
Eternal Love (Sequel to Dream The Impossible)



Gill's POV


That evening, just as the kids were about to start on their homework, our doorbell rang. It was really strange to be expecting a visitor at this timing.

I ran down to open the door while Saengie stayed in the room to look after Wonnie.

A couple stood at the door and bowed slightly. I stood rooted to the ground and stunned.

" Who was it?" Saengie shouted from upstairs.

" Erm.. Come in.." I invited the couple in hesitantly and offered them a seat.

" Yah who was- Eo! Ann..annyeonghaseyo.." Saengie came out and got a shock as well.

" Is.. Eun Hee around?" They asked softly.

" Erm.. Mr and Mrs Kang, is there anything urgent? We can pass the message to her," I panicked.

" Omma! Who rang the doo-" Eun Hee rushed out and stopped at wherever she was in shock.

" Eun Hee ah... Appa and omma came to see you.." Mrs Kang smiled and said.

Eun Hee immediately ran back to her room and slammed the door shut.

" Saengie.."

He gave me a light squeeze on my shoulder and went up to check on Eun Hee. I decided to follow behind him.


Youngsaeng's POV

" Eun Hee ah, can appa come in?"

" No!! Go away! I don't want to talk to anybody now! Just leave me alone!" She cried and raised her voice from inside.

" Be a good girl. I'm coming in alone, nobody else is with me." I gestured Gill to entertain the people downstairs while I try to console Eun Hee.

I slowly opened her door and saw her hiding herself under the blanket. I locked the door behind me and went forward to her.

I sat down beside her and pulled her blanket away slowly but she refuses to let go of her grip on the blanket.

" Eun Hee... Don't worry. Appa is here hmm?"

Then, she sat up and leaned on my arm and continued weeping. I pat her back and sighed.

" Eun Hee, don't be scared. Appa and Omma won't allow them to get what they want."

" Appaaa...Why must they appear again after so long?? I don't want to see them ever again.. Please ask them to leave..." her tears continued to fall as she stammered.


--- Flashback----

(A/N  A continuation of what happened a year after Saengie and Gill adopted Eun Hee in DTI; the reason why her biological parents didn't appear in any of my chapters after that.)

4 years ago...

Eun Hee was only 4 years old then, a year after her biological parents abandoned her on the streets. Last year when she was 3, everyone already came to an agreement about letting Gill and I raise Eun Hee up.

The couple still brought Eun Hee out to play occassionally, even after she rightfully belonged to us. We were fine with that, as long as Eun Hee was happy and safe.

However one faithful day, Eun Hee came back crying. She refused to let us know what happened. Leaving us with no other choice, both of us arranged a time to meet up with her parents.

On that arranged date and day, they called and wanted to settle the matter through phone. Of course, we had to agree to it.

According to them, the reason Eun hee cried was because the couples wanted her back after a year of reconsidering their decision back then. We hung up the call immediately and decided to talk things out with Eun Hee.

As usual, I would ask for her permission before entering her room.

" Eun Hee, you know we will always be here for you everytime you need us right? You can tell us anything." Gill spoke to her softly.

" Omma... Do you still want me?"

" Of course silly girl. You are already my daughter, who can separate us?"

" Appa, what about you?"

" Eun Hee ah, what are you afraid of? You can tell us," I sat beside her and probed.

"  I.. I went out with my real appa and omma that day.. They pulled my hand and didn't want to bring me back here... They said I belonged to them because omma gave birth to me.. I was so scared so I kept screaming.. They hit me and brought me back here after that..." Eun Hee confessed everything to us in detached sentences and child-like manner.

" De?! From now on, you'll stay with us. We won't allow you to go out with them anymore. Got it Eun Hee?"

" De..." Somehow, she was assured when she heard that she'll stay with us from then on.

---- End of flashback----


" I'll go down and get them to leave now okay?"

She nodded and refused to let go of my hand.

" Appa... Is it very rude of me if I don't get out to see them? Will omma be angry at me later?"

" Aniyo, omma didn't want to let them see you either. Aigoo, does omma punish 3 of you anytime she likes?"

" Ani... Omma is the best. I hate my real omma.."

I ruffled her hair and smiled. " Don't learn to hate anybody. You just have to put them into your ignore list."

" De..." She frowned and wiped her tears away. " Let's go.. I'll follow you down," She weakly told me.

" You know you don't have to do that right? Kwenchana, just stay here. Omma and I will settle this by tonight, you'll stay here with us."

" My real omma and appa are not easy to deal with. They would only leave if they see me. Omma must be having a very hard time talking to them now.. Pali.. We need to save omma from them.." she cracked a joke at that point of time.

" Aigoo.. De, promise me you'll be okay."

" De appa. So.. How do I address them later? Do I still call them appa and omma?"

" No! Of course not. We took their place long ago. You just stick to ahjusshi and ahjumma."

She nodded and held my held down.


Gill's POV


" Mr and Mrs Kang, I understand that you came here for Eun Hee, but didn't we already settled this a few years back?"

" De! We know.. We just wanted to see her. We missed her..."

" It better be that way. You know we will never let her go."

" We wouldn't want to as well..."

" What does that mea-" Just as I asked that, Saengie brought Eun Hee down. I looked at Saengie in worry, he just shook his head and smiled.

" Ahhh Eun Hee ah.." the couple's eyes brightened up and called for her.

" Ah..ahjussi..ahjumma..." Eun Hee stammered and looked down all the way.

" De?! We are your appa and omma!"

" Chaesonghaeyo, she has only one appa and one omma. I'm sure you know who deserve that title in her heart," Saengie spoke.

" Ahh.. Eun Hee ah, how have you been?"

" Very good. Way better than before. I'm 8 years old now.. I'm able to think for myself." She shot them a direct answer.

" Eun Hee ah.. Cheongmal mianhaeyo.." Mrs Kang's tears fell.

Eun Hee's tears fell too. I pat her back and consoled her.

" Since you already saw her, and she is well and alive, so I guess both of you can be at ease now? We're quite busy at the moment," I uttered.

" Eun Hee, Cheongmal chaesonghaeyo.. Do.. Do you want to go back with us-"

" No way!" Saengie and I pulled her back and shouted.

" No...just for a day... Please... We'll make it up to her.." Mr Kang pleaded.

" No, not even for a second. She will stay here, with us, for the rest of her life. We gave you a chance to make it up to her 4 years ago after we got her custody. You promised not to make her cry again, but that wasn't the case Mr and mrs Kang..." I sternly objected to whatever he said.

" But-"

" We aren't going to give in anymore. She wasn't even suppose to see both of you after that separation day. We were too softhearted and gave in. And.. It resulted in her being hurt again. We don't want to make this mistake again," Saengie added.

"Kang Eun Hee, whose blood is running in you now?" Mr Kang threatened.

" K-Kang..." Eun Hee stumbled upon that question.

" And do you think you can fit in to all the HEOs here?"

" I..I.."

" I'm afraid to say that she doesn't just fit in well, she already completely blended in. Does blood relation mean everything to you? Please don't get the wrong idea into my daughter's head. I don't want to make her have that idea that you can do all sorts of brainless acts just because of having that same blood running in both of you. Well, but if it means so much to you, then we are more than glad to tell you that she is a Heo. An upright Heo. She follows after me, we got her identification changed," Saengie's words were so sharp and direct like they were filled with thorns and needles. 

" De?! Eun Hee!!" They hollered.

" I want to be a Heo! I never want to remember myself as a Kang ever again! My childhood memories were ruined in the hands of people whose first name are Kang. It was appa and omma who mend that hole in my heart so carefully, without leaving any scars at all. They mend it with something that I'll never be able to experience as a Kang! Love! All I wanted was to feel that I'm being loved by my own parents. Do you know how much I yearned for that when I was a Kang?! Nobody will be able to replace appa and omma already. NOBODY!!" Eun Hee burst into tears again and screamed.

Everybody startled, including us. Then, she just turned and held on to Saengie's hand tightly. He held her close and allowed her to cry everything out.

I looked down and breathed in deeply.

" And just another gentle reminder, it's wrong to hit your children even when they are in the wrong. That's not the way to punish them. I have never laid a finger on them despite of how angry I may be. All you have to do is use the correct approach and drill your lectures into their minds so they will remember it forever. And I'm sure Eun Hee will listen, she has never disappointed me. Your daughter, or should I say, my daughter registers those punishments I laid and never repeated that same mistake again. Using force on them will just imprint fear in them, that's not going to help," I muttered softly and calmly.

" Who do you think you are to teach us on how to lecture children. You are younger than us, I don't think you have the rights to say that."

" Omma definitely have the rights to say anything she wants. She knows what's best for us! Yoon Eun and Yoon Saeng are also taught by appa and omma. They are very obedient now. I don't understand why you have to hit me everytime you're upset.. I'm not a punching bag.. I have feelings too ahjussi..ahjumma.." Eun Hee in again.

" Who are Yoon Eun and Yoon Saeng?"

" Our children," I answered.

" You stole them from other parents as well? Those filthy kids?"

" Take that back ahjumma. Omma gave birth to them. Appa taught me insulting people is wrong. My siblings are not filthy. Even if Yoon Eun and Yoon Saeng are not their own, they will treat them like how they treated me too," Eun Hee rebutted. We could tell she really bottled this anger for a long time and everything was going to explode if she don't voice it out.

" Eun Hee enough!! Is that how your new appa and omma have been teaching you? All the wrong values like rebutting your real appa and omma?" Mr Kang hollered.

" This is our house, please don't raise your voice at our daughter. We didn't give you the permission to do so," Saengie exploded into anger as well.

" I...I don't want to go back with you. I am extremely happy here. Appa and omma gave me the things I wanted. Appa..appa.. even spared his free time to coach me in my singing for my choir show.. showcase and omma helped me a lot..a..alot.. in my studies! You didn't even bother asking if I needed any help.. last..last..last time!" Eun Hee sniffed and blurted out everything in tears.

Then, she calmed herself down and continued.

" And when I'm ill, appa and omma.. they..they..stayed up all night just to take care of me. When I was only 3..3..years old, both of you just..just.. left a cup of water and my medicines on my desk and left me alone in my bedroom for the whole night. I didn't even know what was going on, so I just drank my medicines whenever I thought it was the right time, in different amounts. That got my condition worse and after that..after that.. would blame me for being weak. I was in so much..p- pain, do you know??! Do you know??!! " 

" Eun Hee, listen listen. We'll talk to them hmm? Don't worry, you won't be going back with them later, " Saengie reassured and told her to return to her room for the time being.

Then, the twins came down due to the chaos. " Omma..appa, who are they?" Yoon Saeng asked.

" Go back to your room. Pali, we'll explain to you later," I quickly pushed them back into their rooms.

The worse thing was, wonnie started to cry. I excused myself and ran up to check on him.


Youngsaeng's POV


" So busy with your kids huh?" They questioned sarcastically.

" You scared him up," I mumbled under my breath and looked away.

" Since you have so many kids to take care of, won't it be easier if you return Eun Hee to us?"

" What are you talking about? It's not a matter of having to carry that burden. Eun Hee has never been a burden to me. She is my daughter, I need to take care of her as well. She is my responsibility."

" But Eun Hee is my blood daughter!" Mr Kang tried to reason out.

" That was 5 years ago. That day when you left her on the streets, she don't have such irresponsible parents anymore."

" You can never separate us, Mr Heo. She isn't your biological daughter."

" She herself is keeping the distance from both of you now."

" Alright alright, let's not fight over this anymore. We will let you have Eun Hee on weekdays and you have to return her back to us on weekends."

" She isn't a toy to be borrowed and returned. She is staying here with us, 24/7. Just judging from that suggestion, both of you aren't fit to be her parents. I suggest both of you just return home now and think through what you said. Anyway both of you are still young, just try for another one and please, treasure that child. I'm quite busy at the moment, so please leave.."

" Remember that mister.. We'll be back again." They stomped out of the house in rage.

" Not welcomed!" I chuckled and replied in that same manner.









Geezz finally able to update.. and after this, I have to get back to rushing through my reports again T.T Hope my chapters are still okay.. :) Anyway, I'll try to find some time to read all of your updates and new stories etc and leave a comment whenever I can! Sorry about that! This semester is really hectic for me!   >.< 

Anyway, I guess the next chapter will be a continuation of this chapter. I'll post it up when I'm done with my reports and after i finish reading all of your updates! ^o^ 

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heoshireen #1
Chapter 58: i want to jnow the story please update i really miss this story...please do update....
I really miss this story :(
please update it soon..
please really update!!!! i REALLY REALLY REALLY miss this story.... PLEASE update VERY VERY soon... :((( I'll be waiting for your update...
I hope you'll really update this story.. Just can't take it off my mind hehehe...
Chapter 58: new reader here.. PLEASE UPDATE SOOONNN... (:
DrEaMLin #6
Please update soon!!
Really missing it.. :(
Chapter 58: when r u gonna update this fic??
dear author-nim..jebal..
i'm missing this story so much until it appears in my dream..
and I've re-reading this story for nth times already
Chapter 58: oh my gosh gill.. im missing you a lot and yeah though i read it late..i didn't saw the notification that you updated i just sw it now.. i actually browsing suddenly thought of this story.....
errrrm the wedding lol i almost cried...i am touched with my hubby's surprise, ehemmm yeemin's hubby i mean...
godd luck to all your exams and take care..we will patiently wait for the next update...
Stelena #9
Chapter 58: Awesome story :D GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR EXAMS XDD