
Forever Lost In Your Eyes


     *2 Years Later*
      "You ready?" Niall said from the other side of the limo. You faked another smile. The same smile you've faked since you left Korea.
      "As ready as I'll ever be!" you said. As Zayn opened the door, you could hear the screams of all of their fans. You walked out, with Danielle and Eleanor, Liam and Louis's girlfriends. You smiled at them, looking at their dresses. 
       You walked out, Niall waiting for you. You smiled at him and walked down the red carpet with him. I hope Aron is watching, you thought to yourself, frowning. 
       Two years ago on this very day, you left back to London hoping Aron would stop you, but he never did. You got to London and knew Niall was waiting for you because you heard hundreds of fans screaming. You had sighed and walked down. 
       Niall saw you and waved to you, getting security to save you from the fans. He took you home and then left for a photoshoot. Ever since you've been with the boys. That's how you became a professional dancer.
      You found out Lori had gone to Korea, so you had no girl friends. You befriended Louis' and Liam's girlfriends, but it wasn't the same. 
      You webcammed everyday with Yuuki and the boys. Every once in a while you webcammed with CNBlue too. You and Yonghwa talked sometimes too, and became friends again. 
      But you were never happy. Everyday for 2 years, no matter how much you tried not to, you cried yourself to sleep because you missed Aron. You've never stopped loving him, and you knew you never will. 
       Niall nudged you, bringing you out of your thoughts. "Hey, smile," he said, smiling at you. You smiled and waved to his fans. As the boys went up to sign some autographs and take some pictures, you heard a fan yelling your name. You spotted her and walked over.
      "Hello love," you said, smiling. 
      "Hi, oh my gosh, can I ask you something?" she said, shaking out of excitement. You laughed and said, "Sure." 
      "You dated Aron from Nu'est, right?" she said. Your legs cut off. Your eyes widened and your mouth opened a little. You regained your composure and cleared your throat.
      "Yes, I did," you said, smiling. She asked for a picture with you and you agreed. She looked you up and down. 
      "Oh, and how come while Danielle and Eleanor are wearing dresses, your wearing normal clothes?" she asked you, her eyebrows scrunched. You laughed.
      "Because I am normal. I'm just a dancer," you said smiling. She asked for a hug and you gave her one, then you left with Niall. 
       The next day, Niall woke you up. You groaned. Sleeping in a hotel room wasn't very comfortable for you. 
"Hey, HyeMi, guess what?" Niall said, Harry walking into your hotel room looking for something to eat. You yawned. "What?" 
        "We have a concert in Seoul, Korea," he said. Your eyes snapped opened and you sat up. "What?!" 
        He smiled. "Yeah, we leave tonight! I can't wait to see Yuuki and your old friends," he said. You gulped. You packed your travel clothes and you left to go to the jet with them. You were still sleepy but you couldn't sleep at the thought of Aron. 
        You got there and when you got to the hotel, you stopped. "You guys go on ahead, I'll go look around some." Everyone agreed except Liam.
        "It's not safe. It's dark and-". You signaled Danielle to make him quiet. She held his hand and he looked at her. You made your escape and told the taxi driver the address of the old house. 
        As you got there, the lights were on. You smiled. There were fans outside of the house. Still haven't moved out, you thought. You pushed past the fans and knocked on the door. 
        "I got it!" Aron yelled. Probably the pizza, he thought. Everyone was looking his way at the door. When he opened the door, his eyes widened. You smiled at him. 
        "HyeMi!" Ren yelled. Everyone ran up to the door. Aron was still frozen, his hand on the door. His heart was racing and he got butterflies. No matter how long it's been and how many fights we've had. Now that she's back, I realize I still love her. She's changed. But I still get butterflies and I get nervous. Oh my God Aron snap out of it, she'll notice.
         The fans started screaming louder as you were engulfed in hugs from Yuuki, Minhyun, Ren and Baekho. You laughed and JR helped bring your bags in the house. 
         You sat down. "This place hasn't changed a bit," you said, looking around. Aron sat down. He never broke his stare at you. "You have," Baekho said. You smiled, pulling at your short hair. 
         "Yeah, I guess," you said smiling. Yuuki sat next to you and you gave her a huge bear hug. Everyone laughed. "So what have I missed?" you asked, smiling. They told you everything.
         Minhee moved away to China with her mom and step-dad, and her and Baekho tried a long distant relationship, but it didn't work, so they broke up. Hyunjae and Minhyun were still together, and so were Yuuki and JR. 
         You started to feel awkward because Aron didn't stop looking at you. You're heart was beating fast and you wanted to show him everything he missed out on these past 2 years. 
         Ren told you his girlfriend was Lori, and you were shocked. But she moved down to Australia so they broke up. You told them all about your tour with One Direction and how you became a dancer. 
        Your butterflies were getting worse and worse and you couldn't handle it anymore. You turned to Aron and smiled. He was shocked, but he never broke his gaze. 
         "So how have you been?" you said, putting one foot over the other and folding your hands in your lap. He just nodded. Your hand went up to the lockets you never took off. 
         "You still have that?" Ren asked smiling. 
         "Of course!" you said, shocked that he asked. They smiled and Baekho ran over, picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. Aron stood up, "Yah!" he yelled. You laughed. "Oppa! Put me down!" 
          Everyone except Aron laughed and followed Baekho who was carrying you down to the basement. You were laughing and thought, Why is Aron mad? 
          Baekho set you down and you were dizzy. "Aigoo, why are we here?" you asked, fixing your hair. Yuuki stood next to you. "Open the door," she said smiling. You looked at the group curiously, and you opened the door. 
          You gasped. There was a huge trophy on the side. You went up and read it. "Dance Competition - 2nd place - 2010" . 
          You looked at them. "We got second place when you left," Ren started. 
          "Yeah, we danced your dance and that's where it got us," Minhyun finished.
          "But since we were famous, they couldn't give us first place," Aron continued. You were upset. "I left you guys and you still did it?" you asked. They all nodded. 
         "But it's because of you we won!" Minhyun said, ruffling your hair. Aron stepped forward, opening his mouth to say something but stopped himself. 
         Just then you heard the door open and slam shut. "I'm hoome!" you heard. You knew who it was. That nasty voice from two years ago. The girl you hated the most on this Earth. Aron gulped and everyone else rolled there eyes and groaned. Then she walked into the room. 
        Lee SooYoung.
Author's Note;
-oh mann.... whatchya guys think ? :o 
-Ima do the outfits later and update it. :) 
-share, subscribe, comment, feedback :D 
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)