Lost Together Forever

Forever Lost In Your Eyes


       You took pictures with all the celeberities. You took more pictures with Aron and the rest of the oppas. You had a couple favorites, one with Aron where he made you laugh, then kissed your cheek as the picture was being taken. There was another with Baekho and Minhee, where Baekho hugged you with one arm while Minhee was trying to get him off. 
        "The rink is about to close Aron! Let's hurry!" JR yelled at him since the music was loud. Hurry for what? you thought. The girls were smiling and everyone started to walk away from you. 
        "Yah! Where are you going?!" you yelled, following them. You noticed everyone was getting out of the rink and sitting down facing it instead. Aron turned around and lead you to the middle of the rink. "Wait here," he said smiling and he left.
         You turned around and everyone was smiling at you. You turned back around feeling awkward, and the lights went off. You jumped a little. The music and the lights came on, showing the boys, Yuuki, HyunJae, and Minhee. You didn't recognize the song, but immediatley Minhyun started singing. 
You gasped and covered your mouth. They were performing Not Over You. You started smiling big. They sang it and during Baekho's part, he came and spun you around making you laugh. During JR's rap, he started rapping to Yuuki, making her blush. 
          It was reaching it's end and Aron came up and finished the song instead of Minhyun. He grabbed your hand and started to sing. You were blushing and smiling really big. Everyone started to 'aw'. As he finished the song, you were already tearing up. 
           "HyeMi-ah," he said into the microphone. You couldn't speak, so you just nodded. "Saranghaeyo," he said again, smiling. You smiled and started to cry even more. "I love you too," you mouthed. He handed Baekho the microphone and picked you up, spun you around, and when he let you down, he slowly put one hand around your waist, pulling you closer, and the other hand behind your neck. You raised your hands around his neck, and you both started leaning in. You had to stand on your tippy toes, and that made him smile. You closed your eyes, and his lips gently touched yours. 
           Unlike any other kiss, this one felt special. It sparked and it was as if fireworks were being shot. Your heart raced as your lips moved with his. You parted, and you realized everyone was cheering and 'aw'-ing. You smiled, your foreheads pressed one against the other.
           "Gomawo for the best birthday ever," you whispered. He smiled, and grabbed your hand. "Was this the surprise?" you asked him. He smiled again, "Part of it." Hyunjae came up to you. "Look!" she yelled smiling. You looked to what she was holding. 
            Someone took a picture and a video of everything that just happened, and a picture of you and Aron kissing. He looked down at you and smiled. You looked over at Baekho and Minhee, and he was talking to her. All of  a sudden, she smiled really big and nodded, and Baekho picked her up and spun her around. You smiled.
            "Yah," you said, nudging Aron's shoulder. He looked down at you. "I think Baekho asked Minhee out," you told him. He looked over to where they were. 
             "Aish, chincha," he said smiling. 
             Some of the celeberities, like Sister, Suzy from Miss A, 2NE1 and BigBang came up to you and talked with you and Aron a little. You got pictures with them and left. There was a limo in front but you thought it was for the other stars. There were fans waiting outside but there were a lot of security to help you through. You ended up at the limo. You looked at Aron. He smiled. 
             "It's a surprise." 
             You weren't sure, but you got in anyways. Aron gave the driver a piece of paper. "Where are we going?" you asked. He closed his eyes. "You act like you don't know what I surprise is." He the little tv that was in the limo and you were watching some drama. You leaned my head on his shoulder and ended up falling asleep. 
             "HyeMi-ah, HyeMi, wake up," Aron said, shaking you slightly. You rubbed your eyes as he slowly led you outside, making sure you didn't hurt yourself. You stepped out and it was already night time. "Yah, where are we?" you asked, yawning.
              "Take off your shoes and leave them in the limo," he said. You were confused.
"Bo?" you asked, eyes widened. He sighed. "Just do it," so you did. He grabbed your hand and you both ran. You weren't exactly sure where you were, but you felt sand underneath your feet. You looked up and saw you were on the beach.
              *Meanwhile w/ the rest of the group* 
            "Yah, where are Aron and HyeMi-ah?" Hyunjae asked, tugging Minhyun's shirt as they were walking outside.
"Aron took her for her birthday surprise," Baekho told them, wrapping one arm around Minhee. "Ahhh, how cute," Hyunjae replied. She was hoping Minhyun would ask her out like Baekho asked Minhee, but she was so insecure she kept telling herself that it would never happened. 
               "Where are we going now?" Yuuki asked smiling, holding JR's hand. During the performance, JR kept making silly faces at Yuuki and he get dancing with her. 
             "Well, the boys and I need to finish HyeMi-ah's present. We're making her a scrapbook." JR said, and he held up the camera. "We need to take these to the store to get printed out. Then we can go do whatever!" 
            "Arasso!" they all said. They went to the store and the man said they could come back in 2 hours and it would be done. 
             "Yah!" Hyunjae said. Everyone was surprised because it was the first time they heard her yell. "Let's go to the carnival!" Minhyun smiled. Perfect! This will be the perfect place to ask her out, he thought as they got back in the car.
               "Aigoo!" you yelled, running down the beach with Aron. He took you to a spot down at the edge and you saw a picnic blanket and a basket. You gasped. "Ah, look at this, Aron has a sweet side, now does he?" you teased. "Yah!" he yelled. You started to run away from him and towards the water.
              He caught up to you and put his hands around your waist, spinning you while the both of you laughed. When he put you down, you bent down and got your hands wet. Since he was turned around, you took all that water from your hands and put it down his shirt. He gasped as you giggled and started to run away. 
              He was chasing you, the both of you laughing. Can this birthday get any better?, you asked yourself. Then Aron caught up to you and as he grabbed you, the both of you tripped and fell on  your backs in the dry sand. You both laughed. He turned around and faced you, leaning on his arm. You turned and looked up at him, the both of you smiling. 
             "I love you HyeMi-ah," Aron said. Your eyes widened at his sudden sweetness. You took a little bit of sand in your hand and threw it at him, smiling. 
             "I love you too Aron," you said.
             "Yah!" he yelled playfully and rolled on top of you, pinning your hands down above your head with one hand while ticking you with his other. Your heart was beating so fast and you couldn't breath for a second. "Try throwing sand now," he said teasing you while you laughed. 
            "I can't!" you yelled, laughing. He stopped tickling you and let go of your hands. You put it around his neck. "How did I get so lucky?" you asked.
           "Well," he started, putting his hands against the sand next to your head, "you weren't watching, and you bumped into me, and if I wasn't having a such a bad day that day, I would've stopped and asked for your number, because I thought you were pretty cute," he said, smirking. You laughed.
            "And now, we're together. And hopefully, we'll last forever," he said, slowly leaning in, closing his eyes as you did the same. His lips pressed against yours again, your lips moving together. It was getting harder to breath and he pulled away, looking into your eyes.
             "Why is it, that everytime I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm forever lost in them?" you asked. He replied:
             "Maybe because we were meant to be lost together, forever."
Author's Note : 
-Sooooo, what do you think? :D 
-Subscribe, share, comment, feedback, bookmark, suggestions?! :D 
-Sorry I haven't really been updating :c
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NikkiLovesAnime #1
Chapter 52: Hiya, thanks for this awesome fanfic -- I couldn't actually get much revision done because I was soo hooked on this story -- it was great ... Only thing I didn't like (but ended up being persuaded to like) was the fact that soo young became friends with hye-mi ... I really wanted her to have her comeuppance and beat the shiitake mushrooms out of her!!! But hey ho, it was great THANKS ^_^ x
Chapter 50: this is such an sweet ending u are so taalented
Chapter 27: wonderfull story love it
thanks love :) its amazing to hear that :) I'm really upset that this one finished, but I got another story already planned so that'll be up soon. :)
Jasz4652 #5
Personally, I'm not a big fan of nu'est. Butttttt I loved this story. I'm looking forward to more of your stories (:
CookieManiac #6
Nooo! !!!!!! This fanfic CANNOT end . I love it too much,to think that its gonna end its just too sad. I'm sorry if i'm pushy. I'll wait for your next update though :)