully spill on you. 
      Aron started to cry. "I don't know how to help you," he sniffled. The burning calmed down a little and you buried your face into his chest. "Yeah you do Aron. I love you Aron," you said. His eyes widened just like Yuuki's. They looked at one another.
      You looked up at him and through your tears you said, "I know Aron. I know you love me back, because I'm your girlfriend, remember?" you said to him. The burning started again, and you started to squeal and moan in pain. A lot of other memories were coming back. Aron, Yuuki and JR were frozen in shock.
     Baekho, Ren and Minhyun ran up and handed Yuuki the waters. She opened it and carefully started to wet you head and your arms and legs and neck. 
    "Baekho, you go get a towel, fold it in 3, and wet it in ice cold water. Ren, you go out ice in a towel and bring it up here," JR instructed. 
     "Like an ice pack?" Ren asked. JR nodded. "Minhyun, go take a towel and warm it up and bring it back here automatically," JR said. Minhyun nodded and all 3 of them went to get the items. 
You started to remember Sooyoung, and your head felt like it was about to explode. You started to scream even louder. Aron started to run his fingers through your hair carefully. He started to sing. 
      "Hush little baby, don't say a word," he managed to sing through his tears. "Aron's gonna buy you a mocking bird."
      Ren came up with the ice, Baekho with the wet towel and Minhyun with the warm one. As Aron continued to sing, JR came up and told Yuuki to put the warm towel under your shirt, right above the belly button. Yuuki did as she was told. JR took the ice pack and put it on your head, right where the burning hurt the most; right on your scar. 
     Then he took the wet towel and put it around your neck. The burning started to stop, and you calmed down. Aron was rocking you back and forth slowly. As the burning stopped, you started to fall asleep. Just like a baby, Aron thought, smiling.
     Everyone else breathed a sigh of relief. "The doctor says this won't happen anymore, it's just that her brain started to recieve all the memories at once," JR said. Aron nodded.
     "You guys can go to sleep, I'll stay with her," Aron said smiling. Everyone left and he set you down lightly. He laid down next to you and held the ice pack against your head lightly. You ended up snuggling into him. He smiled and thought, 
       Did I really get you back HyeMi-ah? I'm glad I did.
Author's Note; 
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)