The ever overprotective oppa.

I Love You Oppa ♥


--Your POV--


Donghae took me home that night we went out. I waited for Kyuhyun oppa but its been hours and he's not home yet. I guess I shouldn't wonder. Why do I even have to wait? Maybe he's staying with Hara but he should've called me. I sat on the couch at the living room and watched TV. Heechul oppa called me a while ago and so did Donghae ... I'm getting really sleepy.




--Kyuhyun's POV--


It took me a while before Hara finally decided to go to back to their house. She went shopping again and she's really pushy to things. I went to the airport that night because my parents just got back from Japan. I greeted my parents and my mom looks better now. She gave me a big hug when they saw me.




Kyu: Omma ... I missed you.

Kyu's Omma: We missed you too Kyuhyun. *hugs tighter* My boy got bigger now and taller. I've been gone for a while but it looks like you took care of yourself well.

Kyu: Ahh .. Ne .. 

Kyu's Omma: *pulls away* Where's your noona?

Kyu: She had something important to do omma .. She said she'll visit you at home tomorrow.

Kyu's Appa: Kyuhyun , You're omma and I will go back to Daejeon. Where are you staying?

Kyu: Uhh ... I'm staying with a friend but ... Appa , Omma ... I have a surprise for you. When my schedule is free , i'd see to it i show you my surprise.

Kyu's Omma: Hmm? Wae? Are you gonna show us your bride?

Kyu: Omma ...

Kyu's Dad: Your omma is right. You dont talk to us about Hara anymore so we were wondering is you got a new girlfriend.

Kyu: I'm too young to get married.

Kyu's Omma: Its better early than late. And I dont have to be choosy , you can marry who your heart wishes for you.

Kyu: Omma , I think you and Appa should just stay in a hotel. Its gonna be a long drive and its late already. You can just drive home to Daejeon in the morning. Its dangerous to drive so late and you must be so jetlagged.

Kyu's Omma: *pinches Kyu's cheek* My sweet son. Omma is a bit jetlagged.

Kyu's Appa: Why dont you stay with us , Kyu?

Kyu: Ani .. I got my car today appa and I wanna feel driving it in! I'm going back to the place i'm staying at.

Kyu's Omma: Well , if you say so ... We're going now son , take care.

Kyu: You too ... Wait for my surprise , you're gonna love it!





When I left my parents and drove back to                      's place , it was around 12NN already. Is she awake? She's probably asleep already. I went to the mini grocery that was still open and bought some noodles to eat , and these are instant ones , I hope I can cook them well. When I got in her apartment .. The living room TV was on. I guess she's awake. When I went in , I saw her sleeping on the couch. She looks so peaceful. She looks cold so I went to her room and took the blanket and went back to place it over her. I took the hair , blocking her face , away to the sides and ... Why did my heart beat faster as I looked at her? Ack. This isn't right. I quickly went away , turned off the TV and headed to the kitchen to cook. That wasn't the right feeling ... Stop the nonsense Kyuhyun ... Cause .. everytime I see her and feel weird .. I just remember my friend who likes her. I should be ok with it since its Donghae .. He's a nice guy. 




--Your POV--


I woke up very early in the morning and ... I slept on the couch? ... Its only 6AM. Wait .. I just realized i have a blanket over me. Oh! Maybe Kyu oppa placed it here... So he must be home then? I went to my room but I really cant fall asleep again so I just got ready to go to the Law Firm. I cooked breakfast first , I dont wanna wake up Kyu oppa .. Even though we have to go to work early by about 8 .. I'm still not used to things yet. After cooking , i decided to take a bath first before eating. And after my bath , I went to the kitchen to eat and then someone came running down to the kitchen. Its Kyuhyun opa , duh?





Me: Ohh .. Oppa ... You're awake.

Kyu: Its almost 8AM , why didn't you wake me up?

Me: I'm sorry .. You were out late last night , I thought you might need some more rest.

Kyu: Oh.. Sorry .. Something came up so I didn't get to call you.

Me: Its ok. Its not like i'm mad or anything. Anyways , you should get ready. I can wait for you and we can go together.

Kyu: No .. I dont want you to be late because of me.

Me: Its ok. My step dad will understand.

Kyu: So , he's really nice to you?

Me: *nods* He really treats me well. And he loves my mom so he loves me too. 

Kyu: Thats really nice.

Me: It is .... Uhh oppa *stands up* If you dont want me to wait for you , i'll get going. 

Kyu: Ok ...

Me: We have to meet the client at around 1PM. And we still have papers to work on. I dont wanna give you so much work but , its really been so busy these days.

Kyu: No .. Its work. Just because i'm your brother doesn't mean you have to go easy on me.

Me: If you say so .. I'll be going. Annyeong.





I went out of the house and .. Aish .. Why did I mention the 'you were out late last night' part. Its not like its my problem... But .. He stays in my house so it is .. But he's Kyuhyun oppa .. Why is it like this? I went to the office and ... Why don't I feel like working?! Why isn't Donghae coming yet? Ok , i admit , Donghae always comes so i'm so used to him here but ... He's not even coming. The secretary told me my father was looking for me so I went to his office and saw him with .. Donghae?! He has his arm over Hae's shoulder and they're laughing? Ok. I have no idea whats going on.





Appa: *laughs* You're one funny kid Donghae .. I like you.

Hae: Really uncle?

Appa: Of course *taps his back* No wonder my daughter liked you so much before...

Hae: Ohh ... Uncle , i'm sorry about Yuri and me.

Appa: No .. Its no problem. I heard what really happened.

Hae: *looks at the door* OH!                        -ah!

Appa: Ahh ..                    . *lets go of Hae* I finally got to talk to Donghae one on one.

Me: Thats nice appa...

Appa: He's a real nice kid.

Me: He is .. Uhh .. Appa , is this the reason you asked for me?

Appa: A little .. But Hae told me about your plans on going to an out of town trip. And since you've been so stressed with work , I dont see why not.

Me: But .. Appa , I have a case to handle.

Appa: Thats why I asked another employee to handle those for you while you're gone. Its only for a week and I dont see how much of a problem it is.

Me: We have a meeting with the client. And we have to discuss details together so that I can finalize everything before the trial.

Appa: I told you .. Its ok. After your work today , you can prepared your things tomorrow and go with Donghae for a week and when you come back , get a one day rest , and then come back again. He also asked for Kyuhyun's permission and since I found out he's Donghae's friend , I will allow him as well.

Me: Appa , You know Kyuhyun and I need to handle that case well. And , the trial is less than 2-3 weeks. We need to prepare.

Appa: Its gonna be ok. I will ask the employees to give you updates and the files you'll need after one week. They will always keep you updated.

Me: F-fine ... But we're still going to meet the client today.

Appa: Very well ... You may leave now. 




I went out of the room and went back to the office. I cant believe this. I wanna go but not now when I have an important case to handle ... Ugghh... And now my step dad is close with Hae. That is wow.



--Donghae's POV--


I was supposed to just visit                      today. But then her step dad saw me and took me to his office and wondered why i'm always here. I was so scared , at first but then , i asked for permission to him since I know                         wont probably go. Good thing he liked it when I told him those jokes and other stuffs.                       looked so disappointed that she cant focus on her work. Aish . I should've asked her first.




Hae: Uncle , thanks for allowing them. But , you shouldn' have forced her if she didn't want to.

Appa: Its no problem at all. She needs some rest too. All she thinks about is work ...

Hae: Uncle , she's only doing that because she's thankful for what you did for her. She only wants to show that the care you gave her wont be watsed.

Appa: I know that .. Donghae *holds his shoulder* .. Take care of her. She's like a real daughter to me and I want whats best for her. Please be whats best for her.

Hae: Dont worry uncle! I will! Thats what I intend to be. Fighting *puts his fist together , like a fighting pose*





I went to the                       after talking to her step dad ... He's very nice. I'm glad I got his sympathy ... But now .. I'm sure                     's a bit mad at me. I went to her office and .... She was busy reading papers , placing them here and there and everywhere .. It makes my head hurt.





Hae: _________-ah .. Mianhae ..

Me: Oppa , lets talk later , i'm busy ..

Hae: And I know you're getting busier because of what I did ... I'm sorry , It just slipped my mouth and I forgot to ask you ..

Me: Its ok ... I just wanna sure everythings set so before we leave , I wont have problems catching up.

Hae: You want me to help?

Me: No .. Just .. Do something you have to do. I really have to get everything set and straight today ....

Hae: Mianhae .. I hope you're not mad at me.

Me: I'm not mad at you oppa ... I'm just really busy .. 

Kyu: *enters the room*                         , the client said she's ..... *looks at Hae* Donghae-ah?!

Hae: Kyu?! What are you doing here?

Me: What did the client say?

Kyu: She said they're on their way so .. We should probably go to ..

Me: Arasso ... Hae oppa , Kyuhyun oppa and I have to go .. Lets talk later , ok?




The two went out and I was left here .. Aish .. If she's really mad .. I'd be so mad at myself right now. She might never like me now. I have to do something ... I have to call Hyukjae , Kibum and Hee hyung for help. Besides Kyu , i'm sure they can help as well. I have to make this trip perfect so that my plans can be successful.



--Kyu's POV--


I drove                             on the way to the meeting place. When I look at her , I really cant help but feel weird because of the long time we haven't been together. Because she was right .. Something changed. When we thought we were real siblings , it wasn't like this .. We were more open to each other ... And when I see her with Hae , it feels even weirder because before , she's with no one else but me ..... And I cant help but think about my conversation with Hae at the theaters.





 The others were walking straight out of the movie theater .. I guess they had fun. While walking , Donghae went to me and surprisingly placed his arm over my shoulders. We were the last ones walking out.





Hae: Kyu ... Can you help me?

Kyu: With what?

Hae: I'm losing hope with                          . Man , it hurts a lot even when I just think about it.

Kyu: So?

Hae: Kyu ... You really need to help me. Please. You know i'll never hurt her. Just ... Help me get her to say yes to me.

Kyu: Didn't you ask me that before?

Hae: Its not like you're doing something about it cause nothing's happening! Kyu .. Please ... Just .. for your girlfriend's closests cousin. Please?

Kyu: Its her decision if she'd want to or not.. And I did help you. Maybe she's just thinking yet. 

Donghae: I just need your help now. I wanna be the perfect guy for her. The only guy for her. Like... No one can be better for her than me. Kyu .. You'll help me with that , right? To make her think i'm the only guy fit for her life?

Kyu: ....................................

Donghae: Yah! Kyuhyun-ah!

Kyu: Huh? did you say something?

Donghae: Weren't you listening?

Kyu: Ohh ... The help part? I was ....

Donghae: Will you help me then??!

Kyu ........ S-sure ..

Donghae: Thanks man! I owe you one! I wont let you down! i'll be the only guy for her and i'll make her feel like a real princess .. Of course , i'm the prince. 

Kyu: Thats ... nice ...

Donghae: Wae? Why dont you sound so happy?

Kyu: I am ...

Donghae: You have a weird way of showing it .. But i promise , because she was your sister , i'll make sure everything turns out perfect and i want all of you to see that special day she'll agree to be my girl.






Only guy in her life ... It was like years ago , that was my role. Donghae is the nicest guy I know but ... When he says that , it feels so unright. But , she cant be single forever and I know that she'll get a boyfriend sooner or later but ... Maybe i'm just not over the stage of being the over protective oppa. When I look at her now , she's working on some papers and all quiet. Its so different from how she was before. I wonder how I can tell her that my parents are back. I'm sure she'll be real happy but she looks so busy , its better not to tell her now.




Finally updated this again!
I'm sorry .. I'm a bit busy. 

I'm going to SS3 3D showcase here in Japan on Saturday....

Japan ELFs .. Please be nice to me :) 

I'll try to update this FF again soon. I hope you liked this chapter.

-MsShaiKyu :3

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sapphirepearl_22 #1
Chapter 49: update soon please ^^
I love this so much author-nim, please update soon and good luck with ur school... I really want it to be Kyu :-(
Yuukirin #3
Update soon!
Chapter 31: thank you soo much for using my name i love it
Chapter 25: ik this is late but i just read your story yesterday and it has so much emotion that i cried multipul times i hope things get better soon! and yuri(her sister) leave her alone ok?
SungRa #6
Hyukjae so sweet :D but I think I'm on team Donghae since he's being nice to her.
anjhelle18 #8
great story! update soon! ^^
simpledk26 #9
authornim, this story is really great .. I surely like it ..
please update soon ..
simpledk26 #10
Hello .. :D new subscriber here and your new reader !! :))