Honey I love you

unlucky(?) life

It was a few minutes until lunchtime and Taemin was getting bored in class.  A piece of paper landed on his desk.  He slowly inspected it before picking it up.  He looked around and saw Jonghyun signalling him to open it.  He gave him a weird look before turning his attention back to the paper.  He opened it and read it before giving a small laugh.  His eyes widened and he quickly tried to hide his smile but was too late.  Jonghyun saw him.  He quickly glared at the other male before sighing and raising his hand.  Eunhyuk looked up from the board.

"Do you have a question Taemin?" he asked.

Taemin bit his lip nervously.  "Honey I love you, please smile for me," he said.  The whole class stared at him with wide eyes.

Eunhyuk was taken aback by the question but realization washed over him.  He frowned and put on his best pokerface.  "Honey I love you too but I cannot smile for you," he said.

Taemin's jaw dropped and Jonghyun broke out in laughter.  "And you say you love this class," Taemin said offendedly.  He banged his head on his desk.

Eunhyuk chuckled.  "I do love this class," he said.  "I said I love you too didn't I?  Now go continue that at lunch.  Pay attention now."

Taemin slowly raised his head from his desk.  "Fine," he huffed.  Eunhyuk turned back to the board and continued the lesson.  A few minutes passed and the bell finally rang.  Jonghyun got up from his seat and went to the moody Taemin.

"That was such an epic fail," he said and broke out in another laughter.  Taemin glared and punched him in the stomache.  

"Let's just go so I don't have to keep this role for long," he said and headed for the door out of the classroom.  He spotted Kyungsoo and quickly ran up to him.  "Honey I love you, please smile for me~" he said cutely.

Kyungsoo was about to say the same thing Eunhyuk did but ended up smiling widely when he saw Jonghyun doing funny faces.  He sighed.  "Not funny Jonghyun," he said and turned to Taemin.  "That doesn't count."

Taemin smiled.  "Too bad, it does," he said and ran away while yelling "Freedom!"

Jonghyun sighed.  "Go do it to someone in your grade," he said.  "Imma go find Key.  Good luck."

Kyungsoo frowned when the figures disappeared and walked toward Luhan's class.  He walked in and found the group eating with Kai and his friends.  He couldn't clearly remember their names and he knows Luhan, Xiumin and Chen surprisingly is good at having pokerfaces.  He frowned when he realized the only option was Kai since he knows him the most because of the past.  He reluctantly walked toward them and stood in front of Kai.  

"H-honey I love you," he said.  "Please smile for me."

Kai turned bright red and his friends stared with surprised expressions.  "K-kyungsoo... uh, I-" Kai started.

"It's a game you idiot," Luhan said.  "You either smile and say the line to someone else or you put on a pokerface and say 'Honey I love you too, but I can't smile for you'."

"It doesn't have to be a pokerface," Xiumin said.  "It can be any expression as long as you don't smile."

"O-oh," Kai said.  "H-honey I-" he broke out in laughter. "This is so weird."  He said and tried to hide his embarrassed face.  

Kyungsoo fist pumped the air like he just won a prize.  "Not me anymore!" he yelled happily.

"WAJMM," Luhan said.  Everybody turned to him.

"Did you just say WAJMM?" Baekhyun asked.  Luhan nodded.

"Why?" Sehun asked.

"Just felt like it," Luhan said.

"What word was it that you were too lazy to pronounce?" Chen asked.  "Because even I don't know this one."

Luhan frowned.  "I was helping Tao with his presentation on America and came up with it," he explained.  "It stands for the first five American presidents.  Washington, Adams, J... Jefferson, Madison, and ummm Monroe... I think."

"That's impressive," Xiumin said.  "I have such a talented child."

Chen pouted.  "You have a talented boyfriend too," he said.

"In what ways are you talented?" Kyungsoo asked.

"In bed," Chen said.  Xiumin blushed and hit him embarrassedly.  Luhan started laughing.

"You're too young to hear this," Xiumin said and clasped his hand over Luhan's mouth.  

"What if WAJMM was a pokemon?" Chanyeol asked suddenly.  Everybody gave him a weird look.  Luhan slapped Xiumin's hand away and changed his position so he looked like he was in deep thought.  He shot up when an idea popped in his head.

"WAJMM!" he said.  "Use embargo!"  

"What's that?" Baekhyun asked.

"It's, and I quote from Tao, 'England being a and seizing American ships," he said.  "And Jefferson thinking its a smart idea to close all the ports and trade with only the states.  He ended up hurting his own country because he was an idiot'."

"So... the pokemon hurts itself?" Chanyeol asked.

Luhan shrugged.  "I guess," he said.  "It would probably hurt himself even more if Ash was his trainer."

"That's true," Chen said.  "Some idiot in the hall kept saying he was disappointed that Ash lost against a level two pokemon when he was using his pikachu."

"Wasn't it France also that seized the ships?" Sehun asked.

"I think so," Luhan said.  "Ask Henry later."

Sehun nodded.  "And did that pikachu ever evolve?" he asked.  "And is that show still going?  I stopped watching after like the second season."

"I stopped watching after the third episode," Luhan said.

"This topic is boring," Chen said.  "What's black and white, black and white, black and white?"

"It's boring because you make it boring," Xiumin said.  "And this isn't time for your racist jokes."

"I didn't say it was a racist joke," Chen said.  

"I love jokes!" Chanyeol said.  

"Why do we keep going off topic?" Kai asked. 

"We never had a topic," Baekhyun said.

"You also need to say that 'honey I love you' thing to someone," Luhan said.  "I think you would have more luck with someone who likes to smile."  He glanced at Chanyeol.

Kai looked at him to.  He understood what Luhan was trying to say and nodded.  "Chanyeol!" he said.  Chanyeol immediately frowned and his face darkened.

"Don't even try," he said.  "I'm not stupid you know."

"Well," Sehun said.  "Not that stupid."

Chanyeol frowned and Baekhyun glared at him.  "What's the answer to the joke?" he asked and turned to Chen.

"Huh?" Chen asked and looked up from playing with Xiumin's fingers.  "Oh. A penguin rolling down a snowhill."

"See," Luhan said and looked at his umma.  "You're just being racist."

"Shut up," Xiumin said.

Luhan pouted and tried to pull off what he thought was a hurt look.  He turned around and sighed dramatically before looking at the floor like a child that just got in trouble.  "Umma thinks I'm a bad child," he said mournfully.  "He/she might want to disown me."  He sighed again.  Chen broke out in laughter at how ironic this situation was and Xiumin glared at him.


I just wrote a bunch of random stuff.  OTL  You guys should check out my Taekai  story.  I feel like I tried the most on that story.  It's just a friendship story though and it's a one shot... Anyways, thanks for reading

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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?