
Eternal Love (Sequel to Dream The Impossible)



Gill's POV


The day after next, Kyu Jong oppa and Yee Min unnie suddenly appeared at our back door.

" Kyu ah, I think you got the wrong place to date," Saengie raised an eyebrow and muttered.

" Are we disturbing you all?" Yee Min unnie smiled and ask.

" Aniyo aniyo, come in come in," I offered to let them in.

Then, they giggled behind while Saengie and I led them in. We ignored those giggles and went to the kitchen to get some drinks for them.

" What were they laughing about?" I whispered to Saengie.

He shrugged and took the drinks out.

" So, hyung, where are your beloved kids?"

" In school of course."

" Ahh de..keke.. So why is Gill here? Don't she have to work today?"

" I'm on night shift today. Just for today, I have to report to work by 8pm later."

" So there is only both of you at home today?"

" Yah Kyu... Why are you so curious about so many things today? What's so weird about having only both of us at our own house?" Saengie scoffed.

" Ahh..hehe nothing nothing.. Just asking."

I raised an eyebrow and smelt something fishy. Kyu oppa and Yee min unnie seemed to be acting a little weird today. They kept chuckling for no good reasons.

" So what were both of you doing just now?" They asked in unison.

" Nothing? Saengie was reading the newspaper and I was surfing the net. Waeyo?"

" Ahh just curious what you guys will do when you have your alone time together."

" Mwo? What do you think we will be doing? Kissing all day long? We have a life too," Saengie joked. I hit his arm lightly.

" Yeah..We thought so..keke"

" Oh please, even the most affectionate couple in this world have a life. They don't kiss all day long... Maybe both of you can break the record," I smirked and teased them.

" I don't mind..keke." Kyu Jong oppa chuckled.

" I'll murder you!" Yee min unnie glared at him and uttered.

" Aish... Yee min ah, you know in every couple, the guy's personality must be slightly different from the girl's to get along well? That explains why we can get along so well. I'm the gentle one while you're the rough one," kyu oppa mentioned.

" Mwo?! I'm the rough one?? Are you kidding me??"

" Aigoo, stop bickering with each other. Everytime we see you, you will end up either teasing or bickering with each other." Saengie shook his head and said.

" That's how we communicate. Both of you are different too.. One of you is the...kind with full of..initiative and the other is the... shy kind..." Kyu oppa stammered and laughed when he exchanged glances with unnie.

" Who is which?"

" Erm... Hyung is the...sh-shy kind...and-"

" Wait wait wait. So you meant I'm the one full of initiative? Totally not!!" I exclaimed.

Then, all of them broke into laughter.

" True true... I agree." Saengie mocked

" Yah!! Since when did I initiate anything? Okay wait... I get why kyu jong oppa and unnie were giggling away when they saw us just now.."

" It's a compliment. Everybody is learning how to become the extraordinary couple." Yee Min unnie teased.

" Heo Young Saeng... This is going on your mini fan site..." I threatened.

" What is going on my fan site? About you always the one initiating?"

" About how you bullied and embarrassed your fan in front of another idol..."

" And which side do you think my precious fans will take? You or me?"

" Aish..this is so sad... Dream of having a 5th one just flew away into thin air.."

" And your dream of participating in that event just flew into space..."

I opened my mouth wide in disbelief.

" Aigoo.. Both of you, just kiss and patch up." Kyu Jong oppa teased again.

" Oh, and make sure you live up to your EXTRAORDINARY couple title..you know what I mean..keke," Yee min unnie added on.

" Eiii trust me.. I don't do the initiating. Yoon Saeng, Yoon Eun and this forth one were ALL his doings.." I complained.

" Hahaha why are you taking this so seriously?" Unnie asked.

" It's embarrassing if this really spreads to the public.. It makes me sound like I'm a desperate."

" De de de... Don't worry, this is not going anywhere. It will be a secret between four of us only. Hmm?" Saengie slid an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side.

" See, this is what I meant. Sometimes, you have to allow me to do what hyung did." Kyu Jong oppa turned to unnie and said.

" In your dreams. Wait till we reach that intimacy level. If not... Don't even think about it." Unnie gave him a straight answer.

" I can be 501 times sweeter than Youngsaeng hyung."

" Yee Min ah, both of you are going to be a married couple soon. You don't have to be so conservative. Kyu knows his limits anyway." Saengie explained.

" So... What time are your kids coming back?" She tried to change the subject.

" Anytime soon. Don't have to worry about them, their school buses alight them just in front of the house."

" Wow... Special privilege for Heo Young Saeng's kids..."

" Aniya, every single kid also get that privilege."

" KyuJongie, so are you considering to enroll your future kids to that school too?" Saengie ask.

" Yah! I didn't say I'm going to bear him kids! Andwae!" Yee min unnie shot her deathly glare.

" Dear, why do all females say that before they are married?" Saengie asked me in a sly tone.

" That's to prevent their husbands-to-be from thinking that their wives-to-be are children maker machine." I skeptically answered.

" Argh so looks like that excuse doesn't work on me...keke." Saengie chuckled and said.

" I got what that means. Saengie..."

" Eh eh eh don't start again please.. The way both of you bicker is so much scarier than how yee min and I bicker.." Kyu Jong oppa cut in.

" Aish, I can't be bothered with him.." I muttered.

As soon as I said that, the intercom started to ring. Those three little faces appeared on the screen as they busily tried to pose.

Saengie walked over and picked up the call to the intercom.

" De? Who are you?" He joked.

" Appa, open the door!"

" What's the magic word?"

" Please."

He smiled and pressed on the unlock button for them to enter.

" Appa!! You're at home today!!" Those three surround him and clung onto his arms as soon as they entered the house.

" We have guests today."

They looked over and quickly greeted the guests politely.

" Annyeonghaseyo." Kyu Jong oppa and unnie smiled and replied.

" Ahhh I'm invisible..." I looked away and sighed.

" Omma!"

" Finally three of you realize my existence..aigoo.."

" Aniyo." Yoon Eun ran up to me and sat on my lap.

" Eunnie ah, so how's school today?" I gently asked her.

" Fun. Yoon Saeng and I had to perform a skit in front of everybody today."

" Jinja? What kind of skit was that?"

" Sonsaengnim wants me to pose as you and Yoon Saeng to pose as appa. Then, my classmates are like the 'kids'. This is to teach us the importance of respecting our parents."

" Saengie..." I called.

" De?"

" I was actually calling your son...hahaha!"

" Aigoo, Gill! Change a nickname for Yoon Saeng!" Yee Min unnie laugh.

" Yoon Eun, Yoon saeng ah, can both of you perform that short skit for us once again?" Kyu Jong oppa asked.

Then Yoon Eun gestured for Yoon Saeng to come towards us.

" All the adults and Eun Hee unnie, shall be our 'kids' for this skit. Then I will be omma and Yoon Saeng will be appa." Yoon Eun pulled all of us to the centre and explained.

We nodded and the twins started.

" Yah! Read your storybooks now!" Yoon Eun suddenly came shouting at all of us, as a reenacted version of me.

We just perform as told.

" Wrong, some of you must act like you are disobedient." Yoon Saeng emphasized.

Then KyuJong oppa, Saengie and I started to 'rebel' against them.

" Andwae! Omma, we hate reading!" Saengie imitated Yoon Saeng's voice.

" Mwo?! Read now! If not you will get it if appa comes back home later!" Yoon Eun continued her part of the skit.

" Omma, when is appa coming back home?" KyuJong oppa imitated too.

Then, Yoon Saeng came in and faked that 'door opening' sound. All of us quickly went back to 'reading' once again.

" Ahh thank goodness you're back..." Yoon Eun gave the same expression as I did at that point of time.

All of us broke into laughter.

" Dear, so what happened?" Yoon Saeng totally succeeded at imitating Saengie.

Then both of them started giggling to one another and started talking among themselves.

" Appa!!" All of us called Yoon Saeng.

" So, heard from omma that you little monsters, were well-behaved today. Right?" Yoon Saeng lowered his voice and asked.

" Wahh kyeopta!" Yee min unnie squealed.

" De..we were super good!" I imitated.

" So did you make omma angry today?" Yoon Saeng added.

" Aniyo, you said if we make omma angry, you will be upset with us. So we didn't make her angry," Saengie reenacted Yoon Eun now.

" Good girl." Yoon Saeng patted on Saengie's head and complimented.

At that point of time, the whole house burst into laughter. I totally couldn't stop laughing.

" Aish... You kids only listen to your appa, you don't even care about omma..." Yoon Eun came in and shook her head, sighing.

I hugged her and chuckled. " Aniyo omma, we love you as well," I whined like how they did in front of me.

" Okay, so moral of the skit is to listen to your parents, because it's not easy being one. Kamsahamnida." Yoon Saeng and Yoon Eun bowed and ended off the skit.

We clapped enthusiastically.

" Aigoo, jinja kyeopta!" Saengie pinched their cheeks and praised.

" I really have to thank your teacher for that wonderful idea of letting both of you perform that skit. So now you know how hard it is to be a parent?" I asked.

" De!"

" I officially announce, Yoon Saeng and Yoon Eun debuted under the extraordinary company today!" Kyu Jong oppa joked.

" That's the fun thing about having kids, you will be so amazed at what they do sometimes." I laughed and uttered.

" De, got it." Yee min unnie nodded.

" Wahh Youngsaeng hyung!!! Your kids were great!! I love them so much!! Yee min actually nodded!!" Kyu Jong oppa widened his eyes and screamed in excitement.

" They didn't just help you, they did me a great favour too," Saengie shot a skeptic smile at me.

I grinned and shook my head.

" Pali take a bath now, we will go out for dinner together later," Saengie turned and told the kids.

" I got lots of math olympiad homework for practice today, I can't go out. And there is choir practice tomorrow again. If I can't get that song right, I will be scolded. So I have to stay at home to practise," Eun Hee pouted and mumbled.

" Is there anything I can help?" Saengie queried in concern.

" Aniyo.. Actually, yes, I need your vocal chords appa. Jebal... Just for a day."

" Aigoo Eun hee ah, my vocal chords is my source of income. How am I suppose to feed the whole family if I give you mine?" Saengie joked.

" I'll return it to you."

" Andwae Andwae Eun hee, SS501 needs our main vocalist. You can't take away his vocal chords," KyuJong oppa added.

" Keke Eun Hee ah, don't worry about that. I will give you your practice later. Just join us for dinner, we will be back as early as possible so you can continue with your homework de?"

" De..." She frowned and walked up to her room. Yoon Eun and Yoon Saeng followed suit.

" Looks like Eun Hee is getting stressed up by choir..." Yee min unnie deduced.

" De, she complains about it everyday," I said.

" Waeyo? She can't sing well?"

" She can. And it's actually not bad at all, but I think her choir teacher expects a lot from her, that's why she is so stressed up."

" By any chance, does her choir teacher knows about her family background?"

" More or less. We went to her school for some meet-the-parents session the other day. So I guess..."

" That explains it. She has an amazing singer as her appa. What do you think those teachers will expect from her?"

" Aniyo, it's not about that. She wants to be on par with Saengie, and each time she sings, she doesn't have the confidence that she is better than what she thinks. So she is the one putting  pressure on herself."

" Poor girl. But choir is not very important right? As in, it doesn't go into her report card right?"

" This girl of mine, she takes everything very seriously. Once she starts doing a certain thing, she makes sure she does it to the best of her abilities, even though it's actually not very important. I think this is good in a way..." Saengie spoke up.

" Hmm.. Both of you are very successful parents," Yee Min unnie nodded and praised.

" Ani... It's just her character. Ever since that incident few years ago, she has been like this. She wants to show people that, what other people can't do, she will make sure she completes it. I think it's sort of a wake up call for her biological parents."

" No wonder she is so mature at such a tender age."

" Ye... Saengie takes special care of her in particular. Jinja." I grinned.

" Ani.. I treat all three of them equally," Saengie opposed.

" Keke talking about this, the twins got lectured by him a few days ago. For the first time, I was totally stunned," I told them and chuckled.

Kyu Jong oppa and Yee Min unnie widened their eyes in shock.

" De?? Jinja? Youngsaeng hyung lecturing his beloved twins??"

" Yah! I was really upset with them. What's so surprising? I'm their appa, can't I lecture them?"

" But... You have never gotten mad at them... From what I heard.."

" Of course I have my reasons for doing so. The twins learn new things very quickly, this is what worries me. They can't differentiate between right and wrong things at their age. So Gill and I really have to keep an eye on them."

" Don't worry, they will be scholars next time. You got smart kids."

" It's too early to say that... I just hope that they will grow up obediently. That's all I ask for," I smiled and said.

" Don't worry..they know what I expect from them. With me around, they won't dare to upset you," Saengie assured lovingly. 

" Aigoo, stop stop stop. Both of you are seriously giving me the chills.. I need to breathe," Yee Min unnie teased.

" We didn't even do anything..." I puzzled.

" Remember to do whatever you plan to do in your room and lock up before that. The way you guys communicate is already giving me  goosebumps, I can't imagine what will happen to me if I see both of you getting 'sweeter'. I think my heart will just stop beating instantly," she further teased.

I blushed and went up to the twins' room to shower them.









YAY two chapters updated at a go today! :D Keke Kyu-Yeemin... they had so much fun teasing gill-saengie... aigoo~~  >.< Keke anyway, feel free to comment on these two chapters! ^o^ 


@ Areu501

Unnieee!! Haha arghh kyujong is your hubby! don't feel jealous! Hehehe. Kyaaa yups everyone knows you love kyu. Your one and only hubby right? Kekeke. ^.^ *stands in front of the wall, prevent you from banging into it!* keke. Next few chapters will be Gill-saengie, I have to settle their happenings first, then I'll go back to Kyu-Yee min :)) 

@ mako336647

Yups he is keke. Super duper sweet. *As sweet as saengie couple right?* Haha. Yups! I'll have gill *you* -saengie on my next few chapters as well :) I'll have to add in somethings soon keke. Thankyu! :DD

@ dandeli0n

Awww thanks ^^ haha nope not another forfeit, it's just..keke torturing. Gill will feel even worse getting this torture than that forfeit wahaha. *evil smile* I'll leave you hanging for a while first hehe, I still have to add in a few more chapters to lead to that keke. *Don't hate me! >.<* keke. Warh warh spoil those kids? Oh no, gill is going to to have an even harder time to discipline them XD LOL nah..yee min is not keke. not so soon. yeah ar unnie is jinja jealous. ottoke?? I'm a bad writer D: lalalalala~~ nope Gill doesn't initiate keke. *blush and runs away* she is an annoying lady..eeish, why would you want to get adopted into that family, unnie? haha :DD 

@ bigbangluv143

Lol it's okay :) I know you're busy ^^ Yups kyu-yeemin is really sweet hehehe. Ahhh now I'm hungry.. Leave me some chicken noodle soup too! Hahaha joking. Awww tell her I said hii too! keke. Wedding? Yups, I will add those pictures in :D Thanks fo the suggestion! ^o^ Yeps extraordinary couple. keke I couldn't think of any better word to describe them kekeke.

@ i_candie

Hahaha awww.. *poof* love porridge in front of you now. *prepared by him!* hehe. Ypu can't always get sick! Kyu wouldn't want you to be sick all the time! He will be worried! XD LOL yup, true. their bickerings never stop keke. aigoo.. noo I said IF he got attached. keke. He can't be attached, so now all the kyu biases have to rage a friendly war to get him hehehe. AHH?? SAENGIE!! DON'T GET FOOLED!! COME BACK!!! Aish unnie.. Kyu oppa wouldn't want to see you oogling over s, so you can hand over the other 4 members to me XD then you can have your little alone time with kyu oppa. PROVIDED you return me Saengie and the rest! :DD 

@ moonglow

Hello!! Thanks soo much! Wow.. I'm so happy at the comment you left. ^^ It's really encouraging :) Glad you enjoyed it! :D Ahh really? It's like a sitcom? hehe. That's nice to hear/read :)) Thankyu again! Hope you'll have fun reading the upcoming chapters too! :D

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heoshireen #1
Chapter 58: i want to jnow the story please update i really miss this story...please do update....
I really miss this story :(
please update it soon..
please really update!!!! i REALLY REALLY REALLY miss this story.... PLEASE update VERY VERY soon... :((( I'll be waiting for your update...
I hope you'll really update this story.. Just can't take it off my mind hehehe...
Chapter 58: new reader here.. PLEASE UPDATE SOOONNN... (:
DrEaMLin #6
Please update soon!!
Really missing it.. :(
Chapter 58: when r u gonna update this fic??
dear author-nim..jebal..
i'm missing this story so much until it appears in my dream..
and I've re-reading this story for nth times already
Chapter 58: oh my gosh gill.. im missing you a lot and yeah though i read it late..i didn't saw the notification that you updated i just sw it now.. i actually browsing suddenly thought of this story.....
errrrm the wedding lol i almost cried...i am touched with my hubby's surprise, ehemmm yeemin's hubby i mean...
godd luck to all your exams and take care..we will patiently wait for the next update...
Stelena #9
Chapter 58: Awesome story :D GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR EXAMS XDD