
unlucky(?) life

The next day Sehun cursed himself for being late.  He was gonna cross the street to get to school when a bunch of police cars passed by and a hand grabbed him. Everything went dark after that.


It was 30 minutes into class and the alarm started ringing signalling for another lockdown.  The students were confused for it was the second one in the same week.  Many students asked questions like 'is this one real?' and 'Who died?' 

"Everybody, stop asking questions and get under your desk!" Mr. Lee instructed. All students obeyed.

"Wait! I need to tweet this. Mr. Lee grab me my phone. I left it on top of my desk," Chen said.

Mr. Lee just rolled his eyes.  "You can do that later," he said. 

Chen pouted but stayed quiet.  

"Everybody do not panic. There isn't any problem at the school but we are going into lockdown mode because of something across the street. Please continue like everyother school day but keep your doors locked and lights off. Don't go to your other classes until you get the all clear sign." they heard the principle say over the intercom.

Everybody got out from under their desk and looked through the window. Across the street was a bunch of police cars.  They couldn't find the problem.

Mr. Lee got a phonecall a few minutes later. He picked it up and heard the principle on the other line.  His expression darkened and he hung up.  He then turned to the class and told them what he heard.

"Class I just got news from the principle.  It seems there was a man across the street with a hatchet.  The police surrounded him but he took Sehun hostage. After that he disappeared somewhere and the police are looking for him.  Sehun went missing also," he said. 

The class went into chaos after that. Some were quiet and others were crying. Many students were talking and some people were screaming. 

"#GUY WITH HATCHET," Chen said. 

Luhan was quiet. He was worried but he was trying to remember something. He sighed and turned to Xiumin and Chen reluctantly. He had to stop trying to be mad at them. 

"I'm sorry I got mad at you guys," he said.

Xiumin and Chen were shocked that Luhan was talking to them again. "No. We're sorry for not telling you," Xiumin said hugging him.

"Yay! He's not mad at us," Chen said and joined the hug.

"Anyways, do you guys remember how awesome I am at computer?" Luhan asked.

"Yeah," Chen said confused. "That was the only thing you were good at because you hate studying."

Xiumin nodded. "Why are you bringing it up now?" 

"Remember Kyungsoo?" Luhan asked.

"You mean the guy who works for Onew's dad as a spy?" Xiumin asked.

"Yup," Luhan answered and smiled.

Xiumin and Chen still looked confused.

Luhan sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that, remember how Onew is rich like you guys and his house is big and confusing?" he asked.

The two nodded still confused.

"The last time I went there, I lost my phone and Kyungsoo helped me track it. I watched him and learned how to track it too," he said.

"Oh," they both said. "What about it?" Chen asked.

"I could try tracking Sehun's phone," Luhan answered.

Realization clicked and  the two grinned. "Luhan your a genious!" Xiumin said. "But do you even remember how? It has been a while since... you know."

"Yeah. I think I do. Let's go ask Mr. Lee if we can use the computer," Luhan said.

After much begging and aegyo, Mr. Lee said yes and they rushed to the computer. Luhan typed a bunch of stuff in and turned to the two. "I need his number but I don't have it," he said sadly.

"How do you not have his number?!?!?!?!" Xiumin yelled. "You tutor him don't you!"

"I guess I never rememberred to ask," Luhan said. "Relax, I was just gonna ask Kai." He then proceeded to walk to Kai and the other two saw him say a few things.  After a little while, Kai gave Luhan his phone and Luhan returned.

"Okay, now I just need to text him and see if he opens it or his kidnapper and then we'll get his location," Luhan said. 

"Hold on, I got this," Chen said and took the phone from Luhan.


Sehun was in a dark place. He was tied to a chair and a man questioned him.  He wasn't scared though. This used to happen often after the fire.  He stayed silent and the man was getting mad.  The man pulled out a hatchet. When Sehun saw the weapon, he finally started to panic.

"Brat! You should respect your elders and answer my question," the man yelled.

"Said the man who tried to rob a bank," Sehun said.  The man glared at Sehun before decideing to raise his hatchet and swung. He was halfway through his swing when Sehun's phone vibrated and his text notification went off. The man stopped and dropped his hatchet.  He went next to Sehun and grabbed his phone in his pocket.  He opened the text.

From:  Kai

To:    Sehun

Hey Babe  :D

After that two more messages came.

From:  Kai

To:  Sehun

I love you~ <3

From:  Kai 

To:  Sehun

I'm wetting for you ;)

The man just stared.  He turned his phone to Sehun. "This your girlfriend?" he asked.  Sehun mentally facepalmed when he saw the messages.


Chen was laughing like crazy when he sent the messages.  

"What?" Xiumin asked.

Chen showed Xiumin the phone and his eyes widened. "Did you seriously send that?" Xiumin said.

Chen nodded and then deleted the messages. He was laughing and Kai stared at him confused.  He was still at his desk and was worrying over his best friend. 'What are they doing over there? Why are they laughing? Why do they need my phone?' Kai thought.

"I got it!" Luhan exclaimed.  "He at a place two blocks from here. I'm printing out the map."

"But what if the kidnapper decides to move?  And how do you plan on fighting him without a weapon?" Xiumin asked.

"Hold on, I got a gun," Chen said. "but it's in my locker."

The two turned to him in disbelief. "Why do you have a gun?" Luhan asked.

"I was helping a police rescue a cat and he told me to hold his gun," Chen answered. "The cat started attacking him and he ran away so I never got a chance to give it back."

"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Xiumin asked.

"Nope," Chen said.

"But I do," Kai said while walking up to them. "You guys were taking a while with my phone so I wanted to see what you were doing."

"We found Sehun's location," Luhan said.

Kai widened his eyes. "Really?!?!?!? Where is he?" he asked.

"A few blocks from here," he said. He handed Kai the map.  "We can go to him but we have to sneak out." he pointed to Mr. Lee. "Or we could tell the police."

Kai sighed. "Let's just call the police," he said.

"No. I wanna save him. It would be boring if we just go to the police," Luhan said.  

Kai stared at him like he was crazy. "Do you want to get killed?" he asked. 

"At least I tried. Plus you guys are coming with me," Luhan said.

Xiumin and Chen knew they couldn't change Luhan's descision.  He always liked to do risky things so they thought he was over it when he didn't do anything dangerous when he got to the school.  "Kai don't bother arguing and just go with it. Luhan's always like this. You can't change his descision," Xiumin said.

Kai was at a loss for words.  'Luhan is always like this?!?!?!?!' he thought.

"Fine," he said. He looked at Mr. Lee who was talking on the phone and turned to the other three... or one. "Where are the other two?" he asked Xiumin.

"They already slipped out," Xiumin said and looked at Mr. Lee. "Let's go," he said and lead the way to the door.


It has been 18 minutes since the text messages and Sehun was still in the chair.  He got a few bruises but the man never raised the hatchet again.  The man was playing with Sehun's phone and deleting his apps. 

"This is useless," he said. "What use is there to kill a pig with a bird?  There's no logic in there. And who plays angry birds anymore?" He closed the app and deleted it. He then checked the other apps.  "You're boring too.  How come you're fine with me deleting apps on your phone? Most teens would be screaming by now."

"I'm fine as long as you don't delete my flappy bird," Sehun said.

The man just laughed. He was bored and his hostage wasn't interesting.  A few minutes later a loud noise was heard.  The man was alert and reached for his hatchet. He slowly made his way to the door and ended up being hit with it when it bursted open.

"Sehun!" Kai yelled and entered the room with Xiumin and Chen following behind. Kai was holding a gun and aiming it around the room.

"Kai!" Sehun said. "What are you guys doing here? How did you find me?"

"We're here to save you," Xiumin said while going to untie the ropes.  "We found you because Luhan tracked your phone."

"Where is Luhan?" Sehun asked. "And where did you get the gun?"

The other three looked around. "! We lost Luhan!" Chen exclaimed.

"But he was right behind us!" Xiumin said.

"Who allowed you kids to do whatever you want?" the kidnapper said while getting up. He grabbed his hatchet and Kai raised his gun.

Kai pulled the trigger and... nothing happened.  ". Its empty," he said.  The man lunged toward the students but stopped when a beer bottle broke on his head. He dropped the hatchet and passed out.  Behind him Luhan came in.

"I heard someone say my name," he said then smiled at his accomplishment.

"Where were you?!?!?!?!?!" Xiumin asked.

"Ummmmmm. I was following you guys but stopped when I saw a bubbletea shop," he said and held up the drink in his hand.  "Good thing I did that because you guys could've gotten hurt."

The four gave him looks of disbelief. "So what you're saying is that you left because you wanted to buy bubbletea?" Sehun said. Luhan smiled and nodded. "And you come and throw a beer bottle causing the guy to pass out on your first try?"

"Yup!  I also called the police so they should be he-"

"This is the police! Where's the hostage!" a bunch of men barged in holding guns.

Sehun raised his hand.  "I'm the hostage," he said.

The police stared at him and then at the other kids. "Where's the guy with the hatchet?" one of them asked.

Luhan pointed to him. "I knocked him out with a beer bottle," he said.

The police had surprised expressions. "Why are you kids here?" the same guy asked.

"To save our friend," Luhan answered again.

"Why do you have bubbletea?" a different man asked.

"Because I like bubbletea and I saw a shop on the way," Luhan said and took a sip from his bubbletea. "Are you gonna arrest the guy or not?"

The police reluctantly stopped questioning Luhan and went to cuff the kidnapper.

"I need to take you guys in for questioning," the first police said. "You guys aren't in trouble though."

"Didn't you just do that?" Luhan complained.  "I ran here from the bubbletea shop."

"Yes, it is our job to get the full story," he said. Luhan pouted.

"Let's get this over with then," he said.



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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?