What happened??

Eternal Love (Sequel to Dream The Impossible)



Gill's POV


Sunday, the day of the banner event, finally arrived.

I woke up early and got myself dressed in that green triple S tee and tiptoed out of the room, to prevent myself from waking that sleeping angel on the bed.

" Must you really go for that banner event?" I heard a tired voice from behind just as I was about to open my room door.

" Ahhh just go back to sleep, it's only 7am. I'll be back after having dinner with my TS friends. You settle the dinner for your kids today hmm?"

" Can you accompany me today? It's rarely my free day.. And it's been quite long since I am able to spend my day with you.." He muttered, still lying on the bed.

" Please..let me go... I'll compensate this day. Promise. I really want to catch up with my TS sisters. It's been so long since I met them.."

Then he got out of the bed and walked towards me.

" You promise to be careful hmm?" He bent down and placed his hands on my shoulders.

I nodded. " You're just worried for your baby right Saengie? Relax, I'll take care of him. Although there will be lots of people crowding, it's going to be a very organized event. Jinja. Just don't worry and go back to sleep," I smiled and said softly.

" De de. Have fun, don't get too crazy over SS501 over there. Got it? When people run, you walk. When they jump, you just stay still and smile. When they ask you why you seem so dead, just tell them I exercised yesterday and having muscle cramps now. Arraseo?"

" Arraseo arraseo. So when they walk, I have to crawl isn't it?" I joked.

" Ani..Anyway, keep everything we do a secret de?" 

" De de arraseo arraseo. This shirt is okay right? It's not very obvious that I'm carrying him right?"

" Even if I say it's not okay, you still have to wear this to that event isn't it? Aigoo, don't worry, it's not a single bit obvious. Your perfect figure is still there."

" Kekeke.. De de I'll get going now."

" Wait wait, you forgot something."

" I know, I didn't put on that ring on purpose. I'm going for a fan-based event, you sure you want me to wear it?" 

" Waeyo? What's wrong with it? Just wear it. don't take it out." He took the ring on my dressing table and slipped it back into my finger. 

" Keke de, yah..I don't see that ring on your finger when you're performing as well... "

" Ayyee.. manager hyung was holding on to it, in case it flies out when I'm performing..."

I chuckled. " Hmm.. I meant when you're singing your ballads, wooaahh it will fly out too huh?"

" My ring will melt due to my super sweet and soothing voice. So it's better not to have it on."

" Ahh so those decoration rings you put on during your performance won't melt, isn't it?"

" Other rings can afford to melt, not my wedding ring. Aish... we can continue the conversation you know, so why not you stay at home and accompany me today?"

" Andwae. It's getting late, I got to go."

He gave me a peck on my cheek and I left home.



When I reached that place, my eyes really went O.O

There were indeed A LOT of people there already.. Aish, I shouldn't have continued that nonsensical ring talk with Saengie just now.

I breathed in deeply and made my way through the fans to find my group of sisters. Obviously, people who knows about me just kept smiling at me for no good reasons.

" Ehhh she looks familiar doesn't she?? Could she be that..." a foreign fan whispered to another in mandarin. Of course, I understood.

I just walk past them and pretended nothing happened. Many fans started waving to me. Somehow, I felt a little awkward. 

Fortunately, I found my group of friends after all the starings and waving. 

" Ahhhh!! ANNYEONGHASEYO!!" All of them ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I laughed and pat their backs.

" Annyeonghaseyo!"

" Why are you so late? We were all here at 6am. We were so afraid you won't come!"

" Mianhae.. I couldn't wake up keke."

" Isn't there someone to wake you up?" All of them smirked and asked sneekily.

" Ahhh, aniyo.."

" Wahh, you've grown even prettier since the last time we saw you. Yeppeuda.." They my hair and complimented.

" Aniyo, I've gained weight. Became so much fatter now.."

" Aniya, you didn't.. Aigoo, you were missing in action for so long! We had so many events before this but you didn't turn up.." One of the fans I recognized joked.

" De, mianhae. Was really busy," I tried to keep everything in a low profile manner.

" So how have you and Eun Hee been?"

" Good. Not too bad. She is my little cousin, of course she is in a good condition now keke," I brought back the joke from back then. 

" Cousin? Aigoo, you're still using that to hide.. We still remember it all, our dear Gill. Hahaha," They shook their heads and laugh.

I shrugged and laughed along.

" So...how is our prince these weeks?" I expected that question from them.

" Fine and well. Nothing drastic happened."

" Hahahaha you have been taking really good care of him right? He is not tiring himself out right?"

" De de don't worry. Haha, so have you girls started painting the banner? Did I miss out a lot?"

" Nope, haven't. Starting soon. There will be lots of people today, so we will be split into groups. Each group will design different portions, and of course, in charge of different members. And because you are in our group, we chose Youngsaeng oppa. You should understand him very well right? So we appointed you to be the coordinator of this group."

" De?? Youngsaeng oppa?? Ahh de de... I will try my best."

" Waeyo?"

" Nothing, I'm thinking to design the other member's portion. Let you girls have the chance to design for Youngsaeng oppa Keke," I stuck to the formalities and decided to address Saengie like all fangirls do.

" Andwae Andwae, we must make sure our part here is the most perfect for Youngsaeng oppa. And we totally have an edge because you are in our group. Of course, as a Triple S, we really love all the members. Just that, since we're split into groups, we might as well do our best in the member we're assigned to right? The entire banner will ultimately be the credit of the whole Triple S gathered here today."

" De, Wahh I feel the stress now.. Aigoo.."

" If I were you, I will be feeling stress every single day. Keke."

" Ani you won't. It's not as tough.. Trust me.. Keke."

" So, are there any progress? Both of you hmm?? Hehe." One of them whispered into my ear and asked sneekily.

" Ahh??? Erm, I won't try to break all of your hearts... keke."

" Aish... you already broke it so might as well just go a step further by..ehem..ehem.. right?" They couldn't stop teasing me.

" De?? Erm... Oh don't worry, I won't let our dear Youngsaeng oppa have any idea about this event," I changed the subject. I didn't want to share too many personal things with them.

" Gill...."

" Let's get started, you see, other groups are starting on their part already. You won't want our dear youngsaeng oppa's part to be incomplete right? De, so.. Let's get cracking!" I laughed and started to spread the work out to them.

Of course, there were a lot of us from all parts of the world working on Saengie's part of the banner, and I barely only knew 10 or more of them. So, it's better if nothing is revealed today, and everything will be kept in a low profile manner. Furthermore, I'm not sure if everyone in this group knows about Saengie and I.. So it's better to play safe.

" We should take a jump-shot now, as a group. It's going to be so much fun!" One of the fangirls screamed in excitement.

They pulled me along and we did a 'jump-shot' together. I heeded Saengie's warnings, obviously. So I just stood there and smiled.

" Gill, you're suppose to jump when the camera man shouts 3."

" Ahh I'm having serious muscle cramps now, can't jump. You girls go ahead, I will join you girls at some other shots later," I smiled and excused myself.

Aish.. This baby is turning me into an anti-social...


" Hmm... your ring is beautiful." One of them shot a random comment as we were painting the banner. 

" Ehhh? Ahh.. erm..k-komawoyo.." I quickly clenched my fist to hide that ring. 

" We have been observing it since that minute you came keke. We haven't met since after the day of his proposal... So the first thing that caught our eyes was your ring. Keke."

" Ahh.. ye.. let's continue with the banner..." I tried to divert their attention back to the banner.

After a long day, finally, the banner was nicely done.




I quickly rushed home and opened the door. There wasn't anyone at home, guess Saengie must have brought the kids out to somewhere.

I paced myself to the bathroom and locked it. A sudden stinging abdominal pain struck me. I grabbed hold to the sides of the sink tightly. Then, I opened the tap weakly and splashed water onto my face, hoping to ease the pain. But it wasn't getting anywhere, the pain just got more and more unbearable, and now, it wasn't just abdominal pain, the pain traveled down to my tummy.

Knowing the situation I'm in, I hastily unlocked the bathroom door and limped out step by step, clenching hard on the sides of my shirt.

Soon, I heard noises outside. Sweat started trickling down my forehead. The pain has came to a point where everything in my vision became blurry. I dropped down to the ground and curled up into an extremely uncomfortable position.

Fortunately, before anything happened, Saengie opened the door and noticed me.

" Yah yah what happened?" He ran up to me and lifted me up slightly.

I kept silent, the noise that could come out from my lips were groans due to the pain.

Then he noticed something oozing out.

" Gill!! You're bleeding!! Keep yourself conscious!! I'll get you to the hospital!" He panicked and lifted me up, and rushed me to the nearest hospital immediately. There wasn't even any time to spare, not even waiting for an ambulance to arrive.



Youngsaeng's POV


She was pushed to the emergency unit immediately.

Then, I quickly called back home to inform Eun Hee. She may panic if she don't see us at home for the night.

" Eun Hee, listen. Take care of your siblings at home for the night. Omma isn't feeling well, I'm in the hospital with her now, so I'll not be returning home tonight. Be good arraseo? And don't enter my room, get it?"

" Appa, what happened to omma? Will my little dongsaengie be fine? Can I go to the hospital now? Can I see-"

" Eun Hee! Be good girl, I'll tell you everything once I return home. Just go to sleep now. Don't worry about anything. Share a room with Yoon eun and Yoon Saeng today, just give me a call if any of you need anything in the middle of the night."

" De arraseo appa."

I hung up the phone and paced up and down the corridor of the hospital.


After a long while, the doctor came out.

" Are you Gill's husband?"

" De de, what happened? Are they fine?"

" If I'm not wrong, your wife fell a while ago and landed in a dangerous position. She almost had a miscarriage, but miraculously, the baby survived this time. Unfortunately, she is very greatly affected by this fall, so she is still in great danger. However, your wife has an extremely strong will to keep the baby safe even if it means taking her life away, and because of that, your baby is safe for now but the risk landed on her. We will observe her for the next 24 hours, just hope for the best that she regains consciousness. If she don't, be prepared for the worse, this is something quite fatal to pregnant women. You may go in to see her now. For now, only one person is allowed to enter at a time, just to inform you in case any of her relatives comes in later."

" D-de.. Kamsahamnida.." My voice weakened instantly.


* Please... Don't let me have to prepare for the worse... I'm not ready for it...













Updated! Hahaha I find this chapter quite funny for some reasons LOL. 

Anyway... Kyaaa I suddenly thought of kyu oppa's 'My Precious One' while crafting this. :( Still hoping Kyu is doing well in the military! ^^


Anyway, please comment! ^^


@ moonglow

Yeah, so sorry :( Grrrrr...Hope AFF will revise back all my lost comments. Hmm..keke yups, he is. Kyaa yeah super tough >.< EunHee seem to be the number one in the house now isn't it? Gill has to think of ways to get to the top again Hahaha. YES that would come to reality one day!! For sure!! :DD Anyway, THANKYU for commenting! Really appreciate it! ^^

@ bigbangluv143

Haha hmm..is this considered serious enough? Haha ahh it's okay, I've been really busy with my studies lately as well :( Hahaha, Gill is a blur pig, she doesn't seem to know anything about Saengie's work stuff. Even her daughter knows it better than her, hmm..yeah kind of sad... LOL ayyee.. Saengie is just trying to speed things up for kyu-yeemin couple lol. Awww you want to be Eun Hee now? kekeke I also really like her as my character. lol because of her, my story can go on. hahaha. Thanks for commenting! :D

@ i_candie

Unnniiieeee :DD Yeah :( They are fixing it, I hope.. Haha yup Eun Hee is really really important to Saengie. AGREE!! I heard the middle child always feel neglected somehow... LOL.So luckily there isn't any middle child in saengie's house for now keke since eunhee is the eldest and the twins are considered the youngest because they are of the same age keke. That explains why the twins are so spolied lol. Haaaahh guess what, I'm the middle child at my home >.< HAHA. Don't worry, I'll make sure Kyu will be in his best condition and the most handsome at the wedding keke. You'll need mental preparation for that unnie, if not you can't take his handsome-ness. hehe. YEPS KYU'S FM!! *jumps around* Anyway, thankyu for commenting!! :D

@ mako336647

^o^ Yeah... true. Luckily the members ask her, haha if not Saengie won't ever take notice that he has been 'tooooooo good' to EunHee these days. LOL. Chingu ah, let's all become EunHee. Haha I think she gets more attention from Saengie than Gill. Haha *change target* Kekeke. Awww don't be worried, Saengie knows his limit and won't make the twins feel that way, but ultimately, he will still treat you..erm no, Gill.. I mean..you.. the best hehehe. :DD Thanks for commenting! :))

@ jungsaeng

Keke yeps :)) Yups, this chapter talks about the event :) Hmm... guessed you guessed it right >.< LOL. I'm turning evil HAHAHA!! Just for a while hehe. You'll see how YS gets evil too hahahaha. Thankyu for commenting! Continue to update yours too! ^o^





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heoshireen #1
Chapter 58: i want to jnow the story please update i really miss this story...please do update....
I really miss this story :(
please update it soon..
please really update!!!! i REALLY REALLY REALLY miss this story.... PLEASE update VERY VERY soon... :((( I'll be waiting for your update...
I hope you'll really update this story.. Just can't take it off my mind hehehe...
Chapter 58: new reader here.. PLEASE UPDATE SOOONNN... (:
DrEaMLin #6
Please update soon!!
Really missing it.. :(
Chapter 58: when r u gonna update this fic??
dear author-nim..jebal..
i'm missing this story so much until it appears in my dream..
and I've re-reading this story for nth times already
Chapter 58: oh my gosh gill.. im missing you a lot and yeah though i read it late..i didn't saw the notification that you updated i just sw it now.. i actually browsing suddenly thought of this story.....
errrrm the wedding lol i almost cried...i am touched with my hubby's surprise, ehemmm yeemin's hubby i mean...
godd luck to all your exams and take care..we will patiently wait for the next update...
Stelena #9
Chapter 58: Awesome story :D GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR EXAMS XDD