
unlucky(?) life

Luhan walked into the classroom while yawning.  

"You're late," Henry said.

"I was dealing with something at home," Luhan said.

Henry scanned him up and down noticing Luhan's messy bed head that seems like he slept in.  He sighed.  

"Just go to your seat," he said.  Luhan nodded and started walking toward his desk when Henry noticed something.  "I thought we already went over this.  This time I know your shirt says something inappropriate."  

Luhan turned around.  "What do you mean?"

Henry pointed to the writing on the back of Luhan's shirt that looked like chinese.  Luhan glanced behind himself and shrugged.  "You can't be sure it says something inappropriate."

"I had the exact same shirt.  You can't fool me," Henry said.  "Just because you were able to go through the rest of the schoolday yesterday wearing that other shirt, I'm not letting you get away with this shirt."

"But the one yesterday was just talking about the days of the weeks," Luhan pointed out.  "And the words were in English so I didn't think it mattered."

Henry frowned at the memory of the day before where he and Luhan had a long talk and couldn't decide if the words on Luhan's shirt was appropriate for school or not.  It was a brown shirt with the words written in white letters: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF...  Luhan was able to continue wearing it because he said Henry had an immature way of thinking and it could stand for anything other than 'what the ' and he gave examples like 'where's the food?' and 'Wednesday, Thursday, Friday'. 

"Now that I think about it... I can't read your shirt.  Is it even in Chinese?" Chen asked when he looked at it.  Xiumin decided to look also and had the same confused expression as Chen.

"What does it say and how is it inappropriate?" he asked when he couldn't figure anything out.

"Now that I think about it.... I think this is Henry's shirt," Luhan said.  The class looked at him with mixed expressions.

"Why would you have Henry's shirt?" Kai asked.




Luhan woke up to constant yelling outside his bedroom door.  He yawned and rubbed his eyes before checking the time.  He still had thirty minutes before going to school.  He immediately frowned when the first thing he heard after opening his door was-





Luhan walked out of his room and saw Kris sitting on Tao's stomache while fighting for what would be Ace, Kris's alpalca.

"What the is going on?" Luhan asked with a grumpy tone from having been woken up so early.  

"Good morning Lu," Kris said.

"Sup," Tao said from under Kris.

"Why are you guys in that position?" Lay asked when he walked in.  "Am I disturbing something?"

"ZiTao was trying to tke my Ace," Kris accused.

"The card?" Lay asked.

"No, the alpalca," Luhan said.

"They put alpalcas on cards?" 

The three mentally facepalmed.  This was not the morning Luhan wanted to wake up to.  

"You guys," Tao said trying to get everyones' attention.  "I just noticed something."  He looked up at Kris.  "... I think I'm going to be a bottom."


"Good luck with that," Luhan said and started heading to the kitchen.  He stopped before he would disappear from the threes' view.  He turned back around.  "Have you guys seen any of my shirts?  They aren't in my closet."

"I'm probably washing them," Kris said.  "It should almost be done." Luhan nodded and Tao started struggling from under Kris.

"Get off me fattie!" he yelled.  Kris sighed.

"If you keep sitting on me then I will burn your annoying alpa- Ow! Did you just grind your into my stomache!" Tao was glaring at the male on top of him.

"I'm not getting off until you give me my baby," Kris said.

"He's atlking about that stuffed animal right?" Lay asked Luhan.  Luhan nodded and decided to head back to the kitchen. 

"Wait, Luhan," Lay called out.  Luhan turned around again.  "Can you give Henry his shirt back?  I think I left it somewhere in the living room."

"Okay," Luhan said.  He made it to the kitchen and got a glass of water before opening the fridge.  The shouting continued again and Luhan frowned at the fact that there was no food he wanted to eat and that the shouting was getting louder.  He closed the fridge door just in time to see Tao trip on some invisible object on the floor.  The stuffed toy that happened to be in Tao's hands flew out and knocked Luhan's cup over.  The cup hit the counter with water going into the socket where the coffee maker and toaster was plugged in.  There was a huge buzzing sound and sparks until nothing.  Lay opened the fridge door.

"The fridge light isn't on and its not as cold as before," he said.

"Did the circuits malfunction or something?  Did we blackout?" Kris asked.

", I think we did," Luhan said.  "Weren't you doing my laundry?"

"... I'll go check it," Kris walked out of the kitchen.

"Is Yoda still sleeping?" Tao asked.  Luhan glared at him.

"No because there is obvious barking coming from outside," Luhan's voice was filled with sarcasm.

"I thought that was the sound of a cat being attacked or getting scared," Lay said.  "Does our dog really bark like that?"

"Don't you have to meet Suho or something?" Luhan said through gritted teeth.

Lay glanced at the clock and his eyes widened.  He started walking away like he was in a rush.  "Oh my gosh! Thanks Lu!  Almost forgot I had to go."

Luhan and Tao watched him hurry out of the house.  Kris came back in with a look that said he was gonna say bad news.

"The clothes are still pretty damp," he said.  

Luhan sighed and looked at the clock and like Lay, his eyes widened.  "I only have ten minutes before class starts!" 

"Wanna borrow one of mine?  I think Lay left one of his shirts in my room when he stopped by to talk to me yesterday."

"I'll take what I can get," Luhan said and Kris rushed to his room before coming back out with a black shirt.  Luhan grabbed it and quickly ran to his room to get his backpack.  He scanned the livingroom for the thing Lay wanted him to do but forgot fuggot what it was.  When he didn't find whatever he was supposed to be looking for, he rushed out.


"Are you gonna explain what you are looking at?" Henry asked.

"Shhhhhhhh!  I'm having a flashback," Luhan said.  "'s over.  The answer to why I have your shirt is Lay."

"Henry got laid?!" a student asked in disbelief.  "Is that even possible?"

"Henry is cute," a girl student said.

"Teacher's pet~" another student sang teasingly.  More students joined in the conversation and arguements and debates started to break out.  

Kai tapped Luhan's shoulder and Luhan turned around.  "What?" 

"What does your shirt say that Henry says it's inappropriate?" Kai asked.

"It says go your self sideways," Luhan said and walked to his seat.

Kai was left with his jaw hanging.  "Isn't that gonna be a little hard?" he asked.

Chen looked at Luhan's/ Henry's shirt for a moment before realizing what Luhan meant.  He broke out laughing.  "That's pretty smart," he said.

The students became quiet and looked at the laughing troll.  

"What's so funny?" Xiumin asked.  He actually looked a little worried for Chen's health.  The class waited a little until Chen calmed down.

"When Luhan said the shirt says go yourself sideways, he meant it," Chen said.

"What do you mean?" Xiumin asked and made Luhan stand up.  He looked even more confused because he still couldn't make out the words.

Luhan rolled his eyes.  "Look at the words sideways."  

Xiumin tilted his head.  "I don't get it."  Chen came behind him and tilted his head the other way.  "Oh," Xiumin said when he saw the words written in English in a way that made it looked like Chinese.

Kai leaned in his chair to get a better look.  He tilted his head left and right but still didn't get it.  Sehun smacked his head.  "It's in English," he said.

Luhan was about to sit back down again when a piece of cloth hit his head.  "Trade shirts, I spent an hour everyday for a year just looking for that shirt," Henry said.

"Right now?  Here?" Luhan asked when picked up the plaid shirt.

"Yes," Henry said.  He felt a little uncomfortable because his students were staring at him with only a tank on.

"Damn... his body is better than mine," one of the male students said.

Luhan shrugged ant took off the shirt he was wearing and threw it at Henry.  He was shirtless and the girls were suddenly looking at him.  There was whispering and girls who didn't care before were now fangirling.  "How do I put this... oh there it is," Luhan slipped on the shirt.  

"I'm suddenly self concious," the same student said.  He patted his stomache and sighed with disappointment before banging his head on the desk.

"What?" Luhan asked oblivious to why people are staring at him.  

"YOU HAVE ABS?!" Kai asked.

"Didn't you see him when we were on the water slide?" Xiumin said and glared at the girls because he was afraid they would do something to his son.

"I was a little too busy trying to adjust to the image of Taeminnie," Kai said.

"What was wrong with Taemin?" Chen asked also glaring.

"It's weird seeing him shirtless when he looks like a girl.  You know, since his hair grew long."

"Oh that did look a little weird," Luhan said.  

"Is he the one that sometimes comes over for lunch with those other people in the higher grade?" Henry asked.

Luhan, Chen, Xiumin, Kai, and Sehun nodded.  "Don't you think that guy seems too feminine?  And how come you guys have one girl in your group, it looks a little weird."

The group looked confused.  It took a while for Luhan to understand what Henry was talking about.  

"We don't have a girl in our group.  The one with the blonde long hair that you think is a girl is Taeminnie.  The feminine one is Key," he explained.

"Key doesn't have long hair," Chen said.

"His bangs are pretty long though," Kai said.

"Plus it's not like he's talking about Baekhun or something because Baek is in our grade," Sehun said.

Kai started laughing.  "Hey, remember when Chanyeol had long hair?"

"That was a disaster," Sehun said.  "He looked kinda cool when he was serious but that smile ruined it."

"True," Kai said.

"You guys apparently didn't see Kris before puberty," Luhan said.


"Class shut up," Eunhyuk said by the classroom door.

"Pssst.  Should we keep talking?" Jonghyun whispered to Taemin.

"I kind of want to sleep though," Taemin whispered back.

"Then what should I do?"

"I don't care."

"That's mean.  Care for your loving appa."

"Don't want to."

"Ahem!" Eunhyuk loudly cleared his throat.  "Go sit by Taemin."

"Huh?" Taemin asked suddenly paying attention at his name being called.

Eunhyuk gestured to Taemin's direction and the student next to him started walking toward the empty desk next to Taemin.

"I don't get what's happening," Taemin said.

"He's the new student," the kid behind him said.

"... We have a new student?"

The kid flicked Taemin's head.  "Pay attention more."

Taemin pouted and rubbed the spot that he was flicked at.  The student that was by Eunhyuk is now in front of him with his hand outstretched.

"My name is Minho, I'm the new transfer student from America," he now known as Minho said.

Taemin frowned a little.  He looked at the other male and didn't like how his eyes were too big or that his face was too small.  He sighed and took his hand.

"I'm Taemin."


If you happen to read my other story called 'The Closet Monster' you would know from my last author's note that I'm dealing with drama at school and I'm pretty mad right now.  I will try to update again later this week though but it might be for the other story.  Depends on the mood I'm in because I have a science project due soon.  Sorry if this chapter is kinda bad.

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?