
unlucky(?) life

No one expected the small guy wearing a bright ugly neon orange hoodie with an equally as bright purple jeans and fake glasses to be next to one of the richest kids in school.  Most people thought that he was equally as rich also but were still left doubtful.  many people turned their heads to see Xiumin inext to the guy in the monstrosity called an outfit. after feeling many eyes on them, Xiumin has finally been uncomfortable being stared at in school. He halted his conversation with Luhan and turned to him.

"By the way Luhan, I've been wondering why you're wearing that outfit. I almost didn't recognize you," said Xiumin.

"..." Luhan looked like he was in thought but his hesitant expression was a clear sign he was pretending. "I thought I wanted to try something new for a change," Luhan said while shrugging seeming like he wanted to get off the topic. Xiumin narrowed his eyes into slits and stared at Luhan trying to get him to answer. "..." Luhan stayed quiet starting to feel uncomfortable under Xiumin's cold gaze wondering what he did to deserve this kind of pain. He finally broke and yelled", Alright! Alright! i'll tell you... j-just don't tell this to anyone." He was stuttering and blushing madly while Xiumin just stared with an amused expression clearly knowing he will be entertained. 

"I-I g-got in a b-bet" Luhan was stuttering badly and Xiumin just gave a look telling him to go on. Luhan looked down at the floor and sighed before saying everything in one breath "ImadeabetwithYixingthatIcanbenerdyandgetallAsforafirstsemesterwhenIstartanewschool." (I made a bet with Yixing that i can be nerdy and get all As for first semester when I start a new school.)  Xiumin took some time to process this but when he understood he broke out in a huge grin before laughing and clutching his stomache. All eyes were on him shocked to see someone made Xiumin, the cool and most care-free guy guy in the school, laugh so hard. It was even harder to believe it was Luhan, the nerdy looking kid, had been the one who did it. Many people have seen him laugh, but he never laughed this hard even when Chen tells a joke. Why?

"Luhan I'll be nice and tell you the truth. You're stupid and there is no way you are going to win that bet," he said it like it was the most obvious fact in the world. Luhan pouted and was ready to give a comeback when something bumped into him hard causing him to almost fall off the table.  The object (or should i say troll) wrapped its arm around Luhan yanking him harshly back into position. 

The unknown person leaned close to Luhan's ear and said menacingly,"How dare a wimp like you make me get caught.  I kept that room off-limits and just because you are new doesn't mean you can go round into other people's property."  Luhan kept a blank expression while Xiumin was trying to hold in his laughter. Chen looked to the man who seems to be smiling like an idiot then to the other with a bored expression confusion clearly on his face. He was about to ask what was going on when Xiumin beat him to it. 

"That's Luhan," he said before erupting in laughter looking like a complete idiot. Chen looked like he was slapped in the face for he was pale as realization and shock got to him.  He then snapped out of it and hugged Luhan tightly while cooing, "Oh my dear Lu~ You have grown so big and i missed you soooooo much.  You're really ugly now but you're still sooooo cute! Wah!~ so small like that deer i almost ran over last summer."

Luhan shivered and broke out of the trolls grip while running to hide behind Xiumin who was still laughing hysterically. Chen pouted and held out his arms, "Don't you wanna come to daddy?" he said while tilting his head. Chen's statement seemed to bring Xiumin back into reality for he hugged Luhan protectively and glared and the other male. 

"No! Luhan's my child!" he yelled causing the people to become even more confused. The two then began a heated arguement while Luhan made himself comfortable in Xiumin's grip and fell asleep. His nap was soon ended because the bell rang five minutes later.


Sehun who saw what happened in the cafeteria felt like he reached that part of life where everything is confusing.  

"I bet they are treating him like that out of pity," Kai said while pulling out some bills.

"I think it's because he's really rich and want they want to use him to expand their business," Baekhyun said also pulling out some bills.  Chanyeol also looked eager to participate in the bet but didn't know who to bet on. He admired Kai but liked Baekhyun, but he also thought Kai was right. He thought of it confident on who to bet on but a moment of doubt flashed in his eyes causing him to bet on Baekhyun's statement.

"Who do you bet on?" Kai asked turing to the Sehun who seemed lost in thought. 

"Hu-" Sehun started but then was cut off with a soccerball to the face. 

"I'm sooooooo sooooooory!" they heard a small voice near the distance say. they saw a small figure running toward them just to find out that it was Luhan himself approaching them.


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Chapter 28: this is luhan as a son of athena sksjksjksksjskj
hunnieloveshannie #2
Chapter 43: this should be squad goals :DD
Chapter 12: I was reading the word "fuggot" out loud when my mum suddenly walked in and gave me the "what did you just say" look
ammychibi #4
Chapter 43: SPOILER ALERT (do we actually need one? Haha)

Omg I loved this fic so much! Aaaah HunHan are so cuuuuute!!! But seriously did LuLu have to lose his memory~

OH almost forgot
"He's actually surprised he was dead..."
turtleo3o #5
Chapter 43: Within two days i read this all xD loved it soooo much <3!!! Cant belive it took like 39 chapters for hunhan to emerge xD ~ funny ~ my fave part was the classroom horror movie part xD ^^
Ohluhan101 #6
Chapter 36: Who's that ?
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 30: Awwwww.......and omg $1????
Ohluhan101 #8
Ohluhan101 #9
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH OMG OMG .
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 21: Lol , there is no love story yet?