You Don't Love Me

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


     You had fallen asleep on Yuuki's bed with her. Well, you were trying to. Yuuki was knocked out, but you were laying down on the bed engulfed in your thoughts.
      I can't believe he lost his ity to her.... I guess... I guess he was just waiting for us to break up. It doesn't matter anymore to him. I dont matter anymore. 
     You had finally started to drift off to sleep, a couple tears slipping down your cheeks when someone nudged you. You opened your eyes to see Aron. You wiped the tears and sat up, giving an angry look at him. 
      "I need to talk to you," he whispered. You laid back down and turned to face away from him. "Please?" he asked. Your heart was beating so fast. You wanted to go so bad but told yourself it will be better if you don't.
       Aron kept nudging you. You sighed out of annoyance and got up. You put on your pajama robe and walked out of the room. He followed and closed the door. He grabbed your wrist and started to pull you. 
       You yanked your hand out of his grasp. He looked back at you. "Please?" he pleaded, grabbing your hand. His eyes were full of sadness. It reminded you of a puppy in a pound pleading to be taken to a home. You rolled your eyes and nodded your head for him to go. 
        He pulled you towards the back door. You walked out with him, sitting on the porch swing. He sat next to you. "What do you want?" you asked. 
        "I-I need to talk to you," he said nervously. You turned to face him, still angry. "I know that," you snapped at him. He looked up at you. He was upset. 
        "I'm guessing Yuuki told you, about, me and SooYoung?" he said, still nervous. Sadness replaced your anger. You looked away, up at the stars. "Yeah, she told me," you replied.
        "Look, it didn't mean any-". He was cut off by your phone. 
        "Please don't go, naega to stay,*static* yeah I'm the baddest female Seoul city ever had."
        You took it and answered it. "Hello?" Aron looked at you confused. It was Liam. 
        "Young lady, where are you?! I've been pacing back and forth these past 2 hours worried sick!" he said, frantic. You heard Danielle in the back. "Liam she's 19! She's not a kid!" You laughed. 
        "I'm at Yuuki's house. I'll be staying here instead of the hotel. You know I don't like hotels much anyways," you told him, smiling. Aron looked at you, confused and upset. She's smiling when she talks to them. And it's not fake. 
        "You know, next time call before you do this. Niall is out looking for you. You better call him. I bet he's lost," he said. You sighed and closed your eyes. Why? Oh my God, you thought. "Fine, I'll call him. Now go to bed." He agreed. "Love you, and remember you're coming to the concert tomorrow and performing, don't forget." 
        "I won't forget, it'll be my first live concert, and I love you too. Now go to bed," you said smiling. Aron's heart broke. Did she find someone else? Well, I.. Why didn't I stop her when  I had the chance? 
         You hung up and called Niall. "Where are you?" you said as soon as he answered. 
          "I just got back to the hotel! Where are you?!" he said, frantic. "At Yuuki's, I'll be staying here. And don't worry, Liam already lectured me." You smiled again. "Go to sleep, I'll be there early tomorrow to get ready for the show." 
          You hung up and looked at Aron. He was looking at you weirdly. "Bo?" you asked, eyes widening. He shook his head, looking upset. Pch, he's upset?! He's the one sleeping with every girl-
          Your thoughts were interuptted by him holding your hand. Your heart stopped. You looked up at him. 
          "HyeMi-ah. I still love you," he said, looking up at you. You scoffed, getting up. "Sure you do," you said before leaving and walking into the house.
           He sat there for a second before chasing after you. He grabbed your arm, and you stopped. No, HyeMi don't cry! you yelled at yourself. He came up and saw your tears. You looked away from him. 
           He wiped your tears, and made you look at him. He was crying too. He opened his mouth to say something, but you stopped him. 
          "If you loved me, you wouldn't have lost your ity to that ," you said harshly, and ran away from him.
Author's Note;
-oh.. snap. Almost done with this fanfic :) 
-i'm about to make the outfits for the past chapters! :D 
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)