
Forever Lost In Your Eyes


      You fell asleep talking to Ren on his bed. "Yah!!" someone yelled. You woke up and fell off the bed. You hit your head too. "Aigoo!" you heard Minhyun's voice. You held your head and sat up, wincing in pain. 
      "Yah, HyeMi-ah, gwenchanah?" This time you heard Aron's voice. Your eyes were still closed. "Molla, I keep hearing different voices. It's like Minhyun once then Aron the next." You heard someone chuckle. You opened your eyes and you saw Minhyun and Aron inches away from your voice. 
       "OMO!" You jumped on Ren's bed, hiding your face. Minhyun laughed. You were so embarassed to be in front of Aron right then. 
       "I think me and you should leave Minhyun." Ren said getting up, looking at Aron and smiling. 
       "Ani!" you yelled. They all looked at you. "I'll leave first!" You were walk-running to the door when Minhyun got in front of you and closed it. 
       "Nope!" He smirked at you. "You have some explaining to do." Him and Ren walked out. You turned around. You half smiled and blushed. Ah! I can't believe he heard me. Aigooo, otoke?! 
       "Yah, whatever you heard last night, let me explain," you said. Aron faked a shocked expression. "Bo?" 
       "Wait.... Did you hear anything I said to Ren last night?" 
       "Aniyo? HyeMi-ah, what are you talking about?" He was probably in the bathroom. Aish, you made such a big deal out of it. You hit yourself in the head softly. It made Aron laugh. 
      "Why were you in Ren's bed?" he asked, a serious face replacing the happy one. 
      "I was talking to him about something and I fell asleep." you said blushing. 
      "Yeah, right." he smirked. Your eyes widened. "I swear!" He laughed. "Go eat." You walked out and into the bathroom and sighed. "Phew!" 
      The next couple weeks passed by quickly. You and Aron haven't bickered as much, but it's still there. Since school was coming up, you all went shopping. You got a cute zebra striped bookbag, notebooks, folders, and lots of pens and pencils. The boys teased you for it. You went a week earlier to get yourself and Yuuki registered and to recieve your uniform.
      It was the night before school and you were suppose to go to sleep. You ironed your uniform and let it hang on your door. The under shirt was a white button up shirt and over it was a black vest-jacket. Girls wore blue and white skirts and ties. The guys wore blue and white ties and black pants. You were going to wear blue long socks and your white boots. Yuuki was going to wear white and blue heels. 
     You weren't watching and you ran into the wall. "Aish!" you yelled. I'm so nervous, aigoo. You looked at the time. It was 1 in the morning. Omo! How will I wake up?! You kept pacing back and forth when the door opened. Yuuki peeked in. 
      "Can you sleep?" she asked, pouting her lip. She came in and closed the door. "Aniyo. You?" She shook her head. She showed you her outfit and you showed her yours. You guys talked about your memories as you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
      "Yah, HyeMi-ah, wake up." Ren nudged you. You jumped up, waking up Yuuki. You looked at the clock. You had plenty of time. 
      "Gomawo for waking us up Ren," Yuuki said. He smiled and rushed you out of bed. You got ready in a flash. You decided you'd curl your hair today, pinning up your bangs. You went downstairs and the boys were eating cereal. They all looked at you. 
      "Wow, you look nice dongseng-ah," Baekho said. Aron got jealous and nudged him while you weren't looking. Yuuki came downstairs then holding her bookbag. She straightened her hair and pinned the sides in the back. She looked really pretty. 
      You ate and left to school. You and Yuuki drove in another car because there were a bunch of fans gathered around them. You got to the school the same time the boys did. You got out and all the girls started screaming and ran towards the boys. 
      "Dongseng," Yuuki pulled my sleeve. You looked up at her. "What if the steal JR from me?" You smiled and said, "Yuuki, he really does like you. Your best friends with Baekho, you know that." She smiled and breathed in. "Ka-ja." She put her arm around mine and we walked in. 
      We had our first class, math, together so we sat next to each other. Apperently you still needed to take normal classes. Ren had the same class as us. He waved at you and came to sit next to you and Yuuki. All the girls gave you dirty looks and started whispering to each other. You ignored them but You saw Yuuki was disturbed by it. You nudged her and just shook your head. 
      After class, Yuuki had actual dancing class and you had music class. Yuuki got into her class and JR was there. When he saw her, he got up and ran to her. 
      "Hi," he said shyly. She blushed. "Hello." He intertwined his fingers with hers and they went to sit down. 
      "Yah, that noona stole our oppa!", "She's not even pretty, aigoo.", "What a shame that he's dating her." 
      So many thought were flying across her mind. Why are they being like this?, They don't even know me, how can they judge me?, Is it like this for HyeMi-ah too?, I wish I never came. 
      You got into class and saw Aron. You didn't know if you should sit next to him or not. He saw you walk into class and he waved for you to come sit by him. Again, girls were giving you dirty looks and whispered about you but you didn't care.
      "Since you don't know anyone I thought you should sit by me,"  he said as you sat down in your seat. You stuck your toungue out at him and while the girls in class gasped and started glaring at you, Aron laughed and did the same to you. You smiled and then the teacher started talking. 
Author's Note : 
-Aigoo , school ._. Here's the uniforms ! 
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)