
unlucky(?) life

Luhan was finally home after a long day.  He knows he should be worried about the man who calls himself Henry considering a dog peed on him and he was almost impaled by a pen.  But he didn't care about the former substitute teacher because he was too tired to care.  He was starting to feel sleepy as Sehun carried him into the house that fortunately had air conditioning.  Sehun placed him on the couch but he refused to let go of the other. 

"He's so cute~" Tao said.  "He's like a puppy when he isn't making fun of you."

Sehun agreed.  "Yeah... but how do I get him off me?"

Tao shrugged.  "Not my problem.  He looks like he's sleeping."

As a response to Tao's statement, Luhan shifted and buried his face in Sehun's chest.  A few seconds later, he heard Sehun's heart beat increase a little.

"No!  I should've known it was you!" Henry screamed in the background.

"Isn't he taking his revenge to far?  You should do something, he's your cousin," Suho said to his boyfriend.  

Lay shook his head.  "He deserves it for making someone bring me to hell."  

Suho sighed as he watched the scene in front of him.  Henry finally realized it was Kris that was causing him to have bad fortune.  It wasn't that hard to guess considering the male is threatening to stab his hamster with a fork.

"Look, I'm sorry I made you in charge of taking Lay to the hospital.  Now please put Mr. Mochi down. He is precious to me."

Kris looked unamused by Henry's pleading while he held the fork to the hamster's throat.    "That's a stupid name for a hamster."

"I was seven when I got him!" Henry said to defend himself.  "Now be the responsible adult you are and give me my hamster."

"Pssssh.  You're not even responsible," Lay said.  

Henry glared at him.  "You're not helping."

Lay shrugged.  "I wasn't trying to."

"Just let Kris stab the hamster then sew it back together later," Tao said.  

"I can't," Henry said.  His voice sounded serious for some reason.  "If he is stabbed then he will need surgery.  I am not a surgeon and I won't know if he will make it out alive.  It will be better if he just gives me Mr. Mochi."


"It's just a stuffed animal.  You don't need to be all dramatic," Lay said.

"How would you like it if it was Mr. Fluffy who was about to be stabbed?" Henry asked.  "You might end up needing to take him to the hospital."

Lay frowned when his cousin mentioned hospital and decided to shut up.  The hour he spent in that building was a nightmare.  It scared him just thinking about it.

"I thought so- WHY!!!" Henry yelled.  He ran across the room when he saw the stuffing coming out of the hamster plushie.  "You monster!" 

Kris ignored the loud male as he cleaned the fork that now had small bits of stuffing on it.  "I wasn't gonna stab it at first but then I wanted to know if I could actually break stuffed toys with a fork," he said.

"He was so young!" Henry said as he tried to put the stuffing back in.  

Feeling pity since this was a result of having someone bring his boyfriend to the hospital, Suho went to him and put a hand on his shoulder.  "If you had him since you were seven then I believe he has lived long enough."

"Why?  What did he do to deserve this?" Henry mumbled.

"Can you be quiet?  I'm trying to sleep," Luhan said.

"Oh yeah.  Didn't Lay say something about rearranging his room?" Kris asked.  

Lay got up.  "I almost forgot about that!  Sehun, bring Luhan over.  I was gonna give him stuff."  He ran toward the hallway but came back when he almost forgot Suho.  Luhan looked confused as to why Lay would want to give him stuff.  Thinking that he might have wanted something from the male before he lost his memory, he told Sehun to take him to Lay's room.

"So I have some books for you to read," Lay said and took out a bunch of books from his bookshelf.  A bunch of dust came into the air as he stacked them on top of the bed.  Luhan looked at the titles.

"I'm already reading a book and I have another one," Luhan said.

"You can read these books later then," Lay said as he pulled things out of his bookshelf.  "Here's a geography text book from... three years ago?"

"Why would I need this?" Luhan said as he looked at the heavy book.

"I don't know.  In case you get lost," Lay said and threw it on the bed.  He took out an object and looked at it.  "You can have this glue also."  He handed it to Luhan who took it and handed it to Sehun.

"I think you would have better use for this," Luhan said.

Sehun took the glue.  "Use this for what?"

Luhan shrugged.  "Splinters?"

"... splinters?" Suho asked.

Luhan nodded.  "Yeah.  Just put the glue on your splinter and wait for it to dry then peel it off... but that doesn't work so don't try it." 

The people in the room gave him a confused look and he awkwardly started playing with Mr. Fluffy.  

"At least his humor is coming back.  So here's a math textbook and this is... oh look its my yearbook." Lay opened a book with a dark blue cover and started flipping through it.  "This is from my first year in highschool.  I don't know any of these people."  He threw it on the bed and pulled out another book.  "Here's a history textbook.  Where did I get this from?"  He stared at it for a while.  "Oh yeah, I think my friend stole this a few years ago and just left it at my house in China.  I wonder how it got here."  He threw it on the bed.

"Your friend stole a textbook?" Suho asked and picked up the book.

Lay nodded and threw another book on the bed.  "Here Luhan, learn how to draw.  You at it but I wouldn't necessarily call it bad compared to others."

Luhan picked up the book and opened the cover page.  He saw a folded piece of paper tucked inside and picked it up.  He unfolded it.  "This is a pretty unicorn."

"Took me a month to draw that," Lay said.  "And it took forever to color it also.  See how realistic I made it?  That is skill.  A lot of my markers stopped working after that."

"Impressive," Sehun said.  "It looks like it could jump out any second."

"That's how I wanted it to turn out," Lay said.  "Here's the Twilight series and I think this is... fifty shades of grey.  Wow.  I still have this book."

"Why?" Suho asked.

"It was the book we had to read last year.  Our teacher assigned it so I had no choice.  It's okay I guess," Lay threw the series and book on the bed before searching his shelf again.

"Your teacher should be arrested or something," Sehun said.

"You looked so cute in your freshmen year," Suho said.  He was looking through the year book.  "Tao dressed up as a panda for halloween?"

Lay's head snapped up.  "I remember that!  He started having an arguement with this guy dressed up as a penguin and they ended up fighting.  It was hecka funny.  They were arguing about which animal was better."

"I like deers but I would vote for penguin over panda," Luhan said.

"YOU ARE NO LONGER MY BROTHER!" Tao yelled from the living room.

They turned toward where the living room would be.  

"How did he hear that?" Suho asked.

"It's Tao.  He's a ninja," Lay said.


"I DIDN'T AGREE TO HAVING YOU AS A BROTHER!" Luhan and Lay yelled back at the same time.

"I still don't know what he means by brother in law though," Luhan said.  "Who am I supposed to marry?"

"No one," Sehun said.

Lay got up.  "I'm done getting rid of my books.  Now put those in your room and help me move my bed to the other side of the room."

"I can't feel my legs," Luhan said.  "So I can't carry the books or help you move the bed."

"We all agreed that Sehun automatically fills in for you," Lay said and turned to the other male.  "Now get to work peasant."

"I didn't agree to this," Sehun said.

Suho awkwardly cleared his throat.  "Everybody else did so you don't have a saying in this," he said.  "We voted and everone picked you."

"Including you?" Sehun asked.  "You turned your back on your own brother?"

Suho nodded.  "You were the only one we can think of.  Kai was dragged to that afterschool program by Taemin so you were the only one left."

Sehun sighed.  "Where's Luhan then?"

Lay pointed to the bedroom door.  "Halfway down the hallway to his room."

"How did he get there?" Suho asked and stuck his head out the door.  He found Luhan sitting in the middle of the dark hallway.  "Luhan!  What are you doing?"

"Crawling to my room," Luhan said.  "But my arms are tired so I'm resting."

Lay sighed and stacked the books on top of eachother before handing it to Sehun.  "Put these in the room then help him.  Or just drag him there."

Sehun frowned but took the books anyway.  He walked out of the room and into the hallway.  Luhan was still sitting in the middl of the hallway playing a game on a phone that looked strangely familiar."

"I beat three of your highscores," Luhan said when he noticed Sehun walking toward him.  That was all he said before pressting start on a game and seemed to focus on it.

Sehun kicked open the door to Luhan's bedroom and placed the book on the floor.  He walked back out and grabbed Luhan's shirt.  The focused male widened his eyes when he was suddenly dragged to his own room.

"Hold on!  I almost beat it!  How could you?!  I lost my concentration!" Luhan complained.  "I just needed one more point!"

Sehun took the phone out of Luhan's grasp.  "I don't appreciate it when someone beats my highscores.  I'm probably not gonna sleep until I beat them again."

"Good luck with that," Luhan said.  He tried to climb on his bed but struggled since he could only lift himself up with his hands.  "Why is this bed so big?"

Sehun helped him onto the bed and sat down after.  He looked around the room and was surprised there weren't many changes.  The only change that stood out the most was a piece of paper taped above the bed with the writing:

I'm not a blank piece of paper I am your imagination

"I was trying to think of ideas for an essay," Luhan said when he noticed Sehun staring at the paper.

"Is there a meaning to it?" Sehun asked.

Luhan thought for a while.  "It means that... you know how people have a lot of ideas?  It's like, don't keep the paper blank and write down what you think.  I guess it's the same for drawing.  If there is something you want to draw then you should draw it."

Sehun nodded in understanding.  "That's pretty inspirational."

Luhan looked at him.  "Really?  I just made that up on the spot.  I actually just wrote that because i was bored.  It's really just something random that came into my head and I decided to write it down."

"Now the meaning doesn't seem that important," Sehun said.

"There was no meaning to it in the first place," Luhan said.

"SEHUN!  We need your help!"  Lay yelled from down the hall.

"Time to sleep," Luhan said.  "Get off my bed."

Sehun was pushed off the bed and headed back to Lay's room.  He found the two moving Lay's bed toward the opposite wall of where it was originally but they couldn't place it down because Lay's dresser was in the way.

"You should move the dresser," Sehun said as he watched them.

Lay shrugged and looked around the room.  "Hmm...What would Jesus do?"


So there is more random stuff I wrote cuz i was bored and i didn't want to keep you guys waiting.  I was gonna write more but... NO.  I decided to put it in the next chapter.  Until next time.

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?