
unlucky(?) life

A/N: I HAVE AN EXPLANATION!  I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I spent my week going to places.  And do you know that game 2048?  I hate that game and I hav been trying to beat my friend's highscore for a while now so I didn't update.  I kno its a stupid reason but I finally beat it at like 4 a.m. yesterday.  Anyways, here is the last chapter 

"I don't understand why I have to help you guys put away your groceries," Lay complained  as he stacked things on top of eachother and put it in the fridge.  "This isn't even my house."

Sehun sighed.  "It's not my fault Luhan won't help," he said as he put something in a cabinet.  "Dating or not.  I can't get that guy to do anythig."

Lay laughed.  "That's true." He started moving things around to create more space.  "It's so weird that he moved out of the house and that I don't have to deal with his y attitude."

"I HEARD THAT!!!" They heard Luhan yell from the living room.

"LOVE YOU!!!" Sehun yelled to him.

"I LOVE YOU TOO~!!!" Luhan yelled back.

Lay frowned.  "I don't like in love you two are," he said.  "It's weird because I never expected Luhan to fall in love."

Sehun rolled his eyes.  "And I don't like how you're my brother in law," he said as he bent down to put something at the bottom of the fridge.  "It's weird because Suho could do so much better."

Yes, brother in law.  It has been five years since Sehun and Luhan started dating and they moved in together when during their second year of college.  Lay had asked Suho to marry him right after he had graduated himself and of course Suho said yes.  

Lay  resisted the urge to smack the younger as he made more room in the fridge.  He moved a container filled with spaghetti that Kyungsoo brought over earlier and accidently knocked something over.


Lay looked down to see what broke and his eyes widened.  He may or may not have broken to things and Luhan is not gonna be happy about both of them.  He took his phone out of his pocket and pressed three numbers before heading out to the living room to tell Luhan the news.


"Well this is a nice reunion," Luhan said sarcastically.  "I haven't seen you since your wedding."

Suho nods.  "This would've been better if we weren't in a hospital," he said.  "But I guess it's nice knowing that you can walk again."

"Yup," Luhan says.  "I have to thank Kris for that."

Suho gave him a look of confusion. 

Luhan sighed.  "So two years ago Kris was baking a cake for Tao's birthday," he explained.  "So Kris preheated the oven and was gonna put the cake in to bake when he saw something furry.  He thought it was Yoda and rushed me into the kitchen.  Without knowing it, I ran in there.  And that was when I took my first steps."

"That's nice," Suho said.  "Was it really Yoda?"

Luhan shook his head.  "Let's just say Tao was not happy his rabbit was baked on his birthday.  He bought it because he wanted a pet of his own and forgot to tell us about him.  We still don't know how it got in the oven."

"I see," Suho said and nodded in understanding.  

Luhan nodded also and an awkward silence came over them.  A few minutes passed and a doctor came toward them.

"Are you two Lu Han and Zhang Yixing?" the doctor asked.

"I'm Luhan but Zhang Yixing has left to do something," Luhan said then pointed to Suho.  "This is Suho.  He's Yixing's husband and the brother of the patient."

"Nice to meet you," the doctor said and shook hands with Suho.  He then turned to both of them to tell them the news.  "Well the patient has woken up.  There's nothing life threatening.  The glass only cut him but not deep enough that he would need stitches.  It should heal fine.  You can go in and see him."

"Thank you," Suho said.  He and Luhan headed inside a room and saw Sehun sitting on the hospital bed with a dazed expression.  

"What happened?" he asked.

Luhan sighed.  "You passed out because Lay accidently knocked a small bowl over and it hit your head," he said.  "Luckily it's nothing and Lay apologizes."  He wraps his arms around Sehun's waist and presses his head to his chest.  "You're so unlucky that I don't know how I keep forgetting about it.  I don't know what I would have done if you died."

Sehun smiledat his boyfriend's cuteness.  It was rare for Luhan to act like this and Sehun can tell that he was pouting.  "I'm sorry," he said.  "At least I wasn't accidently pushed in front of a car like last time."  He tried to lighten the mood.  "Also, I may be unlucky but I think I'm pretty lucky to have you."

"That's so cheesy," Suho said, startling the couple who seem to have forgotten of his presence.  "Almost as cheesy as my Yixing."

"Really?" Sehun asked.  "I thought you would be the more cheesy one in the relationship."

"Well I'm not," Suho said looking somewhat proud for some odd reason.

"Okay," Luhan said.  "Did you hea-"  Luhan stopped his sentence when he heard something from out side.  The door opened and in came Taemin, Key, Kai, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol.

"Yo!" Key said.  "Kyungsoo told us the news.  Heard someone was in the hospital."

Sehun raised his hand dejectedly.  "That would be me."

"You look so unhappy," Kai said.  

"I am," Sehun said.

Luhan looked at the crowd and realized Jonghyun was missing.  It was weird because he always stays by Key's side.  He turned to the diva.  "Where's your dog?"

Taemin looked like he was about to start laughing and Key gave him a confused look.  "Which dog?" he asked.

Now Luhan looked confused.  "Jonghyun," he answered.

"Which Jonghyun?" Key asked.

"The small one," Luhan replied.

"Which small one?" Key questioned.

"The one that always follows you around when it gets the chance," Luhan said.

"Please elaborate," Key said.

"The one that listens to everything you say," Luhan said.


"The one that looks like a dinosaur."

"...Oh him!" Key exclaimed like he suddenly remembered something.  "He went to Starbucks to get me something."

Luhan, Sehun, and Suho all stared at him with a questioning gaze.  Taemin noticed this and started to explain.  "Key thought it would be funny to get a pet dog and name it Jonghyun.  It listens to everything Key tells him to do and always follows him around the house.  It's almost fully grown but it's still pretty small."

"Ooooooooh," the three said at the same time.

"That's sorta mean," Luhan said.  He turned around to look at Sehun.  "Hey do you want a dog?"

"No," Sehun replied almost instantly.

"I thought Yoda was your dog," Suho said.

Luhan shook his head.  "Kris takes care of him so Kris keeps him."

"You know when I heard about this earlier I thought that Key wouldn't do something like this but Taemin would," Kai said.

"Key getting a dog and naming it Jonghyun was my idea," Taemin said.  "It wouldn't work if I tried it with Minho because he looks like a frog."

"You're so cruel to your boyfriend,"Baekhyun said.  "I bet you don't even take care of him.

Taemin was about to argue when he heard a voice from the doorway.  "Take care of who?"  They saw Jonghyun standing there with three frappuccinos and what was probably coffee.  Instead of getting an answer, all he got was a pat on the back from Luhan and the frappuccinos taken away by Key, Taemin, and Kai.  Luhan attempted to take the coffee but Jonghyun glared at him and started drinking it so he backed away.

"I'll just get bubbletea later," they heard Luhan mumble as he went back to his spot next to Sehun.

"Henry said he'll come over when he's done giving lessons," Chanyeol said.  

It's funny now that they think about it.  After Chanyeol became quite decent at playing violin and stopped taking lessons, Henry vowed to never give lessons again.  Now the former sub works at Chanyeol's parents (now Chanyeol's) music store giving away lessons for singing, dancing, violin, and piano.  He also a teacher that teaches at Baka High in the morning.  He was able to have such an unusual schedule because of the good reviews he had teaching as a sub all those years ago and all the kids seem to get good grades in his class.  Students love him and he's pretty popular among the female staff.

"Kyungsoo will come when he finishes finding out where this one guy lives for Onew," Kai said.  "And speaking of Henry, he needs to help me with my choreography.  I have to think of something for ecso (a/n: I just write exo differently)."

Kai has now become a dancer.  He is pretty well known for making good choreographies for kpop groups and even has his own fandom for a reason he can't understand himself.  Taemin also makes choreographies but he started getting interested in singing and fashion.  He has gain a lot of popularity from making choreography, helping Key with a clothing line, being featured in a song with Jonghyun who became a singer, and being brothers with Onew who became a chef at a five star restaurant that he owns himself and specializes in making the best fried chicken in Asia.  Kai is often seen at the restaurant and helps bring in customers along with Taemin, Key, and Jonghyun who visit whenever they have time.

"Kris and Tao just came back from China so they will come over when they finish unpacking," Luhan said.  "Xiumin and Chen said they are-"

"We are here!" In came the mentioned couple.  

Luhan acknowledged their presence with a frown.  "It's sorta weird," he said.  "We've grown so much now that I think about it.  Kai is a dancer while Taemin does a little bit of everything.  Jonghyun is a singer, Key is a fashion designer, Chanyeol owns a music store, and Baekhyun is a stylist.  Xiumin is a CEO and Chen just does a little bit of everything also.  Lay owns a ing mall, Suho... i don't know he could be a stripper or something, and then there is Kris who became an artist, Tao who started his own company in China, Kyungsoo who didn't really accomplish , Onew who's a chef at a five star restaurant, Sehun who is also a chef, and then there is also that guy who became an athlete.  I never knew his name because he's sorta that one guy you always see in movies but never know the name of... he's also dating Taemin now."

"You mean Minho?" Taemin asked.

Luhan nodded.  "Then there's me who's a photographer."

"You forgot Henry," Chanyeol said.

"He's a teacher," Luhan said.  "No more no less."

Sehun smiled.  His boyfriend was right.  Although he is unlucky, he was fortunate enough to have friends that stuck by his side despite all the troubles he gets into.  He's actually surprised he was dead yet but he is happy that he has friends and a loving boyfriend that helps him get through the days.  He always thought that ever since the fire incident, he was plagued with misfortune.  Now he feels like one of the most luckiest people surrounded by these people who can be cruel and y at times but he knows he can count on them.  Now he thinks that maybe his life isn't so unlucky after all... but it doesn't change the fact that he's in a hospital and suffering a 'disease' known as jealousy because said friends are hugging his boyfriend because they were touched by such a heartfelt speech (if you can even call it that).


IT'S DONE!!!!  Sorta crappy tho but i tried :/  Thank you for reading this fic and again, sorry for taking to long to update.  Also, has anyone seen Taemin's new music video? 

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?